I recently painted a Batman picture for a friend (for free) and was told there was a coffee shop nearby hung/sold local art and was the store itself was geek themed. My friend suggested I do a series of super hero paintings and sell them there. My immediate thought was "Yes!" followed by "...I think that's probably illegal..."
Google homework was so-so helpful. I read a bit about copyright vs trademark, deriative work, fair use, and the general opinion I got was that it would be a straight up Yes It Is Illegal, Don't Do It. But then I thought about conventions and how people are selling fan art everywhere. Googling this was even less helpful, as the answer I got was "it's still illegal, but people just don't care so don't worry about it".
So Advice Forum, share me your wisdom. I'll be real honest, I'm mostly curious about consequences. In the (unlikely?) event I'd be noticed, would I get a slap on the wrist or sued an absurd amount of money? I'd like to do the right thing legally, but if they copyright holders ignore it because its not worth it to get involved in something so small......
(Edit: The paintings in question, if it matters at all, are orginal designs, not stolen poses or anything.
"I am the fabric of history, you are a fictional stain! I'll stick a flag up your ass and claim you for Spain!" -Christopher Columbus
As to the penalties - well. It's hard to say what will actually happen, and frankly it would probably be nothing, but you should be aware that if the copyright holders DO decide to descend upon you like a sack of hammers, they are well within their rights to do so.
You have a 90% chance of them doing nothing, a 5% chance of a warning letter from their lawyers to remove the paintings, and a 5% chance of being fined thousands and thousands of dollars.
I made up those figures, but they convey my point.
You cannot use other people's trademarks as your own work. It wouldn't be an issue if say your painting was of a HMV store, and very slightly in the background you saw an image of Batman, as that would fall under fair use.
You can still do this. Just inquire about a license first.
You might have fair use if you were doing something like painting someone who was obviously batman in profile, showing the stress and strain on his face under the mask in a gritty street, with no use of the distinctive batman logo or name. Could still have a cape and the pointy ears, though.
Ok, did some more reading and not only do I yield to your experience on the outset, but also reconsider my point now with more accurate language. I'm not sure some of the basic costume traits of the Batman would be subject to copyright (though all of the specific symbols, name, etc. are all trademarked, and the actual character himself is copyrighted). The trick would be essentially not doing something that the courts would determine was a derivative work, as then you fall into whether you're under fair.
So, can you paint something that would have the aesthetic of a super hero without being a derivative work of the super hero?
And I guess if your point is to sell a series of them, where they're all clearly derivative works of various heroes, you'd be called out.
Thanks people! Think I'll just be painting some landscapes then.
Edit: One more question. The main problem is the profit made, yes? So anything freely given or not for sale is fine? Copyright or no?
Come up with a business plan to make art based on their IP. Get in touch with them via:
Or this email directly : legal@wb.com
Also find an entertainment lawyer who deals with licensing of IP. He may be able to find their licensing department a different way than through a contact submission on a website
Absolutely, Fair Use might make you feel good, and you might even prevail at court, but therein lies the problem: you have to go to court.