I'm pretty confident we'll sell out. The buzz is starting to build (no idea why it took so long this year) and people have mentioned that they've had to wait until later in the month to buy their tickets.
We aren't screwed if we don't sell out. I just call Jillian's and adjust our headcount from 300 to 275 or something. I'd rather not do that (mostly because I'll consider it a failure :P), and I don't think we'll have to.
So, very important question for you guys. I had enough ThinkGeek points (from buying prizes for this thing 4 years in a row) to get a free Darth Vader Force FX Lightsaber. I've always wanted one of my own, and this was a nice bonus prize for me. But I couldn't decide between the Luke (RotJ) saber and the Vader saber, so I got them both.
I'm giving ONE away as a raffle prize, and keeping one for myself.
Which one do you guys want?
OMG VADER VADER VADER... if I don't win this I will whore myself out to whoever does for it... amazing!
I have no idea regarding their availability, but the one FX saber I still kick myself for not having grabbed when I saw it was the Mace Windu saber...Ugh, it was so nice!
They aren't on thinkgeek, but Amazon and Hasbro both have em for $99.......
I'm just sayin' is all :winky:
Either way, the bounty looks very......bountiful! Looking forward to another awesome party!
I'm in the same situation as you dude. It took me by complete surprise how fast the last 25% or so tickets sold out so quickly. Oh well, i guess no PPP for me either unless i can find some people who can't go for whatever reason and need to unload or get rid of some of their tickets by Sunday. But, for now, i cry
I'm in the same situation as you dude. It took me by complete surprise how fast the last 25% or so tickets sold out so quickly. Oh well, i guess no PPP for me either unless i can find some people who can't go for whatever reason and need to unload or get rid of some of their tickets by Sunday. But, for now, i cry
There are still 48 tickets available. Try clearing your cache or using a different browser.
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
For me it shows it's sold out if I click the link on my phone, but if I use the computer it shows tickets left.
I vote instead of a 360 a 3DS (either XL or normal). Anyone who wants an xbox probably already has one, but lots of people don't have 3DS yet, or would like members of their families to also have one (StreetPass, yo!)
Also, portable systems much easier to SURPRISE! pack home.
I have no idea regarding their availability, but the one FX saber I still kick myself for not having grabbed when I saw it was the Mace Windu saber...Ugh, it was so nice!
They aren't on thinkgeek, but Amazon and Hasbro both have em for $99.......
I'm just sayin' is all :winky:
Either way, the bounty looks very......bountiful! Looking forward to another awesome party!
Also, portable systems much easier to SURPRISE! pack home.
Heh, good point. I was actually thinking that when he first mentioned the Portal gun. That would have made getting through airport security a little more interesting.
Quick question for Arco: Do we need to bring a print-out of our tickets, or will we be able to use our Eventbrite mobile apps instead? The TWDT only asks to present your barcode in the app, so it must not be too difficult to manage. I'm worried I'm going to forget my ticket in Chicago.
"I'm a reasonable guy. But, I've just experienced some very unreasonable things."
XBL: ii Mike G ii - PSN: Greddy21 - Steam: notmikegonzalez - Slytherin - Death Eater
So I'm dumb and thought I had two fightpads for my 360 but only actually have one. I have one on order and it should get here before I leave on Wednesday afternoon, but shit happens and it could end up broken or something.
Does anyone have a pad they can bring with just in case?
So I'm dumb and thought I had two fightpads for my 360 but only actually have one. I have one on order and it should get here before I leave on Wednesday afternoon, but shit happens and it could end up broken or something.
Does anyone have a pad they can bring with just in case?
Oh, and Persona 4 Arena WILL be there.
I got one o these fancy 09 pax exclusive sticks,
I'll see if I can fit it in my bag
Nintendo ID: Optimusbry :: Xbox Live: Optimus Bry :: PSN: Optimusbry :: Steam ID: Optimus Bry
Also, portable systems much easier to SURPRISE! pack home.
Heh, good point. I was actually thinking that when he first mentioned the Portal gun. That would have made getting through airport security a little more interesting.
