I will be bringing Style Savvy: Trendsetters with me. If you also have it, your character will visit my boutique and get an outfit picked out for them.
So I'm new to the 3DS thing and Spot/Streetpass. I've picked up a few folks running around the mall. I saw it mentioned there is a 10 person cap. What is the quickest way to clear that so I can get more? Do I need to just log in to Plaza or do I have to use them in the mini game right away?
I hate being in UK sometimes....... Monster hunter comes out on 22nd over here so I can't buy it before I leave for PAX (i fly in 3pm on thursday) god dammit this would be the perfect game for PAX!! and I can't use it.
Last year I got roughly 150 street passes before My 3DS's battery died and those people got a street pass for the UK lol
So I'm new to the 3DS thing and Spot/Streetpass. I've picked up a few folks running around the mall. I saw it mentioned there is a 10 person cap. What is the quickest way to clear that so I can get more? Do I need to just log in to Plaza or do I have to use them in the mini game right away?
The 3DS gives warning messages if you are about to queue out Miis before you've interacted with them, but here's the breakdown: Once you welcome 10, the 3DS will collect 10 more and have them on standby. You must play with those first 10 before you welcome the next group, or the first group is wiped-out. When doing puzzle swap and Find Mii, you can hold down a shoulder button to speed things up, which will come in handy at a convention.
So I'm new to the 3DS thing and Spot/Streetpass. I've picked up a few folks running around the mall. I saw it mentioned there is a 10 person cap. What is the quickest way to clear that so I can get more? Do I need to just log in to Plaza or do I have to use them in the mini game right away?
The 3DS gives warning messages if you are about to queue out Miis before you've interacted with them, but here's the breakdown: Once you welcome 10, the 3DS will collect 10 more and have them on standby. You must play with those first 10 before you welcome the next group, or the first group is wiped-out. When doing puzzle swap and Find Mii, you can hold down a shoulder button to speed things up, which will come in handy at a convention.
My R button is noticibly looser than my L because of holding it down so much! MiiPlaza is soooooo slow.
Seriously debating buying a 3DSXL before pax. There seem to be enough good games out for it now to catch my interest, but the biggest problem is that from the Christmas Steam sale, I am all ready swamped with loads of new games to play... and that will just add more.
Definitely interested in Fire Emblem, Icarus, Pokemon, and quite a few others though.
On a side note, this will be the first handheld console I will have owned since the GBA SP...
I'm curious if Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, just releasing before PAX East, has any street pass functionality. From what I hear the 3DS version of the game won't have any multiplayer, which is a bit of a shame as a co-op game for 3DS might have been nice.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate lets you streetpass hunter Guild Cards. This is a card that describes your hunter's experiences and accomplishments. It can supposedly (I can't find details) also be used to send that hunter out to quest for you.
I'm hoping at least a few of you will have Etrian Odyssey 4 loaded during PAX. I'd like to swap some guild cards.
I'll probably have started a team, but I probably won't get too far as I'd like to finish 2 and get some 3 in before getting too far into 4 once I get it from Amazon next week.
Seriously debating buying a 3DSXL before pax. There seem to be enough good games out for it now to catch my interest, but the biggest problem is that from the Christmas Steam sale, I am all ready swamped with loads of new games to play... and that will just add more.
Definitely interested in Fire Emblem, Icarus, Pokemon, and quite a few others though.
On a side note, this will be the first handheld console I will have owned since the GBA SP...
It's a shame, Kid Icarus and Pokemon BW2 were both on sale at Best Buy this past weekend for $15 each.
Newegg also has the system on sale now for $170.
And for me, handhelds are in their own backlog opposed to console/PC games for me, only because I can pick up and play them much easier than I ever could console/PC games.
Seriously debating buying a 3DSXL before pax. There seem to be enough good games out for it now to catch my interest, but the biggest problem is that from the Christmas Steam sale, I am all ready swamped with loads of new games to play... and that will just add more.
Definitely interested in Fire Emblem, Icarus, Pokemon, and quite a few others though.
On a side note, this will be the first handheld console I will have owned since the GBA SP...
Fire Emblem is freaking AWESOME. I'm a total noob to the series but I'm having a great time playing it. You get awesome stuff from Nintendo via Spotpass AND the StreetPasses you get gives you a source of cannon fodder to keep your troops alive and let other people sacrifice themselves nobily on the field of glory!
The 3DS gives warning messages if you are about to queue out Miis before you've interacted with them, but here's the breakdown: Once you welcome 10, the 3DS will collect 10 more and have them on standby. You must play with those first 10 before you welcome the next group, or the first group is wiped-out. When doing puzzle swap and Find Mii, you can hold down a shoulder button to speed things up, which will come in handy at a convention.
