Well, within the next year my husband and I will be looking for a new car. His '98 Mazda is going to need replacing at some point and my Aveo isn't meeting some of our current needs. Basically we are looking for an AWD vehicle that isn't TOO terrible on gas. I want cargo space so that we can transport 2 dogs, 2 crates, 2 suitcases, and 2 adults without the car being so bogged down it no longer accelerates. We're also starting to head into the mountains more and are looking for a car that can do that and has the space for dogs, adults, and camping gear. In addition, there is a possibility of a commute between cities that could encounter snowy and/or icy conditions.
I've been looking at the so called crossover SUV's (I don't feel comfortable driving anything too huge) and I feel like I have it narrowed down to 3 vehicles. The Toyota RAV4, the Subaru Forester, and the Hyundai Tuscon. I've been doing the research on the 2010 models because I'm not planning on buying new. That is where I'm running into a wall. They pretty much all have the same reviews. Comparable in safety, MPG, handling, price, so on and so forth. I know that some of this may be sorted when I test drive but I'm looking here to see if any of you have any practical knowledge of these 3 cars. Or if you have a suggestion of something else that you think I should look at.
The Subaru is also a great car, and Subarus are renowned for reliability (I don't know if this is a true reputation).
Honestly though, I'd go with the Forester if you say you don't want weight to bog the car down. The engine has some great punch and torque.
Maybe take a peek at the Nissan X-Trail. I would specifically look at the diesel X-Trail but some people take issue with the noise and smell of diesel so maybe not for you.
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Cannot say from the RAV4, should have good reliability but don't think it can carry about as much stuff internally as you'd like.
What kind of mileage do you put on it? Cause you might be able to get some kind of Us-branded SUV relatively cheap, but you're going to take it at the gas station (up-front vs ongoing costs).
PSN Hypacia
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1) Take a look at the Honda CRV and Nissan Rogue - they're very similar to the Rav4, and you may like the layout/fit-finish/etc. of one vs. another more.
2) subaru has the only 'true all wheel drive' system out of the cars you listed (including the Honda i added) with power being sent to all wheels at all times. the competitors are basically FWD cars until a speed difference is felt between the front/back wheels, and only then do the back wheels actually get power. This is good for MPG on normal driving, but bad for traction if you really need it. This is something to consider if your snow/ice driving is actually a big part of what you do.
3) Take a look at wagons instead - they have the same amount of space as crossover SUVs, and typically have better MPG (b/c they're lighter). Subaru Impreza, Outback, and CrossTrek are some choices with the 'true AWD', and there are tons with FWD only.
For a wagon, don't overlook their Tribeca or outback. The outback has almost the same clearance and cargo room as the forester and is more "car" like to drive and park. The tribeca is a "bubble car" kind of like the nissan rouge so only you know if the look is for you, but they have a really nice interior layout IMO for commuting with kids and critters.
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