[EAST] Challenge Coin - No more coins!



  • lauren42lauren42 Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    As to the bridge... I think it'd look best if we center the three pieces of text, so they're equally distant - "PAX East 2013" at the top left, "Boston, MA" at the top right, and "March 22-24" centered at the bottom. That'd mean having a clear margin surrounding the image

    Do we want to have the words in the same places as last year's coin? I missed getting one of last year's ( :( ), but it seems reasonable to have a consistent format. This wasn't true from 2011 to 2012, but thoughts on matching 2013 to 2012? Boston, MA centered at the bottom, with Pax East 2013 and March 22-24 on the top (left and right, respectively). BTW, KoalaBro2, I think the blank patch behind the words looks completely fine, regardless of how much background detail we end up with.

    We also want to be careful not to lose too much background detail on the bridge, you start to make the bridge look weird. Tried to show that a bit very quickly here: (ignore the backwards March 22-24, I wanted to reflect last year's word placement)
    EDIT: link that works for more than just me (sorry!)

    lauren42 on
  • dalaamprincedalaamprince Registered User regular
    gerafin wrote: »
    Well, I don't have photoshop or much image editing skill, but I drew this with an etch-a-sketch so you guys could get an idea:
    Just kidding about the etch-a-sketch. But if someone wants to redo the emboss on this so it doesn't look like crap, I would be grateful!zwuhj.jpg
    Ignore the fact that the gameboys have their link ports on opposite sides :P
    Seconding the stylishness of this design. Just need to figure out how to have the D-pad and the buttons show and somehow have them both on the correct side of both gameboys.

  • KoalaBro2KoalaBro2 Registered User regular
    Well, the only way to have the D-pad and the buttons both show, with the cables on the right side, would be to have them both oriented the same way (i.e., screen up). Personally though, I have no problem with losing the D-pad and just showing the A & B buttons.

    Regarding Lauren42's post, first off, the spoiler didn't come through. However, as regards the general point, I don't think there's any reason to keep the text in the same place. I think the best way to handle it generally is to move the text around to make room for the image as much as possible. The Prime coin has gone to an explicit border around both sides, but I personally don't like that. I like the larger "canvas" you get when you allow elements of the landmark break the text boundary. However, different landmarks are going to break the boundary in different places, so keeping the text location fixed reduces flexibility. For the same reason, I also don't think it's a good idea to try to force the text to be spaced equidistant around the coin.

  • kemikalkemikal Registered User regular
    I hope I don't get smacked for this, but isn't the port for the link cable on the upper right side of the Gameboy, at least for the original ones? I only ever had a hand-me-down Gameboy and never used a link cable, so I'm not sure, but the Google images I'm finding all support the current general placement of the cables. Not sure what is going on with the D-pad on the Gameboy on the right though. Looks like someone might've done a flip when they meant to rotate. :P

    Assassin's Ball, Prime '13: @CowboyVerse
    TWDT '13: Hufflepuff OotP
  • lauren42lauren42 Boston, MARegistered User regular
    KoalaBro2 wrote: »
    Regarding Lauren42's post, first off, the spoiler didn't come through. However, as regards the general point, I don't think there's any reason to keep the text in the same place. I think the best way to handle it generally is to move the text around to make room for the image as much as possible. The Prime coin has gone to an explicit border around both sides, but I personally don't like that. I like the larger "canvas" you get when you allow elements of the landmark break the text boundary. However, different landmarks are going to break the boundary in different places, so keeping the text location fixed reduces flexibility. For the same reason, I also don't think it's a good idea to try to force the text to be spaced equidistant around the coin.

    Edited the post with a new link (sorry the other one worked for me but had some kind of private setting). I get that the words don't have to be where they were, but I think the spacing should be symmetric in some way (like the spacing above and below 180 degrees and/or to the left and right of 90 degrees should be equal). Are you working on a new mock-up from the original picture?

