Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars is a twelve-issue comic book crossover limited series published from May 1984 to April 1985 by Marvel Comics. The series was written by Jim Shooter with art by Mike Zeck and Bob Layton. It was tied to the same-named toyline from Mattel.
The series was conceived by Marvel Comics' Editor-in-chief Jim Shooter:
Kenner had licensed the DC Heroes. Mattel had He-Man, but wanted to hedge in case superheroes became the next big fad. They were interested in Marvel's characters, but only if we staged a publishing event that would get a lot of attention, and they could build a theme around. Fans, especially young fans often suggested to me "one big story with all the heroes and all the villains in it", so I proposed that. It flew. Mattel thought that kids responded well to the word "secret", so after a couple of working names bit the dust, we called the story "Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars".[1]
Shooter also explained:
We went through a number of ideas for names for the toy line and series. Mattel’s focus group tests indicated that kids reacted positively to the words “wars” and “secret.” Okay. / Mattel had a number of other requirements. Doctor Doom, they said, looked too medieval. His armor would have to be made more high-tech. So would Iron Man’s, because their focus groups indicated that kids reacted positively...etc. Okay. / They also said there had to be new fortresses, vehicles and weapons because they wanted playsets, higher price point merchandise and additional play value. Okay. / When time came to actually do it, I realized that only I could write it.
and inexplicably, of the time Spider-man met Stan Lee.
Haha, Firefox' autocorrection feature properly hyphenizes Spider-Man.
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Your baby is dead. Within a week, it will be buried on page 3.
How you doin'?
penises fuckin own
That d
that d
the rest are pretty eh
They are nice people who are raising a shitheel of a kid.
Agreed, but what do you think about male models?
Vaginas are awesome!
Everything is awesome!
Your fucking face is stupid ayn rand
What I am doing: finding album art for stuff that doesn't have it in iTunes
It was the thing that got me into Marvel and US comics. Before that I just read proper books or 2000AD. Oh and Victor.
But you don't, because of objectivism.
homosexuality ought to be legal but from a moral and aesthetic perspective it is repugnant
they can earn his d if they pull themselves up by the bootstraps
Karen O (Yeah Yeah Yeahs) and Debbie Harry (Blondie)
Well that explains it.
I've only seen them live once, when they performed at UNT.
Someone tried to sleep with a protege but all he wanted was the d
What's so great about Alice Glass with a young Joan Rivers?
I am satisfied. I now leave for a meeting that I may be attending because a dinner is provided.
Don't judge me!
You guys would love to read long meandering nothings about my boring everyday life, eh?
Check out my site, the Bismuth Heart | My Twitter
Was curious how it holds up. Especially for people who actually play board games with some decent depth to them.
They were hella fun. I only knew one of their songs, and then they did a bunch of awesome covers.