Seriously debating buying a 3DSXL before pax. There seem to be enough good games out for it now to catch my interest, but the biggest problem is that from the Christmas Steam sale, I am all ready swamped with loads of new games to play... and that will just add more.
Definitely interested in Fire Emblem, Icarus, Pokemon, and quite a few others though.
On a side note, this will be the first handheld console I will have owned since the GBA SP...
Fire Emblem is freaking AWESOME. I'm a total noob to the series but I'm having a great time playing it. You get awesome stuff from Nintendo via Spotpass AND the StreetPasses you get gives you a source of cannon fodder to keep your troops alive and let other people sacrifice themselves nobily on the field of glory!
Yea, I played the demo last night and loved it. I am never into these kinds of games, but I am going to hunt down a copy.
There is just too much to do before PAX. Beat Pokemon and make a team, I wanted to unlock stuff in Kid Icarus for multiplayer, buy and play Fire Emblem and use the street/spotpass functions, and then Monster Hunter literally the day before we leave for PAX....It is impossible!
edit: Add play MK7 to unlock the rest of the kart parts and characters.
edit: Annnnd I bought Fire Emlbem for in-store pickup at Best Buy a half hour away. Thanks, PAX! Ha.
Heyo DSers. I'm looking to organize a gathering of Monster Hunter players sometime during PAX East with the release of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate happening that week. Whether you're a series veteran who entirely new to the game, you should come along. I'm offering supercool lessons and help for the new players so everyone can get into the series
Seriously debating buying a 3DSXL before pax. There seem to be enough good games out for it now to catch my interest, but the biggest problem is that from the Christmas Steam sale, I am all ready swamped with loads of new games to play... and that will just add more.
Definitely interested in Fire Emblem, Icarus, Pokemon, and quite a few others though.
On a side note, this will be the first handheld console I will have owned since the GBA SP...
Fire Emblem is freaking AWESOME. I'm a total noob to the series but I'm having a great time playing it. You get awesome stuff from Nintendo via Spotpass AND the StreetPasses you get gives you a source of cannon fodder to keep your troops alive and let other people sacrifice themselves nobily on the field of glory!
Yea, I played the demo last night and loved it. I am never into these kinds of games, but I am going to hunt down a copy.
There is just too much to do before PAX. Beat Pokemon and make a team, I wanted to unlock stuff in Kid Icarus for multiplayer, buy and play Fire Emblem and use the street/spotpass functions, and then Monster Hunter literally the day before we leave for PAX....It is impossible!
edit: Add play MK7 to unlock the rest of the kart parts and characters.
edit: Annnnd I bought Fire Emlbem for in-store pickup at Best Buy a half hour away. Thanks, PAX! Ha.
I know the feeling. I'm trying to finish Kid Icarus and start Mario Kart and Fire Emblem before Pax. I've given up on a great pokemon team for Pax. I'll just be strolling along with my Soul Silver team that is in the mid 30's or so.
I'm not really digging the MH3U 3DS demo... I'm really disappointed, but if I'm desperate I might just buy it anyways
I feel like the demo isn't representative of the game. There seems to be a lot of gameplay and features missing.
It's not a great demo in terms of introducing someone to all of the features, but it does highlight the main intent of the game: Hunting monsters. The rest of the game is the building, grind, and practice to be able to fell the giant beast, which makes it a thousand time more satisfying, and then you also get loot. The demo misses out on that. It's more a technical demo, letting you play with the weapons, fight a couple unique monsters, and get a feel for how the controls handle.
You're close on that map. The GameStop is on 40 Winter Street, which is literally a straight (15-20 minute walk) down the road from the front of the BCEC.
Fire Emblem is incredibly fun, but it makes me very sad when I lose a character... Can't wait to StreetPass my team around the convention center!
Just picked up a 3ds XL that came with Mario Kart 7 and decided to splurge a bit with Fire Emblem as well. I REALLY like Fire Emblem so far, but then I've always been a fan of strategy games. I'm not usually one for handhelds though, but seeing as I missed the last generation of nintendo games, I figured the 3ds was a good time to pick it up again. Quite a few DS games that I need to go back and play now.
I hope there will be a Pokemon BW2 meet up. Even though it isn't a 3DS game per se, they put a bunch of street pass-esque functionality in it. And I really need to get the last of those stupid medals xD
I hope there will be a Pokemon BW2 meet up. Even though it isn't a 3DS game per se, they put a bunch of street pass-esque functionality in it. And I really need to get the last of those stupid medals xD
Check the Pokemon League thread and their site to see when they main meetups are. Granted there are always players in the handheld lounge I'm sure.
You're close on that map. The GameStop is on 40 Winter Street, which is literally a straight (15-20 minute walk) down the road from the front of the BCEC.
Fire Emblem is incredibly fun, but it makes me very sad when I lose a character... Can't wait to StreetPass my team around the convention center!
