Diablo III: Patch 1.07 preview up!

ShenShen Registered User regular
edited January 2013 in Games and Technology

Patch 1.07 preview
The Infernal Machine
Monster Power

Forum HC challenge, should it be re-invigorated:
RandomEngy wrote: »
Guess what's back on?

The Penny-Arcade Forums Super Hardcore Challenge

Rend got busy so I'm taking over for him. And I'm adding a 50 million gold prize for the winner.

Are you hardcore? Do you believe yourself to be the hardest, of all cores? Prove your mettle in this test of speed, skill and luck against opponents eager to show you exactly how much better they are!

The first to kill the Butcher with a new Hardcore character on MP1 will take home 50 million gold.
Glory is for the young: You must make a new Hardcore character for the contest. Start with an empty inventory and 0 experience points. I will let everyone know a special word to put in their character's name before the contest starts.
Gold is for the weak: You cannot buy anything from the vendor or take anything out of the stash. You can only use what drops for you.
Friends are for the incompetent: You must be the only player in the game. You can disable Quick Join in the Social settings to make sure no one crashes your game. Also you must dismiss followers as soon as possible.
Privacy is for the unknown: You must stream your attempt, and agree to let the event caster re-stream it. We want to watch your grisly death! Twitch TV is a great place to stream to.

The winner will be the first player to kill the Butcher
If all combatants die, the player who made it furthest in the quest chain wins
If there is a tie on quest progress, the player who made it to their spot the fastest wins

The winner will receive 50 million gold (softcore) on any realm.

Players will have to balance speed and survivability: they can run past packs of enemies , but will give up valuable levels in the process. If you play it safe, someone more reckless than you may take home the gold.

In addition to the individual streams, we'll have an overall stream showing play from different player's streams and giving commentary. Either me or another volunteer will do this.
The event will be casted here: . Those participating should watch at the start time for a final recap of the rules and the special word to put in their character names.

It will be held on Saturday, November 3.
12 PM Pacific Daylight (noon)
3 PM Eastern Daylight

WARNING! There has been a lot of hacking of Battle.net Accounts since Diablo 3's release. GET AN AUTHENTICATOR. You can get them for iOS and Android devices for free, or from the Blizzard store for a reasonable price. If you get hacked Blizzard will restore your items and characters, but only a limited number of times. After the first you will need to get an authenticator anyway, and after the second you will no longer be able to use the RMAH.

D3's opening cinematic
What's different from Diablo 2?

The game is still an isometric click-fest where you slaughter thousands of demons in the enternal search for better loot, though several of the mechanics/game systems have been changed. It is now ONLINE ONLY, with a max party size of 4. You can set games to be private (invite only), friends only, and open to public. With friends only games, your friends will see a quick join button on their main screens, letting them drop in any time as long as there is room. "Appear Offline" functionality will be coming soon.

Skill trees, skill points, synergies, and manual stat placement are all gone. Instead, all of your stat points are gained and placed automatically with each level up, with distribution based on your class. Skills are now broken into Actives and Passives, and are all gained as you level up, along with the new skill runes. The potion belt is also gone, and potions themselves now have a 30 second cooldown, so no more chugging to stay alive. Instead, enemies drop Health Orbs, which simply heal you and all your allies within range when you walk over them. Runes and Runewords are also gone, and have been replace with a proper crafting system.

Hardcore makes a return, but the requires you to have one character reach level 10 in normal before you can create any Hardcore characters. Last but not least, Hell is no longer the hardest difficulty in the game. That duty has been taken over by the Inferno difficulty, which has proven to be a significant challenge.

There's a lot more detailed info available at the official game guide, including skill calculators and character profiles. If you're still curious, you can try the game for free up to the first boss and level 13.

The Classes

New Systems added since Launch

Paragon levels: Added in 1.04, this adds progression past level 60. For every paragon level you gain, you gain a small amount of stats as well as 3% magic and gold find. This increases up to a cap of 300% at Paragon level 100. The cap is shared with MF from gear (on both yourself and your follower) and shrines but not Nephalem Valor, so the max effective cap is 375%.

