So there's a girl I like. The crush is becoming quite strong, and I'm pretty sure I'm getting some vibes back from her. Anyway, that's not the point.
She's... not the sharpest spoon in the shed, you understand. In fact she's plain old dumb. She's a very sweet girl, and pretty funny when she wants to be as well, so she's entertaining to talk to, but I think that if she had (or heard) a conversation with my family her head would explode.
She's also a virgin. So it's not like we could just dive straight into a physical-only relationship for just the fun aspect. I mean of course I could have a fun relaitonship with her without needing sex, I'm just saying that particular kind of relationship's out of bounds.
I'm 18, and I've only got just over a year left before I go to university, so I'm not looking for anything concrete. I don't see any future with this girl, but I like her a lot and I think we could have a bit of fun. I've never really been in a relationship that's not been serious or led to being serious, so it'd be new to me and I'm not sure how emotionally involved I'd end up getting.
In summary: girl I like, she's not as smart as me or previous girlfriends by a mile and has no sexual experience, and I'm not sure how easy it'd be for me to not be too emotionally invested. Is it worth me asking her out and seeing if I can just have a bit of fun? Or should I save myself and her what could concievably just be hassle and/or hurt for both of us?
I mean, can you really respect a person that you think is stupid?
I guess if you treat her alright and be nice to her and make sure her first time is not a totally traumatic experience go ahead.
But of course this is going to end badly if she falls in love with you and one day realizes that to you she was just a dumb girl to have some fun with until you started college.
At least if let this kind of stuff get to you.
I am not advising you to look for the person to spend the rest of your live with at age 18, but if you just want to screw around and have some fun be honest about it, don't pretend to have some deep feelings just so you can take this girls virginity...
Actually I think the common opinion that young people should "just have fun and go with the flow" is wildly overrated, because you should not just have fun without thinking about the consequences.
I am not talking about overanalyzing every situation, I am talking about not turning your brain off if it starts interfering with your fun.
I can honestly say that at age 30 I have more "fun" with casual relationships than I could have had at age 18, because I know that I am dealing with reasonable adults in most cases and that makes it so much easier to make sure that you are actually on the same level about where the whole thing is going.
Yes I can. Intelligence is not the only thing you respect in a woman. For one thing, I respect her morals. The fact that she is a virgin at this age, unlike lots of people I know (all the girls I've slept with lost it at 15 or younger and regret it), and being so attractive she must have had opportunity, gives me reason to respect her.
This is one of the reasons I wasn't just rushing into it. I didn't want to take advantage of her, intentionally or not. I can assure you I'm not the kind of guy who would get with a girl just do deflower her.
I think I might go for it. As long as I kinda make sure she knows it's just for fun. I mean she's at the same stage in her education as me and so has a shit-ton of work to do so she probably doesn't have the time for something involved anyway.