"Confession. Yes, I'm sorry Lea. I might be the cause of some of the damage myself," Torak starts, until he sees the tall quarian's reaction. "Backtracking. It was mostly the fault of the assassin though. I only did what I had to."
"No worries, if it wasn't for you things would have been a lot worse. Probably would have had a dead Turian rookie on our hands, too."
She turns her attention to Tylene.
"Speaking of, Torak brought you back here for a reason. I think it's about time you tell us what you know. Because it looks like what you know might be just a tad bit important. So, let's hear why someone might want you dead, alright?"
Tylene gulps, and starts stuttering.
"D-do you really think he was after me?"
Kasumi walks over to her, trying to remain stern but professional while still soft enough to keep her guest calm.
"Possibly. Probably. Either way, Torak thinks you know something we should know. You really, really need to tell us."
The girl still doesn't look very comfortable, and Kasumi places a hand on her shoulder.
"We're here. All of us. I promise, we'll keep you safe. Just like Torak did. All we want is to make sure all of your fellow people are safe, too."
Tylene takes a few moments, but eventually, seems to resign herself to her fate. She slowly and quietly starts to spill it.
"The story you guys were told...that most have been told...isn't, uh, quite true."
She twiddles her fingers, looking aimlessly down at her hands.
"They say I was lucky. That I was found under debris, and while I got hurt pretty bad, that's what saved me. That's a lie. Kind of."
Stacy tilts her head, confused.
"Kind of?"
Tylene nods.
"Um, yes, kind of. I was found stuck underneath something, but it wasn't debris. It was a corpse."
She raises her hands and holds them out as if she is trying to show the size of something.
"A big corpse. Um, a Yahg corpse."
Kasumi crosses her arms.
"So your squad took one of them down?"
Another nod.
"Yes! Yes. The official story is that they hit us, took us out, and got away. But we got one. I...I got one. It had me in it's hands, it was squeezing, just...squeezing. I shot it point blank in the face. Then it fell down, and, uh, squished me."
Tylene shudders, a bit embarrassed.
"I-I was told to keep it all a secret. And they took it somewhere. The body, it's weapons, it's equipment, everything."
"Concerned. So that assassin could have been sent by the Turians. I don't like this at all. Truly Grateful. Thank you Tylene, that information helps us tremendously."
Metnea just looked at Torak "could? I'm fairly certain you mean definitely was," she insists. This she could get behind, a target to hunt was a simple task compared to playing whodunit with an entire garrison.
"I say we head to the commanders dorm and start the questioning," she says viciously.
"I uhm... are you sure that's wise Metnea?" Lea'Foris mumbled out, more than a little taken back by Metnea's sudden call for action.
"Yes, it's a wonderful idea, I both get to be off this barren rock and stifling base and I get to put the fear of Omega into some stiff backed petty officer," the turian replied. Cracking a smile at the thought before moving to leave the room if no one told her not to.
Kasumi, more than a little concerned with Metnea's level of aggression, strides towards her and grabs her by the shoulder, gently holding her back.
"Hold a second. Don't run off on us. We need to be careful here."
She turns her head to look at the rest of the group.
"Tylene may still need protection, and we know they can get into our ship. I'd like a group of us to stay here and guard both."
She nods at each person as she names them.
"Alner, Stacy, Lea. How about the three of you handle that? Alner can take main watch, while Lea, you can start looking over the damage to make sure nothing serious needs emergency repair, and document everything else for later. Stacy, I'd like you to see if you can access the base's systems remotely from the ship's computers."
She waves Torak and Earp over.
"The rest of us will go have a chat with, uh..."
She looks back at Tylene.
"Who's in charge here? Who gave you the order to keep quiet?"
Despite everything the Turian girl was a little hesitant to name names, but there wasn't really any turning back now. Fidgeting, she stammers it out.
"Th-that would be Ambassador Kralin, ma'am."
Kasumi nods, stepping forward in front of Metnea, towards the exit.