Exp charts for Paragon levels:

Monster Power: Coming in 1.05, this mode will be accessible from the menu and provides scaling difficulty for all difficulties. It defaults to off, and at MP1 it sets the level of all enemies in every Inferno Act to 63. Enemy level determines the level of loot you get, making it viable to farm the very best loot wherever you please. Every level of MP increases the MF and exp you get, beyond the 375% cap.

Inferno MP benefits (please note that MP2-3 is equivalent to pre-1.05 mob values):

Auction Houses

Diablo 3 has two different types of Auction houses available for players: the gold AH, and the Real Money AH. The gold AH is fairly straight forward, and functions largely the same as AHs found in other games, like WoW. It's available at launch to both Normal and Hardcore characters, but is exclusive between the two. The RMAH allows you to buy and sell in game items with real world currency and is only available for Softcore. Here's quick breakdown of the specifics:
-Commodities are automatically searched for best price, and are buyout only.
-You must choose Battle.net balance or real currency when you post the auction, not when it sells.
-15% fee on cashing out
-Battle.net balance can be used for a bunch of battle.net stuff including digital games, and WoW paid services. It cannot be used to pay subscription fees.
-No RMAH in Asia at release


For Equipment (weapons, armor, accessories, and other unique items)

Transaction Fee (Gold Auction House): 15% of final sale price
Transaction Fee (Real-Money Auction House): $1.00 USD per item / $1.00 AUD per item
Transfer Fee (when sending proceeds to PayPal or other authorized payment-service provider): 15% of amount being transferred

For Commodities (gems, materials, dyes, pages, recipes, and other non-unique items)

Transaction Fee (Gold Auction House): 15% of final sale price
Transaction Fee (Real-Money Auction House): 15% of final sale price
Transfer Fee (when sending proceeds to PayPal or other authorized payment-service provider): 15% of amount being transferred

For a more indepth how-to, please go here http://us.battle.net/d3/en/services/auction-house/how-to

Useful links:

Game guide: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/game/
Damage and EHP calculators: http://www.d3rawr.com/d, http://d3up.com
Max values on items: http://www.d3rmt.com/guides/diablo-3-item-stat-maximum-values/
Blue tracker: http://d3db.com/blue/browse
Gem calculator: http://diablo-3-gem-calculator.com/index.php
Legendary/Set browser: http://www.d3lexicon.com/legendary
Explanation on how loot works: http://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/comment/24393042/#Comment_24393042
Rare drop evaluation spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AoEU_oBnESrOdElTaVBhZTVFbEYwYzlqbHZJeXk1dGc&toomany=true

3DS: 2234-8122-8398 | Battle.net (EU): Ladi#2485
Shen on


  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    Hey so it 1.05 dropping Tuesday? I had something in the launch client update the other day which usually means incoming update.

    Nintendo ID: Incindium
    PSN: IncindiumX
  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    Could be, depends on whether or not it gets held up by the PTR issues. I'm guessing they didn't really need to PTR it that badly though and they were just testing the PTR itself.

  • DireOtterDireOtter Registered User regular
    I doubt very seriously this is going to happen on Tuesday, much as I would love that.

    If you are reading this add me.
    Bnet: DireOtter#11965, PSN: DireOtter, Live: DireOtter
  • 38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    Oops lost my hardcore character again to Fallen Maniacs in Act III. I hate those guys.

    38thDoE on steam
  • Corporal CarlCorporal Carl Registered User regular
    I come to you for advice on how to progress in Inferno. I have the 5 different classes brought to Level 60 and into Act 2 Inferno. However, equiping 5 characters at the same times makes it a bit costly... For example, my Demon Hunter is really squishy and therefore I don't like playing him much.

