Pre-PAXEast Thank you post incoming in 3...2....1.....
A big thank you to everyone who listens and posts comments about the show. We love recording it which is evident by the increase in show length every time we sit down to record. Special thanks to @Kropotkin and @Vapok for joining us in recording and dropping some big announcements along the way. You guys were awesome to record with and hopefully we can do it again soon.
Ticket To Ride game is going to happen. Meetups will happen. If you are a fan, feel free to stop me and say hello. On Friday I will be the one wearing the Yellow Arsenal Jersey with the SEGA logo on the front. Trust me, it's surprisingly easy to find someone wearing yellow in the venue than you think. Unless you are Frugus...then you are just f**ked. :-)
I just want to publicly thank @Frugus for pulling this all together and @prototypeAxl for the most fun I have had in a long time! Can't wait to meet you guys and get that Catan drinking game underway!
PAX EAST 2014 Status: [x] 3-Day Pass [x] Hotel [x] Travel Plans [ ] Waiting Patiently
That's very nice of you @kazamagd, and of course, I would like to mirror the same message of thanks!
We are not done just yet though. Everyone will have something to listen too as they drive/fly/ride down to PAX East, not to mention the wrap up show... and maybe even more!
Three things I really do not want to miss this year: Drunken Catan Game, @Vapok Match (bring on the full game, I will bleed from the eyes, I don't care) and casual game meetups with listeners!
***NEW*** - March 19th 2013 Episode #8 - 2 days to go!
Here is our “quick and dirty last minute show” for you guys to listen while you hit the road to PAX East 2013! Next week we will record our wrap up show, and after that, yes, there will still be more to come! If this is the first time you are listening to the Podcast, do yourself a favor and download show # 8 as well, you will find more information that may help you out for this weekend.
Some relevant links from this session. Spaceteam Penny-Arcade strip on Spaceteam Indie Game : The Movie DiveKick indie game
Might as well say it now instead of waiting for people to hear it on the show.
I, myself, would like to apologize to those who expressed a desire to play a game with us, if not just meet us.
If it helps, let me tell you that Greg, Beth and I were very busy that weekend, to a point that we did not even play our Catan game, nor did we manage to sync up with Vapok for that 6 player Ticket to Ride tame. Whatever games we played were short, and we would not always be together at the same time, etc.
The only few tweets I managed to send out were for some contest because I was under the impression that I had won. Aside from that, my connection to WiFi was spotty at best, and could barley maintain twitter observation.
Last but not least, I have always been an early Bird, especially when it comes to PAX, but I did the entire show Caffeine Free and let me tell you, my sleep cycle got a little bit more normal...
For those that I did manage to meet, it was a real pleasure. For those I did not, nothing stops us from playing a game of whatever online. I am mostly a PC gamer so you will often see me either on Steam or SC2.
Thanks for all these podcasts it made me feel like I already knew what I was doing when I arrived at my first PAX. Can't wait for the follow-up cast, tell me how to feel feelings again!
Thanks for all these podcasts it made me feel like I already knew what I was doing when I arrived at my first PAX. Can't wait for the follow-up cast, tell me how to feel feelings again!
You are quite welcome, glad we could help!
Actually we are recording tonight, meaning that the show will soon be available. I would say before the weekend, but since I still have a few days off, I may be able to finish it earlier. We will see
Also note that we are not really done. We decided that we would continue recording the show after PAX, inviting people who will be able to talk about either Australia or Prime, and especially, talk about stuff people can do in between PAXes and keep in touch with the people they have met.
***NEW*** - March 28th 2013 Episode #10 - Wrap up edition
PAX East has come and gone. Now is the time to cherish the new memories we've gained over the weekend. @Vapok joins us again in a Post-PAX wrap up show where we discuss our favorite Booths, Panels, Purchase, and Moment. We also share a few regrets we had from the weekend and what we would do differently next year. We also get to ask, what is the difference between Prime and East.
Be prepared for slight hockey talk.
***NEW*** - March 28th 2013 Episode #10 - Wrap up edition
PAX East has come and gone. Now is the time to cherish the new memories we've gained over the weekend. @Vapok joins us again in a Post-PAX wrap up show where we discuss our favorite Booths, Panels, Purchase, and Moment. We also share a few regrets we had from the weekend and what we would do differently next year. We also get to ask, what is the difference between Prime and East.
Be prepared for slight hockey talk.
I apologize in advance for the very tired and not so energetic Vapok. Hopefully Frugus edited out all my yawns. So much fun last night recording the pod cast, and looking forward to many more in the future!