I've lost two characters already, Volke and Miriam. I know that feel!
I've taken to grinding my guys a bit on the EXPonential Growth DLC map to get them all slightly higher level than what I'm facing in the story, makes it not too easy but every fight isn't frought with stress.
You're close on that map. The GameStop is on 40 Winter Street, which is literally a straight (15-20 minute walk) down the road from the front of the BCEC.
Fire Emblem is incredibly fun, but it makes me very sad when I lose a character... Can't wait to StreetPass my team around the convention center!
I've lost two characters already, Volke and Miriam. I know that feel!
I've taken to grinding my guys a bit on the EXPonential Growth DLC map to get them all slightly higher level than what I'm facing in the story, makes it not too easy but every fight isn't frought with stress.
I get stingy with my characters as well. I usually wind up restarting chapters quite a few times because 1 person died... I've been trying to get them all levelled, but right now my main character is way OP for missions. I usually team him up with Chrom and anything they attack (or that attacks them) winds up getting obliterated, often by a 4 hit combo between the two. I especially like Ricken though, and have been trying to get him to level.
I can't wait to check out StreetPass stuff at PAX. Will be fun times indeed.
Oh, here's a tip: Go into your 3DS settings and turn off StreetPass for games you no longer have, or you'll be getting a bunch of worthless hits you'll never use.
And I feel kinda bad for anyone who tries to go up against my Fire Emblem army..... :twisted:
Oh, here's a tip: Go into your 3DS settings and turn off StreetPass for games you no longer have, or you'll be getting a bunch of worthless hits you'll never use.
And I feel kinda bad for anyone who tries to go up against my Fire Emblem army..... :twisted:
How does the FE streetpass work? I haven't played the game yet (I do have it though).
Oh, here's a tip: Go into your 3DS settings and turn off StreetPass for games you no longer have, or you'll be getting a bunch of worthless hits you'll never use.
And I feel kinda bad for anyone who tries to go up against my Fire Emblem army..... :twisted:
How does the FE streetpass work? I haven't played the game yet (I do have it though).
You and the person you streetpass with trade the streetpass team you have setup in the wireless menu area. The team consists of your avatar and 9 others. They appear on the map automatically when it updates after an event. You parley with them on the world map, and then you can either recruit; fight; buy items; or dismiss them.
Recruiting (costs gold) or fighting (and winning) allows you to get their avatar card in your avatar logbook. That allows you to "call" them to your army from any save game for a price.
Hey guys. I just got a message back from Scoots in the Handheld lounge. If anyone wants to get together for Dragon Quest 9, we're set for Saturday at 3pm. If you want to get some maps or do some group dungeon crawling come on by! I'll do my best to be there and I don't currently see anything that would stop me. I'm also gonna assume that Wizard will do his best to be there and will be wearing his Slime hat for easy identification. If anything changes I'll sent out a Tweet. My account is @paullanglois so keep an eye out. On the day of the meet I'll also Tweet what I'm wearing so you can ID me as well.
And on a more general note, mt FE:A avatar goes by the name Atrion. At the very least, he should useful for cannon fodder.
Oh, here's a tip: Go into your 3DS settings and turn off StreetPass for games you no longer have, or you'll be getting a bunch of worthless hits you'll never use.
And I feel kinda bad for anyone who tries to go up against my Fire Emblem army..... :twisted:
How does the FE streetpass work? I haven't played the game yet (I do have it though).
You and the person you streetpass with trade the streetpass team you have setup in the wireless menu area. The team consists of your avatar and 9 others. They appear on the map automatically when it updates after an event. You parley with them on the world map, and then you can either recruit; fight; buy items; or dismiss them.
Recruiting (costs gold) or fighting (and winning) allows you to get their avatar card in your avatar logbook. That allows you to "call" them to your army from any save game for a price.
And when I get your team, they will be at whatever level they are at in your game, right?
The Fire Emblem Street Pass is pretty great. Being a Boston local who works near a mall, I take a walk around there every day with my DS and get about 4 sorties a day. Also, your people still gain XPs for the fights they have. So...worth it!
Oh, here's a tip: Go into your 3DS settings and turn off StreetPass for games you no longer have, or you'll be getting a bunch of worthless hits you'll never use.
And I feel kinda bad for anyone who tries to go up against my Fire Emblem army..... :twisted:
How does the FE streetpass work? I haven't played the game yet (I do have it though).
You and the person you streetpass with trade the streetpass team you have setup in the wireless menu area. The team consists of your avatar and 9 others. They appear on the map automatically when it updates after an event. You parley with them on the world map, and then you can either recruit; fight; buy items; or dismiss them.
Recruiting (costs gold) or fighting (and winning) allows you to get their avatar card in your avatar logbook. That allows you to "call" them to your army from any save game for a price.
And when I get your team, they will be at whatever level they are at in your game, right?
