Laptop screen keeps bugging out

InxInx Registered User regular
edited September 2012 in Help / Advice Forum
So lately, I've been having a problem with my laptop. Let me preface: I don't know SHIT about computers.

The problem: at seemingly completely random intervals, my screen will just flash white at me - it doesn't say anything as far as I can tell. Sometimes it'll be one quick flash and that'll be the end of it, other times it will flash on and off for like an hour until I have such a headache that I can't use it anymore.

I don't know if this is a hardware problem or a software problem or what, but I need my laptop to be able to do my work, and I don't have any kind of backup computer. If this is something I can fix, then I'd like to. If not, then I guess I need to start saving for a new laptop and keep my fingers crossed that I can keep using this one until I can afford a new one.

Inx on


  • Pure DinPure Din Boston-areaRegistered User regular
    I used to have problems with my laptop screen flashing, but I had to open it up and reseat the connection to the monitor to fix it. :\ Does the problem go away when you use an external monitor?

  • InxInx Registered User regular
    I don't have an external monitor to use, but sometimes I hook it up to my tv and I've never had a problem. I don't think I've hooked it up to the tv since the problem started, though.

    Was it hard to reset the connection?

  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    Yeah, it sounds like it could be a connection issue. It could maybe be an inverter issue as well. They're typically fairly easy to fix, but will involve opening up the laptop/screen. If it's just a loose connection, depending on where it is, you may just have to take the screws out of the bottom, and check the little ribbon cable coming from the screen edge connecting to motherboard. If the loose connection is in the screen itself, opening it up gets a little more tricky. Most of the time, you'll have to take the front bezel off the screen. They make special tools for this, but a plastic knife will work in a pinch. I'd definitely see if you can find the hardware maintenance manual for your laptop. If they're not available directly from the manufacturer's support section google can usually help.

    Essentially, you slide the tool between the glass of the screen and the bezel and release the little plastic clips holding it on. You have to be careful to not break them cause you'll want to put it back together. Take off the bezel, lift the screen, and underneath should be the board that contains the controller and the inverter. I've replaced the inverter in a few LCD monitors, and after the first time, it wasn't too hard. But I did go very slow the first time to make sure I wasn't gumping anything up.

    Since you gave us that preface, you may want to find a friend who does know stuff about computers and is willing to accept payment in beer or whatever.

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