Massachusetts represent!! Now let's hope we don't get snow during PAX lol...
That is a wonderful suggestion thank you! & seeing as there's tons of fruit & nuts in there perhaps I'll be able to substitute that for lunch as long as I get a hearty breakfast & dinner in...however isn't all this really pricey? Eating uber healthy isn't cheap & Wholefoods or Trader Joe's don't have Walmart's prices (I'm assuming)...thanks for the "raw" tip too I didn't realize that
Woot! I think we'll be good on weather haha.
I guess all the ingredients end up being pricey but I balance volume to cost. Everything I listed should give you about 5 pounds of trail mix, which if you eat it often (like I do) it's worth it. The cost ends up being about the same as 2-3 1 pound bags of decent pre-made trail mix. I buy everything at Stop & Shop, so... I'm going off of their prices. If you hit Market Basket or sales at T.J./W.F. you could probably reduce that price a little.
I honestly will probably eat the trail mix for lunch with a clif bar or larabar to supplement if I'm still hungry. As a side note I'm not big on their builder's bars, but it's entirely personal preference, just not a fan of protein bars.
Ok I see...thanks, & 5 pounds is quite a lot! Yeah the builder's bars' are pretty proteiny tasting...the original style's texture is waaay better & doesn't taste like protein lol
Have Domingo's deliver right to convention center. We did it las year, worked like a charm! The guy pulled up right outside convention center and we just grabbed the food from him. Cheap and awesome!
I feel silly for posting this but I need to delete my last post 'cause I accidentally double posted...& of course I'd like to also delete this post afterward
in 2011 and i think i did this last year i just brought a bagle with butter packets, baby bell cheese and froze a water bottle and kept it in a bag and had that for lunch.... i stil ended up buying pizza (so damn over priced but good) in the food court
I feel silly for posting this but I need to delete my last post 'cause I accidentally double posted...& of course I'd like to also delete this post afterward
Try reporting your double posts? Not sure if the mods can delete them...
Passes: Acquired | Buttons: Acquired | April: Too far away...
I feel silly for posting this but I need to delete my last post 'cause I accidentally double posted...& of course I'd like to also delete this post afterward
Try reporting your double posts? Not sure if the mods can delete them...
Have Domingo's deliver right to convention center. We did it las year, worked like a charm! The guy pulled up right outside convention center and we just grabbed the food from him. Cheap and awesome!
I'll look into them, thanks!
coconutcrow on
Steam, Wii U, PSN: CoconutCrow
3DS Friend Code: 4210-4889-9706
This may be a silly question, but this is my first PAX. I have a backpack meant for hiking, picnics, etc. that has two main compartments. The top is for dry goods and non-perishables, with little pockets and mesh-bottle holders. The bottom is a separate insulated space that holds up to twelve twelve-ounce cans. Is there any reason or rule that would prevent me from freezing water in bottles and using the bottom as a lunch box/snack container?
"I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell
This may be a silly question, but this is my first PAX. I have a backpack meant for hiking, picnics, etc. that has two main compartments. The top is for dry goods and non-perishables, with little pockets and mesh-bottle holders. The bottom is a separate insulated space that holds up to twelve twelve-ounce cans. Is there any reason or rule that would prevent me from freezing water in bottles and using the bottom as a lunch box/snack container?
Last year my group brought a lot of non-perishable food with us, partly because we drove 12 hours and needed cheap snacks on the road. The big things we brought along were these:
trail mix - We mixed mixed fruit, peanuts, and M&Ms. Not the healthiest, but pretty filling, and you can throw it into a ziploc bag or a small pringles container and you're set.
beef jerky - For when you need that meaty pick-me-up.
fruit cups - These things are a godsend if you're tired and thirsty. You don't need a spoon as long as you're careful, just drink/eat right out of the little plastic thing.
tuna salad kits - You can find these at pretty much any grocery store. They're little boxes that have a small can of tuna, some crackers, mayo packets, and sometimes relish, along with something to mix that all up and hold it while you eat. They give you tuna breath, but I carried around a travel-sized bottle of mouthwash just in case.
orange drink mix - Crystal Light Sunrise Orange mix was wonderful. We just carried around water bottles and filled them in the bathroom, then dumped a pack of drink mix in. Instant cheap, tasty drink, plus vitamin C.
There was also a loaf of bread with PB&J, but I avoided it because eating that all the time gets old fast. In fact, it got old when I was five and hasn't stopped being old since.
