Need skilled C++ programmer for Castelvania 3 fan game remake!!!

LaslundLaslund Registered User new member
edited September 2012 in Help / Advice Forum
Hi my name is Laslund! I am here to recruit coder help in C++ for my buddy Jorge Fuentes's 16 bit castlevania 3 fan game. His engine is already started it has 1 player,1boss, and a handful of enemies. Most of the levels are built, and much of the artwork for the game is done. He is really needing adament code help though. Here is some footage of Castlevania Chronicles 3:Dracula's Curse on youtube:
jorge's vidoes:

I don't know if jorge has all the players sprite art done yet( i know he mentioned he had doen work on Alucard),but between me and a few other friends we had all the other players done, including much more than is shown here including Nasty Grant boss:
grant with trevor
alucard with trevor
sypha with trevor
sypha ver2 with trevor

If anyone here knows gml(game maker language) i have an engine in game maker 8 that has alot more stuff for the game coded in:4 players,several bosses, almost all the enemies and you can transfer code from it into C++ engine if you like. At this time we have some errors with the gmk engine(that we can't run our game properly), so i figure if anyone knows C++ well they should be able to figure out gml seeing that it is similar but more basic in nature for transfer or viewing reasons. <deleted>
<deleted> Many people have been asking about this project to be completed and it is very professionally done, the biggest hurdle at this point is finding adament C++ code help moreover a lead Coder. Any extra C++coders that could help would be greatly appreciated aswell. Thank you for your time!

ceres on


  • ceresceres When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning And the future has past without even a last desperate warningRegistered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    We absolutely, positively, 100% do not do this here.

    And it seems like all is dying, and would leave the world to mourn
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