Quick question for Arco: Do we need to bring a print-out of our tickets, or will we be able to use our Eventbrite mobile apps instead? The TWDT only asks to present your barcode in the app, so it must not be too difficult to manage. I'm worried I'm going to forget my ticket in Chicago.
Just your name is fine, honestly. The person checking people in will probably have the EventBrite app, which has a list of everyone to mark off. You absolutely don't need a printed ticket.
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
EventBrite is kind of weird. Technically we've sold something like 300 tickets, because "raffle donations" count as a ticket. So on some parts of the EventBrite dashboard the event is sold out, and on others, it's not.
On top of that, the system holds any tickets that are part of an ongoing transaction for 15 minutes. So theoretically someone could select 10 tickets, click "next," go back, and the tickets remaining would be reduced by 10 for 15 minutes. Then they go back into the pool.
It's not great, honestly. I'm going to look into WePay for next year. They're an alternative to PayPal (YAY) and they just added integrated event management to their site. I'd like to investigate that.
tl;dr: We still have 48 tickets left. If you're concerned about getting yours and EventBrite is being lame, PM me.
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
I have no idea regarding their availability, but the one FX saber I still kick myself for not having grabbed when I saw it was the Mace Windu saber...Ugh, it was so nice!
They aren't on thinkgeek, but Amazon and Hasbro both have em for $99.......
I'm just sayin' is all :winky:
Either way, the bounty looks very......bountiful! Looking forward to another awesome party!
I stand corrected. I saw the Vader/Empire Luke sabers on the thumbnail and just assumed those were the only ones they carried! If I won a Mace Windu lightsaber, I might cry. We could get it on film.
I just got my ticket, had to wait till the last minute due to some financial weirdness this year. Looking forward to this as a good way to end PAX and have some fun before the flight home.
Hey Guys, I was just down in the Jillian's neighborhood this afternoon, and want to extend a warning to anyone unfamiliar with the area.
The ENTIRE Mercer Corridor is a baffling array of construction projects and closed streets. You'll have to cross this Canyon of Detour Hell as it lies directly between you (the downtown hotels) and your destination (Jillian's).
Please please bring a map, and my suggestion for anyone who's driving is to park North of Jillian's, and up toward Dexter. The construction is only marginally bad up there and there's still parking available on some blocks.
I'm not fucking around here, it's awful.
Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
sanovahNerd of the WestSan Diego, CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
Hey Guys, I was just down in the Jillian's neighborhood this afternoon, and want to extend a warning to anyone unfamiliar with the area.
The ENTIRE Mercer Corridor is a baffling array of construction projects and closed streets. You'll have to cross this Canyon of Detour Hell as it lies directly between you (the downtown hotels) and your destination (Jillian's).
Please please bring a map, and my suggestion for anyone who's driving is to park North of Jillian's, and up toward Dexter. The construction is only marginally bad up there and there's still parking available on some blocks.
I'm not fucking around here, it's awful.
How bad is the street car line messed up? Was planning on ridding that up to jillians and then group walking back
Hey Guys, I was just down in the Jillian's neighborhood this afternoon, and want to extend a warning to anyone unfamiliar with the area.
The ENTIRE Mercer Corridor is a baffling array of construction projects and closed streets. You'll have to cross this Canyon of Detour Hell as it lies directly between you (the downtown hotels) and your destination (Jillian's).
Please please bring a map, and my suggestion for anyone who's driving is to park North of Jillian's, and up toward Dexter. The construction is only marginally bad up there and there's still parking available on some blocks.
I'm not fucking around here, it's awful.
How bad is the street car line messed up? Was planning on ridding that up to jillians and then group walking back
I'm not sure - things are changing daily and the road closures and detours change daily too as they work on the streets. I definitely suggest checking the city's websites for construction plans, streetcar and bus lines the day before the party. Cabs might cost extra $$ if they have to be routed around the construction zone.
On a good note, the streetcar would only be affected for about the final couple blocks of the route, so even if it's not running the full line (which would get you safely across) if you got off before Mercer, it's pretty much just a big 2-block wide intersection to cross to Jillian's. Maybe 3-4 short blocks total.
Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
sanovahNerd of the WestSan Diego, CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
Ah thanks. Worst case I I'll just walk.,I know atleast one person is staying at my hotel that's also going to the, party
Hey Guys, I was just down in the Jillian's neighborhood this afternoon, and want to extend a warning to anyone unfamiliar with the area.
The ENTIRE Mercer Corridor is a baffling array of construction projects and closed streets. You'll have to cross this Canyon of Detour Hell as it lies directly between you (the downtown hotels) and your destination (Jillian's).
Please please bring a map, and my suggestion for anyone who's driving is to park North of Jillian's, and up toward Dexter. The construction is only marginally bad up there and there's still parking available on some blocks.
I'm not fucking around here, it's awful.
It's gotten worse since last year? Yeesh.
My other gamepad arrived successfully today! I'm good to go with two controllers. My homemade Hitbox will also be making an appearance for anyone that wants to try it out.
Hey Guys, I was just down in the Jillian's neighborhood this afternoon, and want to extend a warning to anyone unfamiliar with the area.
The ENTIRE Mercer Corridor is a baffling array of construction projects and closed streets. You'll have to cross this Canyon of Detour Hell as it lies directly between you (the downtown hotels) and your destination (Jillian's).
Please please bring a map, and my suggestion for anyone who's driving is to park North of Jillian's, and up toward Dexter. The construction is only marginally bad up there and there's still parking available on some blocks.
I'm not fucking around here, it's awful.
I just took a look at the SDOT Seattle Travelers map, and it appears most of that South Lake Union construction is scheduled to be done by this Monday or Friday (except for Broad Street west of 9th, which is under construction through October... but that's not really in our way.) This city's departments can be obtuse at times, but they know to stay out of the way of Bumbershoot's traffic demands. (That alone will play havoc on South Lake Union traffic.) That map link is the SDOT's main interface for the real-time traffic cameras too, but I've noticed it's not very Android-friendly... Here's the list of cameras by street name.
2018 West: Badges [x] TWDT [Rclaw TT] Cosplay: Still bald. Still single. Still lovin' it!
"Fantasy football still counts as fantasy." -DnD Greg
7 left as of this second. We will almost certainly sell out today. You've all been warned!
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
BlackDragon480Bluster KerfuffleMaster of Windy ImportRegistered Userregular
Yes, yes!!!
I've been busting out the Rock Band at least an hour a day for the last week, to make sure my fretting hand and drum leg are strong. Drunk or sober, I'm prepared to rock the shit out of anything in the game.
Bring on PAX and the Post-PAX Party!
No matter where you go...there you are. ~ Buckaroo Banzai
A huge thanks to everyone who Facebooked, Tweeted, and spread the word to help sell the tickets. We did it with almost a week to spare.
The venue is locked in and everything is set. Now all I have to do is spend close to $400 in raffle money and have the prizes overnighted to my hotel in Seattle.
Thanks everyone! SEE YOU ON SUNDAY!
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
OMG VADER VADER VADER... if I don't win this I will whore myself out to whoever does for it... amazing!
I do still have $300 in raffle money to spend. I could just buy another Vader and have it shipped to Seattle, and give two lightsabers away.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
You sly man, you.
They aren't on thinkgeek, but Amazon and Hasbro both have em for $99.......
I'm just sayin' is all :winky:
Either way, the bounty looks very......bountiful! Looking forward to another awesome party!
There are still 48 tickets available. Try clearing your cache or using a different browser.
Also, portable systems much easier to SURPRISE! pack home.
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
Isn't that the Mace Windu Force FX lightsaber? Or were you thinking of the ones with the removable blade?
TWDT '13: Hufflepuff OotP
Heh, good point. I was actually thinking that when he first mentioned the Portal gun. That would have made getting through airport security a little more interesting.
Quick question for Arco: Do we need to bring a print-out of our tickets, or will we be able to use our Eventbrite mobile apps instead? The TWDT only asks to present your barcode in the app, so it must not be too difficult to manage. I'm worried I'm going to forget my ticket in Chicago.