"Kralin. Got it."
As they step outside they find their not alone. Heading towards them, a Turian woman and a Drell man walk up. General Khaz and the instructor, Karyan.
The General notices Metnea and Earp.
"Ah, there you are, we've been looking for you."
It only took a second to read the mood of the group. Khaz cocks an eye at them.
"Something the matter. Because I'm getting the distinct impression you're all ready for a fight."
Aw, I was kind of hoping someone would give the General some lip.
Kasumi ignores the Drell. Determined, she addresses the General, knowing a ranking officer when she sees one.
"We need to see Ambassador Kralin, and we need to see him now."
Khaz scoffs.
"That useless politician? I doubt he's worth dealing with, in my experience."
Kasumi thought about telling her what Tylene had said, but decided that she wasn't sure enough who to trust yet.
"We'll see. Do you know where he is?"
Karyan shrugs.
"I have no idea, ma'am."
The General notices one of Kralin's lieutenants across the hall, and hollers at him.
"Hey, you! Where's Kralin at?"
The other Turian walks forward, respectfully answering her.
"I believe he went to his private office, ma'am. I saw him leaving with his guard a while ago."
Khaz groans, and rolls her eyes.
"Thanks, soldier."
She turns back to the group, and seems less than impressed.
"The little worm moved his office to the bunker underground. Coward is your typical politician, scared of every little thing. Place is basically a panic room. And he has a personal guard. Not even soldiers from the base assigned to protect him, he brought in outside help. They look like friggin mercs. It's like he expects someone to drive the knife in his back at any time."
She chuckles.
"To be fair, after I met him, I wanted to snap his neck, so, maybe he's on to something."
She brings up her Omnitool and taps a few keys.
"You're a Spectre, so you should be able to access the underground part of the facility already. Just in case, though, I'm sending you the codes. Kralin doesn't take calls when he's down there, so you'll have to go down there and chat in person."
"Fine. I'd rather meet him in person, anyway. You really need to be standing in front a krogan to get the full brunt of our charming personalities." Earp strides off purposefully towards the Ambassador's panic room.
Sorry for the lack of posts, I somehow accidentally unsubscribed to this thread and notifications were getting lost amid all the GTA5 junk!
@jdarksun@Albino Bunny@Delmain just throwing out notifications so everyone knows the scene has changed. Up to you on how to deal with the situation below.
Kasumi leads her team of Earp, Metnea, and Torak down to the entrance of the underground bunker, following the schematics she had prepared earlier. The four of them are alone, Kasumi wary about bringing in any outside help on this. They come to a service elevator that is highly fortified and protected by some extremely high-level security systems.
Surprise surprise, the codes the General gave her don't work, and neither does her Spectre status give her access. Fortunately for them, the squad enjoys the services of a Quarian tech whiz and a former master thief, and the duo has successfully patched in to the base's systems from the ship. In a few moments, the door is open, and the fearsome foursome are on their way.
Upon exiting the elevator, they come across a surprising sight. It leads into a simple narrow hall, metal walls, floor and cieling surrounding them. At the end of the hall is another heavily-fortified door. Standing in front of that door is, strangely enough, a Hanar.
The Hanar notices them right away, and as the group approaches him, he addresses them politely.
"This one does not believe you are authorized to be here. This one must regretfully ask you to leave."
Kasumi steps forward.
"I'm Kasumi Goto. Spectre. This is my team. We've been assigned to deal with the problems this base has been having. We have been authorized to go anywhere. Please step aside. We need to speak with Kralin."
The Hanar pauses for a moment. It's hard for even Torak to read him, but he seems like he might be taken aback by his new visitors.
"Ambassador Kralin is not to be disturbed. This one will not let you pass."
Metnea just looked at the Hanar for a second, the silence hanging in the air sharp enough to slice a sunday roast before the turian burst out laughing.
