I miss the old West End Games D6 system. That shit was rad.
Manifest, I had a dream last night where you and I were painting some figures and you tried to tell me how to use primer and I said, "Bitch, I know how to use motherfuckin' primer, I've been painting models since I was eight," and you knocked over my jar of thinner with some sort of smug look on your face. So, I whipped out a Nerf Maverick and shot you in the left lens of your glasses and the dart just kinda stuck there for a second...and then it dropped off and knocked a jar of paint onto your brand-new, expensive-as-shit jeans.
Sorry about the jeans, dude, but Daddy don't take no sass from no metrosexual-nerds.
last night I dreamed something to the effect of scores upon scores of children gathering around me, then mutilating themselves, killing themselves in all sorts of nasty manners, then their spirits almost folding into reality around me, like they would just walk though from some other, darker place, displacing reality around them, their faces distorted, swollen, hanging, endlessly screaming and moaning and dragging me into that place with them.
I miss the old West End Games D6 system. That shit was rad.
Manifest, I had a dream last night where you and I were painting some figures and you tried to tell me how to use primer and I said, "Bitch, I know how to use motherfuckin' primer, I've been painting models since I was eight," and you knocked over my jar of thinner with some sort of smug look on your face. So, I whipped out a Nerf Maverick and shot you in the left lens of your glasses and the dart just kinda stuck there for a second...and then it dropped off and knocked a jar of paint onto your brand-new, expensive-as-shit jeans.
Sorry about the jeans, dude, but Daddy don't take no sass from no metrosexual-nerds.
last night I dreamed something to the effect of scores upon scores of children gathering around me, then mutilating themselves, killing themselves in all sorts of nasty manners, then their spirits almost folding into reality around me, like they would just walk though from some other, darker place, displacing reality around them, their faces distorted, swollen, hanging, endlessly screaming and moaning and dragging me into that place with them.
It has been hinted in the Dark Elf army book that she and her son share an incestual relationship as they co-rule Naggaroth. But some fans dismiss this as over-protective motherly love for her son and equal respect from her son. In other snippets of fiction within the White Dwarf, it has been implicated that there could be a higher relationship other than mother and son as Morathi tends to ask her son a lot of favours often, especially leading up to the Storm of Chaos worldwide campaign.
last night I dreamed something to the effect of scores upon scores of children gathering around me, then mutilating themselves, killing themselves in all sorts of nasty manners, then their spirits almost folding into reality around me, like they would just walk though from some other, darker place, displacing reality around them, their faces distorted, swollen, hanging, endlessly screaming and moaning and dragging me into that place with them.
Yep I'm set for playing Chaos.
Man... I..
I hope you're getting help for your PTSD. That shit isn't pleasant.
Callius on
QuetziHere we may reign secure, and in my choice,To reign is worth ambition though in HellRegistered User, Moderatormod
Was it the old tzeentch chaos marines who used to have guitars?
Cause they were fucking awesome.
old slaanesh noise marines
i think that they may have been one of the early factors in creating my slaanesh hatred
How can you hate Slaanesh? Between the old marines, Daemonettes and the Forgeworld Keeper of the Secrets they have the best Chaos model line ever.
I play Slannesh and they are a joy to play. I play a Emperor's Children list so the list is noise marine heavy and they are probably one of the most shooty armies I play just walking around shooting with their sonic weapons and the good fact that you will probably hit first in assault since enemies get -1 to their initiative when fighting Slannesh.
eryu90 on
RankenphilePassersby were amazedby the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
If you are willing to give me all sorts of 40k stuff I will give you all sorts of fantasy stuff but there needs to be some exchange here.
Anyways, the problem is that they're like one big solid model, as opposed to having arms to attach, so I can't just be all "SHOOTA GOES ERE NOW" about the whole matter.
It has been hinted in the Dark Elf army book that she and her son share an incestual relationship as they co-rule Naggaroth. But some fans dismiss this as over-protective motherly love for her son and equal respect from her son. In other snippets of fiction within the White Dwarf, it has been implicated that there could be a higher relationship other than mother and son as Morathi tends to ask her son a lot of favours often, especially leading up to the Storm of Chaos worldwide campaign.
So the fact that Dark Elfs torture the shit out of everything, enslave anyone they come across and are constantly trying to invade another country is topped off by the fact that a dude named the Witch-King (who does some very witchy things which tend to be extremely unpleasant in the Warhammer world) is boning his mom?