    I started making a Whirlwind Barb, but in order to improve her I guess I need more Increase Attack Speed/Critical Chance/Critical Damage in addition to increasing the standard STR/VIT/RES ALL.

    However, the build I have the most fun with, and which has the most survivability, is my Witch Doctor :

    Now, the thing I like most about is is the fact that I have very survivable pets, thanks to my good resistances (which are passed to the pets) as well as my Life Regeneration and humongous Thorns damage. And I managed to stumble into Act 3 with her... But I really like to keep using this silly build with lots of summonable pets, which prickle and regenerate and only die when something Molten Plagued Fast Fire Chained (or Fallen Lunatics) come along...

    Aha I hear you say! But hey, I like the fact that I throw heaps of pygmies at the enemy and that every hit the enemy gives does as much damage to him as if I am hitting him myself.

    And there lies my problem (which is the same as I have on my other characters) : I don't do enough damage. If your Thorns damage is 12.5K damage and your standard damage is 14.2K damage, then there is something slightly off... I managed to increase the DPS on my Wizard a bit by giving her a humongous axe, and the Demon Hunter has enough boost thanks to his Sharpshooter ability.... But it seems that when I get to something like 15K damage, I come to an abrupt halt.

    So have I come to the point in the game where I have to start saving momey to buy gear worth millions?

    For example, I think my weapon is really nice. But of course, a socket, extra crit chance and extra crit damage would be really nice, but that comes with a price ticket...
    Armor with a nice Resist All, Intelligence and a big Vitality or Life % isn't cheap at all...
    And a helmet with a socket with VIT + INT + RES ALL and something funny like Increase Acid Cloud Crit Chance aren't cheap either...

    Have I entered the stage of the game where it is all farming for money (and the occasional lucky drop) and going for the extra expensive stats like Crit Chance/Crit Damage/Attack Speed and Sockets, in addition to the standard primary stat + vit + res all? That you need to have a couple of millions before you can find somthing on the AH that is an improvement (not counting something that is accidentally priced too low).

    Many thanks in advance!

    PSN (PS4-Europe): Carolus-Billius
  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    play wizard+WD because they are the only classes that can share gear

  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    I come to you for advice on how to progress in Inferno. I have the 5 different classes brought to Level 60 and into Act 2 Inferno. However, equiping 5 characters at the same times makes it a bit costly... For example, my Demon Hunter is really squishy and therefore I don't like playing him much.

    I started making a Whirlwind Barb, but in order to improve her I guess I need more Increase Attack Speed/Critical Chance/Critical Damage in addition to increasing the standard STR/VIT/RES ALL.

    However, the build I have the most fun with, and which has the most survivability, is my Witch Doctor :

    Now, the thing I like most about is is the fact that I have very survivable pets, thanks to my good resistances (which are passed to the pets) as well as my Life Regeneration and humongous Thorns damage. And I managed to stumble into Act 3 with her... But I really like to keep using this silly build with lots of summonable pets, which prickle and regenerate and only die when something Molten Plagued Fast Fire Chained (or Fallen Lunatics) come along...

    Aha I hear you say! But hey, I like the fact that I throw heaps of pygmies at the enemy and that every hit the enemy gives does as much damage to him as if I am hitting him myself.

    And there lies my problem (which is the same as I have on my other characters) : I don't do enough damage. If your Thorns damage is 12.5K damage and your standard damage is 14.2K damage, then there is something slightly off... I managed to increase the DPS on my Wizard a bit by giving her a humongous axe, and the Demon Hunter has enough boost thanks to his Sharpshooter ability.... But it seems that when I get to something like 15K damage, I come to an abrupt halt.

    So have I come to the point in the game where I have to start saving momey to buy gear worth millions?

    For example, I think my weapon is really nice. But of course, a socket, extra crit chance and extra crit damage would be really nice, but that comes with a price ticket...
    Armor with a nice Resist All, Intelligence and a big Vitality or Life % isn't cheap at all...
    And a helmet with a socket with VIT + INT + RES ALL and something funny like Increase Acid Cloud Crit Chance aren't cheap either...