  • gerafingerafin Registered User regular
    kemikal wrote: »
    I hope I don't get smacked for this, but isn't the port for the link cable on the upper right side of the Gameboy, at least for the original ones? I only ever had a hand-me-down Gameboy and never used a link cable, so I'm not sure, but the Google images I'm finding all support the current general placement of the cables. Not sure what is going on with the D-pad on the Gameboy on the right though. Looks like someone might've done a flip when they meant to rotate. :P
    I threw accuracy out the window like I was designing a barbie doll. I'm no good at image editing, and I've never owned a Gameboy, so I take full responsibility for any mistakes / inaccuracies. Let this be a general call for help with designing the gameboy side: I do not even come close to having the skill required to make this thing look decent. If you like the idea, please steal it and make it better!

  • kemikalkemikal Registered User regular
    gerafin wrote: »
    I threw accuracy out the window like I was designing a barbie doll. I'm no good at image editing, and I've never owned a Gameboy, so I take full responsibility for any mistakes / inaccuracies. Let this be a general call for help with designing the gameboy side: I do not even come close to having the skill required to make this thing look decent. If you like the idea, please steal it and make it better!

    Sorry, this might've gotten lost in jumble of my post, but my point was that technically the positions of the link cables should be correct in your mockup. Because I thought someone had implied that they were on wrong side.

    Assassin's Ball, Prime '13: @CowboyVerse
    TWDT '13: Hufflepuff OotP
  • gerafingerafin Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    kemikal wrote: »
    gerafin wrote: »
    I threw accuracy out the window like I was designing a barbie doll. I'm no good at image editing, and I've never owned a Gameboy, so I take full responsibility for any mistakes / inaccuracies. Let this be a general call for help with designing the gameboy side: I do not even come close to having the skill required to make this thing look decent. If you like the idea, please steal it and make it better!

    Sorry, this might've gotten lost in jumble of my post, but my point was that technically the positions of the link cables should be correct in your mockup. Because I thought someone had implied that they were on wrong side.

    Whups, I think I let my insecurity show. Glad to know I got something right.
    On the other hand, I kind of like the way you can see the d-pad on one side and the a/b buttons on the other, even if it's not physically possible. And since we'll have to erase the backwards Gameboy logo anyways, due to copyright... maybe one's an off-brand gameboy for lefties? Are people terribly offended by this inaccuracy or should I switch it so only the a/b buttons are showing? (a rotate, not a flip, in other words :) )

    Side note... I dropped my laptop on its head. Cracked screen and a slight delay in more mock-ups.

    gerafin on
  • RaughnRaughn Registered User regular
    I sketched out an idea this evening that I wanted to share. The outside edge was traced around a 1.75 inch coin (Oblivion collector's edition coin...All Praise Akatosh...), and the inside edge with a cap that was slightly smaller. So this is to scale, and there is still some room for the design to be larger, and maybe break into the edge slightly.

    This is what I was thinking: Looking at some of the coins in the OP, I think that there is room for a greater sense of depth in the image than anything we've considered so far. Also, since for legal reasons they have to be Not-Gameboys, and because the device is so recognizable, it might be better for the handhelds to be generally abstract and low detail, rather than large and detailed but missing...well, details. Finally, this makes the cable longer and more dynamic, hopefully making the "connectedness" idea more apparent (and, yes, making the cable a realistic length).

    Boxy shapes are all I can draw well, and even then not that well, so you have to imagine the cable with some thickness, the screen and button placement improved, the central design slightly larger, etc. Also, there is some room to pepper in Tetris-like shapes (above/below), which I almost tried, but I felt lucky that this looked anything like what I was thinking.

  • KoalaBro2KoalaBro2 Registered User regular
    lauren42 wrote: »
    KoalaBro2 wrote: »
    Regarding Lauren42's post, first off, the spoiler didn't come through. However, as regards the general point, I don't think there's any reason to keep the text in the same place. I think the best way to handle it generally is to move the text around to make room for the image as much as possible. The Prime coin has gone to an explicit border around both sides, but I personally don't like that. I like the larger "canvas" you get when you allow elements of the landmark break the text boundary. However, different landmarks are going to break the boundary in different places, so keeping the text location fixed reduces flexibility. For the same reason, I also don't think it's a good idea to try to force the text to be spaced equidistant around the coin.