PAX East 2014: 3-Day Pass [X] | Hotel Room [X] | Transportation [X] | Time Off [X] | Costume [ ]
the drink mix is a great idea. in fact, for super-compactness, i'm thinking about carrying one of those little mio bottles of drink flavoring. there's even a sports drink type with electrolytes and an energy drink type. i can't believe i didn't think of this before, thanks for the inspiration!
I feel silly for posting this but I need to delete my last post 'cause I accidentally double posted...& of course I'd like to also delete this post afterward
Try reporting your double posts? Not sure if the mods can delete them...
Weird! I double-posted, too...It probably had something to do with our posts being approved?
Have Domingo's deliver right to convention center. We did it las year, worked like a charm! The guy pulled up right outside convention center and we just grabbed the food from him. Cheap and awesome!
I'll look into them, thanks!
Two Massholes double posting oh my! Nah, just playin ;P My double post happened at the bottom of the first page, pehaps it had something to do with the site, probably the same with yours...ok, I better get on topic 'cause if I don't Zerzhul will smite me!
To quote Aikoe, PB&J gets old real quick...but you should try PB & apple butter! Now that I think of it...who has awesome, cool, fresh ideas for PB sandwiches besides bananas, fluff or jams/jellies?
My group always brings up a huge assortment of munchies and soda for our drive there and we always just take those and some cans of soda in our backpacks.
Such a life saver while sitting in those que lines for panels.
Gaming Conventions:
E3 2011 (as part of Ubisoft)!
PAX East 2012, 2013
Two Massholes double posting oh my! Nah, just playin ;P My double post happened at the bottom of the first page, pehaps it had something to do with the site, probably the same with yours...ok, I better get on topic 'cause if I don't Zerzhul will smite me!
To quote Aikoe, PB&J gets old real quick...but you should try PB & apple butter! Now that I think of it...who has awesome, cool, fresh ideas for PB sandwiches besides bananas, fluff or jams/jellies?
Almond butter, cashew butter, Honey, Nutella, Granola (adds an interesting crunch), Ummmm... Basically anything sweet or that compliment peanut butter that is spreadable. Hell... honey and butter sandwiches are amazing.
Passes: Acquired | Buttons: Acquired | April: Too far away...
Two Massholes double posting oh my! Nah, just playin ;P My double post happened at the bottom of the first page, pehaps it had something to do with the site, probably the same with yours...ok, I better get on topic 'cause if I don't Zerzhul will smite me!
To quote Aikoe, PB&J gets old real quick...but you should try PB & apple butter! Now that I think of it...who has awesome, cool, fresh ideas for PB sandwiches besides bananas, fluff or jams/jellies?
Almond butter, cashew butter, Honey, Nutella, Granola (adds an interesting crunch), Ummmm... Basically anything sweet or that compliment peanut butter that is spreadable. Hell... honey and butter sandwiches are amazing.
Never even heard of the first two...Nutella is always a winner & granola? Interesting!!
For the past couple of years I have taken advantage of the fridges in the westin and done the following. Bought 2 packages of sandwich bread, grape and strawberry Jelly, about 2 pounds of miscellaneous lunch meat and cheeses and of course sandwhich bags. Mind you this is for 4 people.
I make sandwiches in the morning before I head out to pax, have breakfast , enjoy either a savory sandwich or a dessert sandwich. Everyone has a good time.
Almond butter, cashew butter, Honey, Nutella, Granola (adds an interesting crunch), Ummmm... Basically anything sweet or that compliment peanut butter that is spreadable. Hell... honey and butter sandwiches are amazing.
Totally agree. You can also use dry fruit instead of jam (this packs better). My personal favorite: Freeze-dried banana chips, almond butter, dried sweetened coconut strips(stick the fruit pieces on either side of the almond butter to lock in place. The texture is a bit odd, but oh the taste!
To quote Aikoe, PB&J gets old real quick...but you should try PB & apple butter! Now that I think of it...who has awesome, cool, fresh ideas for PB sandwiches besides bananas, fluff or jams/jellies?
I'm fond of a good peanut butter and bacon sandwich, but I'm not sure how well that would travel.
"I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell
Anyone know any good places near the BCEC for general grocery shopping?
Depends on what kind of groceries? The closest ones are the ones in Chinatown. I think there might be one even closer, but it's much more expensive.
Just general groceries so I can try some local snacks and not pay a ton of money at the BCEC
J. Pace and Son. It's about 4 blocks from BCEC and is a small, neighborhood Italian grocery. They've got a kickass deli and a limited-but-reasonable selection of fresh produce and standard grocery goods. This will be our third PAX in Boston and we think it's the best spot you've never visited near the BCEC.
