Uber might be worth looking into. I've never used it myself as the service isn't available in my area, but I've heard decent things. Uber is an app that you use to basically summon a driver to you using your GPS and you pay via the app using an associated credit card. Has variable fares depending on your car's speed and how long it's taking (Stuck in traffic? The rate lowers)
Kind of like a taxi but the cars are supposed to be nicer? No tipping either, if you're into that.
Uber's alright, but expensive. I would use it if you can't find a yellow cab only
Uber's alright, but expensive. I would use it if you can't find a yellow cab only
You can use Uber to get a taxi, for an extra $1 over the taxi fare and an automatic 20% tip. I don't know if this is speedier or more reliable than just calling for a taxi directly.
Just a quick update on Pocket PAX, I have the new schedule integrated and I am finishing up some bugs I found. I need to finish my final pass at testing and the plan is to submit to the marketplace tomorrow. Normally it takes 7 days for an update to be approved, I am hoping it's sooner.
Going forward the plan is have the app work more like the built in auto update, and just be able to push new "bundles" when the conference info is ready. Going to shoot for that for Prime/Aus time frame this year.
I am loving GroupMe as a way to communicate, I have a decent one with random PAX people and its a lot of fun.
It sends mass texts / chats to everyone and will work as an App or via SMS (perfect for those coming from Canada and not wanting to pay internation rates)
If you find any errors or bugs, post them here and we'll point them out to the right people.
I noticed in the list of booths it does not list The Behemoth however they are on the Map.
other that that IT IS AWESOME!
digitardI walked up hill BOTH waysAZRegistered Userregular
I noticed the same thing for Boston Paintball. They're listed on the map, but not on the Exhibitors page (which they'll have their shooting booth + a new iOS Paintball game on display).
Dave K
Media / Social Monkey GregRedHastings.com
Now available for iOS - Coming Soon for Android / Ouya
Pocket PAX was submitted to the marketplace for certification last night. When I hear something back I'll let everyone know.
Kilonum[E]Somewhere near BostonRegistered Userregular
Just noticed a goof in Guidebook, has Storytime running until 11:30PM. (I have my tablet set to 24 hour clock and it's showing Storytime as until 23:30)
oh wow, didn't realise I should have been on here keeping everyone in the loop about the Pax Digital Assistant app. I think I probably lost a few reputation points when my update for Prime last year didn't make it to marketplace on time*, but that's no reason to stop working on it An update for Pax Digital Assistant is undergoing certification now - it'll contain the 2012 maps as samples, but now that the 2013 ones are available I'll create an update that contains them which should follow shortly after.
*That sucked and I sincerely apologise to anyone who was planning to use it. I hope you found wildbohr's alternate app and got to use that!
Jac turn around on processing certs is definitely faster now. I submitted my update Thurs and it was approved today. You should have no problems getting your update in the store before pax.
yea, that's what I've heard - thanks. Last time was unfortunate - I submitted the day before that certificate mess that took the entire publishing system down.
if you are impatient to get the update notification for Pocket PAX, you can always manually update through the marketplace. That's what I did earlier today
For a second there, I was thinking "well, I do already have pocket pax installed"..but then I remembered I have more space free on this phone than my Focus came with and installed it anyway :P
I like pocket's UI a bit better, however PDA has the boston maps and what now..so really
Funnily enough, my friend told me the Boston maps sucked! So along with the official con maps I've added a bunch of higher resolution maps of Boston and specifically the streets surrounding BCEC - submitted that update for certification last night, so it should be out Saturday/Monday-ish. It will increase the size of the app by a couple megabytes but it seems worth it.
Funnily enough, my friend told me the Boston maps sucked! So along with the official con maps I've added a bunch of higher resolution maps of Boston and specifically the streets surrounding BCEC - submitted that update for certification last night, so it should be out Saturday/Monday-ish. It will increase the size of the app by a couple megabytes but it seems worth it.
I haven't looked up your app for this year's PAX yet, but any chance you could use the Bing maps and throw overlays on it (for the Boston stuff)? What about having it pull data from the cloud so you don't have to worry about app updates and even be able to update schedules and whatnot as soon as they come? I know that SkyDrive integration is now a thing in Windows Phone 8, so I bet that could be done. (Albeit you probably would want to cache the data too, since the cell networks have a history of getting clogged to the point of unusable in the convention center.) Also, I know the maps in 2011 were basically images with some navigation. However, GPS positioning, or maybe the ability to calculate directions from specific start and endpoints would be helpful?
