Bobcats. Angry Bobcats mauling EA playing Jagaurs. It's the only solution. this a reference to something?
I keep seeing bobcats mentioned in PAX threads and feel like I've been away from Reddit for a week and missed 12 new memes.
Well, "missed" might be too strong a word...
Last year people were referring to their newly arrived badges as bobcats. @Kiashien should be able to elaborate...he is the one with the bobcat that adorns his tri-cornered hat.
Since people were asked not to post badge photos, people posted Bobcats. Confirmation that your pass had arrived turned into your "Bobcat" had arrived, and it just went crazy from there. At least 20 photos of bobcats arrived- so I acquired a tiny stuffed bobcat that hangs out in my pikachu-ear-adorned tricorn hat during the con. I saw at least 3 other bobcats during the con.
It's my understanding that @gigabrain is working on a secret project involving more bobcats.
I actually had several people during the con notice my bobcat and start laughing when they realized why it was there. It was a great time, overall.
But, essentially, many people call PAX East passes Bobcats now- which is why you see it in several forum signatures, even in this thread, instead of the usual [X] 3-Day Pass
Anyway, it was in fact spawned from the XKCD reference, though, but it's definitely become a PAX East "thing"
I also acquired some stuffed bobcats The bobcats made a return appearance for Prime, but it wasn't as popular as it was for east (this was possibly also due to the fact that the photo restriction for badges was removed for Prime).
I'm on the bandwagon for smooth as well, I always did like a smooth edge better, and it feels more defining from money.
-PAX Prime 2014-
[x]In awe that my 30 minute badge window prediction was pretty close to accurate.
[ ]Airfare
[ ]Buttoneering Buttons
[ ]Challenge Coin
I prefer smooth edges as well. I realize Prime has reeded edges, but honestly, that feels like even more reason to go back to smooth edges - it sets the East coins apart. And I just don't like reeded edges to begin with.
PAX EAST 2011 Omegathon Finalist - PAX East 2012 Omeganaut After time adrift among open stars
Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
I will return to where I began
I like the reasons for smooth edges better, so if we're counting votes that's where I would stand. I've been in Boston for a little over a year now, and I love the Zakim bridge - glad to see it's getting all the votes this time around! One thought - I have a souvenir penny with the bridge on it that's an angled view, and you lose a lot like that:
So I'd recommend a directly side-on view, like this other one has:
I don't have any artistic ability to make a mock-up besides these penny collector images. Pax East 2012 was my first attendance, and I already cannot wait for 2013! These coins sound amazing and I'm glad I found this forum
I would like to put my weight behind smooth edges for the coin. I also think the ducklings statue would be adorable, and I don't know if it is still up for discussion, but that is what I would totally you put on the coin. Exciting!
I'm a big fan of reeded edges.
Also, if we choose to do cases make sure they don't scuff the coin up like last year's.
PayneTrayne on
PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
I'm actually surprised at how many people seem to be in favor of the smooth edges. During the discussion for the Prime 2012 coin, it looked like most people wanted the reeded edges, but I'm not sure if this is because of the past design differences for the Prime and East coins.
Assassin's Ball, Prime '13: @CowboyVerse
TWDT '13: HufflepuffOotP
I'm seeing a lot of great ideas in this post, but my vote would have to go for the linked Game Boys on the front and Zakim bridge on the back. Also, reeded edges sound good to me.
OysterPrime on
PAX Prime: 2012, 2014
PAX East: 2013
PAX East 2016:
[ X ] Badge [ X ] Hotel [ X ] Plane Ticket
I think the BCEC is off the table for this year, but I could be wrong. I guess if there was overwhelming support for it being this year, that would obviously change things, but I think the consensus was that it would be for the 5th anniv of PAX East in the BCEC (2015) or just the 5th anniv of PAX East (2014).
My vote is for the linked gameboys and the bridge. I will give my edges vote to the creators of the coins.
rileyper on
Pax Prime 2014 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [x] BYOC [not attending ]
Pax South 2015 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [ ] BYOC [x]
Pax East 2015 checklist: Accommodations[ ] Travel [ ] Time Off [ ] BYOC [ ]
I'll be in for two coins whatever ends up on them. I'll still kicking myself for not getting last years coin. I got the years before. Wish I had got last years.
Okay, we have reached the end of our brainstorming stage. Sounds like there hasn't been any strong push for any other new ideas, so it looks like we're going with the Zakim Bridge on one side, and some sort of linked Game Boy theme on the other (in submitting mock-ups, I'd say any sort of linked handhelds is close enough to count, but expect that you'll have a harder time getting support for your design if it's not a Game Boy).
I hope you do submit your own designs, as competing concepts are good and help make the coin better! I am also not an artist, so other people likely have better visual eyes than I do. Even if you're not skilled with computer graphics, try just taking a photo you like, run it through the emboss filter, and crop it in the shape of a circle. That at least gives us a good idea of how the coin would look (it's also essentially what I do, since like I said, I'm not an artist).
Finally, an update on edges (again, voting on that will stay open up until we finalize a coin design and submit to Phoenix). I count 9 for reeded, 12 for smooth. Please let me know if I missed your vote or your wishes have been misrepresented:
Reeded - X3R0 9, EchoZero, Traitorious, punzie, OysterPrime, vttym, PayneTrayne, zerzhul, testsubject23
Smooth - Jerkfish, Lady Amalthea, lauren42, Themiscyra, Komi, gerafin, tvethiopia, flatline, kemikal, Khadour, KoalaBro2, rileyper
Arithon32Member of the PinquisitionRegistered Userregular
Alright, here's my first stab at a couple of mock-ups. Please provide feedback on layout, perspective, general design, etc.
I already know that we need to clean up some of the details (like the bridge) so that the lines are clearer and so forth, but at this stage we're going more for the overall layout and perspective, so don't worry about "I can't make out the roadway very clearly" or whatever.
Great start! Just my opinion but it seems like there is a lot of open space on the Gameboy side. Maybe we could make them bigger or add something else. Just my $0.02
vote for smooth edges
I concur with Josh5890, the gameboy side looks empty, can we add something else to it? The coin from 2 years ago was awesome and it has multiple things on it :-)
I think both sides have a bit too much empty space. The gameboys can be bigger and closer together if the coiled wire is moved under the one on the right. For the bridge side, maybe we can get an angle so that the closer tower is a bit more centralized and can reach almost to the top. And/or on the bottom portion we can add a boat (there are often barges right around there).
Yeah, the gameboy thing is obviously just a superimposed version of the image I posted earlier. I think getting an artist's rendition for a mockup would end up producing a better result, but what's there is a good starting point.
first, let me apologize for this being a terrible and hastily thrown together image. i was wondering if it would allow us to enlarge the gameboys if the cable were coiled around the outside of the image, rather than in one spot in the center, like so:
i can't tell if i like it or not, but it's an idea.
Yeah, the gameboy thing is obviously just a superimposed version of the image I posted earlier. I think getting an artist's rendition for a mockup would end up producing a better result, but what's there is a good starting point.
Indeed, but as noted, I am not an artist. However, last year no artists stepped forward for the Boston side (Karma did a rendering for the arcade cabinet), and so the USS Constitution submission was basically something I stitched together out of a couple pictures in Photoshop. It still turned out fine, I think, though it did require tens of hours of work to clean up the pictures and highlight details to ensure that the Phoenix folks could see what was going on. Ideally, this year someone with some artistic talent will step forward, but if not, I'm not going to spend a lot of time trying to clean up the images until we've finalized the layout.
For tvethiopia's ideas, that's good thinking. Something about the cables facing each other, but then going away, doesn't quite look right though... Maybe the links should face out? When I get a bit of time, I'll play around with different cable configurations and submit anything I think looks halfway decent.
Man i'm really liking the bridge side! Gonna look SWEET on a real coin. Gameboy side is kinda...hmmm... I can't tell if its too much open space or not. But i like the general idea tvethiopia has going. Regardless, its a great start, thanks for the mock ups KB2!
Its funny cause i don't think its too much open space on the bridge side though.
For tvethiopia's ideas, that's good thinking. Something about the cables facing each other, but then going away, doesn't quite look right though... Maybe the links should face out? When I get a bit of time, I'll play around with different cable configurations and submit anything I think looks halfway decent.
i definitely agree about the direction of the cables. here is another incredibly terrible mock-up, this time with links facing out:
if someone wants to make a version of this that is not awful, that would be really cool, as i am at work and have to at least sort of pretend i'm doing something that's not crudely drawing gameboys in paint.
I also acquired some stuffed bobcats
[x]In awe that my 30 minute badge window prediction was pretty close to accurate.
[ ]Airfare
[ ]Buttoneering Buttons
[ ]Challenge Coin
After time adrift among open stars
Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
I will return to where I began
So I'd recommend a directly side-on view, like this other one has:
I don't have any artistic ability to make a mock-up besides these penny collector images. Pax East 2012 was my first attendance, and I already cannot wait for 2013! These coins sound amazing and I'm glad I found this forum
Also, if we choose to do cases make sure they don't scuff the coin up like last year's.
TWDT '13: Hufflepuff OotP
Steam: Chaos Introvert | Chaos_Introvert | R*SC: Chaos_Introvert | PSN: testsubject23
PAX East: 2013
PAX East 2016:
[ X ] Badge [ X ] Hotel [ X ] Plane Ticket
But what about the edges on the coin?
This. I like the rigged a bit better but im good with either.
As far as the Boston side I would like to see Faneuil Hall. Zakim Bridge would be my second vote.
As far as the gaming side, I would like to see 2 Atari joysticks. The linked Gameboys will be my second vote.
Pax South 2015 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [ ] BYOC [x]
Pax East 2015 checklist: Accommodations[ ] Travel [ ] Time Off [ ] BYOC [ ]
I'll try to work up an initial mock-up for folks to look at and comment on tomorrow, but if anyone would like to submit their own designs, the Photoshop files I used last year are here:
I hope you do submit your own designs, as competing concepts are good and help make the coin better! I am also not an artist, so other people likely have better visual eyes than I do. Even if you're not skilled with computer graphics, try just taking a photo you like, run it through the emboss filter, and crop it in the shape of a circle. That at least gives us a good idea of how the coin would look (it's also essentially what I do, since like I said, I'm not an artist).
Finally, an update on edges (again, voting on that will stay open up until we finalize a coin design and submit to Phoenix). I count 9 for reeded, 12 for smooth. Please let me know if I missed your vote or your wishes have been misrepresented:
Reeded - X3R0 9, EchoZero, Traitorious, punzie, OysterPrime, vttym, PayneTrayne, zerzhul, testsubject23
Smooth - Jerkfish, Lady Amalthea, lauren42, Themiscyra, Komi, gerafin, tvethiopia, flatline, kemikal, Khadour, KoalaBro2, rileyper
I already know that we need to clean up some of the details (like the bridge) so that the lines are clearer and so forth, but at this stage we're going more for the overall layout and perspective, so don't worry about "I can't make out the roadway very clearly" or whatever.
Without further ado:
I concur with Josh5890, the gameboy side looks empty, can we add something else to it? The coin from 2 years ago was awesome and it has multiple things on it :-)
i can't tell if i like it or not, but it's an idea.
Indeed, but as noted, I am not an artist. However, last year no artists stepped forward for the Boston side (Karma did a rendering for the arcade cabinet), and so the USS Constitution submission was basically something I stitched together out of a couple pictures in Photoshop. It still turned out fine, I think, though it did require tens of hours of work to clean up the pictures and highlight details to ensure that the Phoenix folks could see what was going on. Ideally, this year someone with some artistic talent will step forward, but if not, I'm not going to spend a lot of time trying to clean up the images until we've finalized the layout.
For tvethiopia's ideas, that's good thinking. Something about the cables facing each other, but then going away, doesn't quite look right though... Maybe the links should face out? When I get a bit of time, I'll play around with different cable configurations and submit anything I think looks halfway decent.
Its funny cause i don't think its too much open space on the bridge side though.
i definitely agree about the direction of the cables. here is another incredibly terrible mock-up, this time with links facing out:
if someone wants to make a version of this that is not awful, that would be really cool, as i am at work and have to at least sort of pretend i'm doing something that's not crudely drawing gameboys in paint.