Welcome to
Middle-Earth Quest ,
Fantasy Flight Games' game of high adventure and mounting darkness. Will you take the mantle of a hero, helping Gandalf and the White Council in their struggle against the shadow? Or, will you take the role of Sauron himself, seeking the Domination, corruption, and enslavement of all that is free and kind?
The fate of Middle-Earth is in your hands.
It is a time of growing darkness and despair. Sauron the Great, the Dark Lord of Mordor, has returned to his ancient fastness of Barad-dûr. From there, his evil and corruption has spread across the lands once more. Alas, in the West, there is little strength left. The Elves have all but abandoned Middle-Earth, and the blood of Númenór has run thin; that which remains now dwells in Minas Tirith, or with the lonely rangers that haunt the ruins and wild country of Arnor.
Yet, there is still hope. Gandalf the Grey has learned that the One Ring, the master–ring which Sauron desires and fears above all, is with the hobbit Frodo in the Shire. And there are heroes! Heroes to aid Gandalf in his hunt for the creature Gollum, and in his quest for the lost knowledge of Isildur’s Bane. Heroes, whose strong arms guard the Shire from the enemy. Heroes, who venture into the forests of Ithilien, or even into the Land of Shadow itself, there to disrupt the schemes of Sauron, wherever they may be found.
Middle-Earth Quest is set in the seventeen-year period between Bilbo’s birthday party and the Ring’s departure from the Shire, as described in J.R.R. Tolkien’s novel The Lord of the Rings.™
Up to three players will take the role of heroes working together as a team to prevent the Dark Lord from conquering the world of Middle-Earth. Seek favor, training, and knowledge from famous characters from Middle-Earth such as Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir, Denethor and many more. Each of the five heroes included in Middle Earth Quest ("MEQ") must not only seek to thwart Sauron's plans, but has a unique quest path of his/her own. Each quest provide heroes with valuable knowledge and skills in the fight against the Shadow. If the heroes are successful, Gandalf will acquire the knowledge he seeks, and move to set in motion the events which will eventually lead to Sauron's defeat and the destruction of the One Ring (as described in The Lord of the Rings.)
One player will take the mantle of Sauron himself, seeking to corrupt the lands and leaders of Middle-Earth, to summon an unstoppable army of darkness, and to use the fearsome minions of Mordor in locating the One Ring. In the dreadful chance that Sauron be succesful, his great shadow will fall across a helpless Middle-Earth. The lands covered in a darkness that no light will ever pierce.
This will be a Play-By-Post Game of Middle-Earth Quest for 4 players, participants determined from sign-ups.
If you prefer to play a Hero, sign-up in limegreen.
You may also post which Hero you may wish to play or not.
(See image in next post.)
If you prefer to play Sauron, sign-up in red.
If you have no preference, sign-up in dodgerblue.
If you don't wanna play, read The Bible. It would make JRR happy.
Start with John 3:16.
Participants will be determined randomly.[RULES][RULES SUMMARY][FAQ]
"The mountain passes had become dangerous. Strangers were more frequently seen on the roads, and not all well-intentioned. There was talk of a new power in the East. A dire name, almost forgotten, was again on the whispering lips of common folk. “Mordor.”
Never before has a board game enabled you to influence the events leading up to the war of the ring. MEQ places you in the thick of the action.
Before the creation of the Fellowship of the Ring, before Frodo’s epic journey to destroy the One Ring in the fires Mount Doom, before Gandalf uncovered Gollum's secret, the peoples of Middle-Earth had to resist the forces of Sauron. In MEQ, players must shape the lands for the coming war. A group of heroes embark on perilous quests to prevent the influence of Sauron from spreading across the West. Sauron must gather his forces and send his minions out to plant the seeds of his ascension. Both sides are unrelenting in their dedication.
The heroes of MEQ have risen to the task of thwarting Sauron’s carefully laid schemes and plots. Five faces, fresh to the fight, can be selected by hero players. Eometh, the gallant horseman from Rohan, can move great distances to accomplish his goals. Agile and cunning, Argalad of the Woodland Elves is an accomplished archer and wise in the way of the Eldar. As deadly as she is beautiful, the noble-born Eleanor of Gondor seeks to turn the peoples of Middle-Earth to Gondor's cause. Stalwart and tough, the Dwarf Thálin is a powerful warrior. Beravor, a Ranger of the North, is firmly dedicated to the remnants of Arnor, and has travelled far and wide across Middle-Earth.