To quote Aikoe, PB&J gets old real quick...but you should try PB & apple butter! Now that I think of it...who has awesome, cool, fresh ideas for PB sandwiches besides bananas, fluff or jams/jellies?
I'm fond of a good peanut butter and bacon sandwich, but I'm not sure how well that would travel.
MMMMMM Bacon!! Never tried that combo before...mmmmmm bacon
I haven't seen anyone else mention it yet, so I'll post it here in hopes that you lot don't ruin it.
Flour Bakery+Cafe is about 3 blocks away from the BCEC. They have amazing food and great coffee (apparently they were featured on Food Network recently). For the past 2 years, it has been a great spot to pop out for breakfast or lunch, as it has rarely had much of a crowd.
Nooooo It's my secret place to go to eat ... close to BCEC ... haha.
Chinatown is a close trip for cheap food. I like getting away from the con for a while ...
I am IRCs resident nerdbro and member of the PokeCrawl planning committee.
Red B/Gold Professor
[15:53] <+juju-work> ArsonIsFun is one of the best people I know.
You could bring a burrito, either one of those cheap ones from the grocery store that just needs to be heated, or you can whip up a tortilla, black beans, cheese, and anything else you like. When I went to PAX Prime in August, a friend of mine made a group of us a quick and yet delicious burrito, two per person...and yum. For being almost as easy to make as a PB&J, they were certainly more filling + tastier.
Homemade burritos definitely aren't a bad idea but how would you heat up the components?
I've never been to PAX East, so I'm not sure how the cafeteria is or how food works there, but from experience, when I went to NYCC, they had a microwave near the tables that you could heat it up in? Or (as I had it at Prime since I was too lazy to see if I could heat my burrito up), you could eat it could. I had black beans for my burrito, with cheese pre-melted (as it was previously heated) and veggies, and it tasted great cold.
You could bring a burrito, either one of those cheap ones from the grocery store that just needs to be heated, or you can whip up a tortilla, black beans, cheese, and anything else you like. When I went to PAX Prime in August, a friend of mine made a group of us a quick and yet delicious burrito, two per person...and yum. For being almost as easy to make as a PB&J, they were certainly more filling + tastier.
Homemade burritos definitely aren't a bad idea but how would you heat up the components?
I've never been to PAX East, so I'm not sure how the cafeteria is or how food works there, but from experience, when I went to NYCC, they had a microwave near the tables that you could heat it up in? Or (as I had it at Prime since I was too lazy to see if I could heat my burrito up), you could eat it could. I had black beans for my burrito, with cheese pre-melted (as it was previously heated) and veggies, and it tasted great cold.
Hmmmmmm cold burritos...well I'm gonna play it safe & whip up some tasty trail mix...& hopefully a PB & bacon samwich but I think that will be probably be consumed cruising down the pike, now let's hope the PB doesn't get in the 'stache haha lol
I live just a few blocks away from the convention center in South Boston. You really have 2 large options. You can cross the bridge to the waterfront/fort point area, which has many different restaurants and small sandwich places. I recommend "Flour Bakery" or Lucky's Lounge . This area is within walking distance of convention center. Or you can hop a cab into South Boston, which has more bar food/local mom and pop sandwich places. It's about a 5 min cab ride or a 20min walk right up Summer st to Broadway, which has plenty of places to try out. I would recommend Paramount or Licoln
I live just a few blocks away from the convention center in South Boston. You really have 2 large options. You can cross the bridge to the waterfront/fort point area, which has many different restaurants and small sandwich places. I recommend "Flour Bakery" or Lucky's Lounge . This area is within walking distance of convention center. Or you can hop a cab into South Boston, which has more bar food/local mom and pop sandwich places. It's about a 5 min cab ride or a 20min walk right up Summer st to Broadway, which has plenty of places to try out. I would recommend Paramount or Licoln
Dang I'm indecisive lol! But I've made up my mind (I hope) Flour for lunch, wicked tasty trail mix for snacking all day (Plenty of water & a couple emergen-c packets) & Lucky's Lounge for dinner...Oh yeah & a PB & Bacon somewhere in there Let me know If I forgot something...
You could bring a burrito, either one of those cheap ones from the grocery store that just needs to be heated, or you can whip up a tortilla, black beans, cheese, and anything else you like. When I went to PAX Prime in August, a friend of mine made a group of us a quick and yet delicious burrito, two per person...and yum. For being almost as easy to make as a PB&J, they were certainly more filling + tastier.
Homemade burritos definitely aren't a bad idea but how would you heat up the components?
