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[D&D 4E PbP] Kingmaker OOC Thread (Game closed due to Alien Abductions!)

TiamatZTiamatZ Ghost punsThe Banette of my existenceRegistered User regular
edited March 2013 in Critical Failures
Kingmaker: A DnD 4th Edition Conversion Campaign


South of Rostland, the hills rise and forests bloom into a land that has long remained wild, despite numerous attempts by colonists from both north and south to claim and civilize it. Taldor made the most ambitious attempt to settle this realm, but even that great nation failed to tame the wilderness that lies in a green swath between Brevoy and the River Kingdoms proper. This region is known as the Stolen Lands, as the wilds are viewed as territory unfairly claimed (and lost) by the other. It has lain fallow for decades since the previous attempt at colonization, and some whisper that the time is ripe for another attempt. Yet before the Stolen Lands can be claimed, they must be known. Old ruins, monuments to previous failures, dot the landscape, home now to all manner of savage humanoid tribe and ravenous glowering monstrosity. Bandits and barbarians are the closest thing to civilization an explorer can expect to encounter in these deadly but beautiful wilds.

From historian Gustav Devarr’s “Kingdoms of the Lost”

Act 1: Stolen Land

“Enter the Stolen Lands, a wilderness claimed by nobles, bandits, and beasts alike. Into this territory the fractious country of Brevoy sends its emissaries, tasking them with subduing the lawless folk and deadly creatures that have made it a realm of savagery and shame. Beyond the last rugged frontier stretches the home of voracious monsters, capricious fey, wily natives, and bandits who bow to the rule of a merciless lord none dare defy. Can the heroes survive the Stolen Lands, bring their dangers to heel, and lay the foundations of a new kingdom? Or will they just be one more fateful band, lost forever to the ravenous wilds?“

Your group of characters begins the Kingmaker Adventure Path as one of four groups sent south into the Stolen Lands to defeat bandits and, hopefully, to establish one of four new nations in the River Kingdoms. It certainly won’t be an easy task. Before any such settlement can even begin, the bandits and monsters must be dealt with—and once that initial task is done, the danger will only increase. As you struggle to foster a fledgling kingdom, build up its cities, and expand its farmlands, your group is destined to face rival warlords, ferocious beasts, strange cults, invading barbarian hordes, and even creatures that are neither man nor beast. Can you tame the Stolen Lands and forge a lasting settlement amid such opposition? Who will survive to rule your kingdom?

Who among you possesses the makings of a king?

This is a recruitment thread for a campaign of 4th edition of Dungeons and Dragons, for a party of five 1st level PCs.

Anyone may post an application, but precedence will be given to new as well as active members and players. In addition, anyone with experience as a DM and who would be willing to provide me with a little advice and guidance are particularly welcome.

The Particulars:
Standard setup. This is a play by post game; character sheets on Myth-Weavers (if you already have a completed character sheet on Orokos, that’s fine too). Rolls on Invisible Castle (or once again, should Invisible Castle throw a hissy fit, use of Orokos’s Dice roller is fine too). I, TiamatZ, will be the DM. PCs' minimum post requirement is the usual one per day. Habitual unexplained failures to post will result in your character being ejected from the campaign.

Party Order: At least one of each role (1 Leader, 1 Controller, 1 Striker, 1 Defender). The 5th spot will be chosen based on how outstanding the character concept is, so the more interesting the character, the greater the chance it has to get in :P

Please submit a level one character created with the 22 Point Buy system. Maximum submissions are one per person (so choose/design carefully).

Submission should include the standard stuff:
  • A link to the sheet (Myth Weavers or Orokos)
  • The character's name
  • A picture of your character (optional; for token creation purposes)
  • Personality traits, mannerisms and appearances.
  • A notably recent event in your character's life that might mark him or her as an adventurer (basically why the swordlords would choose you to be part of the expedition).
  • The CB summary stuff.
  • And lastly, I want to know your availability to post here in the forums, as well as what other PBP games you play (or run) here.

For your character, pretty much any official DnD 4th edition material is acceptable (supplement books, Dragon articles, etc.), except with regards to the race and class (see Character Backgrounds and Feats section below). Be prepared to post technical info if I request it.

Note about alignment: I am lax about alignment- there is no need to mark something on the sheet unless you want to. Evil characters are allowed on the condition that they have well thought-out background/goals and have a strong reason to work with a team, as well as reason to follow the party. No backstabbing the party, no killing the shopkeeper because you felt like it, and most importantly of all, don’t be a griefer; everyone’s here to have fun, but I will throw out anyone that tries to ruin everyone else’s experience.

Also no cheesy builds please :P

Deadline: Deadline is January 11th 18:00 PM (Early Evening; GMT+0 time). Expect the game to begin sometime in the following week (Monday January 14th) or even earlier, like say... the weekend.

Plans for the Campaign
To ease myself into the DM's seat, I intend to start the campaign by playing through Kingmaker Act 1 first. What happens next will be determined by how the game went.

Character Backgrounds and Feats:
Regarding Race:
Amid the constant threat of civil war, the inhabitants of Brevoy have more pressing concerns than their neighbours’ race, and few judge a person by race alone. Brevans value custom and loyalty regardless of race; thus, anyone who adheres to local traditions enjoys a high degree of tolerance and acceptance. As such, the region boasts a diverse population comprised of nearly every race and ethnicity from the world. Note that you don’t have to be from Brevoy to play in the Kingmaker Adventure Path, but since the campaign begins with your characters chartered by the swordlords of Restov and your initial approach into the Stolen Lands is from Brevoy, you should still take into account how members of your race and class function in this northern kingdom. In addition, Bloodline races (e.g. Dhamphir and Vistani) are also allowed.

Regarding Class:
All classes are acceptable (even the Heroes of Shadow and Psionic Power), with the exception of Hybrids.

The people of Brevoy are a diverse people, and those from many walks of life have answered the call to reclaim the Stolen Lands. Players may choose general backgrounds (like those from the PHB 2 and Power books etc.) ONLY! NO Forgotten Realms! NO Eberron! NO Scales of War! ‘Nuff said.

Themes are allowed though. You can even reflavour a Dark Sun theme to fit your character if you want...

Players retain their 100gp, but gain the adventurer’s kit absolutely FREE (this is issued free of charge by the swordlords for pursuing this expedition).

Lastly, when designing your character, choose ONE of the following feats absolutely free:
  • Toughness
  • Weapon/Implement Expertise (you can only choose one or the other)
  • Weapon/Implement Focus (you can only choose one or the other)
  • Proficiency with a Weapon (Martial Only)
  • A Domain Feat of your chosen Deity (Divine Only)
  • Superior Implement Training (Arcane Only)
  • A Tribal Feat of your choice (Primal Only)
  • An Augment Feat of your choice (Psionic Only; Psionic Power book)

Regarding Religion (Divine Characters):
For the sake of convenience, we’ll stick with the standard gods from the Points of Light Setting, as well as any gods from the Dragon/Dungeon articles (Provided they are not from Forgotten Realms, Eberron or Dark Sun).

Edit: All characters are required to have first names and last names. Come on people, be creative :D

Edit2: Recruitment is CLOSED!

TiamatZ on


  • TiamatZTiamatZ Ghost puns The Banette of my existenceRegistered User regular
    edited January 2013
    I’ve also added an overview regarding Brevoy, in case some of you would want to base your character in this nation (though the Adventure itself will be based in the Stolen Lands)...

    Brevoy Overview:

    Map of Brevoy (The Stolen Lands are directly south the city of Restov):

    Brevoy is a proud land, known throughout the world for producing able warriors, regal nobles, and clever rogues. Yet Brevoy’s two regions, Issia and Rostland, have long held one another in contempt and now stand on the verge of civil war. Both Issia and Rostland were independent nations until Choral the Conqueror’s barbarian armies and red dragon servitors united the regions into a single kingdom two centuries ago. Until recently, the iron rule of House Rogarvia maintained a fragile peace between the two regions. But a decade ago, House Rogarvia mysteriously disappeared, and the conniving leaders of Issia’s House Surtova supplanted them as Brevoy’s rulers. Now a labyrinthine political landscape plagues the nation, full of secret alliances, provincial loyalties, and nefarious plots; civil war seems inevitable. In Rostland to the south, the swordlords see in many of Issia’s recent political moves the swift approach of such a war. They rightly fear such an event, for Rostland is smaller than Issia, it has fewer armies, and its rolling hills and grasslands offer very little in the way of natural defenses. Worse, unlike Issia, whose northern border stretches along the Lake of Mists and Veils, which offers some defense, Rostland’s southern border lies along a stretch of wilderness infested with bandits and monsters. If Brevoy falls into civil war, it won’t be long at all before the violent, opportunistic vultures to the south move to take advantage of Rostland’s problems.

    This southern region of wilderness is called the Stolen Lands. While these lands are technically a part of the River Kingdoms, several of which have advanced claims in the past, Rostland has long viewed them as “stolen” from it by bandits and monsters. Many attempts have been made to settle the Stolen Lands, but to date, none have succeeded, making these 33,000 square miles of unclaimed wilderness the largest swath of unclaimed land in the entire River Kingdoms. As tensions mount in Brevoy, some of Rostland’s swordlords hope to change that fact; they have issued charters to several groups of adventurers, sending them south into the Stolen Lands. These initial charters are simple enough: re-open the old trade routes along the rivers and scatter or defeat the bandits who have made them too dangerous to use. Beyond that, it seems apparent that Rostland wants to encourage new nations to grow in this region—and believes that by supporting these nascent kingdoms as allies, it’ll gain loyal support in any coming conflict with Issia. It’s a bold and brilliant political move—for if Rostland turned its own resources to the task, not only would such a move weaken its defenses against the north, but the blatant power grab would certainly force Issia’s hand. By sending free agents south, the swordlords of Rostland hope to create new allies without sacrificing their own position of power in Brevoy.

    Yet as with most complex and brilliant plans, there are plenty of opportunities for disaster.

    The Noble Houses:
    House Garess:
    The valleys and lowlands of the Golushkin Mountains are the domain of House Garess, founded on both the defensibility of the mountain terrain and the mineral wealth the house has brought out of the peaks for generations. House Garess once had a profitable alliance with a clan of dwarves living in the Golushkin Mountains, serving as brokers of a sort for the ores, metals, and worked goods the Golushkin dwarves produced. Lord Howlan Garess even took Toval Golka, the son of the clan-chief of the dwarf hold, as his ward (some say more as a hostage than a guest in Grayhaven Castle). This proved fortunate for young Toval, as Grayhaven lost all contact with the dwarf hold of Golushkin during the same winter as the Vanishing. With his own son Bren lost inside the mountains, Lord Howlan, a widower with no other children, has named Toval his adoptive heir. This has earned the dwarf, now a skilled young warrior in his own right, few friends in Grayhaven.

    House Garess’s crest is a snow-capped mountain peak in gray against a dark blue field like the sky, with a silvery crescent moon in the upper right corner and a black hammer across the base of the peak, head toward the left. Its motto is “Strong as the Mountains.”