    Have I entered the stage of the game where it is all farming for money (and the occasional lucky drop) and going for the extra expensive stats like Crit Chance/Crit Damage/Attack Speed and Sockets, in addition to the standard primary stat + vit + res all? That you need to have a couple of millions before you can find somthing on the AH that is an improvement (not counting something that is accidentally priced too low).

    Many thanks in advance!

    Well, I hate to be the one to break this to you but thorns damage isn't any good. Just on the face of it, monsters doing 12k damage to themselves with each swing is nothing - they don't attack all that fast. Compare that to a DPS specced player doing 50k dps or more, and it's clear that thorns is not viable. You need way more Int and way more Crit %/Damage.

    For any class, pretty much all your gear should have primary stat on it for damage. You want at least a few slots with Crit %, and a few with crit damage. Don't prioritize sockets since you can't afford good gems. You should be able to spend under a million per piece and have enough DPS to beat Inferno. Especially after 1.0.5 which is making it way easier.

  • musanmanmusanman Registered User regular
    Alright folks, how do I get to 100k damage:


  • darklite_xdarklite_x I'm not an r-tard... Registered User regular
    Can't wait for this patch. Did a shitload of farming over the weekend, only legendary I got was a shitty lvl 59 1h crossbow. At least it gave me a brimstone.

    Steam ID: darklite_x Xbox Gamertag: Darklite 37 PSN:Rage_Kage_37 Battle.Net:darklite#2197
  • darklite_xdarklite_x I'm not an r-tard... Registered User regular
    Actually, with the new patch making weapon affixes the same level as the monster that dropped it, where does that leave crafted goods? I mean, this could potentially make crafting viable again depending how they handle this.

    Steam ID: darklite_x Xbox Gamertag: Darklite 37 PSN:Rage_Kage_37 Battle.Net:darklite#2197
  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    musanman wrote: »
    Alright folks, how do I get to 100k damage:


    witching hour
    inna's pants

  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    edited September 2012
    darklite_x wrote: »
    Actually, with the new patch making weapon affixes the same level as the monster that dropped it, where does that leave crafted goods? I mean, this could potentially make crafting viable again depending how they handle this.

    I don't see how it could benefit crafting. Good loot will get cheaper on the AH and thus crafting will become even worse in comparison. Even if they made all crafted loot roll ilvl63 affixes it would still be bad.

    Zek on
  • TenekTenek Registered User regular
    Zoelef wrote: »

    Ouch. OK, Arcane Enchanted Horde - what were the other two? Don't recognize that debuff icon... was that extra health? I don't think they're that squishy that 1.6M would be 'extra' but I might be remembering wrong. Fast?

  • darklite_xdarklite_x I'm not an r-tard... Registered User regular
    Zek wrote: »
    Zek wrote: »
    darklite_x wrote: »
    Actually, with the new patch making weapon affixes the same level as the monster that dropped it, where does that leave crafted goods? I mean, this could potentially make crafting viable again depending how they handle this.

    I kind of view crafting in D3 the same as gambling in D2. I loved gambling in D2. That said, I'd really like to see them buff up crafting to allow ilvl 63 goods, or at least max level affixes. It still wouldn't be efficient compared to the damnable AH, but if you could get something useful out of it then it could at least serve to fulfill a role as gambling/gold sink. I would just really like them to do something to make crafting viable instead of a 100% waste of resources.

    I don't see how it could benefit crafting. Good loot will get cheaper on the AH and thus crafting will become even worse in comparison. Even if they made all crafted loot roll ilvl63 affixes it would still be bad.

    Steam ID: darklite_x Xbox Gamertag: Darklite 37 PSN:Rage_Kage_37 Battle.Net:darklite#2197
  • darklite_xdarklite_x I'm not an r-tard... Registered User regular
    Damnit I hate vanilla forums.

