As I first time Enforcer I want to thank everyone who walked past me, or came up to me Sunday after noon and Monday to thank me for volunteering. That was truly touching. So thank you.
Special thanks, if you remember this, to the two guys I'm the Seattle Airport, Monday night, around 9:30ish who stopped and said thanks to me. That was really cool.
- Biting's excellent! It's like kissing. Only there's a winner.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
Mirroring the sentiments of PRD and Groove, and others... It warms my heart to see so much appreciation for the efforts of the Enforcers every year. PAX truly wouldn't exist without the attendees, and I love being able to contribute in any way that could possibly make even one person's time at PAX a little better.
Enforcers at Tabletop on both locations were awesome for me. Letting me come in late to donate my game to the Library, shepherding players to me when players were being elusive, and being perky and conversationalist even at early and late hours. Thanks to everyone for helping out our strange triangle-shaped box game.
Enforcers at Tabletop on both locations were awesome for me. Letting me come in late to donate my game to the Library, shepherding players to me when players were being elusive, and being perky and conversationalist even at early and late hours. Thanks to everyone for helping out our strange triangle-shaped box game.
Ooh, I wanted to play that game, the art was beautiful! Unfortunately, I didn't see it until I was packing up the library, so I didn't get a chance. I heard a rumour that you donated it to the library permanently, is that right? If you did, I'm definitely going to play it at Boston.
[...] Thanks to everyone for helping out our strange triangle-shaped box game.
Ooh, I wanted to play that game, the art was beautiful! Unfortunately, I didn't see it until I was packing up the library, so I didn't get a chance. I heard a rumour that you donated it to the library permanently, is that right? If you did, I'm definitely going to play it at Boston.
Yes! The Tabletop Library's copy represents one of only two proper Paiko boxes in existence right now. It's the large color version, but if you're antsy, you can print and play the B&W version off I won't lie though, the large one is pretty shiny to play on.
An extra special swoon to all the [E] who worked the info booth. That's a really tough, exhausting job and every time I came through you all hadn't killed anyone yet. Well done!
Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
whypick1PAX [E] Info Booth Manager~2' from an LCDRegistered Userregular
Actually, that bunker has a lot more room than you'd think, so you can't say for certain we hadn't killed anyone :P
Jumping on the bandwagon here , as an 8th time attendee ( between Prime and East ) and first year Medical Badge attendee I want to thank each and every 1 of you I dealt with either for panels / questions or just in passing .. You Guys ( & Girls ) rock ! You made it extremely easy to still have a fully fantastic weekend at PAX !
bacon_avengerDefender of Pork ProductsPacific NW, USARegistered Userregular
I don't care how many times you E's say you did it for the rest of us, there wouldn't be a PAX without all of you herding us nerds and geeks around.
A huge thank you from the bottom of my heart, or perhaps the sub-cockle area. Maybe the kidney. Perhaps even the colon, I don't know, but you get the idea.
Special thanks, if you remember this, to the two guys I'm the Seattle Airport, Monday night, around 9:30ish who stopped and said thanks to me. That was really cool.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
You are all awesome. See you next year!
Ooh, I wanted to play that game, the art was beautiful! Unfortunately, I didn't see it until I was packing up the library, so I didn't get a chance. I heard a rumour that you donated it to the library permanently, is that right? If you did, I'm definitely going to play it at Boston.
I *just* got a Paiko thread made in the new Indie Games subforum. Go there, and lament no further:
We now return you to your regularly scheduled Enforcer swooning.
I don't care how many times you E's say you did it for the rest of us, there wouldn't be a PAX without all of you herding us nerds and geeks around.
A huge thank you from the bottom of my heart, or perhaps the sub-cockle area. Maybe the kidney. Perhaps even the colon, I don't know, but you get the idea.