[EAST] Challenge Coin - No more coins!



  • lauren42lauren42 Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    One way to lessen the empty space for the Bridge side would be to have buildings in the background: This one also needs a lot of cleaning up of background details, of course, but there's less blank space. And sure, a boat could work below the bridge.

    lauren42 on
  • KoalaBro2KoalaBro2 Registered User regular
    Ooh, that's not half bad... we could probably strip out a lot of extraneous buildings, but keep a few of the more prominent ones (those twin apartment buildings there, for example). Good find! I think I actually looked at that picture and dismissed it as being too cluttered, but it's really not as bad as I was worried it would be.

    I've talked with SkeleVader a little bit about his experiences doing the Prime coin, and he noted that Phoenix has an option to pay a professional designer to refine some of the details. I'm going to reach out to them and get more information on that option, as it would probably be greatly re-assuring to a lot of us to know that we could send them some concept art and have them do the heavy lifting of cleaning it up and making it appropriate for a coin.

  • SkeleVaderSkeleVader Your Friendly Dark Lord of Destruction Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    KoalaBro2 wrote: »
    I've talked with SkeleVader a little bit about his experiences doing the Prime coin, and he noted that Phoenix has an option to pay a professional designer to refine some of the details. I'm going to reach out to them and get more information on that option, as it would probably be greatly re-assuring to a lot of us to know that we could send them some concept art and have them do the heavy lifting of cleaning it up and making it appropriate for a coin.

    Sorry for the confusion, the professional designer is included in your die cost. If you send them a fully finished image they still send it to the designer to get the final coin image. I simply suggested sending them some rough ideas to see what they can come up with. You can send the design back as many times as you need to to get it right, or change up the design any time you want. The designer is there to help you get the best look possible.

    They won't do the whole thing for you, but as long as you give them something to work with you should get a nice design idea back.

    SkeleVader on
  • lauren42lauren42 Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Here's three basic options I came up with this evening, maybe it would be good to vote on the idea of each of these, although we will hopefully get someone to make a better version.

    Option #1 would be a side view with buildings behind it.
    Option #2 more prominently displays the bridge but should still have background stuff.
    Option #3 is the most simple way to get the bridge design, by only including one half of it.
    Option #1 from before:

    Option #2:

    Option #3:

    Thoughts? [Edit: BTW, my vote is for option #2, even though my original point was that a side-view would work better! I guess it depends on the execution of the design...]

    lauren42 on
  • testsubject23testsubject23 King of No Sleep ZzzzzzzRegistered User regular
    I like option 2, as well. It breaks up the white space nicely and is still obviously Zakim bridge at a glance. :^:

    Steam: Chaos Introvert | Twitch.tv: Chaos_Introvert | R*SC: Chaos_Introvert | PSN: testsubject23
  • MalgarasMalgaras Registered User regular
    Option 2 is by far the best looking in my not so humble opinion.

  • RaughnRaughn Registered User regular
    Agreed on option 2.

  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Looks pretty good overall! Love option 2 !!
    and wondering if we can maybe have the GB wires coiled around in between them, instead of around the outside - so we can see they are more clearly linked? I'm on my busted up old laptop until my new one arrives, but if that happens soon, I'll see if I can mess around with a doodle :P

    ishtra on
    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • RaughnRaughn Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    If the cable could somehow form an infinity symbol, that could be cool. And maybe have one Gameboy be smaller, to create depth by making it seem further back. I just tried to make a mock-up that included both ideas but wow am I bad at art.

    EDIT: But moving one back looks like it makes it possible to do more with the cable, because then the cable can overlap the background GB. If it's a simple shape like the infinity symbol, it might not be too much detail for the coin. I'm also imagining both GBs being at an angle, breaking the border a little bit.

    Raughn on
  • gerafingerafin Registered User regular
    I kind of see us as having limited options on the gameboy side of the coin due to the awkward layout of two rectangles on a circle (you're gonna end up with a bunch of white space)

    -Have the gameboys small & do something interesting with the wire connecting them (spell something, etc)
    -Have the wire fill in the empty spaces by going on the outside, like in tvethiopia's mockups (but like ishtra says, this lessens the theme of being connected)
    -Make the gameboys large (close-up), and not show the entire device - you might be able to draw something on the screen, then. Basic idea of what that might look like:

  • lauren42lauren42 Boston, MARegistered User regular
    gerafin has a very good point. If we have just enough of the game boys to make them recognizable, we lessen the white space with a still clear and simple design. I think something between the full game boy mock-ups from before and the zoom-in above would be ideal. Some white space prevents designs from seeming too cluttered.

  • RaughnRaughn Registered User regular
    I've put together a (terrible) image of my idea, if anyone with real talent wants to work with it. Thanks to tvethiopia for the Game Boys!

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I actually kinda love the close-up idea.

  • gerafingerafin Registered User regular
    Messed around with your idea a bit Raughn, and I have to say that I prefer it when the gameboys are the same size. It's more clear, and making one gameboy larger than the other kind of defeats the 'connectedness' idea behind the link. Here's what I was looking at, if you're wondering:

  • RaughnRaughn Registered User regular
    I feel like the "connectedness" theme means we should emphasize the cable as much as the devices, but it does create challenges for including the cable in an interesting way and without too much fine detail. The close-up is the most visually appealing design posted yet, but I feel like the cable is under-represented there. The size of the handhelds could make the cable seem incidental, as if symmetry was the main design goal, and not "connectedness."

    But again, my heart wouldn't be broken by the close up. It is pretty, even just as a mock-up.

  • KoalaBro2KoalaBro2 Registered User regular
    The close-up Game Boys do look pretty good, good thinking. If we do decide to go with the Game Boys zoomed out, I'd do any patterning of cables around (rather than between) the gameboys. Have each one inside the figure 8, for example. It also occurred to me that you could probably do something like a yin-yang shape. My free-form mouse skills are terrible, but hopefully this gives some kind of idea:

    One thing to bear in mind on Lauren42's mock-ups (which are great, and I agree with folks that #2 is looking nice) is that we do still need to get the text in. There should be room for 2 of the blocks to the left and right of the tower (e.g., "PAX East 2013" and "Boston, MA"), but one of the blocks (i.e., "March 22-24") will have to go somewhere below the horizon, so we'll have to decide if we want to erase a section around the edge or what. Last year, we did put the text directly on the water, but that was pretty uniform, I think it'd be more problematic for a more intricate design. So we'll have to erase a patch, and hopefully it doesn't look too awkward:

  • tvethiopiatvethiopia Salem MARegistered User regular
    wow, i am crazy about that mock-up for the bridge side. it looks fantastic! as for the gameboys, i like the yin-yang shape for the cables, it's pretty simple and clean, but i'd love to see an embossed coin image for the close-up idea. it looks great in gerafin's sketch, but i'd like to see how it holds with text around the edge.

    <3 Daintier. Smarter. Better dressed. <3
  • punziepunzie Cookie Pimp Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    KoalaBro2 wrote: »
    One thing to bear in mind on Lauren42's mock-ups (which are great, and I agree with folks that #2 is looking nice) is that we do still need to get the text in. There should be room for 2 of the blocks to the left and right of the tower (e.g., "PAX East 2013" and "Boston, MA"), but one of the blocks (i.e., "March 22-24") will have to go somewhere below the horizon, so we'll have to decide if we want to erase a section around the edge or what. Last year, we did put the text directly on the water, but that was pretty uniform, I think it'd be more problematic for a more intricate design. So we'll have to erase a patch, and hopefully it doesn't look too awkward:

    This is exactly the angle I was hoping we could get for the bridge. I think with this image we could get rid of most, if not all, of the background stuff and it would be fine (and give the space we need for the date). We could even maybe enlarge the bridge a bit more so the tower reaches up between the words, like how the hand extends near the edge on the East 2011 coin.

    punzie on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Yeah I really love that angle too. Fills up the coin nicely.

  • Arithon32Arithon32 Member of the Pinquisition Registered User regular
    That image is fantastic for the bridge side


  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    I really like the close-up GB too.

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • JerkfishJerkfish NYCRegistered User regular
    Big fan of that bridge side. Also wanted to weigh in and say I think the close up gameboys is a great idea. It'd also allow for more fidelity if you decided to put something on the gameboy screens.

  • CheddaIceCheddaIce Registered User regular
    I completely agree that this view of the bridge is rock solid. Fine job everyone.

  • flatlineflatline Registered User regular
    The bridge side looks almost perfect.

    Am I the only one who can't stand the cluttered/messy look of having the gameboy cables on the outside though? I like the idea of having a close-up only showing enough of them to be recognizable. To me it just looks messy with the cables on the outside, and is something that you would never see in the real world at all. Let's not force the design to be weird just to fill up a little white space; let's come up with a better design.

    East 2014 Status: Badge [ Friend got it ] Hotel [Crappy] BYOC [YES] Transport [ ] Name on Forum Badge [ ] Challenge Coin [ ]
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    yeah I also dislike the cable being around the perimeter. I think the closeup solves a lot of our space issues.

  • lauren42lauren42 Boston, MARegistered User regular
    For the game boys, I think either a close-up view or the new yin-yang shape are an improvement on the original thought, but I'd vote towards the close-up view.

    For the bridge, we can get rid of most of the background detail, but I would suggest keeping some of it, like the actual Bunker Hill monument on the far right side as well as the entire horizon line.

  • RaughnRaughn Registered User regular
    What if the yin-yang design had the cable feed right into the most inside line of the edging, then back in to finish the pattern? That way the yin-yang is still there, the cable makes-up the inside line of the edge, and there is no crowding in the edge area.

  • testsubject23testsubject23 King of No Sleep ZzzzzzzRegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    I love the idea of a gameboy yin-yang. I think that'd be perfect.
    As to the bridge... I think it'd look best if we center the three pieces of text, so they're equally distant - "PAX East 2013" at the top left, "Boston, MA" at the top right, and "March 22-24" centered at the bottom. That'd mean having a clear margin surrounding the image - like we did with the 2011 coin. We could make the top of the bridge poke into the margin between the two pieces of text at the top, as was already suggested.
    We should be cautious about removing background detail, too, so as not to accidentally add back in too much white space.

    testsubject23 on
    Steam: Chaos Introvert | Twitch.tv: Chaos_Introvert | R*SC: Chaos_Introvert | PSN: testsubject23
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod

  • testsubject23testsubject23 King of No Sleep ZzzzzzzRegistered User regular

    Steam: Chaos Introvert | Twitch.tv: Chaos_Introvert | R*SC: Chaos_Introvert | PSN: testsubject23
  • tvethiopiatvethiopia Salem MARegistered User regular
    while i had originally suggested the cables on the perimeter as a way of dealing with wasted space, i do think i prefer the close-up idea now. it's just generally more stylized and cool looking. i was kind of uncertain about how it would look with border text, but looking at the way the other coin mock-up of the gameboy side has a solidly defined border between the image and text, i think it would work great.

    <3 Daintier. Smarter. Better dressed. <3
  • gerafingerafin Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Well, I don't have photoshop or much image editing skill, but I drew this with an etch-a-sketch so you guys could get an idea:
    Just kidding about the etch-a-sketch. But if someone wants to redo the emboss on this so it doesn't look like crap, I would be grateful!zwuhj.jpg
    Ignore the fact that the gameboys have their link ports on opposite sides :P

    gerafin on
  • gerafingerafin Registered User regular
    And we could still do something with the cord in that last mock-up.

  • RaughnRaughn Registered User regular
    Maybe I'm being too picky, but the thing I can't let go of in that image is the cord appearing to be so short. Maybe have it come straight out from where it connects and disappear under the opposite device, then have a diagonal line crossing behind them, creating the appearance of a longer cord obscured by the handhelds?

  • Lady AmaltheaLady Amalthea Registered User regular
    I really like that last mock-up of the coin. I definitely prefer the up-close gameboys. The cord doesn't bother me, I think that the point is to see them connecting. I'd rather have a nice looking coin than a 100% accurate one.

    Who is going to PAX South?
  • RaughnRaughn Registered User regular
    You're right. I just tried some quick drawings of my background zig-zag idea, and it just looks like the cable connects in four places.

    The voice of Comic Book Guy is in my head telling me that Gameboy link cables aren't that short, but really, the close-up design is too nice to ruin over the cable.

    If someone has some brilliant way to give the cable more space, I'd be all about it, but I think gerafin has more or less nailed this.

    Which means there are the screens to work with, if people want to. That could be neat.

  • KhadourKhadour Dinosaur Cupcake Hillsboro, ORRegistered User regular
    Do we still want to shoot for Tetris-like unspecific falling blocks in the background (or maybe on the screens, now that we're doing closeups)?

    Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error - Linus Pauling

  • testsubject23testsubject23 King of No Sleep ZzzzzzzRegistered User regular
    To get more cable in there, the Gameboys could be zoomed out and moved apart a bit to accommodate a sort of pinched figure-eight of cable bundle between them.

    Steam: Chaos Introvert | Twitch.tv: Chaos_Introvert | R*SC: Chaos_Introvert | PSN: testsubject23
  • flatlineflatline Registered User regular
    Raughn wrote: »
    You're right. I just tried some quick drawings of my background zig-zag idea, and it just looks like the cable connects in four places.

    The voice of Comic Book Guy is in my head telling me that Gameboy link cables aren't that short, but really, the close-up design is too nice to ruin over the cable.

    If someone has some brilliant way to give the cable more space, I'd be all about it, but I think gerafin has more or less nailed this.

    Which means there are the screens to work with, if people want to. That could be neat.

    Only thing I can think of is to maybe 'cheat' and put a lightning bolt/zigzag in the middle of the cord.

    Kind of like this.

    East 2014 Status: Badge [ Friend got it ] Hotel [Crappy] BYOC [YES] Transport [ ] Name on Forum Badge [ ] Challenge Coin [ ]
  • gerafingerafin Registered User regular
    I'll try moving them apart a little and zig-zagging the cord up and down, a figure 8, and flatline's idea. I can't guarantee I'll have time tonight, but I'll give it a shot ASAP.

This discussion has been closed.