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[Mass Effect] Operation: GO TO THE NEW THREAD



  • curly haired boycurly haired boy Your Friendly Neighborhood Torgue Dealer Registered User regular
    Wyborn wrote: »
    Shepard comes in with a permanent Ammo Power 3, on top of an armor setup that gives her +60% to all weapon damage (so a Rail Amp VI but for everything)

    And then she gets to add the multiplayer gear on top of it

    Aw now I'm all sad that didn't happen. Four separate Shepard begrudgingly allowing each other to life just long enough to start the absolute carnage of seeing who can get the most points in a Collector Platinum match would be incredible

    my god

    this would be glorious

    Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
  • ShadowhopeShadowhope Baa. Registered User regular
    I didn't bother playing on N7 day. If I could have played as Shepard, I would have taken the day off work and played for 24 hours straight.

    Cerberus would have run screaming. The Reapers would have hidden in deep dark corners, huddling in the shadows in the hope that the four Shepard's would move on to easier to find targets. The Geth would have simply powered down their local platforms and transmitted themselves away - their machine logic would recognize that they had no chance of saving the hardware, and the best option available would be to ensure the safe evacuation of their software.

    Civics is not a consumer product that you can ignore because you don’t like the options presented.
  • curly haired boycurly haired boy Your Friendly Neighborhood Torgue Dealer Registered User regular
    harbinger would be too proud to resist throwing the collectors at shepard again

    it'd be suicide mission 2: Tables Turned Edition, cause every unit spawned KNOWS it's gonna die.

    Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
  • SoundsPlushSoundsPlush yup, back. Registered User regular
    edited November 2012
    A Cerberus shuttle jets in, doors opening to deploy loyal, brainwashed troopers.

    They look up as they start to hop, confident in their training, their jetboots primed for descent, knees springing, and see Shepard clinging to an Atlas canopy, beating the pilot to death through broken glass.

    The first one manages to turn fast enough mid-fall and grab hold of the ledge, but the second one is slower and is only saved by vice-gripping the first one's ankle. Blinded by jetboots, he swings helplessly as the shuttle lists sideways. For one distressing moment his vision clears and he sees the Atlas collapse, then a blue flash. It's too late. All he can see is the world ending.

    Shepard charges the entire mass.

    SoundsPlush on
  • Trajan45Trajan45 Registered User regular
    Playing Gold/Cerb/Rio with some pubs this afternoon and round 1 they all stay in the middle to the right. I didn't give us much of a chance, so I tested something out. I hung back on the far end near the extraction point on the right sniping mooks that came up the left gangway on the other end. At the end of each round I ran over to the middle of the area. While boring as hell (I probably would have been better served quitting in round 1), I was able to prevent any spawns on that side of the map. With everything spawning in front of the pubs they were able to handle it pretty easily and we extracted.

    Origin ID\ Steam ID: Warder45
  • ShadowhopeShadowhope Baa. Registered User regular
    edited November 2012
    In Krogan, the word 'Shepard' has a number of meanings. The most widely used meaning is generally translated as 'hero,' though a literal translation is 'she who instills pants-shitting terror in her foes.' In formal High Krogan, used almost exclusively among the Shamans for religious rites, 'Shepard' means 'Death, destroyer of worlds.'

    Shadowhope on
    Civics is not a consumer product that you can ignore because you don’t like the options presented.
  • curly haired boycurly haired boy Your Friendly Neighborhood Torgue Dealer Registered User regular
    extracting on gold/collectors/condor

    using every consumable you brought

    two hacks

    Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
  • FreiFrei A French Prometheus Unbound DeadwoodRegistered User regular
    they should make an alternate multiplayer mode where you and your team play as the bad guys against 4 N7 operatives. you play the first wave, it's tough but doable, it seems fun, then the second wave comes, there's no enemies at all, you're thinkin "what" and then Shepard gets dropped in from orbit and just fucks you up. you keep respawning and Shepard just kills you and your team over and over until Shepard extracts.

    Are you the magic man?
  • ShimshaiShimshai Flush with Success! Isle of EmeraldRegistered User regular
    edited November 2012
    Standing over a downed ally and being unable to revive them is absolutely infuriating. And it seems to be happening a lot lately.

    Edit: Oh btw Curly, we actually made it to wave 9 before wiping. Which wasn't bad considering there were 2 players with N7 rank of about 150.