Sauron has many foul ways of advancing his goals, represented by his three markers on the "Story Track" (which is located on the game board). The “Ring” story marker indicates how close Sauron minions are to locating and recapturing the One Ring, the “Conquest” story marker indicates how close Sauron is to mustering his military forces to sufficient strength, and the “Corruption” story marker represents Sauron’s success in corrupting the leaders and heroes of the West. These markers are advanced by Plot cards which Sauron must seek to protect from the invasive hero players. Sauron wins the game by advancing these story markers to their conclusion on the Story Track.
“The Dark Lord will seek to reclaim those lands that were once his. You must make sure the terrors of Angmar are not rekindled.”
The Board, Heroes & Minions
6 - 5 - 4
Place Influence - Gain X Influence. You may place up to 2 of these in the Shadow Pool and the rest in extension of Shadow Strongholds.
2 - 2 - 1
Draw Shadow and Plot Cards - Draw X Shadow Cards and X Plot Cards. Keep all Shadow Cards & 1 Plot Card.
3 - 2 - 1
Receive Commands - Command up to X Minions/Monster tokens. You may not place more than 1 Monster token.
-The Turn Phases-
1. Hero Rally
Discard all influence tokens from each hero’s location (except if in a Shadow Stronghold).
2. Story
Advance the hero story marker 2 spaces up the Story Track and Sauron’s story markers according to his active Plot cards. Skip this step on the first game turn. If a marker reaches the Finale, or if all 3 of Sauron’s markers reach The Shadow Falls, the game Finale begins.
3. Plot
Sauron may play a single Plot card from his hand to the Active Plot Track or discard an active Plot card. Skip this step on the first game turn. The number in the top left of the card is the minimum amount of influence that must be in the Shadow Pool.
4. Event
3 cards from the current stage’s Event deck are drawn and one of them is resolved.
Heroes are dominant: resolve the card with the lowest priority number.
Sauron is dominant: resolve the card with the highest number.
Neither side is dominant (and during the first game turn), draw one card and resolve it.
Place any favors or characters listed on the designated locations.
Cards with the event marker icon (green flag) are placed on the Current Event Card space, discarding any card there, and the event marker is placed on the designated location.
5. Action
Sauron may take 2 actions (or 3 actions in a 4 player game) by placing action tokens on the leftmost empty spaces of the appropriate Action Tracks, then resolving the action. When placing the fourth action token on the Action Track, immediately remove the 3 prior tokens.
Place Influence equal to the number on the Action Track space: up to 2 tokens in the Shadow Pool and the rest in extension of Shadow Strongholds.
Draw Shadow and Plot Cards each equal to the number on the Action Track space. Shadow cards go into your hand. Keep only one of the drawn Plot cards, and place the other facedown at the bottom of the Plot deck in any order.
Receive Commands equal to the number on the Action Track space. Each monster token and minion may only receive one command per action.
For each command:
Move Monster or Minion to an adjacent location. Monster tokens may only be moved onto locations that contain at least one influence token. Minions may move into Havens.
Draw a Monster Token from a monster token pile and place it facedown on any location matching its color that contains at least one influence and no heroes. Only one monster token may be placed with each Command Monsters and Minions action.
Heal a Minion on any location with no hero and remove up to 4 damage tokens from its Minion space on the board.
6. Hero Draw
Each hero player draws cards from his life pool up to his hero’s fortitude.
Hero Turn (Completed by one Hero at a time)
1. Rest
If there are no monster tokens or minions in your location and you are not in a Shadow Stronghold, you may rest. You may also discard one of your Corruption cards by discarding the number of favor tokens shown in the lower right corner of the card. If in a Haven, you may also heal.
This action moves Sauron's lowest Story marker up one space. Hero decides which one if there is a tie.
2. Ambush
Sauron may choose and attack with one monster or minion in the hero’s location. In a Haven, combat only takes place if the hero allows it.
3. Travel
Your hero may travel to a connected location on the board, fight enemies, resolve perilous locations, and explore. Your hero may repeat the sequence below as many times as your hand of Hero cards allows.
a. Move to an adjacent location by discarding the required Hero card(s) from your hand.
b. Combat or Peril: Sauron chooses whether the hero will fight a monster/minion in his location or resolve a Peril card (if he is in a perilous location).