    Steam ID: darklite_x Xbox Gamertag: Darklite 37 PSN:Rage_Kage_37 Battle.Net:darklite#2197
  • BountyHunterBountyHunter Registered User regular
    edited September 2012
    I come to you for advice on how to progress in Inferno. I have the 5 different classes brought to Level 60 and into Act 2 Inferno. However, equiping 5 characters at the same times makes it a bit costly... For example, my Demon Hunter is really squishy and therefore I don't like playing him much.

    I started making a Whirlwind Barb, but in order to improve her I guess I need more Increase Attack Speed/Critical Chance/Critical Damage in addition to increasing the standard STR/VIT/RES ALL.

    However, the build I have the most fun with, and which has the most survivability, is my Witch Doctor :

    Now, the thing I like most about is is the fact that I have very survivable pets, thanks to my good resistances (which are passed to the pets) as well as my Life Regeneration and humongous Thorns damage. And I managed to stumble into Act 3 with her... But I really like to keep using this silly build with lots of summonable pets, which prickle and regenerate and only die when something Molten Plagued Fast Fire Chained (or Fallen Lunatics) come along...

    Aha I hear you say! But hey, I like the fact that I throw heaps of pygmies at the enemy and that every hit the enemy gives does as much damage to him as if I am hitting him myself.

    And there lies my problem (which is the same as I have on my other characters) : I don't do enough damage. If your Thorns damage is 12.5K damage and your standard damage is 14.2K damage, then there is something slightly off... I managed to increase the DPS on my Wizard a bit by giving her a humongous axe, and the Demon Hunter has enough boost thanks to his Sharpshooter ability.... But it seems that when I get to something like 15K damage, I come to an abrupt halt.

    So have I come to the point in the game where I have to start saving momey to buy gear worth millions?

    For example, I think my weapon is really nice. But of course, a socket, extra crit chance and extra crit damage would be really nice, but that comes with a price ticket...
    Armor with a nice Resist All, Intelligence and a big Vitality or Life % isn't cheap at all...
    And a helmet with a socket with VIT + INT + RES ALL and something funny like Increase Acid Cloud Crit Chance aren't cheap either...

    Have I entered the stage of the game where it is all farming for money (and the occasional lucky drop) and going for the extra expensive stats like Crit Chance/Crit Damage/Attack Speed and Sockets, in addition to the standard primary stat + vit + res all? That you need to have a couple of millions before you can find somthing on the AH that is an improvement (not counting something that is accidentally priced too low).

    Many thanks in advance!

    @HexDex He is a worse version of me haha !!! :D..

    Edit: apologies i offered nothing constructive to your questions.. no hard feelings :D

    BountyHunter on
    D3: iNaddict#1252
    Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/iNaddict
    PSN: iNaddict
  • BountyHunterBountyHunter Registered User regular
    edited September 2012
    forum is silly today

    BountyHunter on
    D3: iNaddict#1252
    Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/iNaddict
    PSN: iNaddict
  • ShenShen Registered User regular
    1k dps, dexterity + socket Echoing Furies going for as little as 10 million confuses me, especially with Shenlong's Noble Path going for 200mil per fist with comparable stats.

    3DS: 2234-8122-8398 | Battle.net (EU): Ladi#2485
  • DireOtterDireOtter Registered User regular
    I come to you for advice on how to progress in Inferno. I have the 5 different classes brought to Level 60 and into Act 2 Inferno. However, equiping 5 characters at the same times makes it a bit costly... For example, my Demon Hunter is really squishy and therefore I don't like playing him much.

    I started making a Whirlwind Barb, but in order to improve her I guess I need more Increase Attack Speed/Critical Chance/Critical Damage in addition to increasing the standard STR/VIT/RES ALL.

    However, the build I have the most fun with, and which has the most survivability, is my Witch Doctor :

    Now, the thing I like most about is is the fact that I have very survivable pets, thanks to my good resistances (which are passed to the pets) as well as my Life Regeneration and humongous Thorns damage. And I managed to stumble into Act 3 with her... But I really like to keep using this silly build with lots of summonable pets, which prickle and regenerate and only die when something Molten Plagued Fast Fire Chained (or Fallen Lunatics) come along...