    House Lebeda:
    The Lebedas of Lake Reykal are known as the most “Rostlandic” of Brevoy’s noble houses, having inherited a good deal of Taldan blood and tradition, including a fondness for sword fighting and an appreciation of the finer things. Their family seat of Silverhall is one of the grandest castles in Brevoy, its spires rising above the shores of Lake Reykal. The Lebedas earn and maintain their fortune as merchants and brokers between the northern and southern reaches of Brevoy, and control much of the shipping across the lake. Dame Sarrona Lebeda has ruled the house as regent since the death of her husband, but their son Lander is approaching his majority, when he will become lord of the house. His older sister Elanna spends a great deal of time representing their house in New Stetven, and rumors claim the Lebedas are looking to arrange a marriage between her and Noleski Surtova. Naturally, Natala Surtova hates the young and charming Elanna Lebeda with a passion.

    House Lebeda’s crest is a white swan, serenely sailing across a blue expanse, with the sun on the horizon behind it. Whether the sun is said to be rising or setting depends on the house’s fortunes, but the Lebedas’ sun appears ascendant at the moment. Its motto is “Success through Grace.”

    House Lodovka:
    Whereas House Surtova slowly changed their waterborne ways to focus on their lands and political affairs in Brevoy, House Lodovka has remained strongly interested in maritime affairs. They have steadily grown their fleet of ships in the Lake of Mists and Veils and their influence along their lakeshore lands and the trade routes crossing the waters. House Lodovka claims comparatively little land in the northernmost areas of Brevoy, and much of the land they hold is unsuitable for farming, but the house has many vessels hauling catches of fish and freshwater crabs from the Lake. Lord Kozek Lodovka is at heart a cunning old pirate with a love of the water, looking to do right by his house, his family, and his people.

    House Lodovka’s crest is a greenshelled crab climbing from the blue waters toward the gray band of shore surmounted by a gray tower-keep in the center, against a backdrop of black. Their house motto is “The Waters, Our Fields.”

    House Medvyed:
    The easternmost house, Medvyed claims lands nestled against the Icerime Peaks and the Gronzi Forest, and rules them from the fortress of Stoneclimb in the lower peaks. They are a hardy folk, raisers of mountain goats and sheep, hunters in the Gronzi Forest, and cultivators of what good land can be found on the edges of their harsh territory. The Medvyeds and their people hearken back to the “Old Ways” of worshiping nature in its myriad forms. Isolated forest and mountain shrines to Melora (and, it is rumored, primal spirits like the Soul Serpent) are more common than temples of Erathis or Kord. Lord Gurev Medvyed loves to hunt, ride, and feast with his men, and dotes on his wife and children.

    House Medvyed’s crest is a black bear, rampant against a red field, with a spread of black antlers above the bear’s head. Its motto is “Endurance Overcomes All.”

    House Orlovsky:
    From Eagle’s Watch on the slopes of Mt. Veshka, House Orlovsky seeks to remain above the conflicts in Brevoy, both figuratively and literally. Unfortunately, the house’s role as a staunch ally of the Rogarvias has placed it in an awkward position under the current regime. Thus far, House Orlovsky has refused to acknowledge Noleski Surtova as anything other than Lord Regent in the absence of King Urzen or a true Rogarvian heir, but it is becoming increasingly clear which way the political winds are shifting. Lord Poul Orlovsky will soon be forced to either declare for the man he considers a usurper and opportunist, or seek to overthrow him and claim the Dragonscale Throne for himself (or another he finds worthy). An alliance between Orlovsky, Garess, and Medvyed could divide the nation, and cut the Surtovas’ travel and supply routes between Port Ice and New Stetven, but any such arrangement must be cultivated discreetly.

    House Orlovsky’s crest is a black eagle against a gold field, wings spread, feathers almost touching at the point of the base. Its motto is “High Above.”

    House Surtova:
    Surtova is most influential house in Brevoy. It is also the oldest, established in Issia centuries before Choral’s arrival. The Surtovas were infamous pirates and raiders in those early days, and with the Conquerer’s coming were able to parley captured wealth into lands and titles. What started out as a defensible fortress became Port Ice, a settlement that has been the seat of Surtova power for generations. Nikos Surtova’s alliance with Choral secured House Surtova’s place at the right hand of the ruling house, and allowed them to move quickly into place after the Vanishing. The Survotas established a “regency” in the absence of King Urzen (of House Rogarvia), which has quickly become the de facto succession to the crown. King Noleski Surtova sits upon the Dragonscale Throne, while his sister Natala Surtova reigns as unofficial “queen,” as her brother is as yet unmarried. Rumors say Natala enjoys her role (and her influence over her brother) far too much to embrace the idea of a proper sister-in-law. Still, there is considerable pressure for Noleski to choose a bride and produce heirs for his new dynasty.

    The Surtova crest is a gray ship against a field of blue below and black above, the upper shield spangled with silver stars. Its motto is “Ours Is the Right.”

    The Swordlords:
    Bandits from the River Kingdoms and Issia nearly spelled the end of the Taldan colony of Rostland in its early years. Sirian First’s reputation as a duelist drew the attention of a bandit chieftain, who offered the baron a wager: half his fortune against the bandit leader’s head, if he could best him in a duel. Baron First accepted, and lost. He paid his due and disappeared, too ashamed to show his face any longer, most assumed. Yet Sirian returned years later as Baron Aldori and, in a highly-publicized “rematch,” defeated his foe in seconds and re-established his rule in Rostland. Baron Aldori then issued his own wager: 100,000 gold pieces to anyone able to best him in a duel of blades. Thousands flocked to Rostland to answer this challenge, and the “Sword Baron” defeated them all. He founded the Aldori school of sword fighting, and established the influence of the Aldori swordlords over Rostland for centuries.

    With the change in regime, many swordlords fled Brevoy to other realms, such as the River Kingdom of Mivon. A few became sell-swords, prostituting the arts of the Aldori School for the coin needed to buy them food and shelter. The rest primarily settled in or near the free city of Restov.

    “The dragon has two heads,” goes the Brevic saying. Some see it as a reference to the dual nature of the nation’s culture—Issian and Rostlandic—others to the division between the ambitious nobility and the often grasping priesthood, or between the noble houses and the self proclaimed swordlords, all with the common people caught in the middle.

    Apart from the king and royal family, the highest ranking nobles in Brevoy are its lords—the heads of the noble houses. In the past 200 years the seven major noble houses have become both more closely related and more widespread. There is always a demand for land and titles, and younger, disaffected nobility are looking for ways to make a mark in the world.

    Although Brevans make it a point to honour all gods, three hold particular prominence among these hardy folk. Erathis is the unifying religious power in Brevoy, favoured of the merchant and tradesman class, as well as those nobles more interested in prosperity through trade and the rule of law than the iron fist of battle. Kord speaks to the needs and interests of the nobility of Brevoy: strength through force of arms and prowess in battle. Melora is the divinity of the common people of Brevoy, more concerned with cultivation, birthing, and harvesting than wealth, and less involved in the outcome of battles than in the repercussions of the corpse-strewn fields they leave behind. Inhabitants of scattered villages are far more acquainted with the local druid, midwife, and blue-clad monk than they are with the splendid clerics of Erathis or Kord.

    The vast majority of the Brevic people are simple peasants, primarily farmers and craftspeople who owe their fealty (and their taxes) to one lord or another. A Brevic peasant’s life is largely the same throughout Brevoy—up with the sun in the short spring and summer months to tend the fields in Rostland or fish and mine in Issia, with household chores filling the rest of the day. In the long, dark winter months there is no shortage of mending, brewing, carving, and cleaning. Men may visit the local tavern or tap house in the evening, and such places host dances or revels perhaps two or three times a season. The wise man attends to his own house and avoids the attention of noble and priest alike, praying to all their gods simply for decent weather, good crops, a healthy family, and the peace with which to enjoy them. The people of Brevoy are known for their somewhat pessimistic (they would say “realistic”) view of life.

    The Captial, New Stetven
    Choral the Conqueror established the Brevic capital of New Stetven after his successful campaign, building over the ruins of the original Taldan settlement of Stetven. It remains the center of political and economic power in the land, in spite of the recent upheavals. Of particular importance is New Stetven’s place as a trading city, carrying goods to and from Brevoy along the East Sellen River and the major trade roads that meet here along the shores of Lake Reykal.

    New Stetven earned the nickname “The City of Wooden Palaces” for the abundant use of timber to build everything from walls and houses to mansions and forts. Even some of the city streets are “paved” with planks laid in the near constant mud from the snow and slush. Raised wooden sidewalks are common in the wealthier parts of the city, allowing people to walk up out of the mud as much as possible. The only great stone structures of the city are the Ruby Fortress, the seat of power to the crown of Brevoy, and the Bulwark of Kord, Brevoy’s greatest temple to the Lord of Battle.

    Fire, like that which destroyed Old Stetven, remains a constant threat, and the city relies heavily on the services of volunteers aided by local spellcasters to put out the handful of fires that occur each winter.

    The Free City, Restov
    Nowhere is the Rostlandic spirit more alive than in the Free City of Restov. The city owes its allegiance to the Brevic crown, and Lord Mayor Ioseph Sellemius must bend his knee before the Dragonscale Throne like any lord, but otherwise Restov belongs to no house, making it a haven for the lost glories of the Aldori swordlords and those who look back to the old days before the coming of the Conqueror. Restov is a city of both refinement and rough-and-tumble manners, as only a colony can be in fondly recalling and imitating its motherland.

    The gentry of Restov consider themselves sophisticates, although a visitor would consider their ways quaint, and touched with no small amount of northern barbarism. The city is a bustling trade center along the border. Restov’s relative wealth supports no small number of idle and titled lordlings and merchants’ sons. They frequent the various Aldori dueling schools, as well as the alehouses, and fight each other in street corner challenges at dawn and dusk. The schools, salons, and taprooms of Restov are also hotbeds of rebellious talk against the reign of King Noleski Surtova, with young firebrands in search of a leader to rally them to the cause.

    Edit: Added information regarding the 6 current noble houses, the Capital of New Stetven and the Free city of Restov.

    TiamatZ on
  • KilnagaKilnaga Registered User regular
    Totally interested. I'll begin working up a character.

    "The psychedelic mind is a higher dimensional mind, it is not fit for three dimensional space time."
    - Terence McKenna
  • TalonrazorTalonrazor Registered User regular
    All over this. Character soon.

  • VaregaVarega Registered User regular
    I'd like to join in as well.

    League of Legends:Varega
  • StyyxStyyx Registered User regular
    Making a character for this as well. I should be able to submit him shortly.

  • SkiddlesSkiddles The frozen white northRegistered User regular
    I'll be making a submission as well!

  • LeperLeper Registered User regular
    I'm down.

    If my role play is hindered by rolling to play, then I'd prefer the rolls play right, instead of steam-rolling play-night.
  • doomybeardoomybear Hi People Registered User regular
    I think I'll give this a try!

    what a happy day it is
  • SaberOverEasySaberOverEasy Info Broker Registered User regular
    edited December 2012
    This may sum up my 4th Ed. experience:

    But this sounds like fun and I'm up for giving it a try.

    SaberOverEasy on
  • StyyxStyyx Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Tom Strout, Human Fighter (Weapon Master)


    Personality Traits, appearance, and mannerisms:
    Strout, being a formerly retired adventurer, is old fashioned. He likes to do his adventuring as "by the book" as possible, just like the way his former party used to. Strout is generally kind, gregarious, and brave, but his long and lonely retirement has left the man fairly out of touch with the modern world, leaving him prone to confusion and putting his foot in his mouth in social situations.