Perilous Locations are defined as all permanently Perilous Locations (sword symbol) and any location with more Influence than the current hero’s Wisdom.
Issue cleared up by PM to designer -
Heroes can choose to fight a minion or monster in their location, even if Sauron has declined combat first.
c. Explore in your current location.
You may Retrieve Favor, Consult with Characters, Choose a Dark Path, Complete a Quest, Deactivate a Plot or Trade Favor, Items or Non-Personalized Quests with other Heroes.
4. Encounter
If you are not in a perilous location, you must draw 3 Encounter cards from the Encounter deck matching the location’s color (at a Haven draw from the Haven Encounter deck). Resolve the card with the lowest priority number that also affects your location.
Sauron uses the lower of the following numbers: the spaces from his closest story marker to the Finale, or the cumulative number of spaces needed for all his story markers to advance to The Shadow Falls space.
The side with the lower number is dominant.
On a tie, there is no dominant side.
No combat in Havens, unless the hero allows it.
1. Sauron Setup
Sauron takes his Monster Reference card and Monster Combat deck.
2. Preparation
Sauron draws Combat cards equal to his fortitude. The hero draws cards from his life pool equal to the agility he spends. Each unspent agility gives the hero +1 strength.
3. Rounds of Combat
Play cards, reveal cards, resolve abilities, and deal damage.
Repeat until combatant is defeated or both are exhausted.
a. Choose Cards: Each combatant plays facedown one card. Skip if exhausted.
b. Reveal Cards: Place faceup on your combat stack. If exhausted, only your opponent reveals a card.
c. Calculate Strength: Add the cumulative strength of all cards in your combat stack.
If this exceeds your strength, you are exhausted and your card canceled. If both become exhausted, neither combatant is defeated; go to step 4.
d. Previous Round Abilities: “Next Round” cards played in the previous combat round are resolved (hero first). If you became exhausted this round, ability is canceled.
e. Current Round Abilities: Abilities from cards played this round are resolved (hero first).
f. Deal Damage: Damage is simultaneously dealt (opponent’s total attack value minus own defense value). If defeated, go to step 4. Otherwise, begin another combat round.
4. Resolution
After resolving all combat rounds:
a. Discard Cards: Hero places his combat stack (cards in order) faceup on top of his rest pool. Sauron shuffles his stack back into the appropriate Monster Combat deck.
b. Discard Monster Token faceup next to the pile of unused tokens (whether defeated or not). Undefeated minions remain on their current location.
c. Undefeated Monster or Minion: Sauron may place influence equal to his combatant’s wisdom in extension of Shadow Strongholds. If this happens during a hero’s Travel step, the hero’s turn immediately ends.
-Damage & Being Defeated-
Place one damage token on a monster’s Reference card for each damage it is dealt. If the tokens equal or exceed its health during step f. Deal Damage, it is defeated.
Place one damage token on a minion’s Minion space for each damage it is dealt. Tokens are not removed at the end of combat and remain until it is healed or defeated. If the tokens equal or exceed its health, it is defeated. Its figure is removed and does not return to the game (except for Ringwraiths who return to Minas Morgul at the start of Sauron’s next Action step).
Dealing Damage to Heroes
A hero discards one card from the top of his life pool (unseen) or one card of his choice from his hand, for each damage he is dealt. Discarded cards are placed (one at a time) facedown into the hero’s damage pool.
A hero with 0 cards in his life pool and 0 cards in his hand is immediately defeated.
Defeated Heroes
1. Advance Sauron’s leftmost Story marker one space up the Story Track. If multiple tokens are tied, the hero decides.
2. Lose one Favor or Item card: (hero’s choice). If you have neither, skip this step.
3. Move to the closest Haven. If multiple Havens are equally close, Sauron decides.
4. Recover: Shuffle all cards from your rest pool and damage pool into your life pool.
5. End Turn immediately; play proceeds to the next player.
Each hero may increase each of his attributes a maximum of twice per game.
Skill Cards & Training
A hero who receives training draws the top 2 cards of the Skill deck, chooses one to place into his hand, and discards the other faceup.
Unless specified, Quests are completed during the Explore part of the hero’s Travel step. A Quest is always assigned to a specific hero and may only be completed by him. Completed Quests are removed from the game.
