Destabilized by the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and the staggering casualties incurred during the Battle of Endor, Imperial forces were recalled to the core worlds to support Emperor Pestage. Several high ranking officers have splintered from the Empire, each with their own private armies.
Meanwhile on the forest moon of Endor the Rebel Alliance has been reorganized into the Alliance of Free Planets with hundreds of worlds and civilizations banding together against the tyranny of the New Order. While Mon Mothma continues to expand the new government through diplomatic channels Admiral Ackbar has been tasked with building up their military.
On the Outer Rim an army composed of the native Gungans and Naboo’s Security Forces has launched an offensive against the occupying Imperials. Despite their best efforts they have been unable to drive the entrenched opposition off world and a prolonged siege seems likely. Admiral Nammo of the Defiance has been deployed in an effort to break the stalemate.Emperor Palpatine has been defeated. The last Jedi Knight has fallen. The Alliance of Free Planets and the Empire are poised to start a war that will determine the fate of all. You may tip be the one to tip the balance.
You are one of the rebels who have joined in the effort to reestablish freedom and peace in the galaxy. As more and more worlds and civilizations stand together the chance of victory seems like something more than a desperate dream.
Composed of the veterans of the Rebel Alliance and new members eager to join the fray you all have your own reasons for fighting. Perhaps you dream of seeing the skies of your world free of Imperial ships once and for all. Maybe you are driven by the hope of living a life without the yoke of the Empire around your neck. You may even be one of those who changes your allegiance as the odds of victory improve.
Whatever your reasons as a soldier of the Alliance of Free planets you have declared yourself an enemy of the Empire. Only time will tell if you chose the right side.What is this?
This is a Star Wars Saga game set in the Rebellion Era, nearly two months after the Battle of Endor. The game will be taking place during the early days of the Alliance of Free Planets. In this version of events Luke Skywalker did not return from his duel aboard the Death Star II. At this point rebels are becoming organized and armed in a way that has the Empire on the run. However reclaiming the galaxy from the Sith is not an easy goal. It's going to be up to you to make it happen.
Can I play?
Perhaps, I’m giving players who took part in my Dark Times game the first opportunity to sign on for this. If none of them are interested in signing on though I’d be willing to take on some new players. I'm hoping for a group of 3-5 players to volunteer their services for this game. If you have an interest all you need to do is whip up a character sheet and post it in this thread by October 17th.
What are the guidelines for character creation?
*32 point buy system
*Level 5
*You can roll stats as outlined in the core rulebook.
*No Ewoks
*Droid characters are not forbidden but you really need to wow me with your concept to make it in.
*Jedi characters need to have a solid story to validate their presence as there are so few of them left alive at this point in history.
*You do not need to roll/pay for equipment licenses.
*Please include some sort of a backstory of your character, and answer the following questions for you character in you submission post:
1. How long has your character been a part of the Alliance?
2. Why did your character choose to fight against the Empire?
3. How does your character feel about the Empire?
4. What does your character love?
5. What does your character hate?
How often do I need to post?
Please try and post at least once per day. If something occurs that prevent you from doing so fine, I'm realistic and I do understand that sometimes lives are too hectic to plan for everything. If you can't post for more than a day or two though let me know what the situation is. This is an obligation that goes both way and I will make a sincere effort to post as often as possible. If something occurs to prevent me from doing so I will of course try to let everyone know what is going on.
You can do your rolls on orokos, invisible castle, or any other online dice roller of your choosing.
The Horseshoe Rule
The Horseshoe Rule is named in honor of the GM who has been running the Clone Wars campaign on this forum for three years.
Simply put the rule is that your actions can, and more than likely will, change the history of the Star Wars universe. For example if you failed to prevent the assassination of Leia Organna…that will probably have a direct effect on the war between the Alliance and the Empire. Just probably though. You are not going to be puppets of the universe we're playing in, you’re the puppet masters. Shape it in whatever way you see fit.
House Rules
1. All PC characters of a species that cannot speak Basic receive a translator as part of their starting equipment. This device is able to translate their native language into Basic.
2. New Plympto was devastated by Imperial forces during the Battle of Bilagen. As such nearly all inhabitants were killed and the planet itself was desolated.