XBL: ii Mike G ii - PSN: Greddy21 - Steam: notmikegonzalez - Slytherin - Death Eater
Does anyone have a pad they can bring with just in case?
Oh, and Persona 4 Arena WILL be there.
I got one o these fancy 09 pax exclusive sticks,
I'll see if I can fit it in my bag
Just your name is fine, honestly. The person checking people in will probably have the EventBrite app, which has a list of everyone to mark off. You absolutely don't need a printed ticket.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
EventBrite is kind of weird. Technically we've sold something like 300 tickets, because "raffle donations" count as a ticket. So on some parts of the EventBrite dashboard the event is sold out, and on others, it's not.
On top of that, the system holds any tickets that are part of an ongoing transaction for 15 minutes. So theoretically someone could select 10 tickets, click "next," go back, and the tickets remaining would be reduced by 10 for 15 minutes. Then they go back into the pool.
It's not great, honestly. I'm going to look into WePay for next year. They're an alternative to PayPal (YAY) and they just added integrated event management to their site. I'd like to investigate that.
tl;dr: We still have 48 tickets left. If you're concerned about getting yours and EventBrite is being lame, PM me.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
I stand corrected. I saw the Vader/Empire Luke sabers on the thumbnail and just assumed those were the only ones they carried! If I won a Mace Windu lightsaber, I might cry. We could get it on film.
The ENTIRE Mercer Corridor is a baffling array of construction projects and closed streets. You'll have to cross this Canyon of Detour Hell as it lies directly between you (the downtown hotels) and your destination (Jillian's).
Please please bring a map, and my suggestion for anyone who's driving is to park North of Jillian's, and up toward Dexter. The construction is only marginally bad up there and there's still parking available on some blocks.
I'm not fucking around here, it's awful.
How bad is the street car line messed up? Was planning on ridding that up to jillians and then group walking back
I'm not sure - things are changing daily and the road closures and detours change daily too as they work on the streets. I definitely suggest checking the city's websites for construction plans, streetcar and bus lines the day before the party. Cabs might cost extra $$ if they have to be routed around the construction zone.
http://www.seattle.gov/transportation/ppmp_mercer.htm - Construction plans, detours and traffic rerouting
http://metro.kingcounty.gov/ - City Bus Website
On a good note, the streetcar would only be affected for about the final couple blocks of the route, so even if it's not running the full line (which would get you safely across) if you got off before Mercer, it's pretty much just a big 2-block wide intersection to cross to Jillian's. Maybe 3-4 short blocks total.
It's gotten worse since last year? Yeesh.
My other gamepad arrived successfully today! I'm good to go with two controllers.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
I just took a look at the SDOT Seattle Travelers map, and it appears most of that South Lake Union construction is scheduled to be done by this Monday or Friday (except for Broad Street west of 9th, which is under construction through October... but that's not really in our way.) This city's departments can be obtuse at times, but they know to stay out of the way of Bumbershoot's traffic demands. (That alone will play havoc on South Lake Union traffic.) That map link is the SDOT's main interface for the real-time traffic cameras too, but I've noticed it's not very Android-friendly... Here's the list of cameras by street name.
"Fantasy football still counts as fantasy." -DnD Greg
Find me on Steam.
8 tickets left actually
6 tickets left.
I am celebrating the impending sellout!
If you don't have tickets, don't worry there are some left ACTUALLY BETTER WORRY, GO GO GO.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
I've been busting out the Rock Band at least an hour a day for the last week, to make sure my fretting hand and drum leg are strong. Drunk or sober, I'm prepared to rock the shit out of anything in the game.
Bring on PAX and the Post-PAX Party!
~ Buckaroo Banzai
A huge thanks to everyone who Facebooked, Tweeted, and spread the word to help sell the tickets. We did it with almost a week to spare.
The venue is locked in and everything is set. Now all I have to do is spend close to $400 in raffle money and have the prizes overnighted to my hotel in Seattle.
Thanks everyone! SEE YOU ON SUNDAY!
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
"Fantasy football still counts as fantasy." -DnD Greg