Once the Finale begins, follow these steps instead of normal turns:
1. Check for Immediate Victory
The dominant side reveals its Mission card. If the criteria are fulfilled, the dominant side immediately wins the game. If neither side is dominant, both sides reveal their Mission cards. If only one of the sides is able to fulfill the criteria on its Mission card, then that side immediately wins the game.
If neither side has won the game, proceed to the next step.
2. Advance Story Markers
If Sauron fulfills his Mission card requirement, he advances each of his story markers one space on the Story Track. If the heroes fulfill their Mission card, they advance their story marker one space on the Story Track. A story marker located on the Finale space does not advance.
3. Prepare
Sauron removes all prior damage from the Ringwraiths’ Minion space on the board. Each hero then shuffles all cards from his hand, rest pool, and damage pool into his life pool, then draws a number of cards from the top of his life pool equal to his fortitude.
4. Adjust Difficulty
If one team is dominant, the Ringwraiths’ attributes are modified as follows:
Sauron Dominant: The Ringwraiths gain a number of both health and fortitude equal to the number of spaces the hero story marker is away from the Finale space.
Heroes Dominant: The Ringwraiths’ health and fortitude is reduced by the lower of the following 2 numbers: the number of spaces the closest Sauron story marker is from the Finale space; and the cumulative number of spaces needed for Sauron’s remaining story marker(s) to advance into The Shadow Falls space.
5. Choose Champion
The heroes choose one hero player to fight the Ringwraith.
6. Combat
The chosen hero fights the Ringwraiths as normal.
7. Determine Winner
If the Ringwraiths are defeated, the heroes win the game.
If the Ringwraiths are not defeated, Sauron wins the game.
-He has spies everywhere!-
All discussion must be done in the thread.
Game questions to the host are allowed.
-Strategy Tips & Info-
Players are "Heroes", not "Characters"!
"Characters" are the well-known NPC's that the players may interact with!
Do not confuse the two when setting up requirements for a plot!
BGG strategy post
Heroes' Quests
Heroes' Cards
Location Reference
Sauron's Plots
Sauron's Cards & Both Side's Missions
Sauron's Monster Cards & Reference
Once the game begins, you'll use the "Draw to hand" command on handtracker to draw cards. To play cards or discard them, click the "Play" button on the card in your hand, then link the action in the thread with the name of the card.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
I know, right? Who knew?
Twitch Stream
Yup, that's me on Steam.
If you are interested in playing, discussing, or hosting Arkham Horror, click here!
We're all busy, huh?
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
Being network head is busy as heeeell.
Yup, that's me on Steam.
If you are interested in playing, discussing, or hosting Arkham Horror, click here!
Hope it's going well.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Yup, that's me on Steam.
If you are interested in playing, discussing, or hosting Arkham Horror, click here!
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Wins: NBN; Jenny Barnes; Emperor of Mankind; Werewolf (posthumous), Gregor; Colonel Mustard; USSR
Losses: Silas Marsh Bob Jenkins; Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Nurgle; House Harkonnen; Stark; Beravor; Scientist, Dispatcher; Universities of Jol-Nar, Winnu
Don't be the last Dark Lord on your block to crush The Fellowship.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
653 - @jdarksun
935 - @Capfalcon
140 - @Farangu
246 - @Daemonis
19 - @caliber
Sorry, caliber!
That gives us Capfalcon as Sauron, jdarksun as Eometh & Daemonis & Farangu to select a remaining Hero each, in that order.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
My hero preference:
Eleanor - Thalin - Beravor - Argalad
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
Enjoy guys!
Wins: NBN; Jenny Barnes; Emperor of Mankind; Werewolf (posthumous), Gregor; Colonel Mustard; USSR
Losses: Silas Marsh Bob Jenkins; Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Nurgle; House Harkonnen; Stark; Beravor; Scientist, Dispatcher; Universities of Jol-Nar, Winnu
I prefer misunderstood.
Twitch Stream
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
I just want to put all of Middle Earth in order like it belongs. I mean, I helped make the place. I obviously know what's best, right? Just need to cull a few of the imperfections first...
Twitch Stream
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
Sauron Tips -
Only two Influence per Place Influence action may be placed in the Shadow Pool and the total may not exceed 4 per Story Stage the game is in.
Shadow Cards may be played at different times during any turn, although only one may be played per player turn, (i.e. Sauron, Hero, Hero, Hero). See text of cards for when they may be played.