    Shimshai on
    Steam/Origin: Shimshai

  • DarkPrimusDarkPrimus Registered User regular
    Shadowhope wrote: »
    In Krogan, the word 'Shepard' is has a number of meanings. The most widely used meaning is generally translated as 'hero,' though a literal translation is 'she who instills pants-shitting terror in her foes.' In formal High Krogan, used almost exclusively among the Shamans for religious rites, 'Shepard' means 'Death, destroyer of worlds.'

    But who studies dead languages other than Prothean?

  • KanaKana Registered User regular
    Krogans love dead languages

    They're the ones who killed them

    A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
  • curly haired boycurly haired boy Your Friendly Neighborhood Torgue Dealer Registered User regular

    Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
  • KafkaAUKafkaAU Western AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Shimshai wrote: »
    Standing over a downed ally and being unable to revive them is absolutely infuriating. And it seems to be happening a lot lately.

    Edit: Oh btw Curly, we actually made it to wave 9 before wiping. Which wasn't bad considering there were 2 players with N7 rank of about 150.

    I was playing gold/Vancouver/reapers last night and a guy got downed in that little pit on the bottom level, trying to res him I just kept grabbing cover on different walls. Man that was shit. They should have at least put different buttons in for the PC version.

    Origin: KafkaAU B-Net: Kafka#1778
  • Mild ConfusionMild Confusion Smash All Things Registered User regular
    edited November 2012
    Kana wrote: »
    Krogans love dead languages

    They are one.


    I'd love a VR mode or N7 training day. Where you can fight Shepard (or other, less awesome people). Your four man team vs a random Shepard. Maybe he's a vanguard. Maybe she's an infiltrator. You won't know till you start up the match and one of your teammates gets his head shot off by a cloaked claymore.

    Oh shit! RUN!

    Mild Confusion on

    Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
  • curly haired boycurly haired boy Your Friendly Neighborhood Torgue Dealer Registered User regular
    there's no running from a vanguard.

    Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
  • SpoitSpoit *twitch twitch* Registered User regular
    A vanshep is ENEMIES EVERYWHERE by himself

  • StrikorStrikor Calibrations? Calibrations! Registered User regular
    Well, some people did say they wanted something tougher than platinum. Just call it Shepard difficulty instead of Diamond and you'll be set.

    Maybe we can also get a Jacob difficulty. Below bronze.

  • DarkPrimusDarkPrimus Registered User regular
    Don't shit on Jacob.

  • OrcaOrca Also known as Espressosaurus WrexRegistered User regular
    Wait, who's Jacob?

  • Mild ConfusionMild Confusion Smash All Things Registered User regular
    I feel bad for Jacob. All the other ME2 cameos in ME3 did something kinda badass.

    Zaeed kills a bunch of mercs (off camera, but still).
    Samara holds off a bunch of banshees with a biotic sphere.
    Miranda biotic punches her daddy.
    Legion does Geth stuff.
    Grunt tackles a ravager down a cliff.
    Thane beats the shit outta Kai Leng.
    Jack does biotic stuff and dances.
    Mordin sings and (tries) to save the Korgan race.

    Jacob gets shot...


    Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
  • ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    extracting on gold/collectors/condor

    using every consumable you brought

    two hacks
    i played a collectors silver the other day where the spawn was on the other side of the wall to the hack

    you'd rocket and literally see two more praetorians round the corner to take their place

    did not go well

  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    I feel bad for Jacob. All the other ME2 cameos in ME3 did something kinda badass.

    Zaeed kills a bunch of mercs (off camera, but still).
    Samara holds off a bunch of banshees with a biotic sphere.
    Miranda biotic punches her daddy.
    Legion does Geth stuff.
    Grunt tackles a ravager down a cliff.
    Thane beats the shit outta Kai Leng.
    Jack does biotic stuff and dances.
    Mordin sings and (tries) to save the Korgan race.

    Jacob gets shot...

    If you romanced him he cheats on Shepard and lives to tell about it.

    That said I do find it amusing that it would be the black guy who would do it.

  • Mild ConfusionMild Confusion Smash All Things Registered User regular
    Dragkonias wrote: »
    I feel bad for Jacob. All the other ME2 cameos in ME3 did something kinda badass.

    Zaeed kills a bunch of mercs (off camera, but still).
    Samara holds off a bunch of banshees with a biotic sphere.
    Miranda biotic punches her daddy.
    Legion does Geth stuff.
    Grunt tackles a ravager down a cliff.
    Thane beats the shit outta Kai Leng.
    Jack does biotic stuff and dances.
    Mordin sings and (tries) to save the Korgan race.

