Stop ordering me around!
AnonymousMy first project as a QA tester was on this big game, one that everyone’s heard of.
Now, normally, you get the usual horror stories. Long hours, dull repetitive work, developers who consider any feedback to be a slap in the face. Well, there was all that. But I had a particular, unique horror.
You see, by sheer coincidence, my last name happened to match one of the Player Characters. Okay, ha ha, amusing anecdo-
Oh, wait, that’s the only name he’s called. In the whole game.
Oh, and the person giving the orders? He’s a VERY well known actor.
I was on that game for nine months in total. I was the person who, nine times out of ten, was asked (read: told) to do the campaign sprint with each new build. Where I was being ordered, by name, to get to the objective NOW DAMN IT WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO STOP!
Throw in some sleep deprivation, and you have a wonderful mix of complete madness.
...I got better.
Neat story, too.
Gratz on pointing out the obvious. I thought the game names weren't mentioned for a reason.
When the Tale author makes a point to drop literal hints about the game, aren't they asking the readers to engage in this speculation. ? It's forum catnip. Maybe the tales submissions should be edited to remove that stuff.
David Kieth.
Fill out this bug report in your own blood!
I think you mean Keith David. David Keith is an entirely different celebrity.
It's pronounced the same way as Shiitake.
Either way, Keith David.
The Reapers are here, defend Burger Town!
Marauder Shields, take him out!
Write a better ending!
The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun.