I'm really considering it.
Let me talk it over with the wife.
Also, with Bogey and Lord Dave playing, my local 40k circle has almost every army represented. I play with a couple of guys who are going Imperial Guard and Space Marines, LD wants to go Necron, and Bogey is looking at Chaos and Tau.
I know I'm going to go to PAX but I can't justify the $80 yet.
But... I mean, it'd be stupid if I didn't buy tickets now.
Callius on
RankenphilePassersby were amazedby the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
edited March 2007
You guys should start a full campaign one of these days, with a chart drawn out to represent possible avenues the battles could go depending on the outcome of previous battles.
That shit is good, good fun if you've got a good group to play with.
Warmachine/hordes info for the OPs. It's not complete, but I only need someone to fill in the Hordes nations for me. Since I don't know them very well.
Do things like magical guns and steam powered robots make you hot?
Is smashy, in your face high powered, rage fueled gameplay more your style?
Well then warmachine and/or hordes might be the game for you.
In warmachine, you've got warcasters, clad in enchanted steam powered armor, magic flows from them like water from a fountain. The command units of troops and controll the mighty steam powered warjacks. If your warcasters die however, you lose
Warjacks are powerful machines controlled by magic and powered by steam, or lightning, or even the souls of their dead enemies.
Your troops come in many flavors as well, aggain mostly dependent on your nation.
The nations of Warmachine are five in number, certain nations also have special forces, which are kinda like space marine sub-chapters.
Cygnar is where the name Warmachien comes from, the place where Warjacks were invented. A fantasy style kingdom. Freedom and the march of high technology are what they stand for. If Gunmages and powerful lightning powered warjacks and weapons get you going, Cygnar is for you.
The Protectorate of Menoth, a theocracy dedicated to the old god, protector of mankind, Menoth. If you like to get up close and personal, but don't like worrying about things like 'casualties'. Menoth might just be your style.
Cryx, an evil ocean born empire in service of the dragon lord Toruk. With pirates, undead, and steam powered liches, if you're the emo/goth type, cryx is up your alley.
Khador, the communist empire of the north. With no light jacks, with models that excel in both ranged or melee combat. Depending purely on your choice of models, you can build a number of different specelized forces, or one well rounded one.
Mercenaries can be added to any army, or you can build a pure merc force. They excell at nothing in particular, but are far more well rounded than Khador.
In Hordes, you've got Warlocks, fueled by the rage of the magical creatures, called warbeasts they command, they cast some pretty powerfull spells themselves. Same as with warmachine, if your warlocks die, you lose.
Warlocks command warbeasts, which are very similer to warjacks, except they can't have specific systems damaged or disabled.
Your troops, like in warmachine. come in various flavors depending on your nation and playstyle.
Here is where I'd list all the nations, but I don't really know anything about hordes nations, so someone else will have to fill this in.
The basic mechanics for both games are pretty simple you take a stat and add 2d6 to it and compare that to you enemy's opposing stat. On top of that, you have warcasters and warlocks, who have focus or rage points, respectfully. That dds a whole 'nother level to warjack/warbeast combat. Because focus points can be used to cast spells, or funneled into warjacks to boots attack or damges rolls. Rage can be used to cast very powerfull spells, but if they suck too much rage off their beasts, they can fight back agaainst their masters.
One of the cool things about Warmachine/Hordes, is that they are comepletly interchangeable ruleswise. Which means if you've got a guy with a Skorne warband, and a guy with a Khador battlegroup. they can fight eachother right outa the books.
No problem Rank. I like sharing Warmachine with all of you.
The things I like is that it's a tad cheaper than 40k, and it's certainly more action oriented. It doesn't just feel like taking turns rolling a bucket of dice. but you still get to throw damage around like crazy.
For example my longguners have an ability called combined ranged attack. Where I get to shoot with them all on the same target as if I'm shooting with one guy. But I get a +1 for every extra guy in the squad. So with a fully squad of 10, that is a +9 to hit and to my damage rolls. And if they forfit their movement the get to do it twice. I basically roll anything but snake eyes and I'm hitting anything but the very hardest armored Warjacks. And doing somewhere in the neighborhood of five damgage each time. Oh and my trenchers guys get to do it too. The can't do it from across the board like my long gunners (they do get advanced deployment though, so they start closer to the enemy), or do it twice in one round. But they'll do a bit more damage.
So basically I can take out.. Say.. The Avatar of Menoth, Clawshrimpy's unique warjack. In one round, and six dice rolls. As long as he doesn't have one of those goddamn war priests protecting the 'jack with one of it's hyms, that is.
Uriel on
QuetziHere we may reign secure, and in my choice,To reign is worth ambition though in HellRegistered User, Moderatormod
edited March 2007
But Uriel, bucketloads of dice are awesome. You've obviously never seen the look on an opponents face when you finish counting out all of your dice, and then say, "Alright I've only got enough for half of their attacks. Mind if I borrow some of yours?"
Quetzi on
UtsanomikoBros before DoesRollin' in the thlayRegistered Userregular
edited March 2007
Man, Beast of Chaos have the single most chump-useless 'army box' out there. Everyone else has a rather sweet deal, lots of plastic units for $70-80.
ok, 40k portion of OP is updated and mostly complete. No squats right now because I ran out of fucking room.
Also because their race was made obsolete by the might of the hive mind.
I keep trying to find the source for this, but all I've ever found was Jes Goodwyn saying in an interview 'we were thinking about adding in a reference to Squats being mostly wiped out in the Tyranid Codex, but didn't have time."
Personaly, I think they packed up in their ships, wandered eastward, and became the Demiurg.
No problem Rank. I like sharing Warmachine with all of you.
The things I like is that it's a tad cheaper than 40k, and it's certainly more action oriented. It doesn't just feel like taking turns rolling a bucket of dice. but you still get to throw damage around like crazy.
For example my longguners have an ability called combined ranged attack. Where I get to shoot with them all on the same target as if I'm shooting with one guy. But I get a +1 for every extra guy in the squad. So with a fully squad of 10, that is a +9 to hit and to my damage rolls. And if they forfit their movement the get to do it twice. I basically roll anything but snake eyes and I'm hitting anything but the very hardest armored Warjacks. And doing somewhere in the neighborhood of five damgage each time. Oh and my trenchers guys get to do it too. The can't do it from across the board like my long gunners (they do get advanced deployment though, so they start closer to the enemy), or do it twice in one round. But they'll do a bit more damage.
So basically I can take out.. Say.. The Avatar of Menoth, Clawshrimpy's unique warjack. In one round, and six dice rolls. As long as he doesn't have one of those goddamn war priests protecting the 'jack with one of it's hyms, that is.
What about Retribution?
It's a nifty spell some of my Warcasters can buff my Warjacks. It basically means if they get Damaged, it deals an equal Damage roll back to them. so it's kind of like Reflect from Final Fantasy except you still have to take the damage yourself.
Clawshrimpy on
UtsanomikoBros before DoesRollin' in the thlayRegistered Userregular
edited March 2007
All the models I've seen for Warmachine seem to fall into the same price ranges as Warhammer's metal blister packs. I get how it's played on a smaller scale, but it doesn't seem to be inherently cheaper beyond not using as many models. It'd be like insisting WHFB is cheap as long as you stick with 300pt warband games. I prefer fiddling with a large number of models and squads.
Utsanomiko on
RankenphilePassersby were amazedby the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
edited March 2007
I actually have a Skorne starter army for Hordes, and have only been able to play it once so far. One major problem I had with it is that the models, while fucking awesome looking, were really, really poorly designed. One of my cyclops models won't ever, ever work out of the box because his arms won't reach his weapon> I ended up sawing the arm apart and pinning in a new elbow, and still have to finish assembling it and crafting a new elbow out of greenstuff. My Titan had a bunch of other gigantic gaps that needed to be filled, too.
I like the playstyle, though, and the ability to actually play with only four to six models rather than dozens and dozens of them makes it quite appealing.
One reason, though, that I think it will never catch on as big as Warhammer, is that very, vew few of the models have faces. As petty as that may sound, it's crucial for the players to be able to relate to the models physically, and to have these completely alien shapes is a bit of a turn-off for a lot of players.
All the models I've seen for Warmachine seem to fall into the same price ranges as Warhammer's metal blister packs. I get how it's played on a smaller scale, but it doesn't seem to be inherently cheaper beyond not using as many models. It'd be like insisting WHFB is cheap as long as you stick with 300pt warband games. I prefer fiddling with a large number of models and squads.
It really is all preference. But generally, if you're playing the biggest 2000 point Apocalypse games in Warmachine, it'll be a bit cheaper than a 2000 point Warhammer games. Although it wont use nearly as many models, but it's arguably just as smashy, or even more so.
I will do a mordheim writeup tonite or tomorrow and pm Rank to put it in the OP. Also tomorrow i am going to Warhammer world in nottingham to play Mordheim, so i will take a few pictures of Warhammer World in general and of my mordheim figures and the table.
Hopefully we shall be starting Warhammer fantasy soon, i plan to collect either a demonic chaos army or wood elves. Also for 40K i collect tau.
SharpyVII on
Der Waffle MousBlame this on the misfortune of your birth.New Yark, New Yark.Registered Userregular
edited March 2007
Mordheim is so awesome.
I've got a nice little skaven ninja warband, I've got going.
And I found that wierd clockwork rat dude for like $2 one time.
I actually have a Skorne starter army for Hordes, and have only been able to play it once so far. One major problem I had with it is that the models, while fucking awesome looking, were really, really poorly designed. One of my cyclops models won't ever, ever work out of the box because his arms won't reach his weapon> I ended up sawing the arm apart and pinning in a new elbow, and still have to finish assembling it and crafting a new elbow out of greenstuff. My Titan had a bunch of other gigantic gaps that needed to be filled, too.
I like the playstyle, though, and the ability to actually play with only four to six models rather than dozens and dozens of them makes it quite appealing.
One reason, though, that I think it will never catch on as big as Warhammer, is that very, vew few of the models have faces. As petty as that may sound, it's crucial for the players to be able to relate to the models physically, and to have these completely alien shapes is a bit of a turn-off for a lot of players.
Some of the models are really poorly molded, like all Khador 'Jacks have this huge gap you need to fill. And they aren't nearly as poseable or customizable on a per unit scale. But on an army scale, you have alot more wiggle room as far as tactics goes.
But I like the big lovable Cygnar 'jacks. Cygnar has some of the most relate-able unites in the game, and some of the best models.
Uriel on
RankenphilePassersby were amazedby the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
edited March 2007
god damn I really, really wish I had a garage I could equip into a gaming area. I miss having a game room so fucking bad.
I've drawn up plans for a projector gaming table that I plan to build, based on a number of other players' tables I've seen.
Maybe this summer or so I'll find a new place. Our current house is far too small to accommodate any sort of gaming.
Rankenphile on
UtsanomikoBros before DoesRollin' in the thlayRegistered Userregular
Rank I wish I were going to PAX this year. Me and my brother would show you how a fullscale game of Warmachine goes. Maybe play a duel against your Skorne.
I love how this thread has outpaced all of the console threads, music threads and even the 40k/WHFB threads in oDaM.
[Mod forum leek]
It was in the top ten most viewed threads last week.
[/Mod forum leek]
Man, that's fucking awesome. I really hope it gets more people participating in the oDaM threads, too, that place can use an injection of new interest. Nothing against it at all, of course, but more voices are always welcome in a forum like that.
Also, man talking about all this actually has me looking at a new place to live. I just found a two bedroom place with a garage near my current house that might actually be a much better fit than the tiny place we have now. Oh man that would be fucking sweet.
It's been too long since i have had a proper WHFB game, never anyone to play with untill i came to uni. Tomorrow i plan to but Valten exalted of sigmar to use as a witch hunter with two hammers to add to my Witch Hunter warband
I love how this thread has outpaced all of the console threads, music threads and even the 40k/WHFB threads in oDaM.
[Mod forum leek]
It was in the top ten most viewed threads last week.
[/Mod forum leek]
Man, that's fucking awesome. I really hope it gets more people participating in the oDaM threads, too, that place can use an injection of new interest. Nothing against it at all, of course, but more voices are always welcome in a forum like that.
Also, man talking about all this actually has me looking at a new place to live. I just found a two bedroom place with a garage near my current house that might actually be a much better fit than the tiny place we have now. Oh man that would be fucking sweet.
I thought it was pretty neat too.
Look at how many people this thread has sucked back into the game though.
I'm sitting here right now fiending for the moment that I get to go home and work on my fex.
UtsanomikoBros before DoesRollin' in the thlayRegistered Userregular
edited March 2007
I think I'm done with my test Ork:
Not the best of lighting, especially in color balance, but it shows off the highlights and shading stuff.
Utsanomiko on
KnobTURN THE BEAT BACKInternetModeratorMod Emeritus
The Emperor, the Chaos gods, the Hive Mind, the WaaaaaaaaaaaaagH! and even the damn Nightbringer will it.
Let me talk it over with the wife.
Also, with Bogey and Lord Dave playing, my local 40k circle has almost every army represented. I play with a couple of guys who are going Imperial Guard and Space Marines, LD wants to go Necron, and Bogey is looking at Chaos and Tau.
I sense a mighty five-way battle coming.
I know I'm going to go to PAX but I can't justify the $80 yet.
But... I mean, it'd be stupid if I didn't buy tickets now.
That shit is good, good fun if you've got a good group to play with.
Warmachine/hordes info for the OPs. It's not complete, but I only need someone to fill in the Hordes nations for me. Since I don't know them very well.
Is smashy, in your face high powered, rage fueled gameplay more your style?
Well then warmachine and/or hordes might be the game for you.
In warmachine, you've got warcasters, clad in enchanted steam powered armor, magic flows from them like water from a fountain. The command units of troops and controll the mighty steam powered warjacks. If your warcasters die however, you lose
Warjacks are powerful machines controlled by magic and powered by steam, or lightning, or even the souls of their dead enemies.
Your troops come in many flavors as well, aggain mostly dependent on your nation.
The nations of Warmachine are five in number, certain nations also have special forces, which are kinda like space marine sub-chapters.
Cygnar is where the name Warmachien comes from, the place where Warjacks were invented. A fantasy style kingdom. Freedom and the march of high technology are what they stand for. If Gunmages and powerful lightning powered warjacks and weapons get you going, Cygnar is for you.
The Protectorate of Menoth, a theocracy dedicated to the old god, protector of mankind, Menoth. If you like to get up close and personal, but don't like worrying about things like 'casualties'. Menoth might just be your style.
Cryx, an evil ocean born empire in service of the dragon lord Toruk. With pirates, undead, and steam powered liches, if you're the emo/goth type, cryx is up your alley.
Khador, the communist empire of the north. With no light jacks, with models that excel in both ranged or melee combat. Depending purely on your choice of models, you can build a number of different specelized forces, or one well rounded one.
Mercenaries can be added to any army, or you can build a pure merc force. They excell at nothing in particular, but are far more well rounded than Khador.
In Hordes, you've got Warlocks, fueled by the rage of the magical creatures, called warbeasts they command, they cast some pretty powerfull spells themselves. Same as with warmachine, if your warlocks die, you lose.
Warlocks command warbeasts, which are very similer to warjacks, except they can't have specific systems damaged or disabled.
Your troops, like in warmachine. come in various flavors depending on your nation and playstyle.
Here is where I'd list all the nations, but I don't really know anything about hordes nations, so someone else will have to fill this in.
The basic mechanics for both games are pretty simple you take a stat and add 2d6 to it and compare that to you enemy's opposing stat. On top of that, you have warcasters and warlocks, who have focus or rage points, respectfully. That dds a whole 'nother level to warjack/warbeast combat. Because focus points can be used to cast spells, or funneled into warjacks to boots attack or damges rolls. Rage can be used to cast very powerfull spells, but if they suck too much rage off their beasts, they can fight back agaainst their masters.
One of the cool things about Warmachine/Hordes, is that they are comepletly interchangeable ruleswise. Which means if you've got a guy with a Skorne warband, and a guy with a Khador battlegroup. they can fight eachother right outa the books.
