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Shadow Hunters - The Vampire delivers a Shadow win!

Wolf of DresdenWolf of Dresden Registered User regular
edited February 2013 in Critical Failures
There is good, there is evil and then there is neutrality, which is perhaps the worst of all. In Shadow Hunters, you are aligned with one of three groups – the Shadow (dwellers of the demon world), the Hunters (defenders of our world) or the Neutral civilians. The Shadow wish the destruction of the Hunters and the Hunters, in turn, wish to annihilate them. The Neutral, well, they have their own motivations, which may or may not conflict with the others.

Who Makes It?
Shadow Hunters is published by [Z-Man Games]. A copy of the rules may be found at the [game page].
Turns in Shadow Hunter take place in a fixed order. On your turn, you do the following actions:
1. Move (Mandatory)
2. Follow Instructions on the Area Card (Optional)
3. Attack other player(s) (optional)
To move, you roll a 4-sided and 6-sided die and move to the area card sharing the same red #. If you roll a 7, you may move to any OTHER area card you would like. Since you cannot end the movement phase where you started, rereoll if you the number of the area card you began the turn on (and keep rerolling until you land on a different space).
The effects of areas are detailed on the linked image with the “map.” Some areas let you draw cards from the Hermit, White or Black decks, while others interact with other characters. The Weird Woods allows you to either deal two damage or heal one point from anyone, including yourself. The Erstwhile Altar allows you to swipe an Equipment card from another player.
Hermit cards normally provide information about other players. When you draw a Hermit card, you keep it secret and choose a target. Unless there is a choice to make, I will step in to resolve the card.
White and Black cards are either “Single-use” or “Equipment.” Single-use cards are played immediately once drawn – play them and resolve the effect. Equipment cards are placed in front of your character and you can have as many as you would like – they are cumulative in their effects.
Normally, you may attack one target who is in range. Other characters are in range if they share an area card or are on the card paired with it. To attack, roll a 4-sided and 6-sided die and deal damage equal to the delta (so if you roll a 2 and a 4, you deal two damage (4-2=2)).
You will normally take damage each time you are attacked and this damage will build up over time. If it is ever equal to or greater than your character’s hit points, you die and are out of the game. If you have no previously revealed your identity, it is revealed (no doubt coming after a colorful & crude autopsy scene).
If you kill a character, you can take one piece of equipment from them – the rest hit the discard pile.
Game Over
If you fulfill your character’s Win condition, you immediately reveal your identity and declare the game over. You can do this at any time (I will keep an eye out for it) and if multiple players win simultaneously, then everyone who fulfilled their character’s win conditions wins. So really, it’s not so much about the winning and so very much about the losing.
The Shadow & Hunter players will win or lose as a team – it is the Neutrals who will end up as wildcards.
Assuming we have 8 players, there will be 3 Hunter and 3 Shadow characters, as well as 2 Neutrals.
Special Abilities
Each character has a special ability, which he may (normally) use by revealing his character (turning them face up). Normally, in Shadow Hunters, you can reveal at any time, but since this is a PBF game, I am going to limit reveals to during your own turn (with the exception of Bryan & Daniel, who must automatically reveal under certain conditions).
Agnes (Neutral – 8 HP) – you win if the player who goes immediately after you in the initial turn sequence wins. Special ability – Capricicio. Can only be used at the start of your turn, win condition changes to you win if the player who goes immediately before you in the initial turn sequence wins.
Allie (Neutral – 8 HP) – you win if you survive. Special ability: Mother’s Love. full heal your own damage.
Bryan (Neutral – 10 HP) – you win if you kill a character with 13+ HP or occupy the Erstwhile Altar at the end of the game. Special ability: Mygod!!! If your attack kills a character whose HP is 12 or less, you must reveal your identity.
