Please be aware that there will be repercussions for attempting to sell or buy badges on these forums. All posts attempting to buy or sell passes will be deleted.
With the potential for fake badges to be bought and sold on these forums it means that there must be a crack down.
I apologize if this is inconvenient, but this is our new world
Moe Fwacky wrote:
As an addendum, posts and threads made with the purpose or implication of buying or selling passes will be met with deletion and infractions.
There will be no exceptions.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING BUYING PASSES FROM SECONDARY SOURCESI just bought a pass on craigslist / ebay, how do I know if it's legit?
If you purchase your pass from a second hand source, you are putting yourself at risk of purchasing a counterfeit pass. Second hand sources also include this forum, which is why there will no longer any pass selling or buying here.
Please remember, buying a pass from anybody except Penny-Arcade means you are potentially buying a counterfeit pass which will be confiscated and you will be asked to leave the show.
I already bought my badge and now I want to apply as an Enforcer, what do I do with my badge now?
If you are accepted into the ranks of the Enforcers, this is something that can be dealt with on their forums. I can assure you, however, that Enforcers will not be left in the lurch with unneeded badges.
I bought a BYOC pass but now I don't want it! Where can I sell it??
You have two choices. BYOC passes are being mailed out along with regular passes. You can either give it to a friend or you can ask for a refund, email
"we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" -
1 Day passes won't last much longer
Yes, 3 days are sold out: