News:October 29th - Lost World Launch Trailer 1st -
Sonic returns to Super Smash Bros.
May 28th - Sonic: Lost World
has a trailer nowMay 17th - Sonic: Lost World has been announced on a Nintendo Direct as a WiiU and 3DS exclusive title (
First Screenshot here). Along with another Mario & Sonic Olympic title, this makes up a deal for three exclusive Sonic games on Nintendo hardware.
Sega Press ReleaseMay 15th - The remastered version of Sonic 1 using the Retro Engine has been released on mobile platforms. Tails and Knuckles are even playable this time around.
No Way? Yes Way!
March 30th - Sonic Dash has switched from a paid download to Free to Play. This change also brings new features like Daily Challenges and
some other stuff.
March 19th - A mod has been released that ports the Daytime levels from Sonic Unleashed over to Sonic Generations for the PC. Check out the
ModDB page for details, the download, and a trailer.
March 7th - Sonic Dash, an infinite running game, is out on iOS.
There's a fantastic looking hardcover book that recently came out called
The History of Sonic the Hedgehog.
Recent Games and Re-Releases (Click for trailers):Sonic: Lost World (WiiU, 3DS) - October 2013
Sonic 1 Remastered using the the Retro Engine (Mobile) - May 2013
Sonic Dash (Mobile) - March 2013
Sonic the Fighters (XBLA, PSN) - November 2012
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (PC, 360, PS3, WiiU, Vita, 3DS) - November 2012
Sonic Adventure 2 HD (PC, XBLA, PSN) - October 2012
Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode II (PC, XBLA, PSN, Mobile) - May 2012
Sonic CD HD (PC, XBLA, PSN, Mobile) - December 2011
Sonic Generations (PC, 360, PS3, 3DS) - November 2011
Sonic Colors (Wii, DS) - November 2010
Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode I (PC, XBLA, PSN, WiiWare, Mobile) - October 2010
Previous Thread (12/10 to 02/13)
Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
I'd love to see them pull a Super Mario Galaxy 2, though. Handwave the plot and make a sequel featuring more classic level remakes. And maybe try to make a final level and boss in a 3D Sonic game that wasn't abysmal for once.
But whatever they do, I hope SEGA keeps putting out nice PC ports!
I can only imagine what his reaction would be to Death Egg Zone.
avoid sonic 4
Half of Generations.
Fix that. Immediately.
Switch (JeffConser): SW-3353-5433-5137 Wii U: Skeldare - 3DS: 1848-1663-9345
PM Me if you add me!
I did not like Rush... pitfall city. Rush Adventure seemed to fix that, though.
I liked Sonic 4 Ep 1 well enough, save for the final boss and Sonic's rings not bouncing to be collected when he got hit half the time.
I love the stages in Ep 2, but hate most of the bosses. Metal Sonic on the roller coaster is fine, the one on the Tornado is annoying, and the Eggman fights are just tedious-- they don't feel like Sonic fights at all, but more like Mega Man X/Zero without a gun, only worse. Plus the ending stinks.
But man, those are some gorgeous, fun stages...
...well, except the last one. Why companies seem hellbent on making people motion sick is beyond me.
Like Mega Man Legends? Then check out my story, Legends of the Halcyon Era - An Adventure in the World of Mega Man Legends on TMMN and AO3!
it's three bucks in the US
I loved Advance 2 the most of that trilogy, but the original game was too bland and Advance 3 was too slow for my liking.
Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
Sonic the Hedgehog While it holds up for me, it may seem a bit too slow with features like the spin dash absent. Graphics also have a pretty washed-out look compared to future titles.
Sonic CD Some consider this the greatest Sonic game ever, and I...hate it. While it embraces the open design of Sonic levels, there's SO many annoying back-and-forth "pinball traps" and the time travel element is largely a novelty. Having to search for macguffins to get the best ending isn't much fun. It's not awful, and has a nice soundtrack, so pick up the recent HD release. It's cheap, so you aren't out much if you end up disliking it.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 This is my favorite Sonic. It's gorgeous, has tight level design, the best special zones (AND SUPER SONIC), good music, and it's a real meaty adventure. Also has Tails, but Tails is basically a Sonic clone at this point.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (I am including Sonic & Knuckles because the two were originally planned as one game) I dunno why I don't have this at number 1, but it's good. Real good. I like the special zones, Tails and Knuckles offer a nice variant on gameplay, the music is fantastic, the levels have neat themes, and so on. Maybe it's because the levels feel a bit smaller than previous games? I have no idea if this is accurate, but sometimes things feel as if they are more linear.
Sonic Adventure: If you can look past the janky camera, you might enjoy this. That camera blows ass though, and the hub world is doing what every platformer felt they had to do after Mario 64 and I hate it. You may love or hate the extra characters, as their gameplay tends to differ radically from Sonic as opposed to the "Sonic but different" way they handled characters in Sonic 3. Graphics do not hold up, with REALLY weird facial expressions.
Sonic Adventure 2: Hub world is gone, gameplay is broken down into speed, shooter, and exploration. The former two are okay, and the latter is one of the most horrible experiences I've had in gaming. The camera HATES YOU actively, which becomes most evident in the exploration stages. It says a lot that the Chao Garden is better than the proper game. Avoid this fucking piece of shit. Introduces Shadow, if you care.
Sonic Heroes: You play as "teams" that have a speed, power, and flying character. I heard it's underrated, but disliked because you basically have to replay it 3-4 times. Some of the worst voice acting in Sonic history, with a Tails that has to be the son of a producer or something. Haven't played this one much, but maybe worth your time.
Shadow the Hedgehog: Not as bad as you might think, but very goofy in its overwrought attempt at being "dark" and "adult." Turns out games about giant running hedgehogs suck at that. Gunplay is interesting, action isn't terrible, and has a branching story path similar to Star Fox. Not AWFUL, but you will have to endure the ridiculous story and tone.
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): I think this one is infamous enough as it is. It's easily the worst game in the main series, if not in all of Sonic's history, and is a literally unfinished product that was rushed for the holiday season. Do not play this game.
Sonic Unleashed: PLAY THE 360/PS3 VERSIONS. The Wii one is done by Dimps and features very empty, boring levels. This is the first incarnation of what is know as "Modern Sonic," and it's a lot of fun. The only complaint is the "werehog" stages, so your ability to enjoy this depends on how well you can endure those. Not to say they are TERRIBLE, but some people may not want beat-up-em action in their Sonic game.
Sonic Colors: Basically refines the "Modern Sonic" formula, only without the werehog and vaguely Mario Galaxy-esque powerups. A lot of fun, and marks the return of Super Sonic!
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Attempt to bring back the classic side-scrolling. Not awful, but the shitty physics and poor level design make for a very boilerplate experience at best. Soundtrack involved the abuse of cats. Episode 1 is the worst, but you can play all of Episode 1 as Metal Sonic if you own both episodes, and Episode 2 makes some marginal improvements (and brings in Tails) but not enough to to redeem it.
Sonic Generations: Fucking amazing, mixing the modern 3D and classic 2D in a delightful trip down memory lane. This is the end product of the Modern Sonic style, and it fucking shows. Tight level design, fast action, and decent camera make modern Sonic, dare I say it, maybe more fun than the classic style? The classic is still good, but there are minor gripes about physics (I think some say this can be fixed with certain stat-modifiers the game lets you slap on Sonic). Buy on the PC: it's the prettiest, cheapest, and there's quite of bit of modded content of varying quality.
I finally got around to finishing Generations recently (had to wait until I built a better PC!) and good lord. The rest of the game has such great mechanics and interesting design, then out of nowhere there is this awful final battle that wishes it was as good as Doomsday Zone.
specifically the chaotix missions really fucking suck
it sucks to try and complete objectives, usually revolving around finding and collecting things, in levels designed to constantly push you forward
it was a design philosophy that infected shadow the hedgehog to its very core, and is really the biggest part of why it's so hated
the rest of Heroes is just having all the levels have easy, normal, and hard versions, which isn't a bad idea at all
though making you play through all of them AND the shitty chaotix missions to get the final ending is kind of a dick move - this was also something that became much worse when Shadow rolled around
I really tried to like it just to spite my brother, who hates it, but in the end I couldn't do it. I should like it -- its level designs are great (except Bullet Station. **** Bullet Station), but the glitches combined with the long levels just ruined it for me.
This. Glitch city. We're talking about springs not taking you where you need to be. We're talking about plunging to your death because the stupid proto-quickstep thing in rail grinding sections doesn't work. We're talking about a camera that looses the character and points directly upwards during precision platforming sections.
We're also talking about checkpoints spaced ten minutes apart.
Which console did you play this on?
I remember beating this game to 100% completion on my Gamecube, but I have no recollection of fighting against the game in this manner. Granted thats been almost 10 years ago, so it's possible I've just blocked it out.
Pokemon Safari - Sneasel, Pawniard, ????
Oh my god.
If I'm not mistaken, Rorus, you only play through one level of each zone from Sonic 4 Ep. 1 in reverse order when you play Episode Metal.
Sonic Generations, I love both styles. And even if you prefer Modern gameplay, it's still hard to deny Classic Sonic's charms as a character.
Speaking of which, there have been mods which allow the two to swap their respective sections.
Why they didn't just make this an unlockable option, I'll never know.
There's also a mod which makes Super Sonic not suck, and features Hyper Sonic as well:
Oh, and the 3DS version isn't bad, either.
Regarding Unleashed, I know I've said this before, but the blasted Tornado QTEs are what did me in.
Like Mega Man Legends? Then check out my story, Legends of the Halcyon Era - An Adventure in the World of Mega Man Legends on TMMN and AO3!
I played the GCN version and I can confirm it was exactly as buggy as reported. I had to constantly use flying formation (despite it being the least fun) to avoid being thrown into the abyss every few sequences. Sad part is, if Sonic games stopped stupidly using "extra lives" systems from the early 90s, cheap deaths would only be annoying instead of game breaking.
It would be completely awesome if they released it on a platform with buttons. (Read: 3DS and/or Vita, or fuck, even a console.)
Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
Well isn't that just peachy.
Wake me when something real comes out.
Switch (JeffConser): SW-3353-5433-5137 Wii U: Skeldare - 3DS: 1848-1663-9345
PM Me if you add me!
I agree that virtual buttons are awful, but there are better touch screen input methods on mobile platforms. Plus it's probably not worth getting worked up over what will most likely be a game intended to be played in 3 to 5 minute chunks while you're waiting to get your hair cut.
Without a doubt, 100% this is being developed for touch screens. Every mobile device on the market today has a touch screen. It won't be complex like Bit Trip Runner. It's going to be like the Rayman game, only with Sonic.
Wait, you mean the one that came out a few months ago, or is there another coming up?
Like Mega Man Legends? Then check out my story, Legends of the Halcyon Era - An Adventure in the World of Mega Man Legends on TMMN and AO3!
Up/Down/Left/Right Swipe controls and a Dash button. Looks like it could be fun. Has anyone tried it yet?
Edit: Bummer. iPhone 4 and up, so I won't be playing this one for a while. Coming to Android at some point, too.
Like Mega Man Legends? Then check out my story, Legends of the Halcyon Era - An Adventure in the World of Mega Man Legends on TMMN and AO3!