    Strout is a very proud man, his pride being the chief reason why he decided to come out of retirement. He looks for any opportunity available to earn glory or great treasure, hoping to rediscover the excitement of the adventurous days of his youth. Tales of Strout's exploits, along with details of the various creatures his party encounters, are kept in a small journal (Bestiary), which Strout keeps on his person at all times. This book is one of his most prized possessions, as its his only remaining link to his former friends from his old life.

    Tom Strout is a large bear of a man. He still retains his great strength, but it is difficult to hide the large gut that years of easy living has given him. Strout's once thick head of hair has receded, giving way to a baldness that he tries his best to hide whenever possible. His weapon of choice in battle is the maul, which allows him to throw around his strength to great effect without having to worry about technique or natural dexterity.

    Adventuring Exploits
    While Strout hasn't performed recently performed anything of note. Ten years ago he was quite the local hero for he and his former party's help in the destruction of over a dozen brigand groups. The riches they acquired from their exploits allowed Strout to buy a very small estate and enter into a quiet retirement. After several restless years, Strout gave his estate away and sold all of his personal belongings to gather up some new adventuring gear. He used the remainder of his small gold supply to spread the news of his return to the world, offering his services as a sellsword to any who would have him.

    CB Summary
    ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
    Tom Strout, level 1
    Human, Fighter (Weaponmaster)
    Fighter Option: Combat Superiority
    Fighter Talents Option: Two-handed Weapon Talent
    Human Power Selection Option: Bonus At-Will Power
    Recent Life - Peaceful Life (+2 to Athletics)
    Theme: Chevalier

    STR 18, CON 16, DEX 11, INT 8, WIS 13, CHA 10

    STR 16, CON 16, DEX 11, INT 8, WIS 13, CHA 10

    AC: 17 Fort: 18 Ref: 11 Will: 12
    HP: 29 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 7

    Athletics +12, Endurance +7, Heal +6, Intimidate +5

    Acrobatics +0, Arcana –1, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Dungeoneering +1, History –1, Insight +1, Nature +1, Perception +1, Religion –1, Stealth +0, Streetwise +0, Thievery +0

    Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
    Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
    Chevalier Attack: Valiant Charge
    Fighter Attack: Combat Challenge
    Fighter Attack 1: Footwork Lure
    Fighter Attack 1: Brash Strike
    Fighter Attack 1: Cleave
    Fighter Attack 1: Steel Serpent Strike
    Fighter Attack 1: Driving Attack

    Level 1: Hammering Iron
    Level 1: Weapon Focus (Hammer)
    Level 1: Bludgeon Expertise

    Adventurer's Kit
    Maul x1
    Scale Armor x1
    Ten-foot pole
    ====== End ======

    Availability wise, I am usually able to post on the forums every day, if not several times a day.

    Experience wise I'm almost always the DM in my gaming group, so I'm looking for a nice change of pace. I consider myself fairly familiar with the 4e system and DMing in general and can lend you any resources that I have saved if you'd like.

    Styyx on
  • VaregaVarega Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    CB Summary
    Vyridian Likaesh, Kalashtar Avenger
    Init +2 HP /27 Bloodied 13 Healing Surge 6 ( used /8)
    AC 15 Fort 12 Reflex 13 Will 13 Speed 6
    Str 10 (0) Con 13 (+1) Dex 15 (+2) Int 15 (+2) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 13 (+1)
    [OOC='Bond of Retribution (At Will)']Bond of Retribution (At Will)
    Melee Wisdom VS AC
    One Creature 1(W) + Wisdom mod. The first
    time an enemy other then the target hits or misses you before the end of your next turn, that target takes radiant damage equal to your Int. Modifier.
    [/OOC], [OOC='Radiant Vengeance (at Will)']Radiant Vengeance (at Will)
    At Will * Divine, Implement, Radiant
    Ranged 10
    One Creature
    Wisdom vs Reflex
    1d8 + Wisdom modifier damage. And you gain temp hitpoints equal to your Wisdom modifier.[/OOC], [OOC='Avenging Echo (Encounter)']Avenging Echo (Encounter)
    Divine, Radiant, Weapon
    Wisdom vs AC
    1W + Wisdom modifier damage. Until the end of your next turn, any enemy that ends its turn adjacent to you or that hits or misses you takes 5 + int mod damage (Censure of Retribution)[/OOC], [OOC='Aspect of Might (Daily)']Aspect of Might (Daily)
    Divine, Weapon
    One Creature
    Wisdom vs AC
    3W + Wisdom mod
    Miss: Half damage
    Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +5 power bonus to Athletic checks, +2 Speed, and + power bonus to the damage rolls of melee attacks.[/OOC], 'Abjure Undead (Channel Divinity Encounter)', 'Divine Guidance (Channel Divinity Encounter)', [OOC='Harmony of Erathis (Channel Divinity Encounter)']Harmony of Erathis (Channel Divinity Encounter)
    Minor action Ranged 10
    1 ally
    Effect: If you have at least 3 allies within range, grant one of those allies a +2 power bonus to the first attack roll she or he makes before the start of your next turn.[/OOC]
    An average build, though definitely intelligent. Has a multitude of issues when left to his own devices for an extended period of time. Always a very proper appearance.
    Does not make eye contact with those who he feels are beneath him.
    Green eyes, dark skin, black hair. Clean Shaven.
    Personality traits
    In Combat, he is serene, at home with the ensuing chaos that happens during battle. Out of combat, he is talkative, almost to an annoying fault.
    He loves being around people, but it seems he cannot hold onto friends for very long.
    He cannot drink any sort of alcohol, for he has a very addictive personality.
    He is a very good cook, but despises other people's cooking.
    One of the few Kalashtars remaining in his region, his parents were killed in a conflict when he was a young boy. Originally impetuous and with a wicked streak, the few villagers that were raising him gave him to a local monastery. During the initial testing for his path in life, he found a very small jade stone. This jade stone was nothing special, but the boy had an attraction to it. He kept it on him at all times, so much so that his name became Vyridian, something that means green in a nearly forgotten language. As he was being placed into his role of being nothing more then a cook, one of the monks let the abbot know that the idol of Erathis was missing one of it's stones. Vyridian, now a teenager, asked to see the idol. Intrigued, the monks led him to the statue, where Vyridian took the jade from his pocket, and placed it in the missing slot. The monks laughed and told him that something that insignificant did not deserve to be placed there. As one of the monks attempted to push Vyridian out of the way, a light shone upon him. Knowing that this was a sign, the abbot immediately declared Vyridian as one of the sacred guards of wisdom, an Avenger.

    As Vyridian trained, his personality grew from an impulsive and devilish one to a balanced and compassionate gentleman. While never believing himself to be perfect, his fellow brothers looked up to him as a source of faith. However, one day, an agent of Asmodeus came to the monastery and proceeded to destroy all the idols in the campus. His brothers, those that stood up to the evil knave, were struck down most brutally. When word reached Vyridian, who was training in a neighboring forest about a day's away, he stopped what he was doing and ran all the way to the monastery in about 5 hours. Exhausted, he asked Erathis for the strength to continue on, which she granted. Picking up his greatsword, he dashed into the monastery to find Bane's minion in front of Erathis's idol. With a deft charge, he hit the wicked servant square in the torso, knocking him off balance. The brute, regaining his balanced, moved to attack Vyridian, only to be burned from within. The monks, in awe of what they witnessed, petitioned Restov's ruling class to consider Vyridian to be worthy of rebuilding the nation.

    My posting is every day, and I've played a good amount of tabletop 4e, but never a PBP. I'm very active in G&T, but recently got bit by the D&D bug, and I'd like to get something going.

    Varega on
    League of Legends:Varega
  • TalonrazorTalonrazor Registered User regular
    Ok, I am working with the idea of a law enforcement guy, kinda like a magical investigator. I am thinking he worked in Brevoy as a sort of detective for some kind of government organization. Do you have an organization or idea that will fit this or can I come up with something?

  • KilnagaKilnaga Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Nemo Newtan, Halfling Paladin of Avandra

    Close enough... sort of. If I could draw myself it would be more accurate.

    Background, Appearance and Mannerisms, Personality Traits:
    Nemo was born the seventh son of a seventh son to a Halfling family in the River Kingdom of Mivon. Such a birth is naturally auspicious in and of itself, but Nemo had been marked at birth to further set him apart. Immediately the family had noticed the curious birthmark on the inside of the babe's left wrist shaped eerily like the symbol of the goddess Avandra. Nemo had been born with the goddess' kiss. His family, like most of the peoples of Mivon, were poor fisherman. Their recognition of the mark had caused them to spend much of what they had on religious instruction for their youngest son. Nemo had been taught to read and write, the history and stories of his people, the arts of healing and herbal medicine, and everything the Halfling books contained about his patron goddess. Nemo saw the financial distress his schooling had caused his family and felt obligated to spend his free time assisting his family at the fishponds. And there toiled away the life of the marked one.

    Nemo is tall, for a Halfling, standing at about 4'2" and weighing about 85 lbs. His hours working with his father and brothers down at the fishponds has graced him with tanned skin and lean muscle. He has shaggy brown hair, his bangs parted in the front, the rest tied back into tail that falls just below his shoulders. His face is angular with high cheekbones and a sharp nose that gives him the look similar to a bird of prey. His facial hair runs between clean shaven and a few days growth of stubble, depending on when he last he the chance to shave. His green eyes seem to laugh, even when the rest of his face isn't.

    Nemo is a relaxed individual, he doesn't let small trifles worry him. This attitude is brought about in him mainly due to his special mark. He was brought up believing the goddess of luck is on his side and has chosen him for some special, as yet unspecified, task. He is prone to bouts of big-headedness, but this is tempered by the fact that he is typically a kind and caring individual. Nemo is rather happy-go-lucky. He enjoys music, food, drink, and smoking his pipe.

    Adventuring Exploits:
    One day, while Nemo was assisting the local healers he was studying under, a thief broke in and made away with many valuable medical supplies. Nemo gave chase, running down the much larger man and tripping him to the ground. He recovered the medical supplies and returned them to the grateful healer. This event was the catalyst for the first major change in Nemo's life. After hearing of his heroics, his family would have no more of his helping down at the fishponds. There were certain that he was destined for much greater things and urged him to pursue them.

    Nemo outfitted himself for the road, his family spent yet more of their money on him to have a set of plate armor fashioned for his small frame as well as suitable weapons made that could be handled by such a small individual. For this he was grateful but felt guilty as he believed he had not yet earned such help as his family provided him. Nemo set out upon the road, travelling by himself from town to town to offer his services. His family was worried for him, such a small creature traveling alone would make for an easy target. Nemo was not worried, he knew he would be safe, that his goddess would watch over him. He made sure to stop and pray whenever he passed one of her wayside shrines.

    Nemo finally made his way to the city of Restov where, once again, he offered his services as a healer. His solo travels had intrigued the peoples of Restov. "How could one so small survive the journey here all by himself?" they wondered. Shortly after his arrival in Restov, the local swordlords began preparing groups to venture south into the Stolen Lands. Nemo felt drawn to the expedition teams, it seemed no coincidence to him that they would be setting out so soon after his arrival. It was an opportunity he couldn't pass up.

    Theme Music:
    CB Summary:
    ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
    Nemo Newtan, level 1
    Halfling, Paladin
    Halfling - Avandra's Kiss (+2 to Heal)
    Theme: Knight Hospitaler

    STR 11, CON 13, DEX 12, INT 8, WIS 16, CHA 18

    STR 11, CON 13, DEX 10, INT 8, WIS 16, CHA 16

    AC: 20 Fort: 12 Ref: 14 Will: 15
    HP: 33 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 8

    Diplomacy +9, Endurance +2, Heal +10, Religion +4

    Acrobatics –1, Arcana –1, Athletics –4, Bluff +4, Dungeoneering +3, History –1, Insight +3, Intimidate +4, Nature +3, Perception +3, Stealth –3, Streetwise +4, Thievery –1

    Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
    Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
    Knight Hospitaler Utility: Shield of Devotion
    Halfling Racial Power: Second Chance
    Paladin Feature: Divine Mettle
    Paladin Feature: Divine Strength
    Paladin Feature: Divine Challenge
    Paladin Feature: Lay on Hands
    Paladin Attack 1: Virtuous Strike
    Paladin Attack 1: Ardent Strike
    Paladin Attack 1: Valorous Smite
    Paladin Attack 1: Majestic Halo

    Level 1: Toughness
    Level 1: Lost in the Crowd

    Plate Armor x1
    Adventurer's Kit
    Short sword x1
    Heavy Shield x1
    Holy Symbol x1
    ====== End ======

    I have experience with D&D4E. I DM my own regular group, which means I don't actually get to play myself all too often. I am extremely active here in CF, on quite a bit every day. Posting multiple times a day would not be difficult for me. I've played in other PBP games here on the forums, but never a D&D4E one.

    Kilnaga on
    "The psychedelic mind is a higher dimensional mind, it is not fit for three dimensional space time."
    - Terence McKenna
  • LeperLeper Registered User regular
    edited January 2013

    Burnham Ringleaf, G(n)oblin (ex-)Ringmaster


    CB Summary
    ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
    Burnham Ringleaf, level 1
    Gnome, Warlord
    Archer Warlord Optional Choice: Standard Warlord Armor Features
    Warlord: Canny Leader
    Commanding Presence: Tactical Presence
    Birth - Among Another Race: Among Another Race (Goblin)
    Background: Birth - Among Another Race (Among Another Race (Goblin))
    Dark Sun Theme: Athasian Minstrel

    Str 14, Con 10, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 11, Cha 16.

    Str 14, Con 10, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 14.

    AC: 16 Fort: 13 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
    HP: 22 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 5

    Endurance +5, Intimidate +8, Athletics +7, Diplomacy +8

    Acrobatics, Arcana +6, Bluff +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History +4, Insight +2, Nature, Perception +2, Religion +4, Stealth +2, Streetwise +3, Thievery +2

    Feat User Choice: Pick Expertise
    Level 1: Double Team

    Warlord at-will 1: Commander's Strike
    Warlord at-will 1: Direct the Strike
    Warlord encounter 1: Vengeance is Mine
    Warlord daily 1: Lamb to the Slaughter

    ====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======
    Although vaguely taller than most of his goblin brethren, Burnham is used to being the shortest around due to a large amount of time spent among more civilized folk. He's used to stage and spotlight, and tends to move in broad, theatrical gestures. Loquacious, liscentious, largiloquent, and only seldom prone to ladronism, latrocination or lassitude, Burnham prides himself on being social to a fault.
    Personality traits
    Burnham likes big words, big hats, big meals and women of any size. His sense of humor seems unflagging, although it's been known to be a bit dry or dip into the awful shallows of mere puns in the heat of battle, and he generally prefers to avoid conflict when in the confines of civilization.

    "Big hat? Clown makeup? Why, my dear boy, isn't it obvious? How many of these gentle folk have spoken to eachother in incredulous tones, 'where do you think that wee goblin's going dressed up like that?' and while the cogitate on the mystery of such absurdity, not one has grabbed a pitchfork or torch... Save that one, but I'm fairly certain I owe him money."

    Burnham grew up among circus folk with one of his (many) brothers. As a result, he's learned a fair bit of everything and (he'll be quick to remind most) a whole lot of nothing. When, possibly by chance, (more likely by skullduggery) Farnham came to own the circus Burnham was certain a new age had dawned for the dynamic duo, but it was not to be.

    Farnham's tastes leaned more towards greed, grift and graft than earning an honest dollar, and Burnham simply hadn't the heart (or skill) to perform much beyond the simplest of deceptions. Finding little room in a community he'd once called home, Burnham struck out on his own with little more than a few props and an accomplished sense of showmanship.

    These days, however, puppet shows and three-card-monte are seldom enough to provide more than roof over his head for the night and never a full belly. The promise of steady rations without having to trade in his hat for a helm is enough to convince the poor sod that life as a surveyor might well be worth the risk--after all, unexplored lands might well contain delicious animals previously unsampled by an adventurous gourmand.

    Burnham strongly believes himself to be the right man for the job--if one can herd a pack of clowns, contortionists, musicians and exotic livestock from one end of a continent to the other, then a few wayward adventurers simply cannot be that much more difficult. Aside from taking every opportunity to point out exactly how obstinate camels and trapeze artists can be, Burnham has also advanced the largest portions of his dwindling savings in a benevolent fund for the Advancement of Borderline Indigent Quartermasters and Exchequers. While some might consider this to be something as base as 'bribery,' the goblin considers it more akin to the cost of doing business, and a vital and necessary investment in his future.

    I am quite familiar with 4e, but haven't had the opportunity to play in a while. Most of my experience comes sitting in the GM chair, and it's always nice to take a load off and just worry about one character for a while. I am available to post every day, once a day at minimum, but certainly more frequently if need be.

    Leper on
    If my role play is hindered by rolling to play, then I'd prefer the rolls play right, instead of steam-rolling play-night.
  • KilnagaKilnaga Registered User regular
    Your mythweavers sheet says "Race: Goblin (Gnome)." So are you a Goblin or a Gnome? >_>

    "The psychedelic mind is a higher dimensional mind, it is not fit for three dimensional space time."
    - Terence McKenna
  • LeperLeper Registered User regular
    Goblins aren't really a (well) supported race, so I snatched the Gnome stats and called it a Gobin. If that's not acceptable, I can switch to actual Goblin stats, but... I'd rather not.

    If my role play is hindered by rolling to play, then I'd prefer the rolls play right, instead of steam-rolling play-night.
  • KilnagaKilnaga Registered User regular
    TeeHee... Gnoblin.

    "The psychedelic mind is a higher dimensional mind, it is not fit for three dimensional space time."
    - Terence McKenna
  • Smoove OperatorSmoove Operator Registered User regular
    Noting interest. Character up tomorrow when I'm not phone posting.

    Honesty, Integrity, Handshakefulness

    HoTS: Schmutz#1686
  • TalonrazorTalonrazor Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Ok, here's my guy. I simply made up the law enforcement organization name and picked the capital city as his origin. If you need me to rename or change anything to fit in, no problem. I was thinking he could have tied his backstory to @Kilnaga and work with his character in charity houses or something. Could also link up with @Styyx. Portrait coming soon.

    Arifyn Tok

    CB Summary
    ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
    Arifyn Tok, level 1
    Changeling, Warlock
    Build: Deceptive Warlock
    Eldritch Pact Option: Fey Pact
    Eldritch Blast Option: Eldritch Blast Charisma
    Occupation - Bounty Hunter (Perception class skill)
    Theme: Bloodsworn

    STR 11, CON 10, DEX 14, INT 16, WIS 10, CHA 18

    STR 11, CON 10, DEX 14, INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 16

    AC: 15 Fort: 10 Ref: 14 Will: 16
    HP: 22 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 5

    Arcana +8, Insight +7, Intimidate +9, Streetwise +9

    Acrobatics +2, Athletics +0, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +0, Endurance +0, Heal +0, History +3, Nature +0, Perception +0, Religion +3, Stealth +2, Thievery +2

    Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
    Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
    Bloodsworn Utility: Bloodied Determination
    Changeling Racial Power: Changeling Disguise
    Changeling Racial Power: Changeling Trick
    Warlock's Curse Power: Warlock's Curse
    Warlock Attack 1: Eldritch Blast
    Warlock Attack 1: Eyebite
    Warlock Pact Boon 1: Misty Step
    Warlock Attack 1: Witchfire
    Warlock Attack 1: Curse of the Dark Dream

    Level 1: Superior Implement Training
    Level 1: Killing Curse

    Accurate wand x1
    Adventurer's Kit
    Leather Armor x1
    ====== End ======

    Personality, Background, Appearances and Mannerisms
    Arifyn Tok is a sharp-featured man, with an angular narrow face dominated by a long sloping nose. Arifyn grew up with his loving family, showing a particular talent for the arcane arts. His family had made their wealth by serving various noble lords in the capacity as changling spies and royal knights. He became apprenticed to a local alchemist and wizard, who trained the boy in collecting the plant life needed. Arifyn became fascinated with documenting the wildlife and animals that he saw. He sketched, collected and practiced the arcane arts most of his youth, enjoying his idyllic life. His mother spent much time helping in the local beggarshouse and Arifyn usually accompanied her. There he saw the suffering of the poor in the cities. He became determined to do something.
    After years of working in aiding the poor, Arifyn realized that the only change would be justice to corrupt wizards and arcanists who constantly oppressed the non-powerful. Arifyn applied to be a member of New Stetven City Watch. There, he worked as a guard for a while before being noticed by the King’s Arcane Justice of the Royal Magical Service. He was given the chance to prove himself as a champion of the arcane arts, committed to justice and a true servant of the King and his people against the oppression of rogue magic. Passing the Eight Trials, he was selected as member and ordered to travel the lands to investigate abuse, fraud and magical danger.
    As a newer Lesser Judicial, Arifyn is devoted to bringing peace and prosperity to the people. He is committed in his belief of aiding others and will bring the full force of his powers as a warlock against oppression. Inquisical and intelligent, Arifyn carries a full artisry kit with him as well, jotting down in his large leather-bound journal the various odd wildlife he sees. Something of an amatuer naturalist, Arifyn is a skilled artist of the quill and charcoal.
    Arifyn is a bit naive, having been somewhat sheltered in his life. He is growing wiser to the world around him and the political realities but still doggedly determined in his objectives. He is, at heart, a decent person and true humanitarian. While sometimes this is exploited, Arifyn will not let the darker world that he delves into change his soul.... or so he desperately believes.
    He wears the close-fitting uniform of dark red leather that marks the members of the King’s Justice. Over it he usually wears a long wool coat with a large hood. His wand is marked with the King’s stamp and is a standard service-issued weapon that sits on his leather duty-belt. He usually uses his carved walking stick that he has decorated with motifs of Bahamut. Arifyn can be quiet at times but usually is good-natured and curious, asking questions and offering words of comfort. When pursuing a mark, he becomes extremely focused and determined. He desperately tries not show how new he is at all of this.