Catherine (Neutral – 11 HP) – you win if you die first or are one of the last two characters standing. Special ability: Stigmata. Heal 1 point of your own damage at the start of your turn.
Charles (Neutral – 11 HP) – you win if when you kill a character, there are 3 or more dead. Special ability: Bloody Feast. After you attack, you may give yourself 2 points of damage to attack the same character again.
Daniel (Neutral – 13 HP) – you win if you are the first to die or if all the Shadow characters are dead and you are not. Special ability: Scream. You must reveal as soon as another player dies.
David (Neutral – 13 HP) – you win if you have 3 or more of the following items: Talisman, Spear of Longinus, Holy Robe, Silver Rosary. Special ability: Grave Digger. You may take the Equipment Card of your choice from any discard pile (may only use once per game).
Ellen (Hunter – 10 HP) – you win if all the Shadow characters are dead. Special ability: Chain of Forbidden Curse. At the start of your turn, choose a character and void his/her special ability until the end of the game (may only use once per game).
Emi (Hunter – 10 HP) – you win if all the Shadow characters are dead. Special ability: Teleport. When you move, you may roll dice as normal or move to an adjacent area card without rolling the dice.
Franklin (Hunter – 12 HP) - you win if all the Shadow characters are dead. Special ability: Lightning. At the start of your turn, you can pick any player and give him/her damage equal to the roll of a 6-sided die (may only use once per game).
Fu-ka (Hunter – 12 HP) - you win if all the Shadow characters are dead. Special ability: Dynamite Nurse. At the start of your turn, you set the damage of any character to 7 (may only use once per game). This could be helpful or harmful!
George (Hunter – 14 HP) - you win if all the Shadow characters are dead. Special ability: Demolish. At the start of your turn, you can pick any player and give him/her damage equal to the roll of a 4-sided die (may only use once per game).
Gregor (Hunter – 14 HP) - you win if all the Shadow characters are dead. Special ability: Ghostly Barrier. Use at the end of your turn. You cannot receive any damage until the start of your next turn (may only use once per game). If you would take damage from a Hermit card, the effect is reported as “nothing happens.” First aid & the Dynamite Nurse can still have an effect on you during this time.
Ultra Soul (Shadow – 11 HP) – you win if all the Hunter characters are dead or 3 Neutral characters are dead. Special ability: Murder Ray. At the start of your turn, you can give 3 points of damage to one character who is at the Underworld Gate location.
Unknown (Shadow – 11 HP) – you win if all the Hunter characters are dead or 3 Neutral characters are dead. Special ability: Deceit. You may lie when given a Hermit card. You do not have to reveal your identity to do this.
Valkyrie (Shadow – 13 HP) – you win if all the Hunter characters are dead or 3 Neutral characters are dead. Special ability: Horn of War Outbreak. When you attack, you roll only the 4-sided die and inflict the amount of damage rolled.
Vampire (Shadow – 13 HP) – you win if all the Hunter characters are dead or 3 Neutral characters are dead. Special ability: Suck blood. If you attack a player and inflict damage, you heal 2 points of your own damage.
Werewolf (Shadow – 14 HP): – you win if all the Hunter characters are dead or 3 Neutral characters are dead. Special ability: Counterattack. After you are attacked, you can attack that character immediately.
Wight (Shadow – 14 HP) - – you win if all the Hunter characters are dead or 3 Neutral characters are dead. Special ability: Multiplication: when your turn is over, you may take an additional number of turns, equal to the amount of dead characters (may only use once per game).
Etiquette & Custom
Each player will be assigned a color. Please use your color for all game related posts.
Please keep all communication (outside of Hermit cards & rules questions) public & in the thread. Please refrain from PM-ing other players with game related information, such as your identity or favorite murder device.
Please use [Invisible Castle] or [Orokos] for die rolls and link to the roll.
We will use [Handtracker] for the cards. Please link when you draw a White or Black card. If you draw a Hermit card, PM me the link.
Sign Ups
Shadow Hunters will play up to eight, so we could take the first eight to sign up in the thread and then a reserve (if we somehow have that much interest).

