So I bought one of these:
with these blades:
And I feel like I must be doing something terribly wrong because the thing doesn't shave. No matter the angle I drag it at, it won't cut even the simplest hairs. I tried with the grain, against the grain, tested it out on the back of my hand, etc, and no dice. Is there something I'm missing? Anybody have any tips on how to operate one of these things?
It's all about blade angle with a safety razor. If you're used to using a cartridge razor, you've been spoiled by the razor always pivoting to keep the blades at the right angle. With a safety razor, you have to maintain the correct angle yourself. If its not shaving any hair, it's because you're holding it so that the blade isn't contacting your skin. You can experiment by holding the handle at a right angle to your face, and then lowering it until you touch your face with the safety bar. You should be somewhere around 30 degrees at that point, and the razor should work.
Second, just buying the razor and the blades won't get you a wet shave. What's your actual technique like? It worries me that you're using words such as "drag", because that's the sort of technique that only really works for shitty five-blade monstrosities.
The most important thing is that your face needs to be warm and wet, and lathered with a good-quality shaving cream (or soap), ideally applied with some manner of badger / synthetic hair brush. The second most important thing is to go slowly, and carefully, and lightly, in a number of passes -- with the grain, across the grain and finally against the grain, if you're careful. I guess the angle of the blade is also important, but preparation is really key to the whole process.
see, with safety razors (whether the little plastic ones or the five-whatever-blade variety) the plastic casing around the razor acts as a guide; you just put the plastic flush with your face and move the thing along, and hair gets trimmed. Like runningman says, you have to get used to holding the razor at a certain angle, not just putting the casing against your skin and moving it around.
The easier way to get a feel for it is probably just to try it on your arm: it's a pretty uniform surface compared to your face, you can see what you're doing and if you nick yourself it's no big deal. Once it's cutting arm hairs and you have a handle on what angle you need to hold it at, you can try your cheeks and so on.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
I don't find that I need a huge amount of lather, but my skin may not be very sensitive. I definitively need to shower first though, I tried once just warming up my face with a hot towel and it didn't work that well. If I go too long between shaves I'll trim the hair with a small electric trimmer first, so the razor doesn't have to work so hard.
Reading about the problems other people have, plus suggestions and techniques on The Wicked_Edge subreddit helped me out a ton.
The rest is correct too, but this is important. Nice choice on the razor, now get some Merkur blades as well - like these.
What soap are you using? You really want to use a badger brush and shaving lotion/puck rather than something out of a can. For the shaving part, try a 45° angle with little/no pressure.
For more info check out the Shaving Thread
Once you get the basics working, my biggest advice is: change blades frequently (they're cheap, and sharp blades make the whole thing great.) Don't be too scared of stuff like 'so and so brand (like Feather) is ninja sharp, beginners beware!!!' In my opinion, the sharper the blade the less you'll press, the less you press the better your form, and the better your form (and pressure control), the fewer nicks and so on. My other big piece of advice is to rinse the razor frequently. There is not exactly a ton of empty space for debris (cream, hair, whatever) to build up so make sure you're rinsing off the buildup frequently.
I'd also recommend checking out other blades, feathers are pretty boss, definitely my blade of choice, but are extremely sharp and so I'd recommend holding off your first few attempts till a weekend or something when you can take your time and won't have to go anywhere you'd be embarrassed to show up bleeding out of your face.
EDIT: Gotta agree with Org, don't be scared of feathers cause they're super sharp, you'll probably nick yourself the first couple times because you would with any blades, but after the first few times when you're more comfortable with it sharpness is what you want.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
@Zek, hop over to the wet shave thread and say hi. Every couple of months someone new drops in and it kick-starts the thread again. I've actually got a little box from my variety pack with plenty of brands. If you want, I can ship it over to you (PM me details).
After trying one of each brand from my pack, my personal favorite was Shark Chromes (and I bought a 100 pack after). I'm no expert so I still have trouble with lather and proper technique still myself (though I don't nick much any more which is nice).
Yep, that's what it was