I've never been to PAX East, so I'm not sure how the cafeteria is or how food works there, but from experience, when I went to NYCC, they had a microwave near the tables that you could heat it up in? Or (as I had it at Prime since I was too lazy to see if I could heat my burrito up), you could eat it could. I had black beans for my burrito, with cheese pre-melted (as it was previously heated) and veggies, and it tasted great cold.
All you need to know is EXPENSIVE, but it is convenient.
Gaming Conventions:
E3 2011 (as part of Ubisoft)!
PAX East 2012, 2013
As a health food freak (kinda) I wanted to offer this up - Making your own trail mix is significantly cheaper than buying it, especially if you plan on eating a lot of it. I'll be making a huge bag of it right before PAX to bring. If you want suggestions on what to put in, here's my recipe...
raw cashews (I only eat raw nuts because roasting them kills most of the nutrients, but you can add whatever you want!)
raw almonds
dried cranberries and/or dried cherries
dried apricots (I actually usually don't mix these in, I eat them on the side, but you can!)
crystalized ginger
sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds
chocolate covered peanuts or chocolate chips
I think that's it... I just mix to taste...
What's your ratio for nuts, dried fruits, chocolate chips a cup of this to a quarter cup of that...?
I live just a few blocks away from the convention center in South Boston. You really have 2 large options. You can cross the bridge to the waterfront/fort point area, which has many different restaurants and small sandwich places. I recommend "Flour Bakery" or Lucky's Lounge . This area is within walking distance of convention center. Or you can hop a cab into South Boston, which has more bar food/local mom and pop sandwich places. It's about a 5 min cab ride or a 20min walk right up Summer st to Broadway, which has plenty of places to try out. I would recommend Paramount or Licoln
Dang I'm indecisive lol! But I've made up my mind (I hope) Flour for lunch, wicked tasty trail mix for snacking all day (Plenty of water & a couple emergen-c packets) & Lucky's Lounge for dinner...Oh yeah & a PB & Bacon somewhere in there Let me know If I forgot something...
And don't forget South Station. There are a lot of food options there. Only downside: except for Dunkin', McD's, and I think the Au Bon Pan, the rest don't open until 11am and they are closed somewhere between 7-9pm.
What's your ratio for nuts, dried fruits, chocolate chips a cup of this to a quarter cup of that...?
Figured I'd just redo the list with ratios... These are approximate.
raw cashews - 1 cup
raw almonds - 1 cup
dried cranberries and/or dried cherries - 1 cup (or 3/4 cup each if I do both, I like fruit)
raisins - 1/2 to 3/4 cup
dried apricots (I actually usually don't mix these in, I eat them on the side, but you can!) - I'd probably do 1 cup, they're large so that actually will be a small amount of dried apricots...
crystalized ginger - 1/3 to 1/2 cup (the crystalized ginger I buy is large, so I actually chop it up into raisin-sized pieces)
sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds - 3/4 cup
chocolate covered peanuts or chocolate chips - 1 cup
Edit: durrr.. that should have been 3/4, not 2/4, on the raisins...
ravnos13 on
Passes: Acquired | Buttons: Acquired | April: Too far away...
To quote Aikoe, PB&J gets old real quick...but you should try PB & apple butter! Now that I think of it...who has awesome, cool, fresh ideas for PB sandwiches besides bananas, fluff or jams/jellies?
I'm fond of a good peanut butter and bacon sandwich, but I'm not sure how well that would travel.
MMMMMM Bacon!! Never tried that combo before...mmmmmm bacon
PB & Bacon is good. Been awhile since I had one (cooking bacon is not as easy as they make it look)
Ok I see...thanks, & 5 pounds is quite a lot! Yeah the builder's bars' are pretty proteiny tasting...the original style's texture is waaay better & doesn't taste like protein lol
Try reporting your double posts? Not sure if the mods can delete them...
Passes: Acquired | Buttons: Acquired | April: Too far away...
I'll look into them, thanks!
3DS Friend Code: 4210-4889-9706
No rules against that AFAIK.
trail mix - We mixed mixed fruit, peanuts, and M&Ms. Not the healthiest, but pretty filling, and you can throw it into a ziploc bag or a small pringles container and you're set.
beef jerky - For when you need that meaty pick-me-up.
fruit cups - These things are a godsend if you're tired and thirsty. You don't need a spoon as long as you're careful, just drink/eat right out of the little plastic thing.
tuna salad kits - You can find these at pretty much any grocery store. They're little boxes that have a small can of tuna, some crackers, mayo packets, and sometimes relish, along with something to mix that all up and hold it while you eat. They give you tuna breath, but I carried around a travel-sized bottle of mouthwash just in case.
orange drink mix - Crystal Light Sunrise Orange mix was wonderful. We just carried around water bottles and filled them in the bathroom, then dumped a pack of drink mix in. Instant cheap, tasty drink, plus vitamin C.
