Well the point isn't to "sell like crazy" as there is no profit going on here. It's a thing to have for the community, for fun. Yes obviously getting something put together that a lot of people want is a good thing, but the goal isn't to make money.
As I mentioned, I'd be willing to help with the graphics, once it gets settled. The community heraldry and logo don't have the PAX logo exactly. They use the same font for PA, and I made up an X to match, so as not to use the full-fledged PAX logo. I'm highly doubtful the full heraldry would fit on one face, but the Q Workshop dice to have some pretty epic detail. I'd love to make it work (I might need a ping as I can't read the forums daily).
Well the point isn't to "sell like crazy" as there is no profit going on here. It's a thing to have for the community, for fun. Yes obviously getting something put together that a lot of people want is a good thing, but the goal isn't to make money.
I am sorry if I came of like a hardcore capitalist, that was not my intent. The more that it is spoken for the better the price break. As a gamer a very simple dice to commemorate pax would be awesome.
As I mentioned, I'd be willing to help with the graphics, once it gets settled. The community heraldry and logo don't have the PAX logo exactly. They use the same font for PA, and I made up an X to match, so as not to use the full-fledged PAX logo. I'm highly doubtful the full heraldry would fit on one face, but the Q Workshop dice to have some pretty epic detail. I'd love to make it work (I might need a ping as I can't read the forums daily).
I suppose Prime dice should be blue.
I agree on the blue colour. As for the full crest, I don't think that is practical. I still maintain we go for the shield in the middle of the crest as the special logo on the dice.
I already had the year put on from making the Buttoneers button, so here's a mockup of both, with the full shield outline visible. Standalone, it might make sense to thin the bottom out a smidge.
If the 2012 is it's own face, I think if the 2012 isn't on a shield of it's own, or some other backdrop, it might look more consistent to use the same style numbering for '2012' as is on the dice. (Plus, you can point the numbers to your GM when you say you did 2012 points of damage on a d6.)
I'm really interested in getting dice if this happens. Careful though if you don't get the order in soon there will not be enough time for delivery before PAX.
I'm really interested in getting dice if this happens. Careful though if you don't get the order in soon there will not be enough time for delivery before PAX.
Hey guys, sorry been busy with life and stuff...
Krop/Yamara I really like the logo as well.
I will be working on this all week to get the dice ordered by Monday next week!
I'll update the OP with any additional info!
Amusingly, some of the more recent ideas line up with a traditional con saying: 1-2-3. At least one shower a day, two meals, three hours sleep. Here are a couple quick ideas for making numerically useful dice with custom faces.
1 - a single shower head, faucet, drop of water
2 - two cookies
3 - While this would traditionally be sleep, we can replace it with panels! Three mics.
4 - DPad (it has four points!)
5 - PaxPox? Swag? Buttons? Too many possibilities.
6 - to get super meta, a D20. Or... a D6. hehehe.
I still really like this idea. A "game" in itself, but also useful as a regular die. I'd have paid $6 for one... The only one I have trouble with is 5... It should be a loot bag, but I don't know how to make it also a 5.
I'm really interested in getting dice if this happens. Careful though if you don't get the order in soon there will not be enough time for delivery before PAX.
Hey guys, sorry been busy with life and stuff...
Krop/Yamara I really like the logo as well.
I will be working on this all week to get the dice ordered by Monday next week!
I'll update the OP with any additional info!
Serenity ,
Did these actually pan out ? haven't seen an update regarding them being ordered or not
No, unfortunately Chessex didn't get back to me in time and when they did, they said it would be really tight to get them in time for PAX.
I started this idea too late and the process (from design, to mold, to production, to shipping) takes a fair amount of time.
Sorry guys! I am totally down for doing this next year though! Watch the forums for a new thread/this thread to be updated!
Doing it next year will also give me time to figure out distribution of dice and payments etc. etc.
I suppose Prime dice should be blue.
I am sorry if I came of like a hardcore capitalist, that was not my intent. The more that it is spoken for the better the price break. As a gamer a very simple dice to commemorate pax would be awesome.
I agree on the blue colour. As for the full crest, I don't think that is practical. I still maintain we go for the shield in the middle of the crest as the special logo on the dice.
Maybe add the Year on a different side. Thelogo can be on the 6, and the Year can be on the 1?
Yeah that's simple and nice... And just like Ep3 said its the first year so we should keep it simple...
Love the design I will definitely buy one!
Challenge Coin [ ]. Custom Dice [ ]. Forumer Pin [ ]. On Forumer Badge [ ]
Attendee: Prime '12, '13
[♦ ] 4 Day Passes
[♦ ] Hotel
[ ] Plane Tickets
[♦]Working my ass off to pay for all this shit.
If the 2012 is it's own face, I think if the 2012 isn't on a shield of it's own, or some other backdrop, it might look more consistent to use the same style numbering for '2012' as is on the dice. (Plus, you can point the numbers to your GM when you say you did 2012 points of damage on a d6.)
Hey guys, sorry been busy with life and stuff...
Krop/Yamara I really like the logo as well.
I will be working on this all week to get the dice ordered by Monday next week!
I'll update the OP with any additional info!
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
I still really like this idea. A "game" in itself, but also useful as a regular die. I'd have paid $6 for one... The only one I have trouble with is 5... It should be a loot bag, but I don't know how to make it also a 5.
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
So glad to see this still happening! Thanks!
Did these actually pan out ? haven't seen an update regarding them being ordered or not
No, unfortunately Chessex didn't get back to me in time and when they did, they said it would be really tight to get them in time for PAX.
I started this idea too late and the process (from design, to mold, to production, to shipping) takes a fair amount of time.
Sorry guys! I am totally down for doing this next year though! Watch the forums for a new thread/this thread to be updated!
Doing it next year will also give me time to figure out distribution of dice and payments etc. etc.