"No," she says bluntly, she had a target, the target was someone she had baggage with and she was authorised, by the council no less, to perform her duty and take out her various issues on Kralin until he squealed. The last thing she cared about was having some weak looking door guard get in her way. Focusing for a second before biotically teleporting past the guard and into Kralin's office.
"Good afternoon old friend," she chirped while looking around.
"I think you misunderstand Ms. Goto." The krogan walked up towards the hanar, filling himself with biotic power and unlimbering his shotgun - which he he did not point at anyone, just merely made sure the heavy gun was noticeable. "She is a Spectre and has the authority to go anywhere and do anything. You are in her way. Move, or be moved."
Team d10, Victory At Any Cost d8, Barrier d8, Enhanced Strength d8, M-300 Claymore d10, Menace Master d10
Yeah @jdarksun you have the pp you started with, as you didn't use or gain any at the scrapyard. So 16 d10 it is.
Actually in this situation the Hanar only has d8s to work with, and I have no doom dice, so a 16 is unbeatable. Can tie it, can't beat it.
I'll throw that d10 on him as Emotional Stress
Kralin nearly jumps out of his seat as Metnea suddenly blinks into the room. His office is, well, an office. Kralin sits at a large desk, datapads and maps strewn out over the surface of it.
As Metnea quickly scans the room with her eyes, she can easily confirm the story about a non-Turian personal guard. Standing at Kralin's side is a Batarian merc, in heavy armor and holding a rifle. In either corner of the room, a rather bulky Vorcha who appears complete unarmed and unarmored, and shockingly, an Elcor armed with weaponry not too different from Torak's own mounted cannons, but the guns look smaller and more precise. And behind her, to the left a little, standing by that side of the door, a Drell in light armor, pistol at his side.
Every single one of them turns their weapons on Metnea immediately. Well, except the Vorcha. Who just hisses at the Turian vet.
"What the hell do you think you're doing here?!"
Kralin looks about as happy to see Metnea as he did during their last encounter.
Meanwhile, the Hanar outside takes a good long look at the Krogan warrior standing before him. The big stupid jellyfish wasn't exactly carrying any weapons of his own, and the Krogan temperament was legendary.
"Perhaps the good Ambassador may be able to make time for ones such as yourselves after all."
It backs away from the door, after keying a code into the pad beside it. It slides open, and as the rest of them go inside, everyone's weapons now turn on the newest of the new arrivals.
Kralin's eyes grow wide.
"The Spectre!"
Doom Pool: Nothing
Scene Distinctions: Office Furniture, Confined Space
With a grin, the krogan cracks his knuckles. "Oh, look. It's you. Let's make this boring: confess everything and turn yourself in. Or don't. And then I get to have some fun."
Team d10, War Without End d4 (+1PP), Barrier d8, SFX: Area Attack 4d6, Enhanced Strength d8, M-300 Claymore d10, Menace Master d10
@LockedOnTarget Oh derp. I rolled the right number for Area Attack, and didn't keep enough dice. Should be:
21 w/ d8 (Kralin), d6, d6, d6, d6 (Guards) effect.
8 loses by more than 10, so d12 emotional stress to the good Ambassador.
The four guards all have a SFX called Committed. When reacting against an attempt to coerce, intimidate, or convince them to abandon their goal, they add a d10 to their pool, then after rolling drop the highest rolled die and add three.
Everyone in the room tenses up at the Krogan's threat. But the four guards seem able to keep their cool well enough. Kralin, on the other hand, is panicking, and panicking hard. He immediately shrinks behind his desk, his movements jittery and nervous.
"No! You shouldn't have come here! Go away!"
The Vorcha hisses again.
"The Spectre and her Krogan pet dare to threaten us!"
"Comforting. Do not fret, Ambassador. We will contain this situation. Sternly. These problematic elements will be taken care of, and then we may continue with our arrangement."
The Elcor's side cannons lower and aim straight for Earp. Meanwhile, the Drell places his gun barrel right up against Torak's head.
"It's clear we underestimated you. You're more trouble than you're worth."