What else do you expect from a bunch of fruity fucks like the Elfs?
ZephosClimbin in yo ski lifts, snatchin your people up.MichiganRegistered Userregular
edited March 2007
you guys need to post more pictures of awesome painted figures.
Zephos on
Xbox One/360: Penguin McCool
RankenphilePassersby were amazedby the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
edited March 2007
okay, OP updated with preliminary OP details. Still need to get the tau and the necrons in and a bit of further info.
I may not end up having room for the other topics - mani, would you mind if I sent you the code to edit into your post after my first two? They're ending up a lot longer than I expected and look like they'll spill into three posts instead of just the two.
you guys need to post more pictures of awesome painted figures.
Carnivore on
ZephosClimbin in yo ski lifts, snatchin your people up.MichiganRegistered Userregular
edited March 2007
yeah, thats the ticket!
honestly though i'd prefer to see your guys' models.
Zephos on
Xbox One/360: Penguin McCool
QuetziHere we may reign secure, and in my choice,To reign is worth ambition though in HellRegistered User, Moderatormod
edited March 2007
Mine are at my mum's house. I'll try and get some pictures tomorrow. I paint very rarely and very slowly, so I only have a few finished models, but you'll see my warriors and 'stealers and maybe some spore mines or a gaunt.
Quetzi on
KnobTURN THE BEAT BACKInternetModeratorMod Emeritus
My neighbor (who owns my local tabletop games shop) is going to sell off his store and he's giving me first dibs on everything in the store. I'm mainly interested in the specialist games such as Necromunda, Battlefleet:Gothic and Mordheim. Is there anyone here who has played these before and do you have any recommendations?
I tried drybrushing metals before but I've never been good at it, I guess I'm just goin to have to practice.
Also, about the lines, I tired to get as much of this black ink in there as I could but it's a tad runny, although it looks better under natural light than the LEDs of my camera's flash.
Uriel on
General NemoThe Mighty ShameChurch for DogsRegistered Userregular
I just want to hear a bit more details about the games and which games you feel that were the most "fun" for oyu.
If you want, you can download the rulebook at specialist-games.com. All of the rules are free.
Gothic just feels really epic when you're playing it. It's not really like 40k where you just roll dice back and forth for two hours, there's some nice tactics involved. You have to give individual orders for your ships or squadrons, and once combat gets started there are different effects for being damaged.
Not a very good explanation, but check out the rules.
Mordheim is neat as long as you ignore a couple of the really unbalanced warbands. If you like customizing individual models in fantasy then you'd probably like Mordheim.
Anime Owns on
RankenphilePassersby were amazedby the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
I tried drybrushing metals before but I've never been good at it, I guess I'm just goin to have to practice.
Also, about the lines, I tired to get as much of this black ink in there as I could but it's a tad runny, although it looks better under natural light than the LEDs of my camera's flash.
after I posted that, I went back and looked. You've got a good start on the blacklining on the newer model you posted, so I owuld just keep working on that setup.
Also, remember, these are crazy mechanical monstrosities. Spend a few minutes going over the model, looking at what parts would move, where things would rub together, where you might find leaking oil and things like that. The parts that rub together would typically be brighter and more worn than other parts, while areas around hoses and around joints would typically see more black build-up from oil stains and leaks, smoke damage and just overall grit as dirt and soil accumulated.
Along the top, you might want to run layer after layer of black wash in gradual coats. Think about this machine standing still in the rain - where would the water pool up at? Where would it run off? The areas it would pool would typically have more black gunk in the crevices and cracks than other areas. Places where the water would run off would have streaks of black, getting darker and darker as it ran down.
Look at old industrial buildings for reference. Take a couple pictures, look at old tin roofs to see how the rust and wear and weather patterns take place - these aren't painted that way, this is the real deal, and if you look carefully you'll notice patterns emerging.
Thanks alot Rank, I'll defiantly give those things a try next model I do. Once I have it down I might go back over and do a bit of work on my Thunderhead.
As a matter of fact I'll throw together my extra Charger Warjack in a bit, paint him up.
Uriel on
RankenphilePassersby were amazedby the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
edited March 2007
man weathering shit correctly makes it look so fucking rad
I need to find some more white ink, it makes for fantastic runoff ageing
Rankenphile on
RankenphilePassersby were amazedby the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
edited March 2007
I mean, what's cooler looking? An aged and weathered and abused looking battle suit like this?
or something that looks all polished and shiny like he just got done buffing and waxing it?
last night I dreamed something to the effect of scores upon scores of children gathering around me, then mutilating themselves, killing themselves in all sorts of nasty manners, then their spirits almost folding into reality around me, like they would just walk though from some other, darker place, displacing reality around them, their faces distorted, swollen, hanging, endlessly screaming and moaning and dragging me into that place with them.
Yep I'm set for playing Chaos.
Sounds like Toledo, Ohio.
I hope you're getting help for your PTSD. That shit isn't pleasant.
No fuck you I am trying to make a feral ork army.
On a lighter note, when inking, what do you use to apply the ink?
I play Slannesh and they are a joy to play. I play a Emperor's Children list so the list is noise marine heavy and they are probably one of the most shooty armies I play just walking around shooting with their sonic weapons and the good fact that you will probably hit first in assault since enemies get -1 to their initiative when fighting Slannesh.
A thin brush works best for me. Preferably with longer bristles ending at a point.
If you are willing to give me all sorts of 40k stuff I will give you all sorts of fantasy stuff but there needs to be some exchange here.
Anyways, the problem is that they're like one big solid model, as opposed to having arms to attach, so I can't just be all "SHOOTA GOES ERE NOW" about the whole matter.
So the fact that Dark Elfs torture the shit out of everything, enslave anyone they come across and are constantly trying to invade another country is topped off by the fact that a dude named the Witch-King (who does some very witchy things which tend to be extremely unpleasant in the Warhammer world) is boning his mom?
What else do you expect from a bunch of fruity fucks like the Elfs?
Just to paint. No way could I game around here.
A wise choice. Tyranids are rad as hell.
I may not end up having room for the other topics - mani, would you mind if I sent you the code to edit into your post after my first two? They're ending up a lot longer than I expected and look like they'll spill into three posts instead of just the two.
honestly though i'd prefer to see your guys' models.
send me a new camera and two new desk lamps
Empty coffee creamers as terrain!
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I tried drybrushing metals before but I've never been good at it, I guess I'm just goin to have to practice.
Also, about the lines, I tired to get as much of this black ink in there as I could but it's a tad runny, although it looks better under natural light than the LEDs of my camera's flash.
Cygnar for life bro. Three combined ranged attacks per round means one dead heavy warjack per round.
If you want, you can download the rulebook at specialist-games.com. All of the rules are free.
Gothic just feels really epic when you're playing it. It's not really like 40k where you just roll dice back and forth for two hours, there's some nice tactics involved. You have to give individual orders for your ships or squadrons, and once combat gets started there are different effects for being damaged.
Not a very good explanation, but check out the rules.
Mordheim is neat as long as you ignore a couple of the really unbalanced warbands. If you like customizing individual models in fantasy then you'd probably like Mordheim.
after I posted that, I went back and looked. You've got a good start on the blacklining on the newer model you posted, so I owuld just keep working on that setup.
Also, remember, these are crazy mechanical monstrosities. Spend a few minutes going over the model, looking at what parts would move, where things would rub together, where you might find leaking oil and things like that. The parts that rub together would typically be brighter and more worn than other parts, while areas around hoses and around joints would typically see more black build-up from oil stains and leaks, smoke damage and just overall grit as dirt and soil accumulated.
Along the top, you might want to run layer after layer of black wash in gradual coats. Think about this machine standing still in the rain - where would the water pool up at? Where would it run off? The areas it would pool would typically have more black gunk in the crevices and cracks than other areas. Places where the water would run off would have streaks of black, getting darker and darker as it ran down.
Look at old industrial buildings for reference. Take a couple pictures, look at old tin roofs to see how the rust and wear and weather patterns take place - these aren't painted that way, this is the real deal, and if you look carefully you'll notice patterns emerging.
take a look below, you'll see what I mean.
As a matter of fact I'll throw together my extra Charger Warjack in a bit, paint him up.
I need to find some more white ink, it makes for fantastic runoff ageing
or something that looks all polished and shiny like he just got done buffing and waxing it?
spoiler'd for huge