Monsters can only be placed where there is at least one Influence marker, except they can be placed one space away from The Black Serpent minion (not in Havens).
Only one monster per Command action may be placed.
Guessing the Heroes' Mission can be helpful. Their play may indicate what it may be. Check the Missions out on the link in the 2nd post, near the bottom.
Players are "Heroes", not "Characters"! Do not confuse the two when setting up requirements for a plot!
Any time you move through another Hero's location, you may Trade with Heroes: All heroes in the current location may freely trade favor, Item cards, and Quests with each other (excluding Starting and Advanced Quests).
Ending on a location with Influence will remove all Influence there. It will also reduce all locations beyond your location of that Influence stream from a Shadow Stronghold to one Influence each.
If you move through a Perilous location, (Moria, Ruins of Angmar or a Shadow Stronghold, all marked by a sword through the bottom of the location), or a location that contains more Influence than your Wisdom, Sauron may likely play a Peril card on you.
Ending your turn near a Monster or Minion and not in a Haven may open yourself up to Ambush by that creature. The Black Serpent & The Ringwraiths may move two spaces per command action, making them extra dangerous.
Generally, Haven Encounters, which occur when you end your move on a Haven, (all marked by a castle on the top of the location), are more beneficial than other locations.
Remember, you are Heroes. You should be able to defeat a Monster pretty easily, if you are in decent shape, and a Minion, if your are in good shape. Of course, they can deal nasty surprises, too.
Choose a Dark Path isn't a great idea but, if you're desperate for Favor, you may select it:
If you have 3 or less Corruption cards, you may choose to gain 1 favor and gain 1 Corruption card. You may only choose a dark path once during each of your turns.
Playing the last Hero card in your hand while your Life Pool, (remaining Hero Deck), is empty immediately defeats you.
That last card played is not even taken into account.
Defeat isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially if you're in bad shape, as it Recovers your Rest and Damage Pools back into your Life Pool, but you may want to check the results -
1. Advance Sauron’s Story: The leftmost Sauron story marker is advanced one space up the Story Track. If multiple tokens are tied, the hero may decide which to move.
2. Lose Favor or Item card: The hero must choose whether to discard one favor token from his hero sheet or one of his Item cards. If a hero has neither, skip this step.
3. Move to Haven: The hero figure is moved to the closest Haven (by number of locations). If multiple Havens are equally close, Sauron decides which of the tied Havens.
4. Recover: The hero shuffles all cards from his rest pool and damage pool into his life pool.
5. End Turn: The hero’s turn immediately and play proceeds to the next player.
Guessing Sauron's Mission can be helpful. His play may indicate what it may be. Check the Missions out on the link in the 2nd post, near the bottom. Also, check the list of his Plots. Some have prerequisites that can give away what he may be trying to do to get a Plot activated.
If you are not the Dominant side when the Finale is reached, it may not have been best to pursue your Mission during the main portion of the game, although fulfilling your Mission can help you by adjusting difficulty in the final battle with the Ringwraiths.
(Heroes count the spaces from their story marker to the Finale. Sauron uses the lower of the following numbers: the spaces from his closest story marker to the Finale, or the cumulative number of spaces needed for all his story markers to advance to The Shadow Falls space. The side with the lower number is dominant. On a tie, there is no dominant side.)
At the Finale, the dominant side reveals its Mission card. If the criteria are fulfilled, the dominant side immediately wins the game.
If neither side is dominant, both sides reveal their Mission cards. If only one of the sides is able to fulfill the criteria on its Mission card, then that side immediately wins the game.
If neither side has won the game, proceed to combat with the Ringwraiths.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Capfalcon as Sauron - bold red
jdarksun as Eometh - bold limegreen
Daemonis as Thalin - bold dodgerblue
Farangu as Eleanor - bold mediumorchid
This is also the play order of the Heroes, as determined by the player selection roll.
This game, like Pandemic, is being run with the aid of the Vassal boardgame software, which I can only run at home, so updates will be during the evening of US Central Time.
I'll be keeping tight rein on card draws, as some of the back-n-forth can get confusing, but should be workable.
The Heroes may now draw one Starting Quest each in Handtracker and link them in the thread, as they are open knowledge.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
E - BTW, the red & blue dots on Heroes & Minions indicate Ranged/Melee make-up of their decks, each dot representing 20%.
Eg. Argalad is 20% Melee, 80% Ranged while Thalin is 80% Melee, 20% Ranged.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Sauron's Action Section of the Board (bottom right) -
6 - 5 - 4
Place Influence - Gain X Influence. You may place up to 2 of these in the Shadow Pool and the rest in extension of Shadow Strongholds.
2 - 2 - 1
Draw Shadow and Plot Cards - Draw X Shadow Cards and X Plot Cards. Keep all Shadow Cards & 1 Plot Card.
3 - 2 - 1
Receive Commands - Command up to X Minions/Monster tokens. You may not place more than 1 Monster token.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
Sauron may now draw one Starting Plot and follow the directions for Set-Up.
This Plot will not go to his hand, as it is activated immediately and placed on the board in the Plot 1 area, on the right of the board, where active Plots are placed.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Can I wait to dump them until I see my mission?
Twitch Stream
No, you may not.
E - but you don't reveal what they are.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Once you put the 3 Influence in extension of Shadow Strongholds, (the 3 locations with a dark tower above them), we will draw Missions.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Wasn't sure.
Anyway, I got my hand and probably spent waaay too much time overthinking this.
I'll put two influence in Rhosgobel, and 1 in Gladden Fields.
Twitch Stream
Since Eleanor is obviously the highest status of the Heroes, we'll let Farangu draw it.
Remember, these are not to be shared with the enemy!
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
Use the PM I already set up with you guys.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Sauron's Turn -
1. Hero Rally
N/E on Turn 1.
2. Story
Skip on Turn 1.
3. Plot
Skip on Turn 1.
4. Event
Neither side is dominant (and during the first game turn), draw one card and resolve it.
Each hero must spend 1 Favor or gain 1 Corruption card.
1 Favor placed in Bree and Theoden placed in Helm's Deep.
No Heroes have any Favor so N/E.
Favor & Theoden placed.
Eometh of Rohan - (jdarksun)
Location: Edoras (Rohan)
Hand Size: 0
Life Pool: 25
Rest Pool: 0
Damage Pool: 0
Items: Horse - The movement cost for you to move along any path is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
Quests: A message to the White Wizard - Setup: Place Saruman in Isengard. When you would draw Encounter cards in Isengard, combat an Agent instead. - Task: Defeat the Agent. - Result: Gain 1 favor and receive training. Then reveal Eometh's Advanced Quest.
Location: Erebor (Grey Mountains)
Hand Size: 0
Life Pool: 25
Rest Pool: 0
Damage Pool: 0
Quests: The Ered Luin - Task: Explore the Blue Mountains. - Result: Gain 3 favor and place Dain II in Erebor. Then shuffle your rest pool into your life pool and reveal Thálin's Advanced Quest.
Special: Iron Will - Your turn does not end after failing to defeat an opponent in combat.
Location: Minas Tirith (Gondor)
Hand Size: 0
Life Pool: 25
Rest Pool: 0
Damage Pool: 0
Quests: Where the Stars are Strange - Setup: Place Boromir in Near Harad. - Task: Explore Near Harad or combat the Black Serpent. - Result: Gain 1 level of strength and receive training. Then place Denethor in Minas Tirith and reveal Eleanor's Advanced Quest.
Special: Noble Bloodline - Once per turn, gain 1 Favor when you complete a Quest or consult a Character.
There are now 3 characters on the board, offering Hero's choice of Favor or something else.
Sarumon is in Isengard. (2 Favor or Sauron discards 2 random Shadow Cards.)
Theoden is in Helm's Deep. (2 Favor or Gain a Horse Item.)
Boromir is in Near Harad. (2 Favor or Gain 1 Strength.)
Location Reference
5. Action
Sauron may take 3 actions (in a 4 player game), one at a time, by placing action tokens on the leftmost empty spaces of the appropriate Action Tracks, then resolving the action.
6 - 5 - 4
Place Influence - Gain X Influence. You may place up to 2 of these in the Shadow Pool and the rest in extension of Shadow Strongholds.
2 - 2 - 1
Draw Shadow and Plot Cards - Draw X Shadow Cards and X Plot Cards. Keep all Shadow Cards & 1 Plot Card.
3 - 2 - 1
Receive Commands - Command up to X Minions/Monster tokens. You may not place more than 1 Monster token.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1