Wolf of Dresden on


  • Gandalf_the_CrazedGandalf_the_Crazed Vigilo ConfidoRegistered User regular
    Sign up and now I'll read the rules. Been wanting to try this one for a while.

  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    Sign up

    I would like to try this out.

    What is this I don't even.
  • CerberusCerberus Registered User regular
    Sign me up

    Also drawing a few peoples attention to this who I know like this... So...

    @Flimflammery @Tayrun @Belfast

  • FlimflammeryFlimflammery There's always money in the banana stand... Oxford, UKRegistered User regular
    edited February 2013
    What would make a man turn neutral...?

    Sign up!

    Flimflammery on
  • VyolynceVyolynce Registered User regular
    edited February 2013
    Sign up. No experience with the new characters, but fairly solid on the originals.

    EDIT: Hmm. Seem to have misplaced my Handtracker password.

    Vyolynce on
  • blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    If I don't survive, tell my wife hello.

  • TayrunTayrun Registered User regular
    Appreciate the tag in, but I'd rather play in person!

    Have fun all.

  • Wolf of DresdenWolf of Dresden Registered User regular
    One more and we're off! Gandalf, Cerberus, do either of you have a handtracker account? I'm assuming everyone else controls the HT accounts which match their user names. If not, uh, let me know.

  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    I just made one upon reading the thread, so that's me but hell if I know how to use it.

    What is this I don't even.
  • AlegisAlegis Impeckable Registered User regular
    Always wanted to play this game IRL but never got a chance to

  • Gandalf_the_CrazedGandalf_the_Crazed Vigilo ConfidoRegistered User regular
    I don't have one, I'll make one tonight.

  • CerberusCerberus Registered User regular
    I do, same name...

  • FlimflammeryFlimflammery There's always money in the banana stand... Oxford, UKRegistered User regular
    How will it work with Handtracker when we steal someone else's equipment card?

  • Wolf of DresdenWolf of Dresden Registered User regular
    edited February 2013
    I think I have everyone set up so you can give cards to each other, but since equipment is also public information and cards are never held, I'm hoping we can work around any snags. The Hermit cards may need a little more thought if it turns out playing them is public. We could perhaps have people hold them until it's time to reshuffle...

    PMs sent with roles.

    Player order will be

    #1 blahmcblah
    #2 Cerberus
    #3 Caliber
    #4 Gandalf
    #5 Flimflam
    #6 Alegis
    #7 Vyolynce
    #8 Darkewolfe

    So @blahmcblah can go ahead and roll for his movement...

    Wolf of Dresden on
  • Wolf of DresdenWolf of Dresden Registered User regular
    And here's the high quality map, brought to you by our department's fine art budget:


  • blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    edited February 2013
    The Hermit cards may need a little more thought if it turns out playing them is public. We could perhaps have people hold them until it's time to reshuffle...

    As far as I know, the target and answer given for Hermit cards is always public (Edit: Except that one stupid card that just has the one guy reveal his identity to the other). Probably just have the one who drew it announce the target in the thread and PM them the text, and then the target will post their answer.

    Each character has a special ability, which he may (normally) use by revealing his character (turning them face up). Normally, in Shadow Hunters, you can reveal at any time, but since this is a PBF game, I am going to limit reveals to during your own turn (with the exception of Bryan & Daniel, who must automatically reveal under certain conditions).

    You might want to let people set conditional orders on revealing, such as for the Werewolf's counter-attack or Allie's life gain ability, as those are much better used in response than on the player's own turn.

    blahmcblah on
  • blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    Movement: 7 gets me anywhere, but without knowing much of anything, I think it's most important to get some info on Cerberus, so I head to the Hermit's Cabin and draw a green card to send him.

  • CerberusCerberus Registered User regular
    edited February 2013
    Nothing happens in response to Blah's card. I'll take my go since there is no one to attack...

    Movement is a 6 which takes me to Church, so I will draw a white card.