Pardon me for the delay, we had this in the bag last month.
Better late than never eh?
Season 2, slightly new format!
***NEW*** - May 12th 2013 Episode #11 - Like Hotcakes [NSWF for language]
Wait, Badges sold out how fast?!
Listen to Patrick, Greg, and Beth talk about PAX badge sales.
Greg's friend Laura joins us, because he needs to be watched for once.
Other topics include: Video/Board Games we've been playing, Starcraft 2 vs. LoL, Beth's habits, and (of course, briefly) Hockey
PS. - To explain "the hotness" heheh
***NEW*** - June 23rd Episode #12 - Hype Train [NSWF for language]
It's Post E3 Conference time!
Even though real life has been kicking us around, Beth managed to sit through all the conferences.
Greg caught a few highlights and chimes as well, while Patrick takes it all in and stares at his OUYA.
We also talk about some travel that is planned for the next month.
***NEW*** - July 16th Episode #13 - July is here! [NSWF for language]
July is here! It's time for PAX Austrailia, EVO, and San Diego Comic Con.
Beth is counting down the days until she leaves for Las Vegas.
Patrick and Greg ask her a few questions about what she's looking forward to while at EVO.
We also discuss a few of the summer movies that we're looking forward to seeing.
***NEW*** - August 22nd Episode #14 - Back from EVO [NSWF for language]
We have convention fever! Beth came back from EVO and gives us the low down of her experience while we pepper her with a bunch of questions! Also, PAX Aus has come and gone, we discuss what we know and look into Prime (a bit) as well and are looking into how we will be acquiring our PAX East badges and hotels.
***NEW*** - September 22nd Episode #15 - Stalking season commences [NSWF for language]
This one is pretty basic, but still chock full of the usual goodness we provide. On the table today - Games we play, games we should be playing, and PAX East ticket/hotel stalking.
In response to your discussion about whether OnPeak is taking reservations, I can confirm that OnPeak is *ready* to take reservations, they're just blocking the reservations page. I was actually able to get in by guessing the registration page, and using a mobile browser. Initially I thought I'd "won" the PAX East ARG, and was about to post stuff here to the forum about it. Then I figured I'd better check with Khoo, who informed me that no, there is no PAX East ARG, and that it was a bug which he would contact OnPeak to fix. But the hotels are all ready to go as soon as PA Megacorp gives the thumbs up. (I think it's okay for me to post this now, since I can see that the hole I used has been patched.)
The OnPeak page also confirms that the convention is definitely happening from April 11th-April 13th.
***NEW*** - November 10th Episode #16 - Done with Regs! [NSWF for language]
No more stressing about the registration process, until next year that is, when it will most likely be even more challenging. At least now we can concentrate on more important things - actually looking forward to PAX East 2014!
Here is the famous link of the year we talked about in the show.
Here's where we get our ticket sales information: PAX ticket sale information spreadsheet by SkeleVader.
***NEW*** - December 22nd 2013 Episode #17 - Brian Cranston is Isamu [NSWF for language]
Wait, what? Yes, apparently whatever I typed as a title is true.
Our last evening was spent reminiscing about all the good things that happened to us in 2013, followed by the typical Geekries that you have come to expect from listening to this Podcast. Yes, of course, we also talk about PAX East, as we answer questions from AbbyNormal.
Thanks again for the CAH Frugus, we have been squeezing in a game when the kids go to bed and loving it. Enjoyed this episode, aside from the Dr. Who talk that I do not understand at all.
I have done PAX East with an infant once and a 5-6 year old, if anyone has any questions or would like some tips I will gladly help.
***NEW*** - February 15th 2013 Episode #18 - So many geeky things [NSWF for language]
Talk about timing! Just as we were going to publish the show, we learned that the Keynote Speaker for PAX East 2014 will be Alex Rigopulos, CEO and Co-Founder of Harmonix. But wait, that’s not all! The Friday concert lineup will consist of Bit Brigade, Metroid Metal, and Anamanaguchi, while Saturday will feature MC Frontalot, The Doubleclicks, and The Video Game Orchestra.
As for our show? Sorry for the delays there, but life kept us quite busy. Thankfully enough we come to you with a heap of geeky discussions as we are getting ready to tackle the big event ourselves. Come and check us out!
Any possibility of getting this podcast on iTunes? I'm a lazy podcast listener.
Oh geez. You and me both...