    Edited the post with a new link (sorry the other one worked for me but had some kind of private setting). I get that the words don't have to be where they were, but I think the spacing should be symmetric in some way (like the spacing above and below 180 degrees and/or to the left and right of 90 degrees should be equal). Are you working on a new mock-up from the original picture?

    I will. Just finished big law school project. Need sleep. Expect new mock-up from me Friday based on where the discussion is at that point.

    As for your mock-up, I'm still not seeing it, unfortunately. Is my computer just doing funky stuff? Or am I hallucinating from too many hours of drafting international commercial distribution agreements?

  • tvethiopiatvethiopia Salem MARegistered User regular
    Raughn wrote: »
    I sketched out an idea this evening that I wanted to share. The outside edge was traced around a 1.75 inch coin (Oblivion collector's edition coin...All Praise Akatosh...), and the inside edge with a cap that was slightly smaller. So this is to scale, and there is still some room for the design to be larger, and maybe break into the edge slightly.

    This is what I was thinking: Looking at some of the coins in the OP, I think that there is room for a greater sense of depth in the image than anything we've considered so far. Also, since for legal reasons they have to be Not-Gameboys, and because the device is so recognizable, it might be better for the handhelds to be generally abstract and low detail, rather than large and detailed but missing...well, details. Finally, this makes the cable longer and more dynamic, hopefully making the "connectedness" idea more apparent (and, yes, making the cable a realistic length).

    Boxy shapes are all I can draw well, and even then not that well, so you have to imagine the cable with some thickness, the screen and button placement improved, the central design slightly larger, etc. Also, there is some room to pepper in Tetris-like shapes (above/below), which I almost tried, but I felt lucky that this looked anything like what I was thinking.

    this is a really nice-looking sketch, i just wonder if we're headed back to where we started with small gameboys and lots of white space. however, having the cable swing out in a figure-8 does make the white space feel less overwhelming. if other people are into it, i could get behind this design.

    <3 Daintier. Smarter. Better dressed. <3
  • violetvoltagevioletvoltage Registered User regular
    this will be my 3rd pax east, i didnt even know this existed until now though-looks pretty cool. I like obtaining commemorative things from places that are indigenous to only that place, and such is this coin. I vote for that very cool looking bridge up at the top of this page and the joystick as well...

  • lauren42lauren42 Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited November 2012
    this will be my 3rd pax east, i didnt even know this existed until now though-looks pretty cool. I like obtaining commemorative things from places that are indigenous to only that place, and such is this coin. I vote for that very cool looking bridge up at the top of this page and the joystick as well...

    Haha, now you can see the image and I can't anymore! I don't know what's going on with it. Sorry KoalaBro2 that you couldn't ever see it, but I'm sure your new mockup tomorrow/soon will be tons better. I'm just going to upload it somewhere else in the internet:

    lauren42 on
  • Commander CainCommander Cain Registered User regular
    I like the idea of the linked gameboy and I really prefer Raughn's way of angling the image and making it look 3D. It think its looks better this way.

    Also, as another idea how about we have the gameboy linked to another device to have a better image of unity? Such as even a Gameboy being linked to a smartphone. This way its showing a sort of link between the old school and the new age and the sort of yin yang image of the two linked devies really works for that IMO.

    Also, I like the most recent image for the reverse side and think we should hold true to the same writing/motto as past PAX East's to kind keep a theme going.

  • lauren42lauren42 Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited November 2012
    Well, there was a good point made that the words should go where they aren't in the way. If we're taking out a lot of detail (perhaps not as much as I've done here, then the Boston, MA could be next to the bridge instead of being in the way. But yeah, the wording can be close to how it was in terms of which quadrant contains which piece of information.
    For anyone who wants to take a stab at a better mock-up, I was using this image: Leonard_P._Zakim_Bunker_Hill_Bridge_-_Boston,_MA.jpg

    lauren42 on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I think that looks pretty great.