    He is a thinner man with a body that shows it is new to some muscle. His sharp light green eyes match his hawkish face. A very neatly trimmed curtain beard trails down the sides of his cheeks to wrap around his angular jaw to the point of his chin. A neat moustache reaches down to join it. His sandy brown hair is neat, washed and carefully trimmed short on the sides, with a longer length in the back that is pulled into a very short and compact ponytail. Lanky and tall at an even six feet, he has a long stride of man who is enjoying his life’s journey and is no hurry to the destination. He tries to protect his identity as a Changeling, as his father instructed and usually simply uses his standard human disguise. His neutral form results in his skin becoming much paler and his hair turning a nearly-white color, with eyes as black as coal.

    Arifyn Tok arose to the Chief Arcane Justice after taking part in a major joint operation by the City Watch and the King’s Arcane Justice to eliminate several nearby brigand groups that were causing problems for merchants. During the operation, Tok uncovered attempts by the group to escape and coordinated expertly with hired mercenaries. As a Lesser Judicial, he has already made a name for himself by bringing down several troubled hedge wizards during his field probation stage.

    Talonrazor on
  • TalonrazorTalonrazor Registered User regular
    As for my RPG experience, I ran three Novo Aether games (Genesis, Exodus and Legacy) that used d20 Future and then FATE. I have also ran a couple of D&D 4E games on here, (Legends of Novus) and played a in few others. I am currently playing in Monsterhearts and I run a tabletop 4E game with my buddies at home. I am also about to start running a FATE Core PbP iteration of my Novo Aether game. Been playing RPGs for years, Mutant & Masterminds, d20 Future, d20 Modern, D&D 4E, FATE, Star Wars d20, etc.

  • TiamatZTiamatZ Ghost puns The Banette of my existenceRegistered User regular
    Talonrazor wrote: »
    Ok, I am working with the idea of a law enforcement guy, kinda like a magical investigator. I am thinking he worked in Brevoy as a sort of detective for some kind of government organization. Do you have an organization or idea that will fit this or can I come up with something?

    There is no actual government organization assisting the Crown so to speak (at least, as far as the Kingmaker supplements are concerned), but I don't mind if you'd like to create an organization of your own for character building purposes. I intentionally tried keeping the fluff as lean as possible, in case forumers wanted to make or design their own stories for their characters, but I can give you guys some more details regarding Brevoy if you want to. As for the ruling party, it's currently held by House Surtova.

    House details:
    Surtova is most influential house in Brevoy. It is also the oldest, established in Issia centuries before Choral’s arrival. The Surtovas were infamous pirates and raiders in those early days, and with the Conquerer’s coming were able to parley captured wealth into lands and titles. What started out as a defensible fortress became Port Ice, a settlement that has been the seat of Surtova power for generations. Nikos Surtova’s alliance with Choral secured House Surtova’s place at the right hand of the ruling house, and allowed them to move quickly into place after the Vanishing. The Survotas established a “regency” in the absence of King Urzen (of House Rogarvia), which has quickly become the de facto succession to the crown. King Noleski Surtova sits upon the Dragonscale Throne, while his sister Natala Surtova reigns as unofficial “queen,” as her brother is as yet unmarried. Rumors say Natala enjoys her role (and her influence over her brother) far too much to embrace the idea of a proper sister-in-law. Still, there is considerable pressure for Noleski to choose a bride and produce heirs for his new dynasty.

    The Surtova crest is a gray ship against a field of blue below and black above, the upper shield spangled with silver stars. Its motto is “Ours Is the Right.”

    DM Thoughts: They are almost kind of like a lite version of House Lannister from Game of Thrones, so take from it what you will.

    As for the captial, there is New Stetven...

    New Stetven
    Choral the Conqueror established the Brevic capital of New Stetven after his successful campaign, building over the ruins of the original Taldan settlement of Stetven. It remains the center of political and economic power in the land, in spite of the recent upheavals. Of particular importance is New Stetven’s place as a trading city, carrying goods to and from Brevoy along the East Sellen River and the major trade roads that meet here along the shores of Lake Reykal.

    New Stetven earned the nickname “The City of Wooden Palaces” for the abundant use of timber to build everything from walls and houses to mansions and forts. Even some of the city streets are “paved” with planks laid in the near constant mud from the snow and slush. Raised wooden sidewalks are common in the wealthier parts of the city, allowing people to walk up out of the mud as much as possible. The only great stone structures of the city are the Ruby Fortress, the seat of power to the crown of Brevoy, and the Bulwark of Kord, Brevoy’s greatest temple to the Lord of Battle.

    Fire, like that which destroyed Old Stetven, remains a constant threat, and the city relies heavily on the services of volunteers aided by local spellcasters to put out the handful of fires that occur each winter.

    and then there is the Free city of Restov, where the Swordlords reside...

    Nowhere is the Rostlandic spirit more alive than in the Free City of Restov. The city owes its allegiance to the Brevic crown, and Lord Mayor Ioseph Sellemius must bend his knee before the Dragonscale Throne like any lord, but otherwise Restov belongs to no house, making it a haven for the lost glories of the Aldori swordlords and those who look back to the old days before the coming of the Conqueror. Restov is a city of both refinement and rough-and-tumble manners, as only a colony can be in fondly recalling and imitating its motherland.

    The gentry of Restov consider themselves sophisticates, although a visitor would consider their ways quaint, and touched with no small amount of northern barbarism. The city is a bustling trade center along the border. Restov’s relative wealth supports no small number of idle and titled lordlings and merchants’ sons. They frequent the various Aldori dueling schools, as well as the alehouses, and fight each other in street corner challenges at dawn and dusk. The schools, salons, and taprooms of Restov are also hotbeds of rebellious talk against the reign of King Noleski Surtova, with young firebrands in search of a leader to rally them to the cause.

    tl;dr version: take from these nuggets of fluff what you will. I'll add these to the Brevoy Overview post for the sake of convenience for other players.


    As for the rest of you guys: definitely some neat and intriguing apps so far.

    @Styx: I noticed you have 2 points too many in your ability scores (when I ran the numbers in the 'ye old' character builder, I came up with -2 to your overall point usage [and that's even WITH taking the Strength bonus into effect]).

    @Varega: I noticed it's missing a Background (at least, last I checked).

    Still... these small hiccups are alright for now (you guys can fix this up once applications have been chosen).

  • NerfThatManNerfThatMan Registered User regular
    I have never played any tabletop RPGs before. I have no friends who want to, even though I ponied up the cash for some of the 4th edition books. That being said, if you wouldn't mind accepting a sub from a total novice, I'd like to toss my hat in the ring.

    Gareth Hammerarm, Human Warlord


    CB Summary
    ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======
    Gareth Hammerarm, level 1
    Human, Warlord
    Commanding Presence: Bravura Presence

    Str 19, Con 11, Dex 10, Int 14, Wis 9, Cha 13.

    Str 17, Con 11, Dex 10, Int 14, Wis 9, Cha 13.

    AC: 16 Fort: 16 Reflex: 14 Will: 13
    HP: 28 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 7

    Athletics +8, Endurance +4, History +7, Heal +4, Intimidate +6

    Acrobatics -1, Arcana +2, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering -1, Insight -1, Nature -1, Perception -1, Religion +2, Stealth -1, Streetwise +1, Thievery -1

    Human: Improved Bravura
    User Choice: Toughness
    Level 1: Lend Might

    Warlord at-will 1: Brash Assault
    Warlord at-will 1: Commander's Strike
    Human: Opening Shove
    Warlord encounter 1: Myrmidon Formation
    Warlord daily 1: Fearless Rescue

    Adventurer's Kit, Light Shield, Throwing hammer, Warhammer, Hide Armor
    ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======

    Personality, Background, Appearance and Mannerisms
    Gareth was born and raised the son of a poor family in the foothills of the Golushkin Mountains. As a child he showed a predilection for violence and mayhem, and although age may have tempered the brash attitude of his youth, he's always ready to enjoy a fight, if one arises. As a young man, he joined a mercenary company composed mostly of Dwarves, and traveled the land doing the dirty work of a sellsword- or in Gareth's case, a sellhammer. He picked up a fondness for the weapon when fighting alongside Dwarven warriors, and also speaks Dwarven, although with an horrific accent, and perhaps not as well as he might think.

    Gareth is a fairly tall, well-built man with little hair, except for his magnificent sideburns, which he treats with the utmost care and respect. His body is scarred and beaten, and he always seems to have some new bandage or fresh wound that's in the process of healing- even if he hasn't fought for months. Gareth is famous within his former mercenary company for his practical jokes and awful sense of humor, and in fact has a prank named after him- the "Hammerarm Hewer".

    Gareth was forced to leave his former company after a dispute with its captain- ostensibly over pay, according to Gareth, but those who know the truth tend to break into fits of laughter if you question them about his exit.

    Recent Exploits
    On his last journey with the mercenary company, he (accidentally) saved the son of a minor noble, who was so enamored of Hammerarm that he went back to court spouting all sorts of tall-tales about Gareth's exploits and heroism that no small amount of noble attention has been focused on this otherwise unremarkable mercenary.

    As for post frequency, at least once a day every day, more than likely throughout the day, although I am in Italy right now, so the time zones may not line up perfectly.

    PSN: corporateshill
  • VaregaVarega Registered User regular
    TiamatZ wrote: »
    Talonrazor wrote: »
    Ok, I am working with the idea of a law enforcement guy, kinda like a magical investigator. I am thinking he worked in Brevoy as a sort of detective for some kind of government organization. Do you have an organization or idea that will fit this or can I come up with something?

    There is no actual government organization assisting the Crown so to speak (at least, as far as the Kingmaker supplements are concerned), but I don't mind if you'd like to create an organization of your own for character building purposes. I intentionally tried keeping the fluff as lean as possible, in case forumers wanted to make or design their own stories for their characters, but I can give you guys some more details regarding Brevoy if you want to. As for the ruling party, it's currently held by House Surtova.

    House details:
    Surtova is most influential house in Brevoy. It is also the oldest, established in Issia centuries before Choral’s arrival. The Surtovas were infamous pirates and raiders in those early days, and with the Conquerer’s coming were able to parley captured wealth into lands and titles. What started out as a defensible fortress became Port Ice, a settlement that has been the seat of Surtova power for generations. Nikos Surtova’s alliance with Choral secured House Surtova’s place at the right hand of the ruling house, and allowed them to move quickly into place after the Vanishing. The Survotas established a “regency” in the absence of King Urzen (of House Rogarvia), which has quickly become the de facto succession to the crown. King Noleski Surtova sits upon the Dragonscale Throne, while his sister Natala Surtova reigns as unofficial “queen,” as her brother is as yet unmarried. Rumors say Natala enjoys her role (and her influence over her brother) far too much to embrace the idea of a proper sister-in-law. Still, there is considerable pressure for Noleski to choose a bride and produce heirs for his new dynasty.

    The Surtova crest is a gray ship against a field of blue below and black above, the upper shield spangled with silver stars. Its motto is “Ours Is the Right.”

    DM Thoughts: They are almost kind of like a lite version of House Lannister from Game of Thrones, so take from it what you will.

    As for the captial, there is New Stetven...

    New Stetven
    Choral the Conqueror established the Brevic capital of New Stetven after his successful campaign, building over the ruins of the original Taldan settlement of Stetven. It remains the center of political and economic power in the land, in spite of the recent upheavals. Of particular importance is New Stetven’s place as a trading city, carrying goods to and from Brevoy along the East Sellen River and the major trade roads that meet here along the shores of Lake Reykal.