There was also a loaf of bread with PB&J, but I avoided it because eating that all the time gets old fast. In fact, it got old when I was five and hasn't stopped being old since.
Two Massholes double posting oh my! Nah, just playin ;P My double post happened at the bottom of the first page, pehaps it had something to do with the site, probably the same with yours...ok, I better get on topic 'cause if I don't Zerzhul will smite me!
To quote Aikoe, PB&J gets old real quick...but you should try PB & apple butter! Now that I think of it...who has awesome, cool, fresh ideas for PB sandwiches besides bananas, fluff or jams/jellies?
Such a life saver while sitting in those que lines for panels.
E3 2011 (as part of Ubisoft)!
PAX East 2012, 2013
Almond butter, cashew butter, Honey, Nutella, Granola (adds an interesting crunch), Ummmm... Basically anything sweet or that compliment peanut butter that is spreadable. Hell... honey and butter sandwiches are amazing.
Passes: Acquired | Buttons: Acquired | April: Too far away...
Never even heard of the first two...Nutella is always a winner & granola? Interesting!!
I make sandwiches in the morning before I head out to pax, have breakfast , enjoy either a savory sandwich or a dessert sandwich. Everyone has a good time.
Totally agree. You can also use dry fruit instead of jam (this packs better). My personal favorite: Freeze-dried banana chips, almond butter, dried sweetened coconut strips(stick the fruit pieces on either side of the almond butter to lock in place. The texture is a bit odd, but oh the taste!
I'm fond of a good peanut butter and bacon sandwich, but I'm not sure how well that would travel.
this is stolen from the restaurant thread:
MMMMMM Bacon!! Never tried that combo before...mmmmmm bacon
I quite seriously suggest trying it. Crunchy, salty bacon with creamy, sweet peanut butter? Yum. I like a cold glass of milk to wash it all down.
Chinatown is a close trip for cheap food. I like getting away from the con for a while ...
Red B/Gold Professor
[15:53] <+juju-work> ArsonIsFun is one of the best people I know.
I think I will try that! Thanks for suggesting it!!
I've never been to PAX East, so I'm not sure how the cafeteria is or how food works there, but from experience, when I went to NYCC, they had a microwave near the tables that you could heat it up in? Or (as I had it at Prime since I was too lazy to see if I could heat my burrito up), you could eat it could. I had black beans for my burrito, with cheese pre-melted (as it was previously heated) and veggies, and it tasted great cold.
Hmmmmmm cold burritos...well I'm gonna play it safe & whip up some tasty trail mix...& hopefully a PB & bacon samwich but I think that will be probably be consumed cruising down the pike, now let's hope the PB doesn't get in the 'stache haha lol
Dang I'm indecisive lol! But I've made up my mind (I hope) Flour for lunch, wicked tasty trail mix for snacking all day (Plenty of water & a couple emergen-c packets) & Lucky's Lounge for dinner...Oh yeah & a PB & Bacon somewhere in there
All you need to know is EXPENSIVE, but it is convenient.
E3 2011 (as part of Ubisoft)!
PAX East 2012, 2013
What's your ratio for nuts, dried fruits, chocolate chips a cup of this to a quarter cup of that...?
And don't forget South Station. There are a lot of food options there. Only downside: except for Dunkin', McD's, and I think the Au Bon Pan, the rest don't open until 11am and they are closed somewhere between 7-9pm.
Figured I'd just redo the list with ratios... These are approximate.
raw cashews - 1 cup
raw almonds - 1 cup
dried cranberries and/or dried cherries - 1 cup (or 3/4 cup each if I do both, I like fruit)
raisins - 1/2 to 3/4 cup
dried apricots (I actually usually don't mix these in, I eat them on the side, but you can!) - I'd probably do 1 cup, they're large so that actually will be a small amount of dried apricots...
crystalized ginger - 1/3 to 1/2 cup (the crystalized ginger I buy is large, so I actually chop it up into raisin-sized pieces)
sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds - 3/4 cup
chocolate covered peanuts or chocolate chips - 1 cup
Edit: durrr.. that should have been 3/4, not 2/4, on the raisins...
Passes: Acquired | Buttons: Acquired | April: Too far away...
mod edit: weird broken link
Woot Woot! Thanks for the suggestion!
Awesome! Glad you liked it.
PB & Bacon is good. Been awhile since I had one (cooking bacon is not as easy as they make it look)
Hey @delaney, where did you get that profile pic? Did you paint that yourself? Def. a nice choice for your button