[PA Comic] Friday, November 23, 2012 - There Can Be Only Ten

GethGeth LegionPerseus VeilRegistered User, Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
edited November 2012 in The Penny Arcade Hub


  • PeewiPeewi Registered User regular
    I guess the view is just higher up to show his arms, but it looks a lot like Tycho is shorter in the last panel.

  • Fatty McBeardoFatty McBeardo Registered User regular
    edited November 2012
    The other guy is Tycho's ginger doppleganger from the Alterverse.

    Fatty McBeardo on
  • BEAST!BEAST! Adventurer Adventure!!!!!Registered User regular
    i wish this was about doctor who

  • Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    Peewi wrote: »
    I guess the view is just higher up to show his arms, but it looks a lot like Tycho is shorter in the last panel.

    also, apparently's he's been hitting the gym

    hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
    that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu PIGEON Registered User regular
    That's just his baggy jacket.

  • Ulti-Moose Ulti-Moose Registered User regular
    3rd in line during this generation! Happiest moment of my life! *sigh* This is as good as its gonna get for me... T^T

  • Blake TBlake T Do you have enemies then? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.Registered User regular
    Tycho got swole

  • SwainwalkerSwainwalker Registered User regular
    Peewi wrote: »
    I guess the view is just higher up to show his arms, but it looks a lot like Tycho is shorter in the last panel.

    also, apparently's he's been hitting the gym

    his torso is engorged with victory

  • KageraKagera Imitating the worst people. Since 2004Registered User regular
    Also semen.

    My neck, my back, my FUPA and my crack.
  • MichaelLCMichaelLC In what furnace was thy brain? ChicagoRegistered User regular
    Kagera wrote: »
    Also semen.

    Nine comes before Ten.

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