Marked for Death
- - - - -
"Thank you, Mister Zeel. I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't taken our call."
Professor Ulya turns to gaze at the scene just outside the library's massive window. It might seem wasteful to dedicate so much precious potential shelf space to a view of Sharn's busy streets, but there was no arguing that the aesthetics were breathtaking. Trade and transport skiffs flew by, the glow of their bound elementals glittering off the polished exteriors of the nearby towers and bridges. This was one of the wealthier parts of Sharn, and it showed.
Professor Ulya turns back to the five of you, his mechanical leg hissing ever so slightly as it supports his heavy dwarven frame. "We need your help," he says, brushing back what few wisps of white hair remain on his head, "and I'm sure I don't need to tell you that this requires the utmost secrecy. No one can learn of what I'm about to show you. No one."
The Professor reaches into his shirt and pulls out an envelope sealed with green wax. "Inside this envelope is-" he's cut short as you hear the sound of glass breaking. Suddenly, a metal spike bursts through his chest, and blood sprays across the room as fins fold out from the spike, turning it into a grappling hook. Professor Ulya is ripped from where he stands, swiftly pulled past three winged creatures as they burst through the window.
"Meeting adjourned," one of them says, as he brandishes a glowing spear.
Roll Initiative!
didn't actually look til I posted.
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Initiative: 1d20+10 23
A Craghammer appears out of nowhere, already grasped in his fist.
Initiative: 1d20+11 19
Yes, 1 minor, move and standard.
You can have as many "free" actions as you can arguably perform within about 6 seconds.
Also, you can trade your move and/or standard actions for additional minor actions.
Initiative: 1d20+8 28
Unfortunately, I'm at work for the next 7+ hours and I'm not sure i can use the dice roller system from that site on my phone.
The wings of these winged creatures flicker and fade, and you realize that you're actually staring at three large gnolls. Whatever magic effect that made them airborne has obviously worn off. The leader of their little pack appears to be the one brandishing the glowing spear. The others take out longswords, but they won't get to use them before you have a chance to act.
Terrain Notes: The bookshelves are about 8 feet high. They are blocking terrain, meaning they essentially act like walls.
Currently Available Terrain Powers: Heavy Bookshelf
Thorfin - 95/95 - AC 28; F 22, R 21, W 23
Location: F10 - Status: Normal.
Rusty - 93/93 - AC 26; F 26, R 24, W 22
Location: E11 - Status: Normal.
Ambush Leader - 91/91 - AC 24; F 22, R 24, W 22
Location: B9 - Status: Normal.
Zeel - 77/77 - AC 27; F 20, R 23, W 23
Location: E9 - Status: Normal.
Gleam - 73/73 - AC 23; F 18, R 20, W 24
Location: E7 - Status: Normal.
Waera - 76/76 - AC 24; F 20, R 24, W 19
Location: F8 - Status: Normal.
Ambush Grunt 1 - 1/1 - AC 27; F 23, R 22, W 22
Location: A6 - Status: Minion.
Ambush Grunt 2 - 1/1 - AC 27; F 23, R 22, W 22
Location: A11 - Status: Minion.
Up First: @Caulk Bite 6
move 1 square to E10, Blurred Step (free action) to D9
Battlemind's Demand (augment 1) Mark gnolls G1 and G2
"And you: Get over here!"
Lodestone Lure vs Will(augment 2): 1d20+17 31 augmented damage roll: 1d10+10 16 at Ambush Leader. Pulling him to E10, knocked prone. (Damage is +5 con, +3 enh, +2 weapon training feat)
(note: the power's text says you must pull them 4, not up to 4. if that's inflexible, can I "whiplash" him to E10 then D10?
also I haven't figured out how to get Orokos to do augments, but next time I'll just edit the rolls manually before rolling.)
Power points remaining: 3
@Pony, you're up next.
Charging to B11
Howling Strike vs AC of Ambush Grunt 2: 1d20+17 19 1d10+3d6+9+1d8 34
Item bonuses:
+1d6 on charge attacks (Horned Helm)
Charge doesn't provoke opportunity attacks (Badge of the Bersker +1)
+2 to AC until the end of my next turn (Marauder's Armor)
Move: Stand from prone.
Standard: Bloodspear vs Thorfin (targeting AC): Hit!
-Thorfin takes 15 damage plus 5 fire damage.
-Thorfin is marked by A1.
-Thorfin grants Combat Advantage until the end of A1's next turn.
Minor: Draw item.
Thorfin - 75/95 - AC 28; F 22, R 21, W 23
Location: D9 - Status: Marked (A1). Granting CA (eo A1 nt).
Rusty - 93/93 - AC 26; F 26, R 24, W 22
Location: B11 - Status: Normal.
Ambush Leader - 75/91 - AC 24; F 22, R 24, W 22
Location: E10 - Status: Normal.
Zeel - 77/77 - AC 27; F 20, R 23, W 23
Location: E9 - Status: Normal.
Gleam - 73/73 - AC 23; F 18, R 20, W 24
Location: E7 - Status: Normal.
Waera - 76/76 - AC 24; F 20, R 24, W 19
Location: F8 - Status: Normal.
