Last night when I got home, I was careless and left my MP3 player on the seat of my car (It was a Sansa Clip, so it's not especially large or attention getting, but even so it was careless). This morning when I woke up, the MP3 player was gone, but my car had no signs of forcible entry. I do park outside, but all of the doors were locked. They were still locked when I woke up. I have no idea how, but after scouring the car high and low, I can only conclude that somehow someone broke into the car and stole the MP3 player. The MP3 player is obviously missing and not misplaced, because I left it plugged into an audio cable and I returned to my car to find that cable just dangling free. Nothing else appeared missing.
Given that there were no signs of visible entry, and that the MP3 player and flash card in it were worth <$100 combined, should I still call the police about this? I know they'll never recover it, but I don't know if it's even worth bothering them over something so small being stolen, under circumstances where it doesn't even look like my car was broken into. I'm not sure if there are other reasons to file a police report, or if this is just a case where it's a waste of everyone's time.
I guess I'm shook up a little over the idea that someone can just get into my car whenever they want. I never keep any valuables in there as a rule, but it still unsettles me.
But yeah, until they they find him/her, your Sansa is gone. Had my iPod nano stolen at the gym couple years back, never got it back - sucks, etc.
I have no illusions about it being recovered, either. I've had a stereo stolen from my car, and a laptop stolen from me at work. Neither of those were recovered, ever. Something this small would be damned impossible to track down, let alone return. I just didn't know if there are any other reasons to file a report, but if it's useful to keep track of crimes in the area, that's a good enough reason for me.
And I do have renter's insurance, plus proof that I purchased the MP3 player. Hopefully that will be enough to cover the loss, as small as it is.
Thanks again, guys. I guess the only thing left to do at this point is find a way to make peace with this. It makes me extremely worried, I admit. If someone can get into my car so fluidly, I worry about my apartment while I'm gone.
If someone managed that kind of techno wizardry then they'd probably be nicking the whole car, not just an obvious quick valuable snatch.
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Yes, because if nothing else it puts a record of theft in the area so should additional crimes occur there is a paper trail that could possibly assist in stopping the crime or creating additional preventative measures in the community when looked at in gross with other reports.