Ok, here is the deal. I just finished a little modification to the boards. Its pretty snazzy. But, I need your help testing it out.
If you logout, and log back in (either on the main page or the "login" page) let me know if it worked for you. I only need one 'it worked' per browser\os\page pair.
So here, Ill start us off.
:^: Safari on OS X. I logged in on the main page. No problems here.
forumadmin@penny-arcade.com and tell me your username, browser, OS, and where you tried logging in from.
Thanks alot guys!
Edit: Main page.
Windows XP Pro, woops.
Edit: Uh, yeah. Main Page.
Edit: The same formula listed above, but with IE6 and Firefox 0.9.1, worked as well. God damn I'm bored.
Testing Opera...
Opera- Main Page
Windows XP Home
Both Work
Firefox 0.8
Main Page
It worked. :^:
Works for Safari OSX.
What was the modification?
Hearthstone - Webber #1330
3DS: 0920-3235-4071
Excellent. Thanks for all the help guys, keep em comming in :P
IE 6
main page
EDIT: same worked for firefox 0.9
Note about opera : It asks for a script to be able to access the password.
...and 6 is a... cool number...!
I think matt is a witch! But how to tell...
Logged in on main page fine, but when I clicked "[Log out [Johnny Smash]]" right after, it said "Your confirmation hash is invalid." And it didn't log me out.
so can you move my thread?
Just tried logging out and it worked fine, then I logged in on the login page and then logged right back out, and it worked. Then I logged in on the main page and logged out right after (which is what I did before) and no probems.
I loged in automatically ok this morning but then logged out to test the login thing and now it doesn't seem to auto log-in anymore.
I re-logged in and checked the box again, quit out of my browser, reloaded it and went back to the forums and it's not auto-logging me back in
I'll try quitting and reloading again now that I am definately logged in.
EDIT - Ok, it seems to be working for now. Does it only register the auto login if you make a post after logging in?