mod edit: it appears that hotels are ready to go shit!! A Hotel thread a whole 7 months before PAX??!?1 What madness is this?
Well.. if last year is anything to go by, it won't be long before hotel registration is up, and I just KNOW you are all dying to impart your glorious knowledge of what hotels you've stayed and debate which one is best *cough* Westin. *cough*
For those of us joining us for the first time this upcoming PAX East, you can find the Hotel Registation information
here at the Official PAX website. Once hotels go live, we will post about it here and we will list off all the hotels in our block.
Using this fancy Google spreadsheet you can easily compare hotels:
"we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" -
But damn, I just got back from Prime on Tuesday and it's almost time to plan for East.
Trade me pins! -
I am just curious because I have to book rooms for Dragon*Con and the host hotels do have that terrible policy.
The site has always mentioned a deposit, but I've never been charged for one.
Trade me pins! -
Management at the Seaport were completely disrespectful to us last year.
ArcheAge News
ArcheAge Forums
Yeah this has zero to do with the blocked off rooms. The OnPeak system hasn't even been released yet for East 2013.
3DS Friend Code: 2449-5711-0640
EDIT: Oh, ouch, seaport already booked? Damn. Going to make getting a Westin slot harder..
PAX East 2018 4-Day Pass [X] BYOC Pass [X] Hotel Reservation [X]
See y'all at PAX East 2018!
So I'm a little confused. You're saying that there currently are no rooms that are set aside specifically for East 2013? Or are you saying that the OnPeak system for East 2013 isn't up yet, so it may just look like hotels are completely booked? Prime was the latter, so I would've assumed East is the same...
TWDT '13: Hufflepuff OotP
I am saying that OnPeak has rooms set aside. The previous person saying "OH SHIT YOU BETTER BOOK NOW" is mistaken in thinking there are no rooms available for PAX.
The PAX OnPeak system will indicate availability for PAX.
Twitter is historically the correct place to receive timely PAX updates from the official channels. Sometimes things hit the forums slightly before then, but twitter is the "public" announcement.
The OnPeak booking system allows a maximum of booking for 4 guests as far as I know for all the in-network hotels. Booking for 4 guests in one room is cheaper than 5 guests split between two rooms. Whether or not you will run into issues with hotel policy by stuffing 5 guests into a room meant for 4 is not something that can be adequately answered here, as all answers will be personal experiences and may not be consistent with what to expect for every individual circumstance. At the very least, it is likely breaking a fire code, so there may be more potential consequences for putting 5 guests in a room reserved for 4 than putting 3 guests in a room reserved for 2 (if the max capacity per room is indeed 4).
I am a monster truck that walks like a man.
Often before, but it's not guaranteed.
Not usually. Usually the blocked off rooms through OnPeak are cheaper. There's no way to know for sure until the OnPeak system is released though.
ArcheAge News
ArcheAge Forums
As far as deposits and all that - Seaport charged the deposit for my room (that I booked with a credit card) in February.
It's also worth noting that in prior years, people who booked outside of OnPeak were subject to getting bumped by the hotel in favor of those who booked through OnPeak. Bottom line: If you want to guarantee your room, go through OnPeak (I found it considerably cheaper than the hotel's standard rates anyway - seriously, you're getting 4 star hotels in Westin and Seaport at 2 star prices for Boston hotels).
We hoofed it at least once to the convention center, but it was a bit of a long walk (30 minutes). One night after concerts we took a cab back and it was ridiculously expensive. Ugh. And the cab driver was really rude too, which sucked.
Going to be watching like a hawk for hotels to go up, we're really set on staying at the Westin this year.
For those asking about putting more people in your room than you officially book/pay for... swim at your own risk. I've done it before and nothing bad ever came of it but we also kept a low profile, didn't cause trouble, no loud parties in our room or anything. 1 extra person probably not an issue, but trying to double your occupancy is probably not a good idea. YMMV.
this is a really good point for those considering staying farther out who think they won't mind a little cab ride: boston cabs are infamous for being rude and sometimes just ripping you off (taking the longest route possible, getting "lost", etc). cabs can be a total headache, so keep that in mind.
Yup, we were pretty sure that's exactly what he did. The hotel we were at was 1.7 miles from the convention center according to google maps, but he drove allllll around Boston to get there - the fare ended up being around $20+. Now I don't know much about taxis but that just seems insane.