  • lauren42lauren42 Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited November 2012
    Okay so rather than working on a problem set tonight, I decided to start over from the image and do it a bit better (I wanted to get the original three options out and didn't spend a long time centering them. Here's what I came up with. Note, the Bunker Hill monument is still on the far right side on the horizon, the main reason I didn't "zoom in" even further (would have shifted the bridge down if so).

    New and improved mock-up: http://i47.tinypic.com/675q44.png
    Smaller version:

    lauren42 on
  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    I think that looks pretty good :D

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • KoalaBro2KoalaBro2 Registered User regular
    edited November 2012
    I think Lauren's mock-up is pretty much spot-on. Unless anyone's got any problems with it, I think that's effectively what we'll submit to Phoenix. We still need to finalize the obverse, of course. Here's my latest version. I know there's been some support expressed for Raughn's more 3d design, if someone's got the artistic talent to flesh that out a bit more. I don't, so I'm sticking with the other idea for the moment.

    Also, we're up to 10 votes for reeded edges, and 14 for smooth.
    Reeded - X3R0 9, EchoZero, Traitorious, punzie, OysterPrime, vttym, PayneTrayne, zerzhul, testsubject23, Arithon32
    Smooth - Jerkfish, Lady Amalthea, lauren42, Themiscyra, Komi, gerafin, tvethiopia, flatline, kemikal, Khadour, KoalaBro2, rileyper, ishtra, Kiki_lou

    KoalaBro2 on
  • Josh5890Josh5890 ChicagoRegistered User regular
    My vote goes for smooth.

    This space for rent
  • gerafingerafin Registered User regular
    @KoalaBro2: That mock-up's perfect, exactly what I had in mind. Thanks for taking over the obverse side, now I don't have to continue to showcase my obscenely bad editing skills!

  • lauren42lauren42 Boston, MARegistered User regular
    The obverse looks great - are we allowed to have the "Gameboy (TM)" in there? The lines of the speaker are good to have along with the buttons. I can see possibly trying to make an infinity symbol with the cord if people find the cord length much too short, but I'm all for what you've got there.

  • Wheels35Wheels35 Registered User regular
    edited November 2012
    So I took Raughn's basic idea and did a rough (very rough) 3d sketch of a gameboy (in Illustrator so I can manipulate it easily). Obviously more tweaking can go into this, but before I do so I would like to know the general consensus on if I should continue it or not. Again this is only one of two, and the second one is easily created based off of this first one.

    Wheels35 on
    Badges: Check, Flight/Train: Still Planning, Place to Stay: Check
  • griffin.brucegriffin.bruce MichiganRegistered User regular
    Put my vote in for reeded edges :)
    KoalaBro2 wrote: »
    I think Lauren's mock-up is pretty much spot-on. Unless anyone's got any problems with it, I think that's effectively what we'll submit to Phoenix. We still need to finalize the obverse, of course. Here's my latest version. I know there's been some support expressed for Raughn's more 3d design, if someone's got the artistic talent to flesh that out a bit more. I don't, so I'm sticking with the other idea for the moment.

    Also, we're up to 10 votes for reeded edges, and 14 for smooth.
    Reeded - X3R0 9, EchoZero, Traitorious, punzie, OysterPrime, vttym, PayneTrayne, zerzhul, testsubject23, Arithon32
    Smooth - Jerkfish, Lady Amalthea, lauren42, Themiscyra, Komi, gerafin, tvethiopia, flatline, kemikal, Khadour, KoalaBro2, rileyper, ishtra, Kiki_lou

    PAX East 2012: [X] Badge // [X] Time-off // [X] Accomodations // [ ] Travel // [X] EXCITEMENT!!!
    Twitter: @griffin_bruce GT: Nephilim Army PSN: NephilimArmy 3DS: 3523-2206-5371
  • KoalaBro2KoalaBro2 Registered User regular
    lauren42 wrote: »
    lauren42 wrote: »
    The obverse looks great - are we allowed to have the "Gameboy (TM)" in there? The lines of the speaker are good to have along with the buttons. I can see possibly trying to make an infinity symbol with the cord if people find the cord length much too short, but I'm all for what you've got there.