    Aha I hear you say! But hey, I like the fact that I throw heaps of pygmies at the enemy and that every hit the enemy gives does as much damage to him as if I am hitting him myself.

    And there lies my problem (which is the same as I have on my other characters) : I don't do enough damage. If your Thorns damage is 12.5K damage and your standard damage is 14.2K damage, then there is something slightly off... I managed to increase the DPS on my Wizard a bit by giving her a humongous axe, and the Demon Hunter has enough boost thanks to his Sharpshooter ability.... But it seems that when I get to something like 15K damage, I come to an abrupt halt.

    So have I come to the point in the game where I have to start saving momey to buy gear worth millions?

    For example, I think my weapon is really nice. But of course, a socket, extra crit chance and extra crit damage would be really nice, but that comes with a price ticket...
    Armor with a nice Resist All, Intelligence and a big Vitality or Life % isn't cheap at all...
    And a helmet with a socket with VIT + INT + RES ALL and something funny like Increase Acid Cloud Crit Chance aren't cheap either...

    Have I entered the stage of the game where it is all farming for money (and the occasional lucky drop) and going for the extra expensive stats like Crit Chance/Crit Damage/Attack Speed and Sockets, in addition to the standard primary stat + vit + res all? That you need to have a couple of millions before you can find somthing on the AH that is an improvement (not counting something that is accidentally priced too low).

    Many thanks in advance!

    @HexDex He is a worse version of me haha !!! :D..

    Edit: apologies i offered nothing constructive to your questions.. no hard feelings :D

    It's hard to believe, you have a twin! Also, I picked up BL2. I am a loser. Add me on steam. HexDex :D

    If you are reading this add me.
    Bnet: DireOtter#11965, PSN: DireOtter, Live: DireOtter
  • MyiagrosMyiagros Registered User regular
    @Corporal_Carl How much have you put into your Wizard? I just hit 60 on Friday and my stats are pretty close to yours. 4K less DPS and 5K less health. I think I've only spent about 25K total, if that, in order to be ready to clear act 1 Inferno. If you are needing more damage replace all your gems for INT ones. If you need more survivability then just use Diamond Skin.

    iRevert wrote: »
    Because if you're going to attempt to squeeze that big black monster into your slot you will need to be able to take at least 12 inches or else you're going to have a bad time...
    Steam: MyiagrosX27
  • darklite_xdarklite_x I'm not an r-tard... Registered User regular
    God damn you Act 3 Inferno, god damn you. Did a farming run at lunch today. Set amulet drops, so giddy, The Wandering Star or some bullshit. Just a shitty life ammy that would be a 7k DPS loss because there's no damage stats on it at all, other than some thorns. Keep chugging along, legendary bow in the same game, "Holy shit, holy shit come on Windforce!" Fucking Cluckeye. Level fifty-fucking-two Cluckeye. I hate this game.

    Steam ID: darklite_x Xbox Gamertag: Darklite 37 PSN:Rage_Kage_37 Battle.Net:darklite#2197
  • Idx86Idx86 Long days and pleasant nights.Registered User regular
    edited September 2012
    I've still only had one legendary drop (Changmail) through 100+ hours of gameplay. I thought my dry streak was broken on Friday night, but it was just a Gibbering Gemstone. :) MF is now 207% with 5 stacks and a follower, so I figure these farming runs will pay off soon.

    I did get a couple nice things to sell on the AH, and I need a new pair of pants so I can stuff gems down them!

    Idx86 on

    2008, 2012, 2014 D&D "Rare With No Sauce" League Fantasy Football Champion!
  • RandomEngyRandomEngy Registered User regular
    Whatever happened to the Double Hardcore challenge? I should bring that back again.