    New Stetven earned the nickname “The City of Wooden Palaces” for the abundant use of timber to build everything from walls and houses to mansions and forts. Even some of the city streets are “paved” with planks laid in the near constant mud from the snow and slush. Raised wooden sidewalks are common in the wealthier parts of the city, allowing people to walk up out of the mud as much as possible. The only great stone structures of the city are the Ruby Fortress, the seat of power to the crown of Brevoy, and the Bulwark of Kord, Brevoy’s greatest temple to the Lord of Battle.

    Fire, like that which destroyed Old Stetven, remains a constant threat, and the city relies heavily on the services of volunteers aided by local spellcasters to put out the handful of fires that occur each winter.

    and then there is the Free city of Restov, where the Swordlords reside...

    Nowhere is the Rostlandic spirit more alive than in the Free City of Restov. The city owes its allegiance to the Brevic crown, and Lord Mayor Ioseph Sellemius must bend his knee before the Dragonscale Throne like any lord, but otherwise Restov belongs to no house, making it a haven for the lost glories of the Aldori swordlords and those who look back to the old days before the coming of the Conqueror. Restov is a city of both refinement and rough-and-tumble manners, as only a colony can be in fondly recalling and imitating its motherland.

    The gentry of Restov consider themselves sophisticates, although a visitor would consider their ways quaint, and touched with no small amount of northern barbarism. The city is a bustling trade center along the border. Restov’s relative wealth supports no small number of idle and titled lordlings and merchants’ sons. They frequent the various Aldori dueling schools, as well as the alehouses, and fight each other in street corner challenges at dawn and dusk. The schools, salons, and taprooms of Restov are also hotbeds of rebellious talk against the reign of King Noleski Surtova, with young firebrands in search of a leader to rally them to the cause.

    tl;dr version: take from these nuggets of fluff what you will. I'll add these to the Brevoy Overview post for the sake of convenience for other players.


    As for the rest of you guys: definitely some neat and intriguing apps so far.

    @Styx: I noticed you have 2 points too many in your ability scores (when I ran the numbers in the 'ye old' character builder, I came up with -2 to your overall point usage [and that's even WITH taking the Strength bonus into effect]).

    @Varega: I noticed it's missing a Background (at least, last I checked).

    Still... these small hiccups are alright for now (you guys can fix this up once applications have been chosen).

    Bah, I combined exploits and background into one. My bad, I'll try to fix it later.

    League of Legends:Varega
  • StyyxStyyx Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Got 22 point buy confused somehow. I'll change it.

    EDIT: Alright fixed. In all honesty, I think my character is probably better now, even with less attribute points. : )

    Styyx on
  • GrogGrog My sword is only steel in a useful shape.Registered User regular
    edited January 2013

    In an attempt to distance themselves from their Surtovan sponsors and take a more neutral political position, the Coven of Anghoril decided to re-brand. Sacrificial focus groups determined their new title (Ispade: the Institute for the Safe and Proper Application of Demonic Energies) and uniform, as well as the need for fresh public faces.

    Lorna is one such recruit, hired for her mixed ancestry (to appeal to a wider demonographic) more than her combat experience. Nevertheless, she is positive that the Institute can do good for Brevoy and is eager to balance the Swordlords' power if it can prevent civil war.

    Fresh faced and spry, her silver hair is the only sign that she has reached middle age, though the bright white robes issued to Ispade's envoys serves to hide it. Thick and hooded, the robes also serve to conceal her weaponry- a selection of long blades collected over her travels along the Winter Coast, held together by a coiled drakeskin whip- and ornate silver armour.

    Years of wandering, mercenary work and experiencing the Brevoy cultural divide will make a realist of anyone. Lorna remembers when her employers wore black and their emblem was a bleeding skull and she's under no illusions as to their real intentions. Which is exactly the reason she joined up- if she can be on the front lines as they try to extend their influence into the Stolen Lands she can ensure it is done right.

    Recent Events:
    When the Institute's first community outreach summoning went awry, Lorna and several other initiates were sent in to salvage the situation. Thanks to her bravery and quick thinking, the demon was banished before it could do lasting damage and the villagers that had fallen under it's thrall suffered little to no soul corruption (according to the Ispade certified demonologer).

    Upon returning to the Institute, Lorna received her First Mark- a blue hellfire brand on her forehead to mark her status as Envoy. Being the first of the new recruits to receive such a title she was the default candidate to be sent to the Swordlords with a letter of recommendation.

    CB Summary:
    ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
    Lorna Yusson, level 1
    Human, Slayer
    Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power
    Background: Arcane Agent (Stealth class skill)

    Str 20, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10.

    Str 18, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10.

    AC: 17 Fort: 18 Reflex: 13 Will: 11
    HP: 26 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 6

    Streetwise +5, Stealth +7, Endurance +5, Athletics +10

    Acrobatics +2, Arcana -1, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering, Heal, History -1, Insight, Intimidate, Nature, Perception, Religion -1, Thievery +2

    Human: Deft Hurler Style
    Feat User Choice: Weapon Proficiency (Drow Long Knife)
    Level 1: Whip Training

    Bonus At-Will Power: Cleave
    Slayer utility 1: Poised Assault
    Slayer utility 1: Mobile Blade

    Scale Armor, Drow Long Knife (3), Whip, Adventurer's Kit, Spiked gauntlet

    I'm in the two Dungeon World games and Jdark's MHR game here on the boards, as well as running the Dragon Slayers 4E game (back tomorrow!). I just can't resist a Tiamatz game though.

    Grog on
  • TalonrazorTalonrazor Registered User regular
    @TiamatZ So does my King's Arcane Justice work or should it make more of a service of House Surtova? I was wanting a kind of magical law enforcement investigation arm.

  • squishy-blobsquishy-blob Registered User regular

    Do my eyes decieve me? TiamatZ recruiting for a new PbP game?

    Ah, the memories...

  • doomybeardoomybear Hi People Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Dhyrn the Indolent
    Pic by me!
    From here. DON'T SMITE ME PA GODS

    Dhyrn was born into a tribe of barbaric cannibal gnolls. They were an offshoot from a much more stable community, misguided by the prophecies of an insane priestess and the delusions of a megalomaniacal warlord. Originating far south in the Stolen Lands, the belligerent and self-destructive gang drove themselves north and into the patrols of Restov. At first, vulnerable merchant caravans and unprepared soldiers provided them with unexpected wealth. Dhyrn carved himself a niche in opening un-openable locks, hiding away from envious comrades, and making various ruins safe havens for their retreat. They were eating when the Swordlords arrived. Dhyrn in particular was choking on a halfling's femur, but a generous mercenary traded his asphyxiation for unconsciousness and a concussion delivered to the back of his skull. The tribe was no match for the mercenaries.

    The gnoll was branded and imprisoned at a quarry north of Brunderton. It was there that Dhyrn earned his title, the Indolent, from a guard practicing new vocabulary. He liked it. He imagined the fancy word meant some kind of regal inaction. While his capability to avoid the guards' eyes and subsequently nap earned him his title, his quick hands earned him more physical rewards. For some alcohol, sweets, and fresh meat, one could purchase the murder of an inmate or guard. Eventually, it was one such purchase which made Dhyrn's stay untenable. He was the unwitting participant in the assassination of Dame Sarrona Lebeda's cousin's sister-in-law's father's friend, a limestone tradesman. Even the dim-witted Dhyrn realized he was in trouble. The very next morning a reward had been put up for information on the perpetrator. Everyone knew it was Dhyrn. Fortunately, the gnoll wasted no time, having escaped four hours prior to the notice.

    It was the Swordlords who had tracked him back to those very same ruins where he had first been caught. He had been uncovering his emergency treasure. The Swordlords gave Dhyrn an ultimatum: assist in the colonization of the Stolen Lands or face execution. Dhyrn accepted.

    TL;DR: Was a raider, got caught. Killed the wrong guy in prison and escaped. Got caught. Offered to hang or go to the Stolen Lands, took the latter.

    Dhyrn is 7 feet and 5 inches tall and solidly built. He's a gnoll of dull gold eyes, dirty tan fur and black spots and short mohawk, although he is surprisingly clean for one - it helps him hide when he has bathed. He is very guarded about his person, holding himself in a way that suggests hands that wish to be kept should remain away from his property. The longer one spends in his company, though, the more he relaxes, happier to have a companion than to be alone. He often scratches at the brand on his back when anxious.

    In a casual setting, Dhyrn is lazy, selfish, suspicious and possessive, but when higher stakes are at hand, his pack mentality kicks in and he becomes a much more reliable ally. Despite his imposing stature, he still has the behavior of a follower and defers to the most authoritative and confident personality of a group. His moral compass fails to point toward righteousness, but the conditions of his upbringing were hostile to the development of civilized ethics.

    While others might be more concerned with their spiritual being, Dhyrn enjoys his 'profession.' He likes the rush of battle but is a wimp to pain, striking from the shadows for the quickest kill. He likes the game of picking locks and pockets, and poking at traps had been a childhood pastime.

    He is suspicious of magic and superstitious, and these traits are not diminished by his lack of intellect. He believes that the simple brand on his back is magical and responsible for the Swordlords tracking him down. Invented superstitions explain much of Dhyrn's world to him.

    Recent Activity:
    There were a number of factors which led to the Swordlords sending Dhyrn to the Stolen Lands. His escape from the quarry prison was certainly impressive enough. At night, inmates are herded into four foot tall caves forty feet deep. The nearly seven and a half foot tall Dhyrn navigated over the sleeping bodies of more than a dozen prisoners and made it to the door. There, he had to pick a lock with the splintered remains of a pick's handle and quietly navigate over a hundred yards of nearly bare rock and gravel under a full moon. Then he had to maneuver his way toward four guards in two different towers, scale the wooden gate, and then make his getaway across another fifty yards of road and low grass.

    The Swordlords had done their homework, too. They found the gnoll when they consulted the records of his arrest, easily and correctly surmising that he might return to a familiar place. They also knew that Dhyrn's original tribe had emigrated from the Stolen Lands, and they hope that whatever memories he might have could help such an expedition. They knew that the gnoll was no stranger to combat. If Dhyrn had any friends, they were presumably dead or imprisoned. In the event of disaster, he was expendable.

