Access Question -> Inserting new field into a form and pulling a new table of data

EncEnc A Fool with CompassionPronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered User regular
edited October 2012 in Help / Advice Forum
As an introduction, I am new to Access and have been trail & error learning through it to figure out this problem. To help consolidate some information at work I am wanting to add additional fields to an Access database that has been here since before most of our present staff were hired. As the most technically savvy in the office presently, there is no one else here to ask for assistance.

The Problem:
In this database, we have a main form used for collecting information about customers and updating this information as their contracts are processed. We are wanting to add a single new item to the existing form, a field to indicate where they were referred to us by, for future assessment purposes. Currently, here is where I stand:

-I have created a table to pull that information from, including a default value we want all previous entries to be listed under (Line 1 of the table - No Data).
-I have added the drop down menu to the form itself so future items will pull this data.

Where I'm running into trouble is that all previous entries are rotating through our 7 referral values rather than defaulting to value 1. Is there a way to make it so that these values on the previously entered tables all default to the No Data Option? Will I need to go through an manually correct the data on the thousands of customer files in order for this to work?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Enc on


  • EvigilantEvigilant VARegistered User regular
    Couldn't you just add a field to the table, set it to whatever type of field you want, then assign it a validation rule?

    For example, on the customer table, create a field name to be: "Reffered_By" and the default value to be "1"
    Then for the validation rule put in your other allowed cases.

    On forms, you can then add a combo box, type in the values you want, store the value from the combo box into this table field.

    XBL\PSN\Steam\Origin: Evigilant
  • EncEnc A Fool with Compassion Pronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered User regular
    That wasn't exactly what I was looking to do, but by looking at it I got where I needed to be. Thanks @Evigilant!

  • EncEnc A Fool with Compassion Pronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered User regular
    This can be closed now, thanks!

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