Hello !
My wife and I just moved in our new Condo, two months ago. At first everything was great, we were the first to enter, so no neighbors / noise. Two weeks ago, my downstairs neighbors moved in, I talked to them a bit and they seem very nice and friendly.
However, I seem to have some kind of problem when it comes to noise. They are not really noisy, I mean I can hear some stuff when nothing is playing in our apartment, but otherwise I have to actually pay attention to hear the noise they make. There's my problem, if I begin to hear a noise, I'm getting obsessed by it. If my wife isn't home or watching TV with me, I might just put everything on mute just to listen to the noise they make, and I'll start getting angry, until I finally tell myself that they have the right to live and move in their house, and I'm just crazy for getting angry at them.
I can't find much on the internet about my "condition" (if we can call it that), I think I might just be noise sensitive... I read some forums about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, some of the symptoms apply to me (more than just the noise, but that's another story).
Do you guys have any tips for dealing with my situation and just, you know, live a good and normal life.
Thanks !
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3DS: 1435-3951-4785
Don't put everything on mute.
You're describing a situation in which you go out of your way to enable yourself to hear the noises they make, and this upsets you.
So, stop doing that. Play light music. Buy a white noise machine. Keep the television on low volume.
If you do X, and doing X upsets you, then stop doing X.
I get angry (well not really angry, mostly annoyed and pissed) for a few minutes and then I realize it is just stupid and they have the right to actually LIVE in their apartment too. I just find it weird because I wasn't like that a few months/years ago, it seems to have started once we had very noisy upstairs neighbours.
Today I am trying to just ignore it, and when I hear something I keep going on with what I was doing.
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3DS: 1435-3951-4785
@Druhim YES! If I hear people talking outside, I'll go to the window and check out, not because I want to but because I "need" to, like my brain wants me to see it. It is true that if I do something else it is better, but if for some reason while I'm watching something I hear a door slamming it will totally disrupt my concentration.
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3DS: 1435-3951-4785
It's nice to see I'm not alone with this problem.
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3DS: 1435-3951-4785
I'd recommend getting some good noise canceling headphones, and getting used to having them around to pop on. I prefer podcasts, because the talking engages me without needing visual attention, and I'm not always in the mood for music. You may not like the idea of having to use headphones while alone in your house, but in the end, I found this to be the best solution for me. I don't use them all the time, just when I need to get into the zone for working.
We got a few air filters to run in the house. Provides just enough white noise to block out any voices or neighborly noises. Also helps with pet hair.
I don't think it's that uncommon. A lot of people say that apartment/condo living is hard because you hear neighbors. Also, the opposite is true -- I like hearing my neighbors, and overhearing conversations or such outside generally has a calming effect on me. The only time I don't like it is when people are being loud when I'm going to sleep.
Yesterday wasn't so bad, I had music or TV playing during the day and had stuff to do around the house. And when I heard a noise, I tried to just ignore it and keep going with what I was doing.
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3DS: 1435-3951-4785
I would honestly be much more concerned if you couldn't catch the results of the behavior (i.e. you can stop yourself from acting on the stimuli because you know getting angry is unreasonable), which you seem to have no problem doing, even if it still holds your attention. Give it time!
People like us have a hard time in apartments, condos, townhouses, etc. I live in my own house and I still have problems with neighbors and noise. I wonder if the only cure is country living hah.
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Which I am 100% convinced must have been a lie (maybe not a malicious one, but) as our upstairs neighbor has dogs and we hear them on the hardwood, and the bar is actually pretty quiet during regular hours, but after they close they frequently will turn up the music. I go through the exact same range of emotions you describe every time I hear a noise now. Starts with curiosity then leads to distraction then eventually to righteous indignation. I've just tried to wear headphones or keep the TV on and sleep with a white noise machine and/or earplugs (although the combination makes it likely that I will miss my alarm...)
If you figure out any other tricks, please share!
I have an irrational hatred for any amounts of low thumping noise. I guess it's kind of similar to everything else described here, except replace talking with rhythmic rumbling.
I will tell you, once it begins to bother you, it will only get worse. You will either have to find a way to have it not bother you, or move. I moved into a house without neighbors close by, and it does not bother me anymore. But for like a year afterwards, i would jump and get a sinking feeling every time i heard a bump, even if it was just my wife upstairs listening to music.
Been a while since I've come to the forums. Just wanted to give you a quick update:
Since my post on the forums, I noticed things actually got better. First, the neighbors aren't too noisy and I start to notice it less. I try to always have TV turned on or some music playing, and when I actually hear a noise, I tend to not care lately.
I've met all of my "close" neighbors (it's a condo) and they are all pretty nice people and they actually asked if they were making too much noise.
So far, everything is going pretty well, I just tend to notice it less everyday, and when I do notice something, I try to ignore it and keep doing what I was doing (gaming / chores etc).
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3DS: 1435-3951-4785