Schedules do now update directly in the app - you'll get a notification when you open the app if there's new data to download, and they are stored locally because of the data access issues you mention. Maps are harder - that kind of live overlay/gps around the center would be very nice, but there's a lot more low hanging fruit to add first.
Funnily enough, my friend told me the Boston maps sucked! So along with the official con maps I've added a bunch of higher resolution maps of Boston and specifically the streets surrounding BCEC - submitted that update for certification last night, so it should be out Saturday/Monday-ish. It will increase the size of the app by a couple megabytes but it seems worth it.
To a non-local, better than nothing, especially for anyone who doesn't have room for the offline maps (like any poor soul with an 8s) who's coming from out of country or something. I know my data will be off from the time I hit the border and living on wifi unless I break down and find a cheap pre-paid carrier with cheap data (and i'm not sure that really exists in NA)
Posting on the phorum again like its 1999
dyaballiklPAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community CartographerGold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered Userregular
If we could find enough people it'd be a fun little excusion from the con.
Boston is a great city to level in as well. I went into Boston nearly level 3 (with the girlfriend who was lvl 4 or 5 at the time) and came out nearly level 4. (I'm 5 now) Tons of portals for both factions. I tend to play out in Central MA on occasion (I'm Enlightened, no smurfs need apply).
Not sure how much I'd want to ingress during PAX, but if there's enough portals in the S Boston area it could be a good active thing to do for a little while during the day, or after hours for those not interested in concerts or afterparties.
As of today, the Android version of the Guidebook app isn't loading the guide. It DID update something today and it was working prior, so whatever updated seems to have broken things. Whenever I tap the guide in the app, "Loading guide. One sec!" pops up in a gray box for a split second, then I'm returned to the index. My Android version is 4.2.1 and is running on a Nexus 7, for whatever that's worth.
As of today, the Android version of the Guidebook app isn't loading the guide. It DID update something today and it was working prior, so whatever updated seems to have broken things. Whenever I tap the guide in the app, "Loading guide. One sec!" pops up in a gray box for a split second, then I'm returned to the index. My Android version is 4.2.1 and is running on a Nexus 7, for whatever that's worth.
Mine opens up fine on my Gnex. Maybe delete and re-download the guide?
I was browsing through PocketPAX today and found that the maps, while helpful, are difficult to swipe through. It would be nice if when they are scaled to be fully visible on the screen, you can pivot between them, like the Photos hub does with photo albums.
As of today, the Android version of the Guidebook app isn't loading the guide. It DID update something today and it was working prior, so whatever updated seems to have broken things. Whenever I tap the guide in the app, "Loading guide. One sec!" pops up in a gray box for a split second, then I'm returned to the index. My Android version is 4.2.1 and is running on a Nexus 7, for whatever that's worth.
Mine opens up fine on my Gnex. Maybe delete and re-download the guide?
I did that and it's working again, though I've lost all of the schedule notes I'd made
If we could find enough people it'd be a fun little excusion from the con.
Boston is a great city to level in as well. I went into Boston nearly level 3 (with the girlfriend who was lvl 4 or 5 at the time) and came out nearly level 4. (I'm 5 now) Tons of portals for both factions. I tend to play out in Central MA on occasion (I'm Enlightened, no smurfs need apply).
Not sure how much I'd want to ingress during PAX, but if there's enough portals in the S Boston area it could be a good active thing to do for a little while during the day, or after hours for those not interested in concerts or afterparties.
Man, I didn't know what Ingress was and thought you were actually using the level up metaphor for your life in Boston at first...
3DS Friend Code: 1821-8991-4141
PAD ID: 376,540,262
Sidran32 - thanks for the feedback. That was the intention but I hit a snag with the image widget I used. It's on the bug list
Sweet. Also something I had on my mind but forgot to mention: can you indicate which events you starred when browsing the full schedule? It makes revisiting it after an update easier. Also, a nit-pick, but the time category listed at the top(as the current one being browsed) doesn't update immediately after scrolling into a new one.
sidran32 - I will definitely take a look at options for distinguishing favorites in the main list. I also have been wanting to add something to notify the user whats new in the schedule when it gets updated. The category bug is something with the widget I use there is another bug with it too that bothers me visually I'll log those with the dev.
Uber's alright, but expensive. I would use it if you can't find a yellow cab only
If you find any errors or bugs, post them here and we'll point them out to the right people.
Just a quick update on Pocket PAX, I have the new schedule integrated and I am finishing up some bugs I found. I need to finish my final pass at testing and the plan is to submit to the marketplace tomorrow. Normally it takes 7 days for an update to be approved, I am hoping it's sooner.
Going forward the plan is have the app work more like the built in auto update, and just be able to push new "bundles" when the conference info is ready. Going to shoot for that for Prime/Aus time frame this year.
It sends mass texts / chats to everyone and will work as an App or via SMS (perfect for those coming from Canada and not wanting to pay internation rates)
I noticed in the list of booths it does not list The Behemoth however they are on the Map.
Media / Social Monkey
Now available for iOS - Coming Soon for Android / Ouya
I play Ingress. What faction are you?
I've been wanting to play Ingress for a while, but it seems I need an invitation. Do you know how I can get one?
If we could find enough people it'd be a fun little excusion from the con.
They are in closed beta right now. You need to apply for a code from their website to get in. That's the only way I know how to get in.
Yeah, I applied a couple of months back and never heard anything. Bummer.
*That sucked and I sincerely apologise to anyone who was planning to use it. I hope you found wildbohr's alternate app and got to use that!
Check out my PAX schedule assistant for Windows Phone - http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/pax-digital-assistant/6e56d005-983a-e011-854c-00237de2db9e. Feel free to send me feedback or requests at any time!
Check out my PAX schedule assistant for Windows Phone - http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/pax-digital-assistant/6e56d005-983a-e011-854c-00237de2db9e. Feel free to send me feedback or requests at any time!
Check out my PAX schedule assistant for Windows Phone - http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/pax-digital-assistant/6e56d005-983a-e011-854c-00237de2db9e. Feel free to send me feedback or requests at any time!
For a second there, I was thinking "well, I do already have pocket pax installed"..but then I remembered I have more space free on this phone than my Focus came with and installed it anyway :P
I like pocket's UI a bit better, however PDA has the boston maps and what now..so really
Check out my PAX schedule assistant for Windows Phone - http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/pax-digital-assistant/6e56d005-983a-e011-854c-00237de2db9e. Feel free to send me feedback or requests at any time!
I haven't looked up your app for this year's PAX yet, but any chance you could use the Bing maps and throw overlays on it (for the Boston stuff)? What about having it pull data from the cloud so you don't have to worry about app updates and even be able to update schedules and whatnot as soon as they come? I know that SkyDrive integration is now a thing in Windows Phone 8, so I bet that could be done. (Albeit you probably would want to cache the data too, since the cell networks have a history of getting clogged to the point of unusable in the convention center.) Also, I know the maps in 2011 were basically images with some navigation. However, GPS positioning, or maybe the ability to calculate directions from specific start and endpoints would be helpful?
no descriptions under pannels or booths
Check out my PAX schedule assistant for Windows Phone - http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/pax-digital-assistant/6e56d005-983a-e011-854c-00237de2db9e. Feel free to send me feedback or requests at any time!
To a non-local, better than nothing, especially for anyone who doesn't have room for the offline maps (like any poor soul with an 8s) who's coming from out of country or something. I know my data will be off from the time I hit the border and living on wifi unless I break down and find a cheap pre-paid carrier with cheap data (and i'm not sure that really exists in NA)
Boston is a great city to level in as well. I went into Boston nearly level 3 (with the girlfriend who was lvl 4 or 5 at the time) and came out nearly level 4. (I'm 5 now) Tons of portals for both factions. I tend to play out in Central MA on occasion (I'm Enlightened, no smurfs need apply).
Not sure how much I'd want to ingress during PAX, but if there's enough portals in the S Boston area it could be a good active thing to do for a little while during the day, or after hours for those not interested in concerts or afterparties.
Mine opens up fine on my Gnex. Maybe delete and re-download the guide?
I did that and it's working again, though I've lost all of the schedule notes I'd made
Man, I didn't know what Ingress was and thought you were actually using the level up metaphor for your life in Boston at first...
3DS Friend Code: 1821-8991-4141
PAD ID: 376,540,262
Sweet. Also something I had on my mind but forgot to mention: can you indicate which events you starred when browsing the full schedule? It makes revisiting it after an update easier. Also, a nit-pick, but the time category listed at the top(as the current one being browsed) doesn't update immediately after scrolling into a new one.