This has been a thorn in my side and I have yet to figure out what the technical problem is, because the service we are using (which is really nice) is supposed to incorporate this automatically. I have yet to find the options to make this work, and I keep taking stabs at it.
We also have logistical issues, as in we have to be careful as to how we label ourselves. This project started a while back and we even asked Khoo (who responded quickly) if we could do this, and the deal was that it was no problem as long as we followed certain rules, such as making things clear that we were not with Penny-Arcade and so on. If I where to actually publish these to iTunes, which is what I would love to do, I would also use this opportunity to make people understand what we are all about, but we would have to do it the right way.
We have enjoyed a nice collaboration with people who help out at Penny-Arcade, from both enforcers (such as @Vapok) and forum members (such as @Zerzhul!) and I think we need to make sure we preserve these good relations.
You guys will be the first to know when this finally happens.
Frugus Eggbeater
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
@Frugus, with PAX East coming up, I think you need to devote some time to remembering the Elevator 14 incident and remind people to not use the BCEC elevators.
@Frugus, with PAX East coming up, I think you need to devote some time to remembering the Elevator 14 incident and remind people to not use the BCEC elevators.
How about you come over and do just that on the next show? :-D
***NEW*** - March 28th 2014 Episode #19 - On schedules and Kickstarters
The gang finds some time to sit down and discuss health, schedules and all things kickstarter (which ironically is just before the whole Oculus Rift announcement happened).
PAX East 2014 being in two weeks as we post this, we will try to slip in another impromptu show so you guys can listen to something extra on your way to the event, but we I'm confident many of you find this quite appropriate for your drive down to Boston. See you there guys!
***NEW*** - April 8th 2014 Episode #20 - Quick, before we go!
It's only a few days before the big event and we are packing our bags before we take off on our respective trips! Here we have our last discussion before we meet in person. We mostly talk about where to eat (and not to eat), and finish off with a series of personal tips.
Sadly Greg won't be able to attend this year, please keep him in your thoughts.
This is Patrick, aka @Frugus, standing in for Beth and Greg for the show Eastward bound to Boston.
I am speaking to you only a few days after PAX East 2014 is over. Like many of you I’m suffering from a severe case of Post PAX Depression. Aside from playing games, I try to fight off the blues by doing a bit of homework and take notes on the trip. One way for me to do that, and I have done this every year, is to record an impromptu show through my phone as I drive back home from Boston.
I've done these recordings every year since 2011, and the sad truth is that each one of these recordings have been lost since. My original plan was always to have this show made available a day or two before the event (call it a last ditch attempt to provide content for our listeners), but I fear we could potentially loose this one as well (for… reasons), so I've decided to publish it right now instead of waiting for next year.
This is from a cell phone while we drive in a car. The recording is sub par to say the least and I did my best to reduce the ambient noise. You've been warned.
Aside from that, this recording was done in the company of my two work colleagues, Clayton and Albert, who also shared their experiences. Please note that this is their first PAX, and as such they could not visit everything – Remember that no one can see and experience everything at PAX in one single weekend! Still, we hope that their thoughts will help you remember the good times we all had, and especially, give you some hints and tips on how to prepare for next year.
Before we begin, I would like to add that we intend to do an official wrap up show very soon. Please stay tuned for more!
I just marathon listened to the last 3 episodes, so I am not sure which is which. For anyone wondering the all dessert restauraunt they discussed is called Finale. They have 2 locations in Boston and are incredible. They are my regular pre-theatre stop.
A big thank you to everyone who listens and posts comments about the show. We love recording it which is evident by the increase in show length every time we sit down to record. Special thanks to @Kropotkin and @Vapok for joining us in recording and dropping some big announcements along the way. You guys were awesome to record with and hopefully we can do it again soon.
Ticket To Ride game is going to happen. Meetups will happen. If you are a fan, feel free to stop me and say hello. On Friday I will be the one wearing the Yellow Arsenal Jersey with the SEGA logo on the front. Trust me, it's surprisingly easy to find someone wearing yellow in the venue than you think. Unless you are Frugus...then you are just f**ked. :-)
I just want to publicly thank @Frugus for pulling this all together and @prototypeAxl for the most fun I have had in a long time! Can't wait to meet you guys and get that Catan drinking game underway!
I got wood for .... aw snap! ::takes shot::
We are not done just yet though. Everyone will have something to listen too as they drive/fly/ride down to PAX East, not to mention the wrap up show... and maybe even more!
Three things I really do not want to miss this year: Drunken Catan Game, @Vapok Match (bring on the full game, I will bleed from the eyes, I don't care) and casual game meetups with listeners!
