After talking about it in a couple of other threads, I wanted to start a separate place to see who wants to get a weekly online game going using
Roll20 - (or Maptools, if that's what people prefer). I'm looking to do shorter campaigns in different systems, and I'll GM until someone else wants to give it a shot.
I'm not looking to something super advanced, complicated, or meta - just rolling (virtual) dice, killing monsters, saving the world, and most of all having fun. The older I get and more responsibilites I accrue, the more difficult it has become to keep a regular RPG group going every week locally. But some of my favorite memories and best friends were made around the dinner table - I'm looking to recapture those game experiences around an online table.
I've got a ton of GM and general gaming experience, but it's been a LONG time since I've done an online game. Last time I played in one, D&D 3.0 was still hot and our software of choice was mIRC and ICQ. Since I have no virtual tabletop experience and I want to get this going quickly, I'm planning to run the first campaign with
D&D 4E and some prebuilt modules. Once we've got a good group going and I've got the software down, we can switch over to some homebrew stuff and other game systems.
I'm available to run games on
either Monday or Wednesday nights, after 1700 EST - pretty flexible on the times. The goal is going to be to keep sessions between
2 -3 hours per week.
Want an idea of what to expect? Check out the Roll20 Trailer:
Interested? Thoughts, ideas, advice? Post away
Definite interest.
I've got a few different Level 1 pre-built adventures that I'm looking at running, so feel free to start working on character ideas. If anybody doesn't have the books or needs help making their character, just let me know.
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
@Suicide Slyde - It's cool if you miss the first session - I expect a lot of learning to use Roll20 that night anyways.
What kind of character do you want to play?Come up with a race and class, and I can help you roll out your character and send you a nice .PDF of your character that will have your stats and all the ability information and everything you need to play. Ideally you would need to pick up a player's handbook to have all the information you need as a player, but I don't mid help you out until then.
I was considering playing a Changeling Rogue, but if you dislike using some classes/races/books I would totally understand.
I think I might go for a "passing" changeling, someone who stays as a specific disguise all the time and doesn't reveal their real race. Nothing is set in stone yet though.
Is there an advantage to one or the other? I've only used Orokos in the past, but if Mythweavers is better/preferred I can work with that, too.
As far as race and class, in most video games I go dual wielding with some ranged attacks thrown in. So I guess a human ranger, I do believe that is a thing.
You can go ahead and roll for your stats, or use the standard 22-point buy array. With new people, I tend to stick to the array, but if you want to roll, go for it - just keep it honest .
What time is going to work best for everyone? 1700 EST is the earliest I can play on Mondays.
@Captain Carrot - Guardian, Warforged Fighter (Defender)
@Peff - Gunruth Bouldershoulder, Dwarf Cleric (Leader) Orokos
@Khildith - Dox, Changeling Rogue (Striker) Orokos
@Suicide Slyde - Antioch, Human Ranger (Striker)
@StayzKrunchyInMilk - Caracticus, Human Wrathful Invoker (Offensive Controller)
@Rhapsody - ?
@Farangu - ?
I'm not sure if Farangu and/or Rhapsody are playing. I haven't played very much as a player so I don't know if all spell casters are controllers or not.
Edit: I'll keep this updated for now with new information as it comes in.
I do so badly want to do this. I've been having a gaming itch that needs to be scratched.
Hmmm... I thought Orokos had an option to fill in a blank character sheet, but I'm not seeing it on there. I'll look into it once I get home - worst case scenario, Myth-Weavers.Com has blank sheets you can fill out that will work fine, too.
It sounds like 2000 EST is going to be our game time. I'm definitely looking forward to this !
Do we discuss character concepts, why our characters know each other, or any of that beforehand?
It might be useful for character building to know ahead how we all got together.
The Forge is . . . difficult to describe. If not the only place where we create more of our kind, it is certainly the largest and best-protected. It approaches the status of a city, devoted to our needs. I drifted into the outskirts, where warforged gathered debris and items to trade, and they directed me to the central council. They made me an offer: I would be rebuilt as I was, with heavy armor and refurbished components, if I would serve as an emissary to the other civilized peoples. There is much prejudice against us, and it is my responsibility to show that there is no need to fear the warforged. We want no war against others, nor domination; having been owned for centuries, and many of us still in servitude, being on the other side of that arrangement holds no appeal.
So I am here, much stronger and tougher than most I meet in my travels, seeking to build a foundation of good faith on which an embassy may someday be built. My arm shall strike with the good and true, defending the innocent and liberating the captive.
Level 1 Warforged Fighter
18 STR
17 CON
14 WIS
12 INT
10 DEX
Guardian is Good, 6'2", 285 pounds, does not identify as either gender, and is not a worshiper of any god.
32 HP, 12 healing surges, 8 points per surge
Skills: Athletics, Endurance (+2), Heal (Wis)
Defenses: 16 Fort, 11 Reflex, 13 Will, 17 AC, Per/In 12
Feat: Proficiency (maul)
Attack bonus: 4 (STR) + 2 (proficiency) + 1 (talent) = 7
Exploits: Sure Strike (STR+2/AC, [W]), Reaping Strike (STR/AC, [W]+STR|STR on miss), Passing Attack (STR/AC, [W]+STR; shift 1, STR+2/AC, [W]+STR), Brute Strike (STR/AC, 3[W]+STR), Two-Handed Weapon Talent (+1 attack)
Attached Scale Armor +7 AC, 45 (34) pounds, 45 gp
Maul, 2d6, 12 pounds, 30 gp
Adventurer's kit, 33 pounds, 15 gp
Racial bonuses:
+2 STR, CON; +2 Endurance, Intimidate; +1 Will;
Warforged Resolve Encounter (You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 3 + one-half your level. You may make an immediate saving throw against one effect that inflicts ongoing damage and can be ended with a save. In addition, if you are bloodied you regain hit points equal to 3 + one half your level.)
Living construct, for the purposes of powers using that keyword
+2 to saving throws against ongoing damage
Mechanically, Guardian wields a maul with both hands; I'll be describing his attacks as using just his heavily-armored hands, because that sounds much cooler.
If you want to come up with basic background and such, go for it - but I'll be writing the first meeting of your characters into the first session, so that's not necessary. If you want to keep some mystery from the other players, that's good too. @Captain Carrot did a great job with his post, if you want to go that route.
The prebuilt module I want to run starts at Level 2 - so right now I'm deciding between 2 short 1st level adventures to customize for the introduction. Once I've got that, I'll post what information I need from you guys before the first session.
While gruff to those unknown to him, Gunruth is as friendly and loyal of dwarf as any would hope to find. Now ordained but untried, he has ventured out from his home in the Dawn Forge monastery, determined to prove himself worthy of Moradin's teachings.
CB Summary:
Gunruth Bouldershoulder, level 1
Dwarf, Cleric (Warpriest)
Domain: Earth Domain
Ward of the Temple (+2 to Religion)
Theme: Ordained Priest
STR 10, CON 17, DEX 10, INT 15, WIS 18, CHA 9
STR 10, CON 15, DEX 10, INT 15, WIS 16, CHA 9
AC: 18 Fort: 14 Ref: 14 Will: 15
HP: 29 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 7
Arcana +7, Heal +9, Insight +9, Religion +9
Acrobatics –3, Athletics –3, Bluff –1, Diplomacy –1, Dungeoneering +6, Endurance +2, History +2, Intimidate –1, Nature +4, Perception +4, Stealth –3, Streetwise –1, Thievery –3
Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Ordained Priest Attack: Smiting Symbol
Dwarf Racial Power: Dwarven Resilience
Cleric Attack: Smite Undead
Cleric Utility: Healing Word
Cleric Utility 1: Stone's Resolve
Cleric Attack 1: Earth's Endurance
Cleric Attack 1: Burden of Earth
Cleric Utility 1: Stone Speak
Cleric Attack 1: Earthen Hail
Cleric Attack 1: Nimbus of Holy Shielding
Level 1: Symbol of the Sonnlinor
Warhammer x1
Chainmail x1
Heavy Shield x1
====== End ======