    The card drawn is Chocolate ...
    Chocolate - Single-Use. If you are Allie, Agnes, Emi, Ellen, Unknown or Ultra Soul, you may reveal your identity. If you do, you are fully healed. (If you are already revealed, you still heal)
    No reveal or other effect...

    No attack... Done

    Cerberus on
  • AlegisAlegis Impeckable Registered User regular
    edited February 2013
    @Caliber is next
    How will it work with Handtracker when we steal someone else's equipment card?

    You 'play' the card, so it's in the discard pile. We'll have to track here in the thread which equipment cards are active where.

    Alegis on
  • calibercaliber Registered User regular
    edited February 2013
    Hope I'm doing this right ...

    A movement of 7 means I can choose a location. I'll go to the Cemetery to avoid Cerberus and blah.

    I find a Spiritual Doll - Single-use. Pick a character and roll the 6-sided die. If the die number is 1 to 4, you give 3 points of damage to that character. If the die number is 5 or 6, you get 3 points of damage.

    Without anything to go on, I randomly pick Flimflammery, who I suspect of being a neutral dog. 3 damage to them.

    caliber on
  • calibercaliber Registered User regular
    Re: special abilities, am I correct in reading the only limitation to using them being that you have to announce your identity to the rest of the players? Otherwise, they're effectively at-will? (Excepting the Wight, who I see is listed as once-per game)

  • AlegisAlegis Impeckable Registered User regular
    Regarding the card decks; what happens when hermit, white or black is depleted?

    For hermit: everyone's holding these cards, and if they discard them (so they can be reshuffled) anyone in handtracker can see what they were
    for white/black: some 'discarded' cards are actually equipment cards which are 'in play'. If the deck is reshuffled then one card could be in play twice

    I'm not familiar with the admin/host options of handtracker to resolve those issues

  • Wolf of DresdenWolf of Dresden Registered User regular
    blahmcblah wrote: »
    You might want to let people set conditional orders on revealing, such as for the Werewolf's counter-attack or Allie's life gain ability, as those are much better used in response than on the player's own turn.

    Since it's a PBP game, interactivity is going to be a bit more limited than in a freewheeling regular game, but with that said - if you want a conditional order, go ahead & PM one, but it should be written to take place after an attack or event card - i.e. you are at X HP (for Allie) or after you get attacked (Werewolf), so we don't have to back anything up or have someone wait each time they sidle up to another character. If you want to unleash an epic reveal in the thread between two player's turns, I've got no problem with it.
    caliber wrote:
    Re: special abilities, am I correct in reading the only limitation to using them being that you have to announce your identity to the rest of the players? Otherwise, they're effectively at-will? (Excepting the Wight, who I see is listed as once-per game)

    Right, you must normally reveal to use them. Quite a few are ltd to once per game (Allie's life gain being another one), but they otherwise apply whenever they would come up.

  • Wolf of DresdenWolf of Dresden Registered User regular
    Alegis wrote: »
    Regarding the card decks; what happens when hermit, white or black is depleted?

    For hermit: everyone's holding these cards, and if they discard them (so they can be reshuffled) anyone in handtracker can see what they were
    for white/black: some 'discarded' cards are actually equipment cards which are 'in play'. If the deck is reshuffled then one card could be in play twice

    I'm not familiar with the admin/host options of handtracker to resolve those issues

    There's a reshuffle when the decks run out.

    Thinking it over, I have an easy fix for the hermit cards - if we go through a full deck & need more, I'll just create another deck and add it to the game (pretty sure I can do that). If we go through TWO decks (32 cards) and need more, then y'all just aren't killing each other enough.

  • FlimflammeryFlimflammery There's always money in the banana stand... Oxford, UKRegistered User regular
    edited February 2013
    caliber wrote: »
    Without anything to go on, I randomly pick Flimflammery, who I suspect of being a neutral dog. 3 damage to them.

    :( How dare you accuse me of neutrality! This means war... :evil:

    Flimflammery on
  • AlegisAlegis Impeckable Registered User regular
    Alegis wrote: »
    Regarding the card decks; what happens when hermit, white or black is depleted?

    For hermit: everyone's holding these cards, and if they discard them (so they can be reshuffled) anyone in handtracker can see what they were
    for white/black: some 'discarded' cards are actually equipment cards which are 'in play'. If the deck is reshuffled then one card could be in play twice

    I'm not familiar with the admin/host options of handtracker to resolve those issues

    There's a reshuffle when the decks run out.

    Thinking it over, I have an easy fix for the hermit cards - if we go through a full deck & need more, I'll just create another deck and add it to the game (pretty sure I can do that). If we go through TWO decks (32 cards) and need more, then y'all just aren't killing each other enough.
    Make sure the new decks isn't a public template then :)
    I suppose you could do the same for black/white -- or post a list of all the equipment cards currently in-play, if someone draws one of these cards from the new deck; they discard the card and draw again (and the equipment card is crossed off the 'cant draw' list)

  • Wolf of DresdenWolf of Dresden Registered User regular

    Damage taken:

    Flimflam - 3 points


  • VyolynceVyolynce Registered User regular
    Do we know the mix of Hunters/Shadows/Neutrals?

  • Wolf of DresdenWolf of Dresden Registered User regular
    3 Hunters, 3 Shadows, 2 Neutrals (I went with the default 8-player mix).

  • Gandalf_the_CrazedGandalf_the_Crazed Vigilo ConfidoRegistered User regular
    Sorry for the delay, I have a Handtracker now. Same as my forum name.

  • Gandalf_the_CrazedGandalf_the_Crazed Vigilo ConfidoRegistered User regular
    edited February 2013
    I do not know how to use Handtracker, though. Somebody tell me what I should be doing?

    In any case, Movement: 1d6 + 1d4=5 to the Underworld Gate and draw a card from the Hermit deck.

    Not making any attacks this turn.

    Gandalf_the_Crazed on
  • Wolf of DresdenWolf of Dresden Registered User regular
    edited February 2013
    You've been added to the game in Handtracker. You should be able to draw a card from the Hermit deck once logged in and under the game. Once you do that, PM your target (and cc me) to play the card. Also, announce the target of your card (but not what the card is or what it does) here.

    Wolf of Dresden on
  • calibercaliber Registered User regular
    We haven't had any combat yet, but for those of you with a stronger orokos-fu than me, is there anyway to generate our attack totals automatically? Or will we need to roll and do the math ourselves?

  • VyolynceVyolynce Registered User regular
    caliber wrote: »
    We haven't had any combat yet, but for those of you with a stronger orokos-fu than me, is there anyway to generate our attack totals automatically? Or will we need to roll and do the math ourselves?

    Since there's no way to know which number will be higher (and pretty sure "absolute value" isn't a thing for most die-rolling scripts) I think we have to do it manually.

  • AlegisAlegis Impeckable Registered User regular
    You can roll "1d6-1d4" like so
    (if it's -3 simply take '3')

    @Gandalf: For white/black cards, after you draw them to hand, hit play. Or alternatively hit the 'play from deck' link.
    Do not hit 'play' for hermit cards (because everyone in the game can otherwise see which card it is in the game overview)

  • Gandalf_the_CrazedGandalf_the_Crazed Vigilo ConfidoRegistered User regular
    Target is Alegis.

  • calibercaliber Registered User regular
    Alegis wrote: »
    You can roll "1d6-1d4" like so
    (if it's -3 simply take '3')

    Good point. Thanks!

  • Wolf of DresdenWolf of Dresden Registered User regular
    edited February 2013
    Gandalf plays his Hermit card on Alegis, who shows his character card to Gandalf.


    Wolf of Dresden on
  • Gandalf_the_CrazedGandalf_the_Crazed Vigilo ConfidoRegistered User regular
    Nah man I have no idea what I'm doing yet.

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