Ambush Grunt 1 - 1/1 - AC 27; F 23, R 22, W 22
Location: A6 - Status: Minion. Marked (T).
Ambush Grunt 2 - 1/1 - AC 27; F 23, R 22, W 22
Location: A11 - Status: Minion. Marked (T).
Up Next: @Stilts
Zeel uses Light the Fire:
Move Action
Light the Fire Movement = Shift 2 squares to F11 to flank with Thorfin and gain CA against Ambush Leader
Standard Action
Light the Fire vs Reflex of Ambush Leader: 1d20+16 25; 2d8+8 16 fire damage + 6 fire damage (Desert Wind Flurry of Blows)
Generates Aura 1 centered on Zeel. Enemies starting their turn in the aura take 6 fire damage.
Relevant Item Bonuses:
+1 item bonus to AC and Reflex after shifting
Up Next: @Dichotomy
Turns out divinely burning hair doesn't smell any better than conventionally burning hair. Despite the stench, this whole development makes Thorfin feel pretty good.
Standard: Sacred Flame vs. Ambush Leader (E,10)
Sacred Flame vs Reflex: 1d20+12 32 (CRIT) 1d6+9 15
Extra Crit Damage: 2d6 10
(25 damage total)
Effect: Thorfin gains 9 temporary hit points.
Up Next: @Dubh
Move to H9, counter-clockwise around the bookshelf
Probing Strike vs AC - The Gnoll Leader: 1d20+18 35 1d6+10+3d8+3 31
Hidden Sniper: If you have partial concealment against a target, you gain combat advantage against it with your ranged attacks.
You're up, @Denada!
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Special (on death): The Bomb vs G1, G2, Gleam, Rusty, Thorfin, Waera, Zeel: Hit!, Crit!, Crit!, Hit!, Hit!, Hit!, Hit!
-G1 and G2 die.
-Gleam takes 34 damage, is pushed to E6, knocked prone, and Dazed until the start of her next turn.
-Rusty takes 26 damage, is pushed to A11 (you made your save to avoid falling out of the window), knocked prone, and Dazed until the start of his next turn.
-Thorfin takes 26 damage (reduced to 16), is pushed to A6 (you made your save to avoid falling out of the window), not knocked prone (made your Dwarf save), and Dazed until the start of his next turn.
-Waera takes 26 damage, is pushed to I9, knocked prone, and Dazed until the start of her next turn. Waera takes an additional 10 damage from a bookcase falling on top of her.
-Zeel takes 26 damage, is pushed to G12, knocked prone, and Dazed until the start of his next turn.
Since there are no more combatants here, we'll drop out of combat timing. When you stand up, roughly ten seconds will have passed from when Professor Ulya was pulled out of the window.
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"I'm fine," he says. "Mostly. Now, let's see if 'the crazies' left any clues for us to follow."
If necessary, Perception vs Dead Ambush Leader: 1d20+14 17
Perception check to aid Zeel's investigation 1d20+14: 19
Also, spending two healing surges to boost health back up to max. 7/9 remaining.]
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Of greater interest than the gnoll leader's broken body are the other gnolls' whole bodies on the transport skiff hovering outside of the library. They've just finished hauling in the professor and are about to take off. You can see from here that the envelope is indeed still clutched in his hand. Also, he's alive.
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Scattering Shot vs AC at skiff pilot: 1d20+18 19 [Re-rolls with 1 action point] 1d20+18: 24
2d6+10 20
If I have combat advantage...
Sneak Attack damage: Roll(3d8)+3:7,5,5,+3 Total:20
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LEAP OF FAITH: 1d20+14 15
I think I still make it? With a running start, you double the result, so even though I rolled a 1 I think I made it?
Rusty: For jumping, you divide your Athletics check by 5 if you got a running start (instead of 10 for a standing start), and the result is how many squares you clear. So you cleared three, but you needed to clear 4. So... Your leap seems to be right on target at first, but you quickly realize that you're going to come up short. At the same time that you begin to truly appreciate Thorfin's choice of armor, the skiff suddenly swerves toward you, just close enough for you to reach out and grab it... make a saving throw. If you pass you catch yourself on the edge of the skiff and can haul yourself up.
Everyone Else: Waera has opened fire on the gnolls. Rusty has leapt from the edge of a floating tower again. What are you going to do?
Zeel bends his knees as red wings of fire sprout from his back. He jumps and the wings flap, propelling him to the front of the skiff. As he lands, the wings flap once more, leaving his body to become a blast of fire that engulfs to gnoll pilots.
Zeel uses Draconic Torrent
Move Action
Draconic Torrent Movement = Fly my speed (up to 8 squares) to the front of the skiff.
Standard Action
Draconic Torrent vs. Reflex of Gnoll Pilot and Co-Pilot: 1d20+14 15 (natural 1) vs pilot; 1d20+14 21 vs co-pilot; 3d8+8 21 fire damage
Minor Action
Activate Skald's Aura
Hahaha, wow, those were some shitty attack rolls.
At least I'm guaranteed to make it to the ship, though. I love Full Disciplines so much.
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Rusty grabs the edge of the skiff at the last possible moment.
Not falling to my death: 1d20 16