The Year of Blue Fire changed everything: this was the year that the very face of Toril was warped, twisted, utterly destroyed, and even made anew. Thousands upon thousands perished, entire cities and stretches of land were either obliterated or simply vanished off the face of the planet, replaced by odd new floating islands or even mysterious empires transplanted in places where none had previously existed. It was the year that the Spellplague was visited upon the Realms and its effects would still be felt for decades to come.
This catastrophe did not render the entirety of Faerun's inhabitants helpless, however. Several nations and realms were completely passed over, at least in the initial outbreak. Other peoples were finding recluse within the confines of extravagantly woven magical barriers: within former Cormanthyr, Coronal Ilsevele Miritar has brought the former Ruins back to splendour and prominence as a strong eladrin nation. As the Spellplague hit, the Mythal fared better than most, remaining mainly intact, if not somewhat diminished, and as such the entire realm has faced an influx of refugees from other parts of ravaged Faerun. Luruar, home of fabled Silverymoon, did not fare as well. The Mythal itself was greatly weakened, even entirely destroyed in some locations. However, its very presence blunted much of the Spellplague's effects on the surrounding lands. Accepting most of the refugees from the North, it has become a temporary home for those displaced groups that try and eek out some return to normalcy amidst a chaotic and uncertain landscape.
Yet from these two cities and others like them came a small group of wizards, archmages, soldiers, and scholars. In the early days following the Year of Blue Fire, they decided to ensure that there would always be a safe harbour for those who required a home, one which would be entirely insulated from the threat of the Spellplague. To that end the Seven Citadels were created, entirely self-enclosed cities which existed in their own individual demiplanes, connected back to the Prime through a series of portals. Each under the purview of one of the founding wizards, the Citadels sought out adventurers and guards to shepherd all those who wished refuge through the portal network while also acting as contained observation posts to view the spread of the Spellplague. Twelve years have so far passed and still there is no end in sight for the spread of the disaster, yet during this same period of time the Citadels have not proceeded as their founders had hoped: The Citadels are slowly vanishing. The First had its portal network come in direct contact with a Plaguestorm, ripping through the focused path in the multiverse until it utterly erased the Citadel from existence. The Second suffered some kind of internal war or conflict which ended up destroying its sustaining power crystals and causing the demiplane to implode in upon itself. The remainder have either reported external incursions before being abruptly cut off or have simply ceased communication suddenly for no apparent reason.
For you, you've managed to survive the Spellplague, if not your whole city, village, tribe, or family then perhaps just yourself. But rather than survive, you've managed to persevere and find a way to gather some manner of information as to the whereabouts of the last of the surviving Citadels. Aeranath, a jewel under the auspices of Warden Kerin Thellmane, a dutiful former War Wizard of Cormyr, has still managed to fulfill its function even with its sister Citadels falling one after another. Rumours tell that it is a magnificent place, of a towering Castle set upon a rising hill, with the greater city resting in the shadow of that imposing keep. It is said that its doors remain open, to those that can reach a place of sanctuary and that it turns away no refugees that come seeking refuge and can provide some contribution to help the greater whole.
Because of this glimmer of hope you've banded together with a group of like-minded and capable individuals from across Faerun. How you met is of little importance now. You have a destination to a place of sanctuary, the beginnings of a road-map, and some glimmer of hope for the future in a time of ruin and tragedy.
Loot!Current Gold (14/08/13): Party: 14 pp, 1,708 gp, 9 sp, 7 cp ; Antigone: +350 gp
Current Potions (14/08/13): 2x Antivenom (Level 11), 2x Woundpatch (Level 3), 1x Potion of Invulnerability (Level 10)
Acquired LootGold: 1,400 gold pieces (Goblet, Old Tome, Poetry, Gems) ; Antigone: +350 gold pieces (Sack of Gems)
Magic Items:
* 1
Boots of Dancing (Level 11)
* 1
Bracers of Speed (Level 13)Other Items:
* 5 Potions [2x Antivenom (Level 11); 2x Woundpatch (Level 3); 1x Potion of Invulnerability (Level 10)]
Sold Items: N/A
Purchased Items: N/A
What This Is:
This is a campaign for
six PCs, set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting as a starting point, but will quickly work more like a Spelljammer-esque planar romp. That's not to say that you won't adventure on Faerun at all, but suffice it to say that as an example of the amount of planehopping you'll do, the second combat encounter in the game will be on a different plane. Other than the setting's base, it's a custom campaign idea I've been mulling over for quite a while and which I really liked.
It will start at
9th Level, with the intention of hopefully reaching Epic, though this depends on the pace and the plot. There will be an element of world-building or management involved, which will let you to some extent craft your own destiny and that of surrounding NPCs. You'll be well aware of when this is available when it occurs, because it's fairly important to the overall plot.
You're free to add in multiple applications, but please don't go crazy in trying to cover every available slot. Two max should be more than enough for most people. Character sheets on
Orokos and dice rolling using the same (because it makes my life easier).
Things to note:
* 9th level. Standard items for that level and 22 point buy (don't forget your attribute increases as you levelup). Keep in mind paragon paths if that affects your build and/or background of what you've been doing, as you'll hit it relatively soon.
* Character name, link to the sheet (I don't need a CB summary), picture, background (including personality and the like), posting availability, and other PbP participation should form the basis of an application.
* 1 free expertise
OR defenses feat because I'm a nice guy.
* The setting of this game is the Forgotten Realms. Keep this in mind when thinking up races, picking feats, etc. The most obvious here is no warforged or anything from Dark Sun, but there are also Eberron-related feats that qualify. Ask in the thread if you're absolutely not sure.