    Jacob gets shot...

    If you romanced him he cheats on Shepard and lives to tell about it.

    That said I do find it amusing that it would be the black guy who would do it.

    To be fair (and creepy Bioware Social Forums territory)
    Who else that Shepard sleeps with could knock someone up?

    Thane is dying, he wouldn't.

    There are no female Turians, so not Garrus.

    Your romance with Kaiden was so bad that he turned gay(ish).

    Now that I think about it, Femshep is probably a bad fuck.


    Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
  • SoundsPlushSoundsPlush yup, back. Registered User regular
    All the other ME2 cameos in ME3 did something kinda badass.

    You forgot Kasumi, who simultaneously saves the hanar and fakes her own death.

  • Mild ConfusionMild Confusion Smash All Things Registered User regular
    All the other ME2 cameos in ME3 did something kinda badass.

    You forgot Kasumi, who simultaneously saves the hanar and fakes her own death.

    Ah yes, thank you.


    Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
  • AchireAchire Isn't life disappointing? Yes, it is. Registered User regular
    Jacob gets together with FemHawke. That's not too bad.

  • SpoitSpoit *twitch twitch* Registered User regular
    I always knew jacob was an abomination. He worked for cerberus. By his own choice!

  • LuxLux Registered User regular
    Apparently Jacob was the least romanced character so I guess they just wanted to punish those folks for making lame decisions.

  • EtchwartsEtchwarts Eyes Up Registered User regular
    I always loved that Jacob cheated on Shepard. It was nice to see one of the crew take the sort of initiative usually reserved only for the protagonist.

  • Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    Dragkonias wrote: »
    I feel bad for Jacob. All the other ME2 cameos in ME3 did something kinda badass.

    Zaeed kills a bunch of mercs (off camera, but still).
    Samara holds off a bunch of banshees with a biotic sphere.
    Miranda biotic punches her daddy.
    Legion does Geth stuff.
    Grunt tackles a ravager down a cliff.
    Thane beats the shit outta Kai Leng.
    Jack does biotic stuff and dances.
    Mordin sings and (tries) to save the Korgan race.

    Jacob gets shot...

    If you romanced him he cheats on Shepard and lives to tell about it.

    That said I do find it amusing that it would be the black guy who would do it.

    To be fair (and creepy Bioware Social Forums territory)
    Who else that Shepard sleeps with could knock someone up?

    Thane is dying, he wouldn't.

    There are no female Turians, so not Garrus.

    Your romance with Kaiden was so bad that he turned gay(ish).

    Now that I think about it, Femshep is probably a bad fuck.

    pfft, never got a bad review from liara or traynor

    hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
    that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
  • Mild ConfusionMild Confusion Smash All Things Registered User regular
    Dragkonias wrote: »
    I feel bad for Jacob. All the other ME2 cameos in ME3 did something kinda badass.

    Zaeed kills a bunch of mercs (off camera, but still).
    Samara holds off a bunch of banshees with a biotic sphere.
    Miranda biotic punches her daddy.
    Legion does Geth stuff.
    Grunt tackles a ravager down a cliff.
    Thane beats the shit outta Kai Leng.
    Jack does biotic stuff and dances.
    Mordin sings and (tries) to save the Korgan race.

    Jacob gets shot...

    If you romanced him he cheats on Shepard and lives to tell about it.

    That said I do find it amusing that it would be the black guy who would do it.

    To be fair (and creepy Bioware Social Forums territory)
    Who else that Shepard sleeps with could knock someone up?

    Thane is dying, he wouldn't.

    There are no female Turians, so not Garrus.

    Your romance with Kaiden was so bad that he turned gay(ish).

    Now that I think about it, Femshep is probably a bad fuck.

    pfft, never got a bad review from liara or traynor

    Pfffft again sir!

    You were Liara's first, she wouldn't know any better.

    Traynor showers with her underwear on, he opinion is invalidated.


    Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
  • Muddy WaterMuddy Water Quiet Batperson Registered User regular
    This maybe only tangentially related to the game, since I stopped playing a month ago, but I could really use some help right now. I just got a mail from Origin, in Russian, telling me that the email address for my account has been changed. I'm on the help.ea.com site, but when I click on "Contact Us", it asks me to log in, and I can't do that since no account exists for that email id. What should I do? Create a new account to complain?