3-day pass: $40! (Save $10)
Pre-Registration Pricing (After April 1st, Before August 1st):
Friday Only: $25 (Save $5)
Saturday Only: $25 (Save $5)
Sunday Only: $25 (Save $5)
3 Day Pass: $45 (Save $5)
At the Door Pricing:
Friday Pass: $30
Saturday Pass: $30
Sunday Pass: $30
3 Day Pass: $50
HRMMM! Much like Manifest, I must talk this over with my vaginal toting counter-part.
Manifest, want to copy that into the OP?
Thanks man.
The things I like is that it's a tad cheaper than 40k, and it's certainly more action oriented. It doesn't just feel like taking turns rolling a bucket of dice. but you still get to throw damage around like crazy.
For example my longguners have an ability called combined ranged attack. Where I get to shoot with them all on the same target as if I'm shooting with one guy. But I get a +1 for every extra guy in the squad. So with a fully squad of 10, that is a +9 to hit and to my damage rolls. And if they forfit their movement the get to do it twice. I basically roll anything but snake eyes and I'm hitting anything but the very hardest armored Warjacks. And doing somewhere in the neighborhood of five damgage each time. Oh and my trenchers guys get to do it too. The can't do it from across the board like my long gunners (they do get advanced deployment though, so they start closer to the enemy), or do it twice in one round. But they'll do a bit more damage.
So basically I can take out.. Say.. The Avatar of Menoth, Clawshrimpy's unique warjack. In one round, and six dice rolls. As long as he doesn't have one of those goddamn war priests protecting the 'jack with one of it's hyms, that is.
I keep trying to find the source for this, but all I've ever found was Jes Goodwyn saying in an interview 'we were thinking about adding in a reference to Squats being mostly wiped out in the Tyranid Codex, but didn't have time."
Personaly, I think they packed up in their ships, wandered eastward, and became the Demiurg.
What about Retribution?
It's a nifty spell some of my Warcasters can buff my Warjacks. It basically means if they get Damaged, it deals an equal Damage roll back to them. so it's kind of like Reflect from Final Fantasy except you still have to take the damage yourself.
I like the playstyle, though, and the ability to actually play with only four to six models rather than dozens and dozens of them makes it quite appealing.
One reason, though, that I think it will never catch on as big as Warhammer, is that very, vew few of the models have faces. As petty as that may sound, it's crucial for the players to be able to relate to the models physically, and to have these completely alien shapes is a bit of a turn-off for a lot of players.
It really is all preference. But generally, if you're playing the biggest 2000 point Apocalypse games in Warmachine, it'll be a bit cheaper than a 2000 point Warhammer games. Although it wont use nearly as many models, but it's arguably just as smashy, or even more so.
And Privateer did raise the prices recently...
Hopefully we shall be starting Warhammer fantasy soon, i plan to collect either a demonic chaos army or wood elves. Also for 40K i collect tau.
I've got a nice little skaven ninja warband, I've got going.
And I found that wierd clockwork rat dude for like $2 one time.
But I like the big lovable Cygnar 'jacks. Cygnar has some of the most relate-able unites in the game, and some of the best models.
I've drawn up plans for a projector gaming table that I plan to build, based on a number of other players' tables I've seen.
Maybe this summer or so I'll find a new place. Our current house is far too small to accommodate any sort of gaming.
Take a look round the net, bud.
It'd be great.
[Mod forum leek]
It was in the top ten most viewed threads last week.
[/Mod forum leek]
Man, that's fucking awesome. I really hope it gets more people participating in the oDaM threads, too, that place can use an injection of new interest. Nothing against it at all, of course, but more voices are always welcome in a forum like that.
Also, man talking about all this actually has me looking at a new place to live. I just found a two bedroom place with a garage near my current house that might actually be a much better fit than the tiny place we have now. Oh man that would be fucking sweet.
I'll probably be up all night putting them together.
My sweet, untouched Miranda
And while the seagulls are crying
We fall but our souls are flying
I thought it was pretty neat too.
Look at how many people this thread has sucked back into the game though.
I'm sitting here right now fiending for the moment that I get to go home and work on my fex.
Not the best of lighting, especially in color balance, but it shows off the highlights and shading stuff.
but i hate nerds and like you guys
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
To be fair, Caturday is pretty fucking epic.