    Profile -> Signature Settings -> Hide signatures always. Then you don't have to read this worthless text anymore.
  • SensationalSensational Registered User regular
    Engy, I really liked your build, I basically felt like a hanger-on doing a run with you. What was that aoe attack you were using on white mobs that was rolling them? Also, have you looked at what your DPS shoots up to with soul harvest and gruesome feast?

  • themightypuckthemightypuck MontanaRegistered User regular
    Anyone have a good idea for a barb build once 105 hits. I've been running sprint/ww cookie cutter and now I'm gonna need a new plan. Also fuckity fuck. With TL2, MoP and D3105 dropping I need more time. So much more time. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/MightyPuck-1624/hero/8825583

    “Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears.”
    ― Marcus Aurelius

    Path of Exile: themightypuck
  • DehumanizedDehumanized Registered User regular
    Engy, I really liked your build, I basically felt like a hanger-on doing a run with you. What was that aoe attack you were using on white mobs that was rolling them? Also, have you looked at what your DPS shoots up to with soul harvest and gruesome feast?

    Probably Zombie Charger/Zombie Bears or Sacrifice.

  • zagdrobzagdrob Registered User regular
    Anyone have any thoughts on my DH?


    I'm slowly grinding through Act 3, but I'm not feeling like I'm getting much more powerful. Got ~300k gold, and don't really have the time to just sit and farm. Any items I can find on the AH are either priced way out of my range, or at best incremental improvements.

    Any thoughts on ways to make my guy actually feel more powerful? Other than plunking a couple bucks down on gold and hitting the AH?

  • themightypuckthemightypuck MontanaRegistered User regular
    zagdrob wrote: »
    Anyone have any thoughts on my DH?


    I'm slowly grinding through Act 3, but I'm not feeling like I'm getting much more powerful. Got ~300k gold, and don't really have the time to just sit and farm. Any items I can find on the AH are either priced way out of my range, or at best incremental improvements.

    Any thoughts on ways to make my guy actually feel more powerful? Other than plunking a couple bucks down on gold and hitting the AH?

    I bought 5M gold and realized I couldn't find anything useful given how much time I was willing to play the AH and ended up buying some stave for my enchantress. If you want to buy gold buy a couple hundred million or none at all.

    “Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears.”
    ― Marcus Aurelius

    Path of Exile: themightypuck
  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    zagdrob wrote: »
    Anyone have any thoughts on my DH?


    I'm slowly grinding through Act 3, but I'm not feeling like I'm getting much more powerful. Got ~300k gold, and don't really have the time to just sit and farm. Any items I can find on the AH are either priced way out of my range, or at best incremental improvements.

    Any thoughts on ways to make my guy actually feel more powerful? Other than plunking a couple bucks down on gold and hitting the AH?

    Well, "sitting and farming" is what you'll be doing after you beat Inferno anyway. Unless of course you just want to beat it and be done, in which case you should be able to do that with current gear after 1.0.5. As for feeling more powerful, it's pretty much just a matter of adding more Dex, more crit chance and more crit damage. Good gear will get cheaper after 1.0.5 with the loot improvements.

  • SensationalSensational Registered User regular
    I can't stop myself from upgrading anymore. Got a life steal skorn and some IAS on gloves to take my dps to 150k and resist all to almost 1000.


  • darklite_xdarklite_x I'm not an r-tard... Registered User regular
    Got a new chest for 7mil. It just about wiped me out, but I'm pretty happy with it:


    Steam ID: darklite_x Xbox Gamertag: Darklite 37 PSN:Rage_Kage_37 Battle.Net:darklite#2197
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie beautiful clydesdale style feet too hot to trotRegistered User regular
    Anyone have a good idea for a barb build once 105 hits. I've been running sprint/ww cookie cutter and now I'm gonna need a new plan. Also fuckity fuck. With TL2, MoP and D3105 dropping I need more time. So much more time. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/MightyPuck-1624/hero/8825583
    2h life steal crit dmg, rend, hammer, and whatever else

    3926 4292 8829
    Beasteh wrote: »
  • DehumanizedDehumanized Registered User regular
    I recommend getting as much gear as @Sensational and running that build. So much DPS that you barely even need two attacks. :winky:

  • RandomEngyRandomEngy Registered User regular
    edited September 2012
    Engy, I really liked your build, I basically felt like a hanger-on doing a run with you. What was that aoe attack you were using on white mobs that was rolling them? Also, have you looked at what your DPS shoots up to with soul harvest and gruesome feast?