  • Dizzy DDizzy D NetherlandsRegistered User regular

    This maybe only tangentially related to the game, since I stopped playing a month ago, but I could really use some help right now. I just got a mail from Origin, in Russian, telling me that the email address for my account has been changed. I'm on the help.ea.com site, but when I click on "Contact Us", it asks me to log in, and I can't do that since no account exists for that email id. What should I do? Create a new account to complain?

    I'd say call EA support by phone and explain the situation. You'd not want your e-mail address connected to a new account when you want them to restore it.

    Steam/Origin: davydizzy
  • Muddy WaterMuddy Water Quiet Batperson Registered User regular

    This. This is my account. This dianis00781 guy has stolen it. Man, this is...surreal.

    Luckily, I was logged into my N7 HQ page, so I can see my account information. My PSN account is still linked, but my PC account is under this guy's name "dianis00781".

    "Your EA/Origin account needs to be updated. Re-sync your online profile(s) to fix this problem."

    Should I click on Re-sync? I'm not sure what'll happen. And I don't see any phone numbers on the site either. The only option I see is "Contact Us" and that's asking for my email id :?

  • Dizzy DDizzy D NetherlandsRegistered User regular

    This. This is my account. This dianis00781 guy has stolen it. Man, this is...surreal.

    Luckily, I was logged into my N7 HQ page, so I can see my account information. My PSN account is still linked, but my PC account is under this guy's name "dianis00781".

    "Your EA/Origin account needs to be updated. Re-sync your online profile(s) to fix this problem."

    Should I click on Re-sync? I'm not sure what'll happen. And I don't see any phone numbers on the site either. The only option I see is "Contact Us" and that's asking for my email id :?

    Where are you? US, UK? Elsewhere?

    Steam/Origin: davydizzy
  • KanaKana Registered User regular
    I've never used EA support before, but I'd recommend getting in touch with them however you can, because if a dude's stealing accounts you should def. be reporting it

    You should also be probably changing your email and other passwords, just in case he's gotten access to anything else through whatever info of yours he has. Can't be too careful.

    A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
  • Muddy WaterMuddy Water Quiet Batperson Registered User regular

  • Dizzy DDizzy D NetherlandsRegistered User regular

    No number listed sadly:
    US: n/a
    Australia: n/a
    Brazil: +351 308 800 880 (9-22 hrs GMT)
    Canada: 1-866-543-5435 (7am-9pm CST)
    Czech: 224 326 860 (9:00-21:00)
    Denmark: +45 78 77 54 09 (10.00 - 23.00)
    Germany: 0221 – 37050193 (10-23 hrs)
    Spain: 911 230 490 (10am-11pm)
    Finland: 09 4259 8612 (11:00 - 24:00)
    France: 04-81-68-08-08 (10h-23h)
    Hong Kong: n/a
    India: n/a
    Italy: 02 898 775 71 (10am-11pm)
    Japan: 0570-081800 (11am-7pm, sunday closed)
    Korea: 1-866-543-5435 (07u00-21u00 CST)
    Hungary: +36 1 50 595 50 (9-21 CST)
    Mexico: n/a
    Netherlands: 020 80 83 219 (10:00-23:00)
    * Belgium: 02 808 4590 (10:00-23:00)
    New Zealand: n/a
    Norway: +47 21 08 17 06 (09:00-18:00 CST, weekend closed)
    Poland: 0048 22 397 44 33 (9:00 -21:00)
    Portugal: 308 800 880 (9h - 22h GMT)
    Russia: +7 (495) 642-73-97 (11.00 - 23.00)
    Singapore: n/a
    South Africa: n/a
    Sweden: 08 44 68 00 04 (10:00-23:00)
    Taiwan: n/a
    UK: 08702432435 (9am-10pm CST)

    Steam/Origin: davydizzy
  • Dizzy DDizzy D NetherlandsRegistered User regular
    On the EA forums, I've seen a few mods suggest creating a dummy account and then login at help.ea.com to talk with a game advisor or do a live chat from within Origin.

    Steam/Origin: davydizzy
  • Muddy WaterMuddy Water Quiet Batperson Registered User regular
    Dizzy D wrote: »
    On the EA forums, I've seen a few mods suggest creating a dummy account and then login at help.ea.com to talk with a game advisor or do a live chat from within Origin.

    Hmm, yeah, I think I'll do that. Thanks for the help, guys!

This discussion has been closed.