The PartyJado Der'Merra, Balosar Jedi by El Skid
Arin, Human Scoundrel/Scout/Soldier by Arcanis
Titus Anteras, Human Jedi/Soldier by Heir
Tendau Bendon, Ithorian Scout by Klivian
Kandor Tarkas, Human Noble/Jedi by Solar
My Games
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of M&M "And Justice For All."
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
Nice to know I have you potential interest Psolms.
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
Do your posting requirements have any latitude in them for weekends. I can post generally pretty quickly during the week, but on weekends I'm away from computer a lot. One post a weekend is definitely possible, but one a day would occasionally be impossible.
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
I love piloting, but it's often enough not a large enough portion of any game to be fun.
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
Saga is pretty great. PbPs though definitely take some getting used to because there's not as much give and take in RPing as there can be in a table game. You get a lot more exposition from each player because in order for anything to ever happen, you have to do a lot without interaction from the others.
You'll find we're out on the weekends a lot anyways. Except for that guy Heir...he'll obsessively check the thread from his iphone even when driving 16 hours to Denver over the holidays!
I'm thinking of making an older guy...grizzly...was a padawan but quit before the purge, pretty much lived out a hermit life until the rebellion sucked him back into galactic affairs. Is just now revealing his jedi heritage because he never put much stock into Skywalker restoring the jedi order and defeating the sith.
But...I don't have any jedi characters now. No one wants to GM a game.
Though there might be another starting soon...
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
Noble: This is like bard or Cha-oriented rogue
Scoundrel: Typical Rogue
Scout: Sniper / Ranger
Soldier: Warrior, but about evenly split between like, Clone Wars trooper heavy-armor, rifle-wielders and Gammorean heavy vibro-ax-ers.
Gast Cl'tey, Bothan Scoundrel
A moderately successful engineer on Imperial Centre, Gast had his assets seized by the Empire after the destruction of the first Death Star. Though he hadn't been involved in clan politics for some time, his name had come up on one list or another and his whole life was changed by a handful of keystrokes. Turning to Imperial Centre's less-savoury denizens for revenge, Gast made something of a name for himself as a Holonet information gatherer, saboteur and forger.
With the tumultuous conditions on Imperial Centre following the Emperor's death, Gast decided to leave as Imperial inquisitors turned more and more of his underworld contacts. Using his forgery skills and contacts to get off-planet, Gast has become an information officer in the Alliance's struggle against the Empire and hopes that he has chosen the right side of the war to help him reclaim the relative peace of his former life.
1. How long has your character been a part of the Alliance? Recently joined but fairly long-term accomplice.
2. Why did your character choose to fight against the Empire? Part revenge, part wanting to reclaim his former life, part wanting to show off his talents.
3. How does your character feel about the Empire? He thinks that they have treated him unfairly and is fairly bitter towards them.
4. What does your character love? "Getting away with it", his work, an easy life
5. What does your character hate? Gunfight and other things that "disturb his routine", being treated unfairly, the relative that got him into this mess in the first place
Hmmm, the Noble sounds neat but I've never done a Bard-type before.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
Now leaning more towards a soldier. We shall see. I might pick Jedi just to annoy Psolms. :P
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
Now to questions!
Heir I'm allowing content from pretty much all of the books however certain races and equipment may be treated differently. I lost my pdfs of some of the books so I don't have a handy dandy cheat sheet. If there is something specific you have a question about though throw it out and I'll get back to you. I'm a bit more picky about vehicles than anything else though.
We all know Heir always plays a Jedi of some kind. That is part of his charm.
Psolms we could use a noble since we lost ours last time around.
Owenashi I have to say that Saga is a blast to play and it doesn't take very long to get a hang of the rules you will deal with on a regular basis. PBP format is another matter. As someone already said it is pretty different from a traditional tabletop experience but it is still fun and you get out of it what you put in. Of course the group dynamic also plays a big role.
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
I think I have a nice cheat sheet excel workbook somewhere if you want me to look for it.
I actually could very much use something like this if you can find it!
That is pretty handy, thanks Delmain.
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
I'm not planning eloquent, I'm planning well-connected.
E: I'm going Noble/Scoundrel