    Character Sheet:
    ======Created Using a Keyboard and Spare Time======
    Dhyrn the Indolent, level 1
    Gnoll, Rogue
    Build: Brutal Rogue, Fighter multiclass
    Background: Criminal (Stealth bonus +2)
    Rogue Tactic: Brutal Scoundrel

    Str 16, Con 13, Dex 18, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 10

    Str 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 10

    AC: 16 Fort: 13 Reflex: 16 Will: 11
    HP: 25 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 6

    Acrobatics +9, Athletics +8, Dungeoneering +6, Endurance +6, Perception +8, Stealth +11, Thievery +9

    Arcana -1, Bluff, Diplomacy, Heal +1, History -1, Insight +1, Intimidate +2, Nature +1, Religion -1, Streetwise

    Battle Awareness (Fighter Multiclass)
    Feat User Choice: Light Blade Expertise

    Rogue at-will 1: Piercing Strike
    Rogue at-will 1: Riposte Strike
    Rogue Encounter 1: Dazing Strike
    Rogue Daily 1: Handspring Assault
    Racial Power: Ferocious Charge

    Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Short Sword, 4 Daggers, Thieves Tools, Climber's Kit, Tent, 10 Torches, 5 Ale-filled Waterskins, Chest, Lock

    Dhyrn the Indolent, Gnoll Rogue, n/a, n/a
    Init +4 HP 25/25 Bloodied 12 Healing Surge 6 (0 used /7)
    AC 16 Fort 13 Reflex 16 Will 11 Speed 7
    Str 16 (+3) Con 13 (+1) Dex 18 (+4) Int 8 (-1) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 10 (0)

    At Will: Piercing Strike
    At-Will ✦ Martial, Weapon
    Standard Action Melee weapon
    Requirement: You must be wielding a light blade.
    Target: One creature
    Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
    Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
    Increase damage to 2[W] + Dexterity modifier at 21st level.

    At Will: Riposte Strike
    At-Will ✦ Martial,Weapon
    Standard Action Melee weapon
    Requirement: You must be wielding a light blade.
    Target: One creature
    Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
    Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage. If the target attacks
    you before the start of your next turn, you make your
    riposte against the target as an immediate interrupt: a
    Strength vs. AC attack that deals 1[W] + Strength modifier
    Increase damage to 2[W] + Dexterity modifier and at level 21.

    Encounter: Ferocious Charge
    Standard Action Personal
    Effect: You charge, and deal an extra 2 damage on a successful attack. Increase the extra damage to 4 at 11th level and
    6 at 21st level. If you are bloodied, double the extra damage and gain an equal number of temporary hit points.

    Encounter: Dazing Strike
    Encounter ✦ Martial,Weapon
    Standard Action Melee weapon
    Requirement: You must be wielding a light blade.
    Target: One creature
    Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
    Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.

    Daily: Handspring Assault
    Daily ✦ Martial, Reliable, Weapon
    Standard Action Melee weapon
    Prerequisite: You must be trained in Acrobatics.
    Requirement: You must be wielding a light blade.
    Target: One creature
    Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
    Hit: 3[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and you can shift 2 squares.
    Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of a melee basic attack.

    Guesstimated lock cost and weight at 5 gp and 1 lbs. 5 waterskins of ale is 5 Waterskins (5 gp) plus 5 pitchers of ale (2 sp * 5 = 1 gp), and it's about the same weight.

    Background: Criminal, +2 Stealth

    Edited for stuffs.

    Holy crap I write too much.

    I'm a once a day poster, although I can do more often depending on my schedule. Also, as far as experience goes, I don't think I've ever played a game past level 1 on play by post (my tabletop experience is likewise limited), simply because the groups would fall apart (GM and player disinterest). I'm not involved in any games right now.

    Edit 2: Changed it a little bit.

    doomybear on
    what a happy day it is
  • TiamatZTiamatZ Ghost puns The Banette of my existenceRegistered User regular
    Talonrazor wrote: »
    @TiamatZ So does my King's Arcane Justice work or should it make more of a service of House Surtova? I was wanting a kind of magical law enforcement investigation arm.

    Although the AP explicitly states:
    Note that if the PCs are from Brevoy, it’s best if they’re not closely tied to that nation’s noble families-explain to the players that while the Kingmaker Adventure Path begins at the edge of that nation, it doesn’t actually take place in Brevoy.

    But due to the current political climate within Brevoy, a lot can happen to one's homeland while one is away. As a separate entity, it could stand neutral to the crown, but might be under scrutiny from House Surtova. On the other hand, being in service of the ruling House might mean they would have more freedom to act for crown and country, but could be used (in due time) to fit the ruling House's political schemes. Either way, I'm fine with either choice your most comfortable with.


    Do my eyes decieve me? TiamatZ recruiting for a new PbP game?

    Ah, the memories...

    Indeed. Hard to believe I started a Scales of War AP back in 2009. Oh my, does time sure fly...

  • GatsbyGatsby Registered User regular
    Definitely interested, I'll see if I can whip up a good character in the next day or two.

  • TalonrazorTalonrazor Registered User regular
    TiamatZ wrote: »
    Talonrazor wrote: »
    @TiamatZ So does my King's Arcane Justice work or should it make more of a service of House Surtova? I was wanting a kind of magical law enforcement investigation arm.

    Although the AP explicitly states:
    Note that if the PCs are from Brevoy, it’s best if they’re not closely tied to that nation’s noble families-explain to the players that while the Kingmaker Adventure Path begins at the edge of that nation, it doesn’t actually take place in Brevoy.

    But due to the current political climate within Brevoy, a lot can happen to one's homeland while one is away. As a separate entity, it could stand neutral to the crown, but might be under scrutiny from House Surtova. On the other hand, being in service of the ruling House might mean they would have more freedom to act for crown and country, but could be used (in due time) to fit the ruling House's political schemes. Either way, I'm fine with either choice your most comfortable with.
    Ok, cool. I like the idea of it being a neutral service that polices magical users in Brevoy but has a lot of political clout, so House Surtova is kinda preparing to move against it. Arifyn is probably pretty unaware of all politics and is pretty naive. Somebody assigned him to the expedition because a Swordlord has some kind of connection or favor owed.

  • dresdenphiledresdenphile Watch out for snakes!Registered User regular
    In regards to deities, what about Vecna? I have an Unaligned paladin who is a Keeper of the Forbidden Lore (the least evil of all of the Vecnites) that I made for another PbP game that has since fizzled, but I'd love to find a new home for her.

  • TiamatZTiamatZ Ghost puns The Banette of my existenceRegistered User regular
    In regards to deities, what about Vecna? I have an Unaligned paladin who is a Keeper of the Forbidden Lore (the least evil of all of the Vecnites) that I made for another PbP game that has since fizzled, but I'd love to find a new home for her.

    Any Point of Light (or other from the Dragon/Dungeon supplements, provided they don't originate from other settings) deity is up for grabs. The three gods I posted in the overview are the more prominent ones, but citizens of Brevoy are a diverse lot, and people from different walks of life are answering the call to reclaim the Stolen Lands. As such, I'm sure a Vecna worshiper spreading his faith in unknown territory exploring for all of Brevoy shouldn't be too uncommon.

    Remember that its your earliest exploit as an adventurer that will deem if you are worthy of being sent into the Stolen Lands in the first place.

  • SaberOverEasySaberOverEasy Info Broker Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    I think we need some more control, people!

    Matthew Whitmarsh, Human Wizard


    Matthew's parents were not the most successful general goods merchants in Restov, but they were far from the least. A steady stream of customers came in for ropes, poles and rations, filling the Whitmarsh treasury with gold and young Matthew's head with tales of adventure. When he grew older, Matthew begged his parents for a chance to study in New Steven. After a long series of discussions pointing out the opportunities to meet new people, connect with the nobility, and experience life somewhere else, they reluctantly agreed.

    One year later, Matthew's father was struck by a terrible illness. The once hale and hearty man was now confined to his bed. Rumors swirled about that the elder Whitmarsh had actually run afoul of an associate of House Lebeda, though no one could say for sure. The only certainty was Matthew ceasing his studies and returning to run the store.

    For the next two years, Matthew served as the proprietor of Marsh and Sons and the business flourished. Customers praised the quality of their repairs and the speed of the service. Adventurers spoke of the dashing proprietor and his goods. Marriage proposals from several young eligible merchant's daughter were discretely discussed. Even the elder Whitmarsh seemed energized, gradually regaining his strength and beginning to move about. For his part, Matthew seemed happily on his way to continuing his family tradition. While the neighborhood gossips commented on his intense questioning of certain adventurous types coming to the store and his love of books, most dismissed it as harmless eccentricity.

    Then tragedy struck once again. His father had finally regained his ability to walk. In celebration, Matthew's parents planned a lovely night out at their favorite inn. On their way back home, a horse broke free of its halter and ran for them. His mother was killed instantly. His father lasted for three days.

    On the fourth day, an associate of house Lebeda approached Matthew with a laughable offer to buy the store. Matthew refused. That night, four thugs broke into Marsh and Sons. They ran into the street with tales of the owner calling down frost and thunder. The next day, a slightly higher offer for the store was received. Doing the math, Matthew realized that hiring killers to deal with wizards was likely more expensive than thugs to beat up shopkeepers. He also realized that he was unlikely to survive to see a third offer. He sold.

    Mort Mortson was one of the Whitmarsh's adventuresome clients. After his retirement, he found his skills in service to one of the swordlords of Restov as a steward. After prolonged negotiations and the “donation” of the store sale proceeds for “funding”, Matthew found himself appointed as an “economic advisor” to the expedition.

    Appearance, Mannerisms and Personality:
    Matthew is wiry and outgoing. He has perfected the generally jovial mannerisms of a shopkeeper, and can easily carry on conversations when need be. In private, he tends to be a bit more subdued. He is intensely inquisitive and loves investigating the new and unknown. This led him to study the arcane arts in New Steven, a fact that he keeps very much private. This has also led him to bargain and bribe his way onto one of the expedition teams. The thought that he's in over his head has occurred to him. Just how far in probably has not.

    Recent Activity:
    Matthew has recently been forced to sell his family's store to associates of House Lebeda. Considering he also believes House Lebeda has a hand in his parent's death, he's carrying a bit of a grudge. He's used his connections and personality to bribe his way onto the expedition as an economic specialist. His wizardly abilities are things he generally keeps private and is unwilling to reveal unless necessary.

    Character Sheet:
    Matthew Whitmarsh, level 1
    Human, Wizard
    Arcance Implement Mastery: Orb of Imposition
    Background: Merchant (+2 Diplomacy)

    Str 8, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 14

    Str 8, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 14

    AC: 14 Fort: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 15
    HP: 23 Surges: 5 Surge Value: 7

    Arcana +9, Diplomacy +7 (+9), History +9, Insight +7, Religion +9

    Acrobatics +0, Athletics -1, Bluff +2, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +1, Heal +2, Intimidate +2, Nature +2, Perception +2, Stealth +0, Streetwise +2, Thievery +0

    Human: Arcane Reserves
    User Choice: Implement Expertise (Orb)
    Level 1: Improved Initiative

    Wizard at-will 1: Cloud of Daggers
    Wizard at-will 1: Thunderwave
    Human: Ray of Frost
    Wizard encounter 1: Icy Terrain
    Wizard daily 1: Sleep (prepared)
    Wizard daily 1: Flaming Sphere


    Comprehend Language
    Make Whole
    Tenser's Floating Disc

    Adventurer's Kit, Spellbook, Orb, Dagger, tent, 2x reagents Comprehend Language, 1x reagents Tenser's Disc, 45 gold

    I'm new to PbP (and it's been a long time since I've done D&D), but I'm a frequent phalla player on the forums and tend to spend a little more time than is actually good for me aroudn here.

    SaberOverEasy on
  • StyyxStyyx Registered User regular
    Talonrazor wrote: »
    Ok, here's my guy. I simply made up the law enforcement organization name and picked the capital city as his origin. If you need me to rename or change anything to fit in, no problem. I was thinking he could have tied his backstory to @Kilnaga and work with his character in charity houses or something. Could also link up with @Styyx. Portrait coming soon.

