I can't believe I haven't seen a thread for this game yet. It has a little bit of an unpolished indie feel, but it is tremendous fun.
What is it you ask?
"Onward brothers, to glory!"
Its a crazy brutal first person medieval combat game. You jump in an out of multi-player servers, just like you would on TF2. There isn't much of a story to speak of, but it sure is fun fighting for your cause. FOOORRRR AAGGGAATHA! Ahem, I digress. Have a first time player commentary:
There are four classes to choose from and they are all OP.
Lightest armored of the bunch, these bowmen, crossbowmen or javelin throwers, are the ranged weapon specialists. They are best used in a support role and to deliver damage on his enemies from far to mid range. Vulnerable in Melee, but are equipped with a short sword or mace to use in a pinch.
Special ability
Rogue – Does +50% backstab damage.
The Man-at-arms is the lightest melee class, he relies heavily on his evasion and speed abilities to land hits without taking any. Lightly armored and quick on the feet, uses fast swinging powerful weapons that are short ranged. Uses a small wooden round shield and has an option of a few different throwing weapons and oil pot.
Special ability
Elusive – Can perform dodges.
The Vanguards are an imposing aggressive force that form the frontline of an army. Their weapons have extremely long reach and deal incredible damage and are also the favorite target of archers.
Special ability
Charge – Can sprint attack into battle.
The most powerful, tank melee unit on the battlefield. His damage output and armour levels are offset by his lack of agility and generally slower weapons.
Special ability
Tank – Can absorb additional damage and takes less stamina to block incoming blows.
You can purchase this ball of fun through steam or directly from the source:
May the wombat of happiness snuffle through your underbrush.