* On the topic of settings, Faerun backgrounds are fair game if you find the General ones not good enough. Themes also recommended for Faerun-specific themes, though general ones are also good.
* I like my planar cosmology 3.5e, though I'm including the 4e differentiation for ease of character options. The main difference is that Sigil is not its own demiplane, but rather it still resides in the Outlands, on top of the giant Spire there and that the Outlands still contains gate-towns to the various Outer Planes. It's just that these Outer Planes will be located as their own pockets within the Astral Sea or Elemental Chaos, respectively. No this probably doesn't matter in the slightest to anyone, but damnit they went and ruined a good thing. Here, have a picture anyway:
I'm liable to leave applications open for 2 weeks, until the end of the month, or until I have a good crop of them, whichever takes my fancy. If you post that you're interested, you'll get a chance to submit one so don't feel like you're rushed for time. Questions are also always welcome!
Just one question: Regarding races, are Shardminds OK? I mean, you did say races based on Forgotten Realms, but the setting itself was released waaayyy back in 2008, but i'm just curious.
I'm thinking of a Shardmind that ended up in the lands of Faerun when the Living Gate was destroyed and has his (her/it?) memory of his recent past erased due to the Spell Plague. Since he's effectively immortal, he's been wandering the lands of Faerun looking for answers.
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
I don't suppose your acceptance into my pbp would give my entry any more of a chance?
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
Is this the inspiration?
That's basically the only way I've seen via the rules to make it happen. Note that this requires level 11 before you get your at-will due to the fact that it needs Paragon Multiclassing (and the subsequent 4 feat investment that that requires). The CB still doesn't like it, but RAW I'm pretty sure it works.
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Yay for no CB, I like doing it out of a book, also lets me learn my character waaaaaay better. Will get a character rolled up soon
I'm curious what your timeline is like though. How long has it been since this event? Are we still in the aftermath phase? Or has life started to adapt to the new chaos in some kind of order?
Also: How long are you intending this to run? I tend to prefer long campaigns with lots of depth, so I'm just curious.
Alternatively, how do you feel about hybrids?
For the purposes of the plot, the Spellplague's still going on strong. Some areas are in aftermath phase of trying to rebuild or adapt, others are still being hit hard. The Citadels are an early attempt to essentially weather the storm. I'm more familiar with pre-4e FR timelines than post, but for the sake of a timeline, it's currently DR 1397. For reference, 4e's "present" timeline doesn't start until DR 1479. I suppose the large notable difference in terms of events is that the Plaguescarred are still a mystery, are rare, and only just becoming interacted with by organizatioins (notably the Emerald Enclave who are just starting their purges).
I'd like to keep it running for a while. Vale's been running for a couple years now, though that's a combination of many things including time spent off due to RL, plot progressing slightly slower than I had thought, etc. Though they're nearly level 7 so it's going!
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
One or two blades?
Hybrids, Multiclassing, Psionics are all fine.
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Questions later.
I'll have to subscribe to D&D insider again for it, but hey, it's the price of doing business.
Should we/can we build with Themes & Backgrounds? (If yes, limited to FR/General or are others okay with appropriate descriptive changes?)
How do you feed about Refluffing/Redescription? (bearing in mind that redescription should confer no mechanical changes or bonuses, and generally not be something that will annoy others.)
If a train leaves Cologne travelling east at an average of 35 miles per hour (including stops) carrying six apples, and a carriage leaves Carlsbad traveling east at 12 miles per hour carrying three apples, how long will it take twenty sagebrush voles to change the spark plugs on a 1964 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu Super Sport Edition?
Yea, I mention themes and backgrounds can be taken from FR or General, whichever fits.
I'm a curmudgeon who generally dislikes extensive refluffing (I forget the name of it). That is to say, the type of refluffing that involves you wanting your guy to act/sound/describe/be like a swanky warlock, but you like the paladin mechanics so you're a Warlock with the Paladin class instead of a Paladin multiclassing warlock, or a Paladin|Warlock hybrid, and even then you don't describe any kind of paladin influences on your actual character's background in any way. Or you want to be some kind of underworld street mage, but you dislike the Arcane Trickster and mage classes and so you're a full-on Rogue with not a single Arcane power to be found anywhere. This irks me. If I have a character concept in mind for what my character does, then I'm going to do my damndest to find the mechanics that best fit that particular concept (and if I don't like the resulting mechanics, then I think up a better concept that I'll have fun with!) and not just throw up my hands.
But if you want to rename a power or describe what its effects are in different ways, then go for it. Those things are typically expanded on as part of regular roleplay anyway.
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
And, it's your table, so fair enough. ^_^
So you're cool with like, a wizard refluffing some of their spells a little bit, as long as they are still spells and not like, alchemical contraptions masquerading as spells?
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Githzerai Swordmage is the plan.
Second would be a Gnome Barbarian.
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
I think we could all use a little hoof.
Unfortunately I fear being the eight-millionth identical warden.
I realized another question of import for me: How skill/exploration/role play driven is this going to be? Or are we just going to fight our way through the monster manual?
Essentially, you can go straight non-combat optimized if you have your heart set on it and a concept fits.
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
You can be evil or less than good, so long as you don't bring the party to blows. And if you happen to be the only cradle-stealing person in a party of paladins, then you'll have to realize they'll probably control most of the decision-making if you're dead set on opposing them. But ending up with a mixed party of folks just trying to eek out an existence is clearly fine.
Edit: I suppose my default expectation was mercenaries/people-for-hire type of arrangement, but you'll get more of this as it goes on and the plot starts becoming apparent. It'll likely easily satisfy evil guys just as much as do-gooders.
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12