The Batarian, clearly a bit more shaken than his three companions, angrily yells at the rest of them.
"Enough talk! Kill them before they screw things up!"
The Batarian takes aim at Metnea and opens fire. The Drell pulls the trigger, and the Elcor unleashes his cannons.
Alright, officially starting a combat situation here. I won't count Earp's actions as a proper turn, so he will have the opportunity to go in the opening round. But the three that had their weapons drawn and ready are going first.
The Batarian is attacking @Albino Bunny. Don't forget you can use his d6 stress in your reaction.
Team d8, Enhanced speed d10, Biotic barrier D6, combat d10: 1d6, 1d8, 2d10: [4], [6], [6, 7] so I'll take 13 with d10 effect. Meaning I'm totally fine. I'll also spend my PP to counter attack this silly Batarian
Metnea didn't even flinch, the attack was obvious and her barrier was ready for it. The batarian's rounds echoing in the confined space before slamming into the wall behind where Metnea had just being standing. The bounty hunter behind her opponent in a flash, one hand grabbing the Batarian's head and pulling it back, arching his spine painfully as her other hand snatched the batarian's side arm from his holster. Metnea pausing for just a second in the hold before three shots rang out.
"Lower spine, lung puncture, shoulder of shooting arm," Metnea mumbled as she blew the Batarian away; shoving his whimpering form to the ground barely breathing with a smile. No more mystery, no more planning, just two groups in a small room with firearms, this was so much easier for Metnea, this made sense to her as she stood over the Batarian, looking to Kralin with a manic grin.
"Old friend, you brought me presents!" she joked idly, as usual in the habit of talking too much in combat, her eyes scanning the remaining threats.
The krogan doesn't flinch from the elcor's barrage, his biotic barrier pulsing with blue light. "That all you got, Hamlet? That's too bad." Earp drew the big Claymore. "Gonna be one less elcor in the galaxy in a moment."
Team d10, War Without End d4 (+1PP), Barrier d8, Superhuman Durability d10, Combat Master d10
Sorry, new job doesn't have nearly the "check the servers" time that my last place had.
"Contemptuously. Hmph. Poor choice, drell," Torak says, grabbing the gun with an exertion of biotic power, forcing the shot to hit the thickest part of his shoulder armor. He then intensifies the power around the drell's hand and slams his foreleg into the guard's midsection.
I'll spend a PP to use a counter attack. If I can, I'll do it as a lift complication, if not, physical stress. I don't remember how that works.
I also don't remember if he gets to react to my counterattack, if he does, I'll spend a PP to keep an additional 4 so the target is 16. If he doesn't, then 12 is enough.
Well okay I guess I'll spend both of my doom dice. 20 total. d10 physical stress to Kasumi. I don't roll against myself so she just takes it. d4 Emotional stress coming towards everyone else.
@Delmain@jdarksun@Albino Bunny please react to this staggering attempt to intimidate you. Perhaps one of you will roll nothing but ones, and the d4 will step up d12.
Doom Pool:
Scene Distinctions: Office Furniture, Confined Space
Metnea paused for a second at the sudden threat. She'd being threatened before naturally, the Hanar was neither the first nor most terrifying individual to do so in her career. However it made her pause obviously as her brain tried to decide a course of action. Talking was hard in a fight, you never knew how far someone would go or how fast when they were busy monologuing. If the Hanar had just shot at her she could have shot back without a flinch, but now she wasn't certain, the fight wasn't immediate and filling her mind like it should be.
"Hey now, she didn't pay me in advance," was about all the wit she could muster as she planted a foot firmly on the Batarian to keep him down. Levelling her wraith at the Hanar, the odds of her being able to get a clean shot with the indiscriminate weapon slim to zero.
Spend 2PP to keep 3 and then counterattack, if I can. If not, I'll just take the d4 stress. I don't remember how it works, I'll edit the RP if I can't do that.
Okay, so Metnea loses by ten, taking d8 stress. I hand her a pp for her one, getting a d6 doom die.