    We're probably allowed to (a non-profit undertaking that does nothing to undermine the profitability of Nintendo's IP would likely be considered fair use). However, to be on the safe side, we won't. Like I said, at the moment I'm just doing the bare minimum to show layout. I'll remove brand names and do other clean-up before submitting.

    As far as Wheels35's drawing, looks good, I'd be curious to see what the whole thing would look like if you've got the time to finish it up. That would definitely help to make an informed decision between the two.

  • Wheels35Wheels35 Registered User regular
    Alright I'll spend some time tomorrow (after Halo that is) and finish it up.

    Badges: Check, Flight/Train: Still Planning, Place to Stay: Check
  • NullzoneNullzone Registered User regular
    I also vote for smooth edges on coin.

  • RaughnRaughn Registered User regular
    Lauren's final image for the bridge looks perfect. Great work!

    Wheels, thanks for working my sketch into something more usable, I look forward to seeing the full drawing.

  • flubbedpythonflubbedpython Registered User regular
    I really like how the bridge turned out. And I am not sure if it would pose a problem, but why not allow people to choose the edge style when placing orders. If that's not possible or if we are looking for a uniform coin my vote is for smooth edges.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Choosing the style per coin is very likely not an option.

  • KoalaBro2KoalaBro2 Registered User regular
    I really like how the bridge turned out. And I am not sure if it would pose a problem, but why not allow people to choose the edge style when placing orders. If that's not possible or if we are looking for a uniform coin my vote is for smooth edges.

    Yeah, not possible.

  • flubbedpythonflubbedpython Registered User regular
    It was worth a shot though

  • marcfonlinemarcfonline Registered User regular
    That looks awesome -- great design on the coin. Can't wait to order one of these!

    ...and it's looking like smooth edges is winning, but I'm going to be a nonconformist and cast a vote for reeded edges. :) I just think that makes it look more "official". Still a cool overall design either way, though...

    In all my life, I have learned three important things:
    1. Don't panic.
    2. Always know where your towel is.
    3. On no account allow a Vogon to read poetry at you.
  • ThirmuriThirmuri CalgaryRegistered User regular
    I'm going to cast my vote for the reeded edges. i'm really liking where the bridge side of the coin is going.

  • Wheels35Wheels35 Registered User regular
    Sorry guys had family stuffs. I'll get the image up later today.

    Badges: Check, Flight/Train: Still Planning, Place to Stay: Check
  • WackBagWackBag Registered User regular
    Voting for Reeded also. agreed on looks more "Authentic"

    Pax East 2014 checklist:
    3 Day Pass [X] - BYOC [X] - Accomodations [X] - Travel [ X ] - Time Off [ X ]
  • laivindillaivindil Registered User regular
    Vote for smooth here. I like the idea of switching back and forth each year :)

    PAX East 2012 Attendee. Also going to East 13.
  • tvethiopiatvethiopia Salem MARegistered User regular
    i think it's funny that a couple of people have mentioned the reeded edges as being more "authentic" and "official", because that's the main reason i voted for smooth edges. to me, smooth seems more authentic because it's more traditional for challenge coins. who knew this would be such a divisive issue?

    <3 Daintier. Smarter. Better dressed. <3
  • KhadourKhadour Dinosaur Cupcake Hillsboro, ORRegistered User regular
    tvethiopia wrote: »
    i think it's funny that a couple of people have mentioned the reeded edges as being more "authentic" and "official", because that's the main reason i voted for smooth edges. to me, smooth seems more authentic because it's more traditional for challenge coins. who knew this would be such a divisive issue?

    Anyone who survived the great coin edging wars of '10. . . ;)

    Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error - Linus Pauling

  • gerafingerafin Registered User regular
    Can we have the coin edges be razor-thin, so that they can be used as shurikens as well? You know... just in case?

This discussion has been closed.