MistOP shamelessly plagiarized from Mojo_jojo
I. Introduction“It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.” -- Patrick Rothfuss
This is a story of
the Mist, and of
The Before Times.
Once, perhaps long ago, there was a land, a world, a place. You lived there for some time, perhaps your entire life.
And then it ended.
Now there is only
"I decided to devote my life to telling the story because I felt that having survived I owe something to the dead. And anyone who does not remember betrays them again." -- Elie WieselThe Mist is a seemingly endless grey landscape. There are no trees, no animals, no weather. There is no day, and no night. It is neither hot nor cold.
The Mist can be shaped in the same way as dirt might have been in
The Before Times, used to create shelter. Shelter from the vast nothingness.
The Mist is edible and nourishing, but is without taste or satisfaction.
In what may as well be the center of
the Mist, there is a settlement of
Survivors, castaways from
The Before Times.
Spread out across the distance, there are
Remnants -- artifacts and reminders of a place that is no more.
"I can believe things that are true and things that aren't true and I can believe things where nobody knows if they're true or not." -- Neil GaimanII. What Is This?
This is a Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) game. It’s sort of like a Play By Post but more freeform and with no defined player list. Every turn I’ll post an update, with a few options (or perhaps an open-ended question) and then you, the players, get to decide what happens next.
I also encourage you guys to post little side stories, or drawings or whatever. I’m just arbitrating. it’s your story to run. Also, it helps me to know what you guys want so I can swing my options to fit that better.
III. The Rules
This CYOA will be much less number-crunchy than some. There is no funding to track, no tech tree.
In general, here is how choices will be made in this game: Every post, I will pose a question or choice to you, the players. I may provide some specific options for you to choose from and vote for
in the appropriate color. Other times, I may pose an open-ended question, wherein players may propose their own short answers to the question
in the appropriate color.
In the former case, the option with the most votes will be selected.
In the latter case, the player-proposed option with the most "Agree/Awesome" reactions will be selected.
In general, this game will follow a cycle of "Scavenge ---> Tell A Story ---> What Are You Hiding? ---> Repeat". The meaning of these terms will become clear soon enough. And without getting too spoilerific, there will probably be elements added into the game over time that do not fit strictly within this cycle -- depending on the choices you make, of course.
IV. Can I Play?
YES. Please do.
Just go to my most recent post and start contributing...either by voting for one of the options given, or (in the case of open-ended questions) supplying your own proposal.
V. How Do We Start?
The story will center around one protagonist and that protagonist's child.
What is the protagonist's name?
For this decision, submissions will be open until the end of page 1, or until I get home tonight if page 1 doesn't fill up. The most agreed/awesome'd name will be selected.
Sister Maria Teresa Garcia Graziela Aguilera Delgado Francisco Diego Arroyo Inigo Montoya Zapata Paquito El Guapo Abuelita de la “Boom Boom” Mendoza
How about Beauregard?
You remember The Before Times -- your child does not. Details of those days will be revealed by your choices as you tell stories to your child.
The OP is intentionally vague so that the players can supply details of The Before Times, rather than being railroaded by my concept of them.
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
Our protagonist does not need a name. We need only choose...are we The Man, or The Woman?
The Woman
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
The Man[/b]
Henri Emmanuel Gratien St Pierre in Where No Man Has Gone Before
Lord Augustus Cumberbatch in Eclipse Phase
The Man
Henri Emmanuel Gratien St Pierre in Where No Man Has Gone Before
Lord Augustus Cumberbatch in Eclipse Phase
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
...Were there?
Were there any like her at all , in fact? If there were, The Woman hadn't met them.
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
Not necessarily, that will be up to all of you.
You, The Woman, step outside. The Child lies asleep within the Mistformed shelter behind you, watched over by a fellow Survivor.
It is your turn to scavenge today.
Your mind prompts you to shiver as you set out for the edge of the settlement, but you remind yourself that it is not truly cold here; it is only the oppressive greyness that causes you to feel that way. Reaching the edge of town, you scoop a handful of Mist from the ground and swallow it.
With "food" so plentiful, there is hardly any purpose to labor, no need to grow crops. You and the other Survivors could finish out your lives without lifting a finger, simply eating of the Mist as your bodies require until they wither with age and fall. But by mutual agreement, each day one Survivor is sent out to scavenge the wastelands for Remnants.
Today, you find 4 Remnants. What did you find?
Keep in mind that these items represent the nature of The Before Times. As such, you should consider carefully what each item says about the culture, technology, and civilization of that land.
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
A name.
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
Henri Emmanuel Gratien St Pierre in Where No Man Has Gone Before
Lord Augustus Cumberbatch in Eclipse Phase
Reasons for this will become apparent soon. Gotta leave work now, I'll continue this after supper tonight.
Returning to the settlement, you hear raucous noises as you approach your shelter. Stepping inside, you discover your child playing with an older friend, the two of them sharing a set of small toys that had been scavenged from the wastelands.
The fellow Survivor you left to watch over The Child is sitting nearby, on a tuft of Mist.
"I didn't think you'd mind, the two of them seemed to know each other."
Who is this Survivor, the one to whom you entrust your offspring? The first answer given will be accepted.
The Other smiles, and leaves you to your business. What would be night, if The Mist had day or night, is approaching. Before long, The Friend leaves as well.
You will report your findings during the settlement's Meeting in due course. For now, it is time to rest.
You begin to tuck in The Child with a few scavenged, tattered blankets. It is then that the words come which will change everything.
"Mommy, will you tell me a story?"
"A story? What sort of story?"
"Tell me about The Before Times. Where did we live?"
You sit back, forcing yourself to smile, but reeling within. How could one possibly begin to explain those days to a child who has known nothing but Mist?
It is then that your eyes fall upon the Remnants gathered earlier that day. Yes, you think, perhaps...
"Once, in The Before Times, there was a vil...a settlement. Like this one, a gathering of people -- but much larger. It was like...it was like..."
Which of the Remnants you collected today most reminds you of your home in The Before Times? Why?
Submissions are open until tomorrow night. At that time, the most agreed/awesome'd proposal will be accepted.
It makes me have to highlight everything I want to read.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
But with skilled hands and a keen mind one could restore it to it's once usable state.
Agreed, actually. Is there a better green that isn't forestgreen? I'd like to keep the "green = before" theme going, it makes me happy.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
OK, we'll use limegreen from now on for the Remnants. In my head, it was a lot more garish, but I guess that was just my imagination.