Torak uses two of his pp to win and then counter, which will up the Hanar to d12 Emotional Stress.
Earp spends a pp to lose but be left with a better effect die, which lowers that d4 down to nothing. I'll also hand him a pp to convert his two ones into a d8 doom die.
The Hanar squeezes just a little harder, still banking on his plan to use Kasumi as a hostage. However, at the very least Torak can tell, he is growing less and less confident in this plan by the second. A tinge of nervousness creeps into his voice.
"...This one does not fear death, and will proudly take the human woman with him."
Doom Pool: 1d6, 1d8
Scene Distinctions: Office Furniture, Confined Space
"Disgusted. You will not, hanar," Torak intones, giving up on diplomacy.
Blue energy envelopes the elcor as he leaps towards the floating drell. As he slams into the poor guard, the biotic fields around the both of them explode, shattering the nearby furniture and sending the nearby batarian guard to the ground. Straightening, Torak stands, completely unaffected by the explosion, four feet planted solidly on the ground, practically begging an attack.
He looks back, raising his pulse cannons towards the ambassador and the other elcor in the room.
"Intimidatingly. Are you sure you want your underlings taunting us further, Ambassador?"
Okay so somehow you only got a single one from all those dice. 1 pp to you, a new d6 to me.
The Batarian is good and proper fucked, as he's already one hit away from being taken down. I'm not going to bother rolling seriously for him, but I will take the Confined Space distinction as a negative for him to up a d6 doom die to a d8.
Drell: Team d10, Confined Space d4(upping the last d6 to d8), Barrier d8, Reflexes d10, Combat d8
Man, this whole fight is just a really bad showing for the bad guys here.
18 d10. Loses by ten but has a higher effect die. Takes d8 Emotional.
Delmain over on Steam chat told me @Albino Bunny can go now.
The poor, badly-wounded Batarian uses the last of his strength to push the Turian woman off, getting to his feet with a strained grunt, gun in hand.
"Disgusted. You will not, hanar,"
A monotone statement from the Elcor is followed by a wave of energy that sends the Batarian careening into the wall behind him. Kralin shrieks and ducks as the body flies over his head. The Batarian flumps down to the floor, and if this were an animated vid, surely cute little birds would be circling his head.
The Drell tries in vain to break his fall, but he mostly just breaks his bones. It's only his light armor and biotic barrier that keep the hard impact from crushing his ribs into oblivion. Gasping, he tries to pull himself up to one knee, not ready to admit defeat.
"Intimidatingly. Are you sure you want your underlings taunting us further, Ambassador?"
Kralin shudders under his desk at the frightening Elcor's words. He tries to squeak out a retort, but is motly paralyzed with fear.
"I...I can't..."
The Elcor noticeably scowls, glaring at his kin.
"Regretfully. Perhaps we are not up to the task of defeating you after all. Determined. However, you will still die here today."
The Hanar suddenly drops Kasumi, who falls to her knees coughing and wheezing. As she falls, another tentacle snatches a grenade from her belt. The Hanar holds it up, standing in the middle of the doorway where everyone can see him.
He pulls the pin.
"This one was serious when he said he would take you all with him. The room is cramped and small. The explosion from this device will surely kill us all. Myself. My companions. Ambassador Kralin. And all of you. This one regrets that it must end this way, but we are merely cogs in the machine. The mission will continue without us. Our noble endeavor will endure. In but a few short seconds, nothing you have done here will matter. You will be consumed in a cleansing fire, and sent to-"
Kasumi kicks the door shut.
Kasumi locks the door.
"This is, like, a bomb shelter, right?"
The Hanar stands outside the door to the office, primed grenade in his outstretched tentacle. He spends his last moments considering what he could have done differently today.
He comes to the conclusion that he should have perhaps moved inside the room a little bit more first.
As the sounds of an explosion, and jellyfish goo splattering all over the place, ring outside the office, the Elcor guard's shoulders slump just a little.
"Dejected. You may have outfought us. You may have outsmarted us. But you will not take us alive."
One of his cannons slowly inches towards his own head. The Vorcha's eyes widen.
"What are you doing?! Three of us remain! Do not..."
He is interrupted by a loud bang and blood splattering all over him, as the Elcor blows his brains out.
The Drell and the Vorcha glance at each other, both scowling. Unlike the Elcor, they don't seem ready to give up. The Vorcha punds his massive chest.
"Bah! Bring your worst, dogs! I will crush you all, even when four on one!"
Doom Pool: 1d6, 2d8
Scene Distinctions: Office Furniture, Confined Space
Earp rams into the Vorcha fast and hard, jamming his boot right into the surprisingly muscular opponent while almost casually unloading his shotgun into the still-recovering Drell. The Vorcha stumbles back...and then looks up at him and smiles.
"Ehehehehe. Is that it?"
Not even caring about his companion bleeding out on the floor beside him, he flexes.
"Is it my turn now?"
@Albino Bunny if you're good to go, looks like you're up!"
Doom Pool: 1d10
Scene Distinctions: Office Furniture, Confined Space
Metnea frowned "really, we just literally smashed through most of your friends," she says clearly as ever in wonderment for Vorcha's capacity for bloodlust.
"Fair enough then," she says casually levelling her wraith at him before pulling the trigger twice in quick succession.
wraith shotgun+unload: 2d10, Combat: d10, Omega's attack dog: d8 for 3d10+1d8 going to use dangerous though so it becomes 2d10, 1d8 and 1d6 with +1 to stress inflicted http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4282146/ not that it matters because the other two were rubbish. so that's 17 with a d8 effect die shoved up to d10 by dangerous. Also an oppurtunity for you.
I'll blow my d6 to make that a 21 with a d8. @Albino Bunny time to react!
The first shot nails the Vorcha in the shoulder, throwing him into a bit of a spin. He stumbles to the side to dodge the second shot, stopping in front of Kralin's desk. He roars at the Turian and his arms bulge as he lifts the desk, Kralin scurrying away.
"Die, Citadel dog!"
He swings the desk around and hurls it straight at Metnea as hard as he can.
Doom Pool: 1d6, 1d10
Scene Distinctions: Office Furniture, Confined Space
Metnea had clearly being taking the situation a tad too casually. Reacting slowly to the desk and not even mustering the reaction time to start her teleport away from the bulky object. Grunting as it slammed into her, leaving her floored under the table. The turian's armour dented from the impact as her barrier failed her.
"No worries, if it wasn't for you things would have been a lot worse. Probably would have had a dead Turian rookie on our hands, too."
She turns her attention to Tylene.
"Speaking of, Torak brought you back here for a reason. I think it's about time you tell us what you know. Because it looks like what you know might be just a tad bit important. So, let's hear why someone might want you dead, alright?"
Tylene gulps, and starts stuttering.
"D-do you really think he was after me?"
Kasumi walks over to her, trying to remain stern but professional while still soft enough to keep her guest calm.
"Possibly. Probably. Either way, Torak thinks you know something we should know. You really, really need to tell us."
The girl still doesn't look very comfortable, and Kasumi places a hand on her shoulder.
"We're here. All of us. I promise, we'll keep you safe. Just like Torak did. All we want is to make sure all of your fellow people are safe, too."
Tylene takes a few moments, but eventually, seems to resign herself to her fate. She slowly and quietly starts to spill it.
"The story you guys were told...that most have been told...isn't, uh, quite true."
She twiddles her fingers, looking aimlessly down at her hands.
"They say I was lucky. That I was found under debris, and while I got hurt pretty bad, that's what saved me. That's a lie. Kind of."
Stacy tilts her head, confused.
"Kind of?"
Tylene nods.
"Um, yes, kind of. I was found stuck underneath something, but it wasn't debris. It was a corpse."
