So two of my friends upped and went to the Ukraine without me. They said they were going to the Ukraine, anyway, and then sent back a picture of "the" ferris wheel. Assholes.
They're there, right now, as I make this thread, laughing at me while absorbing unhealthy levels of radiation
I mean, fucking look at this place! I've wanted to go there, to feel and experience the sad, deserted ambiance ever since I was a little kid. No, wait, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. didn't come out until my late twenties. For a long time, regardless.
I need a vacation. I need a job so that I can tell them to go to hell while I take a vacation.
So uh, where do you guys wanna go
French Polynesia
Mars seems like it'd be a good place, but it's about -70°F right now, there's no good places to eat, and even at the best jobs you can't get the vacation time to make the trip worthwhile.
Well that looks nice. I imagine Lord of the Flies took place there. Because if there's someplace nice, little kids will ruin it for everyone.
That looks so awesome...
even though my knowledge of japanese is even worse than what it was when i went
Also Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, and China
I've been to a few neat places like uhh...
Nope just Vegas, Seattle and Orlando.
I missed out because money
I got to see a Penn and Tellar show...
Except my glasses were broke so I didn't actually seeee them.
I'm not sure it'll live up to what the fallout games made it out to be, though.
Fun Fact: I spent a week in Naples while I was in the Air Force. the pilot made a perfect three-G landing and we had to wait for a crew to come out and inspect the airplane. Basically, a lot of people loved the guy for almost crashing in a nice place.
Fuck that would be awesome
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better
i almost went on an archaeological dig in Isreal at Tel Kedesh, but few weeks before we were suppose to go, fighting got kinda bad around there so they had to cancel it.
I really want to go to Italy, specifically Rome.
I would also loooove to island hop the Aegean Sea.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
So much of the country looks like the setting for a fantasy epic.
I also ate raw Puffin when I was there, which was pretty delicious.
And I've done a Fallout 3 themed trip of DC and the surrounding area; that was also really fun.
And a walk along a the Mid-Atlantic ridge where a fault line has upheaved the land
lets go there again together
i wanna go here
One of my coworkers is from Tahiti.
So, yeah, when he flies "home" for vacation, "home" happens to be a tropical paradise. He tries not to rub it in too much.
Perhaps I lack imagination, but I want to go to Germany. Beer, history, and the home of the only thing on Wikipedia that comes up if you search for my last name.
I've been to Frankfurt and Heidelberg. They're two completely different places. Heidelberg castle was a neat little tourist trap. Frankfurt was goddamn beautiful and easy to get mugged.
It's a bit hard to tell but the steeple looks like someone grabbed the top of it and twisted it about 90 degrees.
Also I went to Greece and Crete when I was a kid and that was incredibly cool; saw the Acropolis, Knossos, tons of old gorgeous stuff.
At Gibraltar an ape sat on my head
I like Heidelberg because one of the towers is split straight in half because of an accident in the powder room.