Episode #8 - 2 days to go!
Here is our “quick and dirty last minute show” for you guys to listen while you hit the road to PAX East 2013! Next week we will record our wrap up show, and after that, yes, there will still be more to come! If this is the first time you are listening to the Podcast, do yourself a favor and download show # 8 as well, you will find more information that may help you out for this weekend.
Some relevant links from this session.
Penny-Arcade strip on Spaceteam
Indie Game : The Movie
DiveKick indie game
Oh, that's for our first private meetup between Greg, Beth and Me
PS. Being drunk at the BCEC is, at the very least, very bad. Very.
Oh I see, cool cool...yeah I'm in the dark ages smart phone for me so no twitter or facebook
I, myself, would like to apologize to those who expressed a desire to play a game with us, if not just meet us.
If it helps, let me tell you that Greg, Beth and I were very busy that weekend, to a point that we did not even play our Catan game, nor did we manage to sync up with Vapok for that 6 player Ticket to Ride tame. Whatever games we played were short, and we would not always be together at the same time, etc.
The only few tweets I managed to send out were for some contest because I was under the impression that I had won. Aside from that, my connection to WiFi was spotty at best, and could barley maintain twitter observation.
Last but not least, I have always been an early Bird, especially when it comes to PAX, but I did the entire show Caffeine Free and let me tell you, my sleep cycle got a little bit more normal...
For those that I did manage to meet, it was a real pleasure. For those I did not, nothing stops us from playing a game of whatever online. I am mostly a PC gamer so you will often see me either on Steam or SC2.
You are quite welcome, glad we could help!
Actually we are recording tonight, meaning that the show will soon be available. I would say before the weekend, but since I still have a few days off, I may be able to finish it earlier. We will see
Also note that we are not really done. We decided that we would continue recording the show after PAX, inviting people who will be able to talk about either Australia or Prime, and especially, talk about stuff people can do in between PAXes and keep in touch with the people they have met.
Episode #10 - Wrap up edition
PAX East has come and gone. Now is the time to cherish the new memories we've gained over the weekend.
@Vapok joins us again in a Post-PAX wrap up show where we discuss our favorite Booths, Panels, Purchase, and Moment. We also share a few regrets we had from the weekend and what we would do differently next year. We also get to ask, what is the difference between Prime and East.
Be prepared for slight hockey talk.
I apologize in advance for the very tired and not so energetic Vapok. Hopefully Frugus edited out all my yawns.
Pardon me for the delay, we had this in the bag last month.
Better late than never eh?
Season 2, slightly new format!
***NEW*** - May 12th 2013
Episode #11 - Like Hotcakes [NSWF for language]
Wait, Badges sold out how fast?!
Listen to Patrick, Greg, and Beth talk about PAX badge sales.
Greg's friend Laura joins us, because he needs to be watched for once.
Other topics include: Video/Board Games we've been playing, Starcraft 2 vs. LoL, Beth's habits, and (of course, briefly) Hockey
PS. - To explain "the hotness" heheh
Episode #12 - Hype Train [NSWF for language]
It's Post E3 Conference time!
Even though real life has been kicking us around, Beth managed to sit through all the conferences.
Greg caught a few highlights and chimes as well, while Patrick takes it all in and stares at his OUYA.
We also talk about some travel that is planned for the next month.
Episode #13 - July is here! [NSWF for language]
July is here! It's time for PAX Austrailia, EVO, and San Diego Comic Con.
Beth is counting down the days until she leaves for Las Vegas.
Patrick and Greg ask her a few questions about what she's looking forward to while at EVO.
We also discuss a few of the summer movies that we're looking forward to seeing.
Episode #14 - Back from EVO [NSWF for language]
We have convention fever! Beth came back from EVO and gives us the low down of her experience while we pepper her with a bunch of questions! Also, PAX Aus has come and gone, we discuss what we know and look into Prime (a bit) as well and are looking into how we will be acquiring our PAX East badges and hotels.
Episode #15 - Stalking season commences [NSWF for language]
This one is pretty basic, but still chock full of the usual goodness we provide. On the table today - Games we play, games we should be playing, and PAX East ticket/hotel stalking.
The OnPeak page also confirms that the convention is definitely happening from April 11th-April 13th.
Episode #16 - Done with Regs! [NSWF for language]
No more stressing about the registration process, until next year that is, when it will most likely be even more challenging. At least now we can concentrate on more important things - actually looking forward to PAX East 2014!