They'll be whatever level you set up your StreetPass army at. So, if you set it up as soon as you can access the Wireless menu, and never go back in, you'll always be sending out a weak team. I go in at least onces a day to update their stats!
I'll be getting it from Amazon on Tuesday, so you'll get a card from me, if we pass each other.
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
Last year I got roughly 150 street passes before My 3DS's battery died and those people got a street pass for the UK lol
The 3DS gives warning messages if you are about to queue out Miis before you've interacted with them, but here's the breakdown: Once you welcome 10, the 3DS will collect 10 more and have them on standby. You must play with those first 10 before you welcome the next group, or the first group is wiped-out. When doing puzzle swap and Find Mii, you can hold down a shoulder button to speed things up, which will come in handy at a convention.
My R button is noticibly looser than my L because of holding it down so much! MiiPlaza is soooooo slow.
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
Definitely interested in Fire Emblem, Icarus, Pokemon, and quite a few others though.
On a side note, this will be the first handheld console I will have owned since the GBA SP...
It's a shame, Kid Icarus and Pokemon BW2 were both on sale at Best Buy this past weekend for $15 each.
Newegg also has the system on sale now for $170.
And for me, handhelds are in their own backlog opposed to console/PC games for me, only because I can pick up and play them much easier than I ever could console/PC games.
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
And yea, that BB deal was great.
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
Fire Emblem is freaking AWESOME. I'm a total noob to the series but I'm having a great time playing it. You get awesome stuff from Nintendo via Spotpass AND the StreetPasses you get gives you a source of cannon fodder to keep your troops alive and let other people sacrifice themselves nobily on the field of glory!
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
Good to know, thank you!
Yea, I played the demo last night and loved it. I am never into these kinds of games, but I am going to hunt down a copy.
There is just too much to do before PAX. Beat Pokemon and make a team, I wanted to unlock stuff in Kid Icarus for multiplayer, buy and play Fire Emblem and use the street/spotpass functions, and then Monster Hunter literally the day before we leave for PAX....It is impossible!
edit: Add play MK7 to unlock the rest of the kart parts and characters.
edit: Annnnd I bought Fire Emlbem for in-store pickup at Best Buy a half hour away. Thanks, PAX! Ha.
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
More details (and RSVP option!) available at this Google+ Event Link
Hope to see you there
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
What didn't you like?
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
I know the feeling. I'm trying to finish Kid Icarus and start Mario Kart and Fire Emblem before Pax. I've given up on a great pokemon team for Pax. I'll just be strolling along with my Soul Silver team that is in the mid 30's or so.
It's not a great demo in terms of introducing someone to all of the features, but it does highlight the main intent of the game: Hunting monsters. The rest of the game is the building, grind, and practice to be able to fell the giant beast, which makes it a thousand time more satisfying, and then you also get loot. The demo misses out on that. It's more a technical demo, letting you play with the weapons, fight a couple unique monsters, and get a feel for how the controls handle.
Nintendo should be selling that shit AT the convention.
edit: Is this map correct? Gamestop right there downtown?
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
Fire Emblem is incredibly fun, but it makes me very sad when I lose a character... Can't wait to StreetPass my team around the convention center!
Hmm... I seem to have misplaced my signature...
I'll be bringing a bunch of stuff myself. I have to figure out my schedule out.
Check the Pokemon League thread and their site to see when they main meetups are. Granted there are always players in the handheld lounge I'm sure.
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
I've lost two characters already, Volke and Miriam. I know that feel!
I've taken to grinding my guys a bit on the EXPonential Growth DLC map to get them all slightly higher level than what I'm facing in the story, makes it not too easy but every fight isn't frought with stress.
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
I get stingy with my characters as well. I usually wind up restarting chapters quite a few times because 1 person died... I've been trying to get them all levelled, but right now my main character is way OP for missions. I usually team him up with Chrom and anything they attack (or that attacks them) winds up getting obliterated, often by a 4 hit combo between the two. I especially like Ricken though, and have been trying to get him to level.
I can't wait to check out StreetPass stuff at PAX. Will be fun times indeed.
And I feel kinda bad for anyone who tries to go up against my Fire Emblem army..... :twisted:
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
How does the FE streetpass work? I haven't played the game yet (I do have it though).
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
Recruiting (costs gold) or fighting (and winning) allows you to get their avatar card in your avatar logbook. That allows you to "call" them to your army from any save game for a price.
And on a more general note, mt FE:A avatar goes by the name Atrion. At the very least, he should useful for cannon fodder.
And when I get your team, they will be at whatever level they are at in your game, right?
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
They'll be whatever level you set up your StreetPass army at. So, if you set it up as soon as you can access the Wireless menu, and never go back in, you'll always be sending out a weak team. I go in at least onces a day to update their stats!
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin