I don't know if you fellers believe in ghosts or not, but I think we can all agree that weird stuff does happen from time to time. Chalk it up to Night terrors, acid trips, or FREAKY GHOSTS. Or whatever.
I used to get Night Terrors, I think. I would wake up and see things flying in the air above my bed. They were little black spots and they darted around like bugs. The weird part is that they left a tiny wake in the air behind them as they moved. I would jump up and turn on the lights, but there would be nothing.
Another time I woke up to a man leaning out of the wall smiling at me. I didn't get a real good look at him because as soon as I saw him I jumped out of my bed and hit the light. I went and slept on the couch that night.
One other time I woke up in bed, and I couldn't move. I was on my side staring at the wall. I kept thinking to myself, "Just get up and move. Just fucking move your arm at least." But nothing would happen. I was just frozen. I eventually just snapped out of it. It felt a alot like waking up. If that makes any sense at all.
Here is a picture of a real ghost. THESE ARE REAL GHOSTS OKAY?
Your turn. Tell me your creepy stories.
That was the first time I ever stayed up all night. Every time I closed my eyes I'd just see a decaying human face.
Who cares, they are less cool than us.
You give me someones name, I can, with a bit of time, find out everything about them. Where they live, marital status, occupation, telephone number, postcode, ethnicity etc etc.
Now to me that is scary.
Come on dudes. SCARY STUFF.
Did you even read the OP?
that is pretty scary. For slugs.
We ate some chocolate pudding and watched Dirty Jobs.
3DS: 5241-1953-7031
I swear to Christ it's true.
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
I begin my sojourn west. With my car packed to the gills with clothes, books, and a Pentium 2 400 PC, I make my way to South Dakota. I stop at friends' places in Tennessee, Missouri, Oklahoma and Nebraska... and take about three weeks getting there. Many of these people were elders, who offered me advice (and warnings) about the choice I was making... but I felt like I knew what i was doing and where I was going (for once), so I kept on plowing ahead.
I arrived at Pine Ridge, where i would be spending the next six months of my life. I gave floyd a box full of food (stew meat, noodles, coffee, vegetables, etc.), a little bit of rent money from the stuff I sold before hitting the road, and got to crash in a trailer outside. This began Floyd's "Dickhead School." I have talked to people who went through what I went through out there (I am not the first or the last who has gone through this), and the closest comparison is a boot camp of sorts. Pine Ridge is the poorest county in the USA. It's practically a 3rd world country. 85% of the population is unemployed, 1 in 3 adults have diabetes from the commodity food that the government is giving them to sustain themselves, and hardly any companies want to set up on the rez to give these people jobs. Gang violence flourishes and breeds there, born of governmental interference in the 70s and played out now by the children of the two sides who fought each other(If you have ever seen Val Kilmer's Thunderheart... you know the story. Everything but the Plutonium in that story is true).
There are neighborhoods where you can go at night, and those you cannot. There are places where if you park your car, it will be lit on fire and have all its windows broken. There are brutal beatings, gunfights, and murder... and the feds don't care, because its "just another Indian." I was the only white guy in Pine Ridge Village, and one of about fifty in a population of 35,000 or so in the county.
The home where I was living was less then 1/2 a mile from a BIA headquarters that was forcibly removed from the government some six months previous. for the first month or so of my living there, I had an indian sniper on the roof put a bead on me as I drove by. It wasn't until they was told where I was living that they cut it out.
Floyd is a hard teacher. He has alot of knowledge under his belt... but he also can be frightening at times. He is very connected with his spirituality, and this connection is prevalent throughout everything he does(whether you believe in spirits or not is something I will avoid altogether; everyone is entitled to their own beliefs... needless to say, mine were challenged out there, and I will tell all parts of the story as best as I can remember them). He has me mend fences, take care of and feed his horses, and type stuff up for him. He also has me help build fires for the sweat lodges, and teaches me some of the songs.
It was about three weeks into living there that Sonny (his son) and I were sent on a mission to deliver Wakpomoni District Meeting Minutes to the residents of the district. It was then that I encountered one of my most mind bending and frightening experiences ever.
Floyd's son Sonny and myself got into the F-350 pickup truck, and started delivering the minutes to the various residents of the Wakpamni district.
It was becoming dusk, and we were driving up the hill to Uncle Toughie's house. It had rained pretty heavy the past few days, and all the back roads in that county are dirt, so this turned out to be a recipe for disaster. The truck hit a mud hole, and sunk in to the bottom of the doors. for those of you who know the 350, thats REALLY FUCKING DEEP. Nothing we could do would get the truck out, so Sonny elected to run to Uncle Toughie's house and see if he would bring his tractor down to help us out of the mud hole. I stayed by the car, because cars on the rez that are left alone have the tendency to be vandalized, then lit on fire.
So i sat there alone for about 15 minutes. Around that time, it was beginning to really darken outside. I heard Sonny yell as he appeared on the top of nearby hill, and said "SLIDE OVER, KELLY!" So i did, and he dove into the driver side seat. He cranked up the truck, and started running the vehicle as hard as he could trying to get out. I asked him what was wrong, and he said that we had to leave now... that there were Wanuki here. I asked what Wanuki meant... and he said that it meant spirits.
I got out of the truck and tried pushing from the front... my legs sunk into the mud hole up to about 1/2 way up the thigh.
Sonny got out, and said that there was a house holding lodge (its a native ceremony) near Uncle Toughies that he didn't want to disturb earlier, but now didn't care if he did or didn't. He asked me if I wanted to come along. I said sure, took two HEAVY steps forward, and had the shoes sucked off of my feet.
I asked him to wait for me, but he took off. I leaned into the mudhole, painting my chest and face with some mud, grabbed my shoes, and walked out of the mud and onto the hill. I put my nasty shoes on, then crested the hill.
standing about ten feet away from me way a shadow. that is the easiest way to describe it, as it was pitch black, two dimensional, maybe eight feet tall and man shaped... but the shadow was being cast onto the empty air. It stood detached from its surroundings, and was impossible to see through or make any detail of. I suddenly grew very cold. I watched as there was movement around the area of the head, as if it were shifting its gaze... and I bolted back to the truck. I dove in, turned the lights on, and prayed for the next 20-30 minutes. I heard sloshing noises around the truck, as if something was pacing around the vehicle... but i saw nothing there... even when the sounds passed in front of the headlights.
After this hellish wait... another pickup arrived. Sonny got out of the passenger seat, and a woman got out of the driver's. She hooked a chain to my hitch, and pulled the truck out of the mud hole.
After we hit the road, sonny turned to me and told me what happened. He said that he arrived at Uncle Toughie's house and he wasn't home. He also saw a family in the middle of lodge and didn't want to disturb them... so he ran back tot he truck. As he was running, he saw something running beside him out of the corner of his eye. He said, "hey there, Kelly," but got no response. So he turned to look, and there was an eight foot tall, inky black being running right beside him. He freaked out and ran to the car as fast as he could, twisting his ankle in a prairie dog hole on the way.
He explained that he wasn't bothered on his second trip to get help... thats when i told him what happened to me. We drove back to Floyd's house, and explained to him what had happened. He told us that when he was 12, some 50-60 years ago, he was riding one of his horses on the field at the top of the hill we were at, and watched as a black being, about eight feet tall, started running towards him. He watched as it passed through the fence as if the fence were not there. His horse bucked and almost threw him off, but he managed to ride away.
He explained that the spirit was a "grandmother" of the property... something that has remained there for generations, defending... something. No one knew; it was a mystery. But whenever she shows up, it usually meant death was near.
I was told to go back out there and prepare a spirit plate for her, during the day... I planned to do that, but needed sleep... my foundations were shaken. I broke down in tears in my trailer that night, hugging my pillow for some kind of comfort. I had no idea what was going on; I was completely disconnected from everyone I knew, I felt isolated in ways I didn't think were possible, and I encountered something that I would have not put any belief in some four hours before.
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
3DS: 5241-1953-7031
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
Except instead of the guy with the chainsaw standing around and cutting some guy up
He waited until you were alone in a narrow tunnel and started chasing you
It was the scariest fucking thing ever
having to interact with them like that would make them a hell of a lot scarier to little kids
So now why exactly did you move onto the reservation? The only thing I saw explaining it was that you went to live with this Floyd dude.
that sets the stage well enough.
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
Yes, wiki and all.
Yet it is an interesting read none the less (If done to death for every scary stories thread).
It might just all be in my head, but I've had "encounters" with these bastards before.
Haha I was just about to make a post about the Weaver signal.