Climbing that ladder right off the edge…
AnonymousI recently moved and obtained a job working for a HR group that ran the some of the testing for a very large company. You started out at this company as what they called an “on call” tester. Meaning they would call or email you, sign you up for shifts, and you would do them.
Needless to say this did not always work out correctly. They usually overbooked, causing an alarming number of people to lumber out of their beds for a 7:30 AM shift only to be turned away.
This created a problem financially for myself.
Most people got shuttered into the “on call” corral for years before being offered a position on the permanent testing team. I worked three shifts as an on call tester before they offered me a permanent position. I have no idea why, nor did anybody else for that matter.
I gratefully accepted the position, which was promised to provide me with, at a minimum, 20 hours of work a week, hoping for something a little more stable to pay the bills. After working three shifts in the permanent department, they stopped signing me up, and the testing staff dwindled to about 3 people working a week…after three weeks of that, they called and said that I was being laid off because they had hired too many people.
A week later they called and offered me a test lead position. I declined. I don’t think I will be working with this company anymore.
Yeah, he doesn't look even as upset as he was bout the manskirt, and he certainly didn't hesitate to give his opinion then. He gave Q a chance to make his case, and he just vomited letters everywhere. I know if my job allowed it I'd merrily toss everyone out who managed to say that many words without actually telling me what they want.
PSN: astronautcowboy 3DS: 5343-8146-1833
I have Sega, Nintendo and Xbox games and systems for sale. Please help me buy diapers.
I think these stories are good for people working in IT. First, they are a sanity check. When you're young and desperate for work, you'll take whatever crap is dished out. But the reality is that it doesn't have to be that way. Second, the people and companies that pull this shit will eventually fail because they will not get the caliber of people needed to succeed. Third, by raising awareness we also raise the standard of what kinds of jobs that good employees will take. The more often we do this, the sooner we can rid the industry of bad managers and sweatshops.
I work for a major pharmaceutical company and there are people here who have pretty much made careers doing exactly this.
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
This skirt-wearing, pony-tail having hippy just waltzed into my house because he's a friend of my daughter's, and he wants me to bankroll him based on that alone.
His pitch even sounds opportunistic "I know the rights just came up..." No, dude, fuck you. Get out of my house.
Taramoor on Youtube
It's not like, "I'd like to use your IP license to make a F2P game with cash shop purchases driven by limited energy for users" is meaningless. It actually conveys a lot of information pretty concisely.
What Q said, on the other hand, is spitting out all the freemium jargon at once.
You have to remember you are only hearing 1 side of the story. I know it is cool to pull for the underdog and corporations are the devil, but to believe that all of these people were the best testers ever and then got fired for no reason at all is just ignorant.