    Zombie Charger - Zombie Bears! You can spirit walk on top of the mobs and cast bears right on top of them. As for the DPS, I actually had not checked until now... it can get up to 149k but usually is somewhere between 90k and that amount when fighting.

    Your barb is crazy good geared! Anyway I would recommend a Lacuni's for your next upgrade. The run speed is an amazing quality of life increase and is worth any hits you might take in EHP or DPS to get it.

    RandomEngy on
    Profile -> Signature Settings -> Hide signatures always. Then you don't have to read this worthless text anymore.
  • ShenShen Registered User regular
    edited September 2012
    I got jealous of all the high numbers you guys are showcasing, so bought a Skorn of my own. It's fun how quickly things explode, but Azmo actually ended up taking me longer than usual because I couldn't stand in the gunk for very long.

    Still stuck for upgrades, looking at 100mil for anything noticeable, 200mil if I don't want to take a massive EHP hit :P

    Shen on
    3DS: 2234-8122-8398 | Battle.net (EU): Ladi#2485
  • themightypuckthemightypuck MontanaRegistered User regular
    Anyone have a good idea for a barb build once 105 hits. I've been running sprint/ww cookie cutter and now I'm gonna need a new plan. Also fuckity fuck. With TL2, MoP and D3105 dropping I need more time. So much more time. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/MightyPuck-1624/hero/8825583
    2h life steal crit dmg, rend, hammer, and whatever else

    I think I might give a crazy 2h a shot if I can find one for cheap. I hate to give up WW cuz I love it so but rend seems pretty cool.

    “Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears.”
    ― Marcus Aurelius

    Path of Exile: themightypuck
  • SensationalSensational Registered User regular
    RandomEngy wrote: »
    Engy, I really liked your build, I basically felt like a hanger-on doing a run with you. What was that aoe attack you were using on white mobs that was rolling them? Also, have you looked at what your DPS shoots up to with soul harvest and gruesome feast?

    Zombie Charger - Zombie Bears! You can spirit walk on top of the mobs and cast bears right on top of them. As for the DPS, I actually had not checked until now... it can get up to 149k but usually is somewhere between 90k and that amount when fighting.

    Your barb is crazy good geared! Anyway I would recommend a Lacuni's for your next upgrade. The run speed is an amazing quality of life increase and is worth any hits you might take in EHP or DPS to get it.

    Cool, for a while I thought you were casting something else on whites because I saw a circle appear and them die instantly before I could swing my axe, but I guess you were recasting soul harvest and I just missed the actual bears.

    Lacuni's is definitely next on my list, just waiting for a good roll to snatch.

  • Inquisitor77Inquisitor77 2 x Penny Arcade Fight Club Champion A fixed point in space and timeRegistered User regular
    Cool, for a while I thought you were casting something else on whites because I saw a circle appear and them die instantly before I could swing my axe, but I guess you were recasting soul harvest and I just missed the actual bears.

    Lacuni's is definitely next on my list, just waiting for a good roll to snatch.

    Ah, you're referring to Soul Harvest. It's a nice skill to pop prior to unleashing Zombie Bears on a pack.

  • KetBraKetBra Dressed Ridiculously Registered User regular
    If you guys want into the PTR here's how to do it:

    go into the game, change your language in the login screen. You'll then download enough of the ptr client in the other language to start up the game again, login, \leave general chat, and then switch back to english and play.

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