I've had a flip phone for the past 3 years and just recently decided it was time to upgrade to a smartphone. I like iphones and pretty much everyone I know has one and I really like the way they're designed, very pretty, so I just kind of assumed I would get an iphone 5. Until it was actually released and people didn't really seem that into it (and for people being so lukewarm about it, they're still buying it up like crazy!! The wait to get one is three weeks! wtf?!)
Anyways I went to the verizon store was talked into buying a droid instead
Maybe the sales guy duped me, I dunno. He had a droid too though, so who knows
So here's my dilemma, I've got a droid razr m (I live in the US) and my partner (who lives in london) has an iphone. Now he's a major technophile and is appalled that I would get this phone without even seeing if its the best one available
Basically 1. Did I make some kind of huge mistake? I have 12 days to return the phone without being charged (other than a restocking fee)
2. If I stick to this phone is it going to be really difficult to stay easily in touch with him?
He wants to use imessage so that it can seem like we're texting but the droid can't do that. Basically I'd like to be able to talk to him using something other than facebook or gmail or skype (which doesn't send him a notification when he has a message)
Maybe all of this is a total non-issue, but I'd really appreciate some advice!
Also, android is pretty awesome. I'd stick with it! There are plenty of apps to help you out, regardless of what detractors may believe (that goes for both iOS and Android app stores).
I have set it up for a friend who has a kid in prison and it is way cheaper to pay for prison calls if they are local.
There are hacks in place that can get you both texting each other and getting notifications, but one big thing that stands out to me is that if you're not a techy person, it's going to be frustrating for him and you to get it set up on your phone. In other words, whenever you say "How do I do that?" he's going to say "I don't know, you have a Droid phone. If you had an iPhone like I suggested, this wouldn't be an issue in the first place." If you have a compelling reason why you bought a Droid phone (cost, battery life, cheaper plan), then that's good, but otherwise, this is likely just to lead to fights between you and your boyfriend and you'll just feel like the salesguy duped you. In general, you don't want to listen to phone salesmen.
I'd say just return the phone and get an iPhone if you really don't care. The iPhone 5 has really good reviews and is nice to use. It's not a huge increase over the iPhone 4S but that was already a good phone.
@EggyToast, I just really didn't want to wait honestly and I just kind of forgot that he might be horrified =P
I think you may have gotten to the heart of the issue though. I like this phone and I think the setup is great, but I don't really want it to be a point of contention between the two of us, especially since yeah I'm not that great with tech and setting stuff up isn't as easy as an iphone
I'm still gonna think about it a bit more, but I'll for sure check out textplus! Sounds really cool!
Is there any reason why the two of you can't use gtalk instead?
e: saw the thing about no notifications. I have an android so I actually don't know if gtalk would push notifications on iOS.
Skype does have push notifications. You could also use GroupMe or literally any number of messaging programs.
Satans..... hints.....
I'm flowerhoney's partner and I feel I should mention that price isn't an issue (as she's getting it bought for her!) and she has a macbook rather than a pc laptop.
I actually quite like the look of the Razr M, and Android are good now too, I just think that for flowerhoney, an iPhone 5 is a better bet!