Here is the famous link of the year we talked about in the show.
Here's where we get our ticket sales information: PAX ticket sale information spreadsheet by SkeleVader.
Episode #17 - Brian Cranston is Isamu [NSWF for language]
Wait, what? Yes, apparently whatever I typed as a title is true.
Our last evening was spent reminiscing about all the good things that happened to us in 2013, followed by the typical Geekries that you have come to expect from listening to this Podcast. Yes, of course, we also talk about PAX East, as we answer questions from AbbyNormal.
Merry All the Things!
I have done PAX East with an infant once and a 5-6 year old, if anyone has any questions or would like some tips I will gladly help.
***NEW*** - February 15th 2013
Episode #18 - So many geeky things [NSWF for language]
Talk about timing! Just as we were going to publish the show, we learned that the Keynote Speaker for PAX East 2014 will be Alex Rigopulos, CEO and Co-Founder of Harmonix. But wait, that’s not all! The Friday concert lineup will consist of Bit Brigade, Metroid Metal, and Anamanaguchi, while Saturday will feature MC Frontalot, The Doubleclicks, and The Video Game Orchestra.
As for our show? Sorry for the delays there, but life kept us quite busy. Thankfully enough we come to you with a heap of geeky discussions as we are getting ready to tackle the big event ourselves. Come and check us out!
It's a genuine pleasure!
Here are some of my favorite episodes:
The Enforcer Show was really fun to record, featuring @vapok
Lot's of travel tips Here and Here.
Oh geez. You and me both...
This has been a thorn in my side and I have yet to figure out what the technical problem is, because the service we are using (which is really nice) is supposed to incorporate this automatically. I have yet to find the options to make this work, and I keep taking stabs at it.
We also have logistical issues, as in we have to be careful as to how we label ourselves. This project started a while back and we even asked Khoo (who responded quickly) if we could do this, and the deal was that it was no problem as long as we followed certain rules, such as making things clear that we were not with Penny-Arcade and so on. If I where to actually publish these to iTunes, which is what I would love to do, I would also use this opportunity to make people understand what we are all about, but we would have to do it the right way.
We have enjoyed a nice collaboration with people who help out at Penny-Arcade, from both enforcers (such as @Vapok) and forum members (such as @Zerzhul!) and I think we need to make sure we preserve these good relations.
You guys will be the first to know when this finally happens.
How about you come over and do just that on the next show? :-D
Episode #19 - On schedules and Kickstarters
The gang finds some time to sit down and discuss health, schedules and all things kickstarter (which ironically is just before the whole Oculus Rift announcement happened).
PAX East 2014 being in two weeks as we post this, we will try to slip in another impromptu show so you guys can listen to something extra on your way to the event, but we I'm confident many of you find this quite appropriate for your drive down to Boston. See you there guys!
Episode #20 - Quick, before we go!
It's only a few days before the big event and we are packing our bags before we take off on our respective trips! Here we have our last discussion before we meet in person. We mostly talk about where to eat (and not to eat), and finish off with a series of personal tips.
Sadly Greg won't be able to attend this year, please keep him in your thoughts.
See you guys in Boston!
Episode #21 - The road back home
Greetings everyone,
This is Patrick, aka @Frugus, standing in for Beth and Greg for the show Eastward bound to Boston.
I am speaking to you only a few days after PAX East 2014 is over. Like many of you I’m suffering from a severe case of Post PAX Depression. Aside from playing games, I try to fight off the blues by doing a bit of homework and take notes on the trip. One way for me to do that, and I have done this every year, is to record an impromptu show through my phone as I drive back home from Boston.
I've done these recordings every year since 2011, and the sad truth is that each one of these recordings have been lost since. My original plan was always to have this show made available a day or two before the event (call it a last ditch attempt to provide content for our listeners), but I fear we could potentially loose this one as well (for… reasons), so I've decided to publish it right now instead of waiting for next year.
This is from a cell phone while we drive in a car. The recording is sub par to say the least and I did my best to reduce the ambient noise. You've been warned.
Aside from that, this recording was done in the company of my two work colleagues, Clayton and Albert, who also shared their experiences. Please note that this is their first PAX, and as such they could not visit everything – Remember that no one can see and experience everything at PAX in one single weekend! Still, we hope that their thoughts will help you remember the good times we all had, and especially, give you some hints and tips on how to prepare for next year.
Before we begin, I would like to add that we intend to do an official wrap up show very soon. Please stay tuned for more!
3DS Friend Code: 2449-5711-0640