    Arifyn Tok

    CB Summary
    ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
    Arifyn Tok, level 1
    Changeling, Warlock
    Build: Deceptive Warlock
    Eldritch Pact Option: Fey Pact
    Eldritch Blast Option: Eldritch Blast Charisma
    Occupation - Bounty Hunter (Perception class skill)
    Theme: Bloodsworn

    STR 11, CON 10, DEX 14, INT 16, WIS 10, CHA 18

    STR 11, CON 10, DEX 14, INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 16

    AC: 15 Fort: 10 Ref: 14 Will: 16
    HP: 22 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 5

    Arcana +8, Insight +7, Intimidate +9, Streetwise +9

    Acrobatics +2, Athletics +0, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +0, Endurance +0, Heal +0, History +3, Nature +0, Perception +0, Religion +3, Stealth +2, Thievery +2

    Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
    Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
    Bloodsworn Utility: Bloodied Determination
    Changeling Racial Power: Changeling Disguise
    Changeling Racial Power: Changeling Trick
    Warlock's Curse Power: Warlock's Curse
    Warlock Attack 1: Eldritch Blast
    Warlock Attack 1: Eyebite
    Warlock Pact Boon 1: Misty Step
    Warlock Attack 1: Witchfire
    Warlock Attack 1: Curse of the Dark Dream

    Level 1: Superior Implement Training
    Level 1: Killing Curse

    Accurate wand x1
    Adventurer's Kit
    Leather Armor x1
    ====== End ======

    Personality, Background, Appearances and Mannerisms
    Arifyn Tok is a sharp-featured man, with an angular narrow face dominated by a long sloping nose. Arifyn grew up with his loving family, showing a particular talent for the arcane arts. His family had made their wealth by serving various noble lords in the capacity as changling spies and royal knights. He became apprenticed to a local alchemist and wizard, who trained the boy in collecting the plant life needed. Arifyn became fascinated with documenting the wildlife and animals that he saw. He sketched, collected and practiced the arcane arts most of his youth, enjoying his idyllic life. His mother spent much time helping in the local beggarshouse and Arifyn usually accompanied her. There he saw the suffering of the poor in the cities. He became determined to do something.
    After years of working in aiding the poor, Arifyn realized that the only change would be justice to corrupt wizards and arcanists who constantly oppressed the non-powerful. Arifyn applied to be a member of New Stetven City Watch. There, he worked as a guard for a while before being noticed by the King’s Arcane Justice of the Royal Magical Service. He was given the chance to prove himself as a champion of the arcane arts, committed to justice and a true servant of the King and his people against the oppression of rogue magic. Passing the Eight Trials, he was selected as member and ordered to travel the lands to investigate abuse, fraud and magical danger.
    As a newer Lesser Judicial, Arifyn is devoted to bringing peace and prosperity to the people. He is committed in his belief of aiding others and will bring the full force of his powers as a warlock against oppression. Inquisical and intelligent, Arifyn carries a full artisry kit with him as well, jotting down in his large leather-bound journal the various odd wildlife he sees. Something of an amatuer naturalist, Arifyn is a skilled artist of the quill and charcoal.
    Arifyn is a bit naive, having been somewhat sheltered in his life. He is growing wiser to the world around him and the political realities but still doggedly determined in his objectives. He is, at heart, a decent person and true humanitarian. While sometimes this is exploited, Arifyn will not let the darker world that he delves into change his soul.... or so he desperately believes.
    He wears the close-fitting uniform of dark red leather that marks the members of the King’s Justice. Over it he usually wears a long wool coat with a large hood. His wand is marked with the King’s stamp and is a standard service-issued weapon that sits on his leather duty-belt. He usually uses his carved walking stick that he has decorated with motifs of Bahamut. Arifyn can be quiet at times but usually is good-natured and curious, asking questions and offering words of comfort. When pursuing a mark, he becomes extremely focused and determined. He desperately tries not show how new he is at all of this.

    He is a thinner man with a body that shows it is new to some muscle. His sharp light green eyes match his hawkish face. A very neatly trimmed curtain beard trails down the sides of his cheeks to wrap around his angular jaw to the point of his chin. A neat moustache reaches down to join it. His sandy brown hair is neat, washed and carefully trimmed short on the sides, with a longer length in the back that is pulled into a very short and compact ponytail. Lanky and tall at an even six feet, he has a long stride of man who is enjoying his life’s journey and is no hurry to the destination. He tries to protect his identity as a Changeling, as his father instructed and usually simply uses his standard human disguise. His neutral form results in his skin becoming much paler and his hair turning a nearly-white color, with eyes as black as coal.

    Arifyn Tok arose to the Chief Arcane Justice after taking part in a major joint operation by the City Watch and the King’s Arcane Justice to eliminate several nearby brigand groups that were causing problems for merchants. During the operation, Tok uncovered attempts by the group to escape and coordinated expertly with hired mercenaries. As a Lesser Judicial, he has already made a name for himself by bringing down several troubled hedge wizards during his field probation stage.

    I think it'd make plenty of sense for our characters to have met each other while hunting for the same bandit groups, so I'm down for that.

  • SkiddlesSkiddles The frozen white northRegistered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Tor Smithsson, Human Avenger of Avandra

    Born the son of a blacksmith in a rural village, Tor was nearly nobility- his father was an excellent smith, and smiths were always treated as a necessary resource, especially when the trek to the nearest city with a competent smith took a week all told.

    Tor's father Magnus had high hopes that his firstborn son would follow in his footsteps and become a smith, as he had for his father before him. And although Tor did try, he had a short attention span and would much rather have an adventure than spend the entire afternoon pounding on a piece of metal to get it just right. So with a heavy heart Magnus started training his second son, while Tor got into increasing trouble with the locals, seeking danger and attempting to "rescue" the daughters of the local farmers in their haylofts.

    Eventually Magnus called on the local lord to find Tor a more suitable vocation, and eventually Tor was shipped off to the small city of Silverhall to serve as a city guard. This was more up Tor's alley, and he took to his martial training with gusto... But in time being a city guard required still required patience and discipline that Tor clearly did not have. He was a great young man to have when there was trouble brewing, but unfortunately he ended up brewing more trouble than he was able to help solve.

    It was decided that the youth needed to get adventure out of his system before he could truly perform as a guard, and word had just reached the city that there was need of an adventurer in the (relatively) nearby capital... And so he was sent on once again, with the promise of enough adventure to sate even his robust appetite.

    On the way to the Capital, Tor happened upon a roadside shrine. Peeking in, he saw noone about, so he decided to explore. The temple, it seemed, was dedicated to the goddess Avandra, who was pictured in various frescos wandering the lands, encouraging trade and shining on gamblers. Intrigued, Tor wandered near the back where there were a set of odd symbols in a box, framed by a large sign:


    Impulsively, Tor picked up the talisman, and an electric shock passed up his arm and through his body, accompanied by a beautiful voice which echoed in the vaults of his mind:

    <<And so you have finally found me. The bargain is fulfilled, and you are to be my instrument for all of your days. You shall travel the world and delight in its fruits, and luck shall always follow you... and I'll even make sure some of it is good. Welcome home, young Tor. I have high hopes for you, and I am sure you will not disappoint me.>>

    Tor is a lean young human of about 20 wearing clothing that is a small step up from a peasant's. He is lean and in good shape, with dark hair that is flat. Not at all spiky.

    His face is not particularly handsome, but a glint in his eye promises that there is more to Tor than meets the eye.

    Tor is a free spirit, containing boundless energy and enthusiasm mostly directed at seeing what is over the next hill, finding the bottom of the next mug of beer, or at finding all there is to find about the nearest comely lass. In his element, he is extremely friendly and likeable- when he is free and able to do as he pleases, he is the life of the party and a joy to behold. Whenever he is called upon to remain still or perform some task for longer than a few minutes, however, he can become uncomfortable, leading into willfulness and petulance.

    Recent Exploits:
    In Silverhall he frequently (almost daily) shown himself a capable fighter, chasing down thieves and defeating much larger and more experienced foes as a member of the City Watch. Most recently he saved the life of a merchant's daughter who was being kidnapped in order to hold her for ransom. (The watch neglected to inform the merchant she had gotten into trouble BECAUSE of Tor, and they didn't want to burden the man with this little detail since the merchant was VERY grateful).

    This mission is precisely what Tor needs get this wanderlust out of his system and settle him down so that he can settle down, raise a family and become a successful watchman... Or so his superiors hope.

    Character Sheet:
    In progress. Current version is here

    Current Summary:

    Tor Smithsson, Human Avenger
    Init +3 HP 26/26 Bloodied 13 Healing Surge 6 (0 used /8)
    AC 16 Fort 13 Reflex 15 Will 16 Speed 6
    Str 12 (+1) Con 12 (+1) Dex 16 (+3) Int 10 (0) Wis 18 (+4) Cha 8 (-1)

    Played in lots of successful PbPs and am able to post multiple times a day. A few of my favorites that are done:

    D&D 4e A point of Light (will search for link and update)
    SWSE Dark Times

    Present campaigns (no D&D atm :( ):
    SWSE Lost Hope
    Call of Cthulu Whispers in Darkness

    Skiddles on
  • FaranguFarangu I am a beardy man With a beardy planRegistered User regular
    If the host wishes, I have more than a fair bit of 4e DM-ing experience, and would be willing to assist with [strike]killing the characters in devious ways[/strike] making sure everything goes smoothly.

  • NullzoneNullzone Registered User regular
    Similar offer to Farangu -- I'm not particularly available to participate, but feel free to PM questions if you'd like :)

  • SkiddlesSkiddles The frozen white northRegistered User regular
    Heh. I didn't realize all the love Avandra was getting in the thread when I created my character. Potential for synergy is high :)

  • TiamatZTiamatZ Ghost puns The Banette of my existenceRegistered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Here's a list of the submissions we got so far:

    Burnham Ringleaf, Goblin(Gnome) (ex-)Ringmaster and Warlord (Teehee...Gnoblin) (Leper) Post
    Gareth Hammerarm, Human Warlord and man with the worst Dwarven accent ever (NerfThatMan) Post

    Matthew Whitmarsh, Human Wizard and down on his luck entrepreneur (SaberOverEasy) Post

    Melee Strikers:
    Vyridian Likaesh, Kalashtar Avenger, acolyte of Erathis and fan of Gourdon Ramazzey, famous Tiefling Cook (Varega) Post
    Lorna Yusson, Human Slayer and Envoy of Ispade (P.S. We don't do pets, unless said pets are infernal in origin) (Grog) Post
    Dhyrn the Indolent, Gnoll Rogue also and starring as Hyena Plissken in "Escape from Brevoy" (doomybear) Post
    Tor Smithsson, Human Avenger and keeper 'o the Lucky Charms 'o Avandra (El Skid) Post

    Range Strikers:
    Arifyn Tok, Changeling Fey Warlock and hunter of the arcanic ne'er-do-wells (Talonrazor) Post

    Tom Strout, Human Fighter and formerly retired "You kids and your fancy, schmancy adventurin'..." veteran (Styyx) Post
    Nemo Newtan, Halfling Paladin and fisherman for Avandra.... literally (Kilnaga) Post

    @Farangu, @Nullzone:

    Any (future) help will be greatly appreciated, thanks.

    TiamatZ on
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