[PA Comic] Wednesday, February 13, 2013 - Xenotriptych



  • DemobotDemobot Lemme buzz you in Registered User regular
    "It's a digital nightmare from which I cannot wake." "So, it's a seven?"

    That's a punchline right there.

  • TravanTravan Registered User regular
    The nigh-on fanatical loyalty of some folks to the Alien/s franchise in the wake of this game's release is downright mystifying. It seems to me that a number of game franchises, Dead Space and Gears of War especially, have been so heavily inspired by the first two films, and have proven so adept at mimicking their tone as best makes sense within the medium, that any direct adaptation of Scott and Cameron's work would always be fairly superfluous, even if it wasn't as ineptly done as this on appears to have been. Then again, I've never played the AVP games so maybe I'm missing something?

    Gamertag- Travan7838

  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu PIGEON Registered User regular
    Tube wrote: »
    Jars wrote: »
    there are probably lots of people unfamiliar with an ancient greek art style

    So they type it into Google and learn something. Not everything has to be spelled out. This isn't the funny papers. Even without knowing what a triptych is, it isn't difficult to intuit that the panels are unrelated.
    Lately I've learned not one but two words from the news posts: "mizithra" and "apophenia."

  • -Tal-Tal Registered User regular
    a triptych does not imply a lack of continuity between frames

  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu PIGEON Registered User regular
    A triptych as distinct from a three panel comic provides the opportunity to have three panels none of which are part of a larger narrative without breaking the formula common to the medium. A three panel comic with three disparate panels weird and non-standard - a triptych with three related but not narratively interrelated scenes is perfectly normal.

  • theResetButtontheResetButton Registered User regular
    -Tal wrote: »
    a triptych does not imply a lack of continuity between frames

    I know a comic isn't photography, but that's certainly a type of tryptich: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triptych#In_photography

    Keep honking: I'm also honking.
  • Viktor WaltersViktor Walters Registered User regular
    How do people with such a limited vocabulary manage to comprehend any given newspost?

    Not making any excuses for the totally uncouth plebs who cannot into triptych, but maybe it's like when I was a kid reading Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Almost all of the really good jokes flew miles over my head (as I learned later, re-reading it) but I still found it hilarious because I could sense, from syntax and context, the raw humor that existed within the pages.

  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    Travan wrote: »
    The nigh-on fanatical loyalty of some folks to the Alien/s franchise in the wake of this game's release is downright mystifying. It seems to me that a number of game franchises, Dead Space and Gears of War especially, have been so heavily inspired by the first two films, and have proven so adept at mimicking their tone as best makes sense within the medium, that any direct adaptation of Scott and Cameron's work would always be fairly superfluous, even if it wasn't as ineptly done as this on appears to have been. Then again, I've never played the AVP games so maybe I'm missing something?

    I almost wonder if this isn't why Alien games are so bad. The Alien movies are so integral to modern horror for us, that the entirety of the canon is the baseline for us. If you tried to stay true to the source, you end up with a cliche product, because you're so close to the origin.

    It's sort of like that joke, "I had this girl in my English class ask why everyone loves Shakespeare so much, since the dude writes in nothing but cliches."

    What is this I don't even.
  • ZzuluZzulu Registered User regular
    This is a good comic. I love it when they rip on bad games

  • Alpha268Alpha268 Registered User regular
    Meh I liked the game.

    The part with the half-melted aliens was actually one of the most scary levels in any videogame I ever played.

  • lordlundarlordlundar Registered User regular
    It's so hit or miss with Gearbox, how do they manage to go from making a solid FPS like Borderlands 2?

    The better question is "how did Borderlands 1 manage to be such a hit" because when you get down to it, BL2 was largely the same game as the first one with minor tweaks to the classes and new skins. Even the story is by and large the same. Then you realize that outside of the Borderlands franchise Gearbox's track recors has been "release at best a mediocre game and blame someone else".

    A:CM isn't the anomaly, BL and the sequel are.

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