I can do some basic cooking things and usually can follow directions well enough to produce edible things. For some reason, things aren't going according to plan when I try to saute chicken, and I have failed most miserably two nights in a row.
I wasn't following any specific directions, but I read up on some recipes and how-tos, and figured I had the concept down.
First try: I took my skillet, I added oil, and I turned the heat on to about medium. The first problem is all my oil retreats off to one side, and I can't really spread it around. So I added a boatload of oil until I had some coverage on the bottom, put the chicken in, and it starts popping and snapping pretty violently. I tried turning the heat down, but I had to basically kill it completely to make it stop going insane. It was pretty alarming. I ended up burning the hell outta one side, and undercooking the other, so I tossed it. It was an entire breast and wasn't really cooked through.
Second night: I figured the potential issues could have been that the breasts were wet, or I had too much oil. This time I drizzled in a little oil as instructed and thoroughly dried the breasts. I still couldn't really get the oil to cover the pan, but I figured screw it, I'd see how it turned out, and tossed in the chicken, which this time I had cut into much more manageable chunks. Same issue with the crazy popping, but only if I tilted the pan to let the oil actually reach the chicken. I decided to tolerate it since I figured the smaller slices would cook faster. This worked out better, but I was still very paranoid about doneness and didn't eat very much. Speaking of which, is it normal for there to be, like...a red vein or something? The meat looks perfectly fine and white, but like this:
Ok my phone obviously screwed that picture up and I have no idea why or how. The thumbnail version actually looks fine, weird. The part that doesn't look like its filtered is actually the part I wanted to show though, how lucky! How about those juices? I always hear they should be clear. Is........that clear? I mean, it's not red, which I guess is something. I'm quite paranoid.
these mesh lids catch the oil so you don't burn yourself, they are very handy and I can't imagine cooking without them.
Put the oil in the hot pan and swish it around until the pan has a thin coating. Then add the chicken breasts. There should be a little popping but it should die down pretty quickly. If the oil is pooling, you're putting too much in or not coating the pan properly.
This guy has a pretty good instructional video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTyV3JExDT8
Also, the advice of one of the Chefs I apprenticed under: "Don't be shy." In this case meaning, don't be afraid of the noise and just get in there. If you are worried about flame ups, have a lid the size of your pan at the ready. That way you can quickly cover the pan and suffocate any fire.
Good luck!
I also personally slice the breasts in half once the chicken is partially cooked, because it makes the end product more manageable, and as a bonus you expose what would normally be the center part of the meat so that you can be pretty sure each piece is cooked through without overcooking it. As you cook more you should get used to what "done" looks like before it burns, and then you can stop being as paranoid about doneness (I know I was, since I'm not a very experienced cook myself). Just takes some practice!
Most importantly? Don't get frustrated when something goes wrong. Be fearless, keep trying, learn from your mistakes.
There's quite a few of us in there with a lot of combined cooking experience that can give you good advice. Don't be intimidated, we don't bite unless you ask nicely. So feel free to ask questions in there. The advice you get may be blunt, but it'll generally be solid advice.
I bet the stovetop isn't level, it is a standalone and very old (gas, by the way). I will see if it is adjustable when I get home.
Could part of my problem be that I am using extra virgin olive oil? I have read some opinions that it isn't good for sauteing because of the low smoke point (though I didn't have it smoking).
Most stoves have feet that screw in and out to assist in leveling. I would advise trying to get your stove as level as possible. It really helps when cooking, eggs, pancakes, and making omelets as well. Since you wont have to deal with your product retreating all to one side. Also as everyone else said just keep at it, you will get better with experience.
Yeah, olive oil is pretty terrible for sauteing. Buy some generic vegetable oil (it will likely be canola based), that stuff is dirt cheap and dead useful.
The extra virgin olive oil is part of your problem. Basically, "extra virgin" means that the oil is processed very little before it is bottled, which means there's all sorts of little impurities and other chemicals from the olives. This translates to delicious flavor in, say, a salad dressing, but it burns very easily under the high heat of a pan and creates unpleasant flavors as well as smoke.
Canola oil, peanut oil, and others are usually very heavily processed, so they're squeaky clean, have very little flavor, but don't burn until they get really hot. They'll be what you want to use most of the time you're cooking with oil.
Maybe for "sauteing," but are you looking to saute or just cook some dang chicken breasts in a pan? 'Cause I was using the same oil for just cooking it in some fashion, and it worked out just fine. I was only using it 'cause that's what my fiance bought though, so you can totally buy some veggie oil if you want. It's probably cheaper for the future. Edit: I don't think the low smoke point should matter if you're cooking it on medium-low heat... at least, I never had any problem with it.
Man, now I gotta fix myself some chicken later this week. I'm making myself hungry even though I'm already eating.
I mention this just so you're aware, not to advocate buying an expensive pan right now. Try to avoid rapid temperature changes such as pouring cold liquids into a hot pan to reduce the extent to which it happens.
I was wondering this too. I use extra virgin olive oil pretty much exclusively to cook chicken breasts, but I'm just throwing a breast and some minced garlic in a pan. I don't know about this sauteing business.