She raises her hands and holds them out as if she is trying to show the size of something.
"A big corpse. Um, a Yahg corpse."
Kasumi crosses her arms.
"So your squad took one of them down?"
Another nod.
"Yes! Yes. The official story is that they hit us, took us out, and got away. But we got one. I...I got one. It had me in it's hands, it was squeezing, just...squeezing. I shot it point blank in the face. Then it fell down, and, uh, squished me."
Tylene shudders, a bit embarrassed.
"I-I was told to keep it all a secret. And they took it somewhere. The body, it's weapons, it's equipment, everything."
She looks even more ashamed, shoulders slumped.
"They paid me. To keep quiet. So, um, I did."
"It is quite all right... I suppose, mostly," Lea'Foris mumbled to Torak during Tylene's speech.
"I say we head to the commanders dorm and start the questioning," she says viciously.
"I uhm... are you sure that's wise Metnea?" Lea'Foris mumbled out, more than a little taken back by Metnea's sudden call for action.
"Yes, it's a wonderful idea, I both get to be off this barren rock and stifling base and I get to put the fear of Omega into some stiff backed petty officer," the turian replied. Cracking a smile at the thought before moving to leave the room if no one told her not to.
"Hold a second. Don't run off on us. We need to be careful here."
She turns her head to look at the rest of the group.
"Tylene may still need protection, and we know they can get into our ship. I'd like a group of us to stay here and guard both."
She nods at each person as she names them.
"Alner, Stacy, Lea. How about the three of you handle that? Alner can take main watch, while Lea, you can start looking over the damage to make sure nothing serious needs emergency repair, and document everything else for later. Stacy, I'd like you to see if you can access the base's systems remotely from the ship's computers."
She waves Torak and Earp over.
"The rest of us will go have a chat with, uh..."
She looks back at Tylene.
"Who's in charge here? Who gave you the order to keep quiet?"
Despite everything the Turian girl was a little hesitant to name names, but there wasn't really any turning back now. Fidgeting, she stammers it out.
"Th-that would be Ambassador Kralin, ma'am."
Kasumi nods, stepping forward in front of Metnea, towards the exit.
"Kralin. Got it."
As they step outside they find their not alone. Heading towards them, a Turian woman and a Drell man walk up. General Khaz and the instructor, Karyan.
The General notices Metnea and Earp.
"Ah, there you are, we've been looking for you."
It only took a second to read the mood of the group. Khaz cocks an eye at them.
"Something the matter. Because I'm getting the distinct impression you're all ready for a fight."
"We've set up the planned ambush for tomorrow morning, you all really should be resting and preparing."
Kasumi ignores the Drell. Determined, she addresses the General, knowing a ranking officer when she sees one.
"We need to see Ambassador Kralin, and we need to see him now."
Khaz scoffs.
"That useless politician? I doubt he's worth dealing with, in my experience."
Kasumi thought about telling her what Tylene had said, but decided that she wasn't sure enough who to trust yet.
"We'll see. Do you know where he is?"
Karyan shrugs.
"I have no idea, ma'am."
The General notices one of Kralin's lieutenants across the hall, and hollers at him.
"Hey, you! Where's Kralin at?"
The other Turian walks forward, respectfully answering her.
"I believe he went to his private office, ma'am. I saw him leaving with his guard a while ago."
Khaz groans, and rolls her eyes.
"Thanks, soldier."
She turns back to the group, and seems less than impressed.
"The little worm moved his office to the bunker underground. Coward is your typical politician, scared of every little thing. Place is basically a panic room. And he has a personal guard. Not even soldiers from the base assigned to protect him, he brought in outside help. They look like friggin mercs. It's like he expects someone to drive the knife in his back at any time."
She chuckles.
"To be fair, after I met him, I wanted to snap his neck, so, maybe he's on to something."
She brings up her Omnitool and taps a few keys.
"You're a Spectre, so you should be able to access the underground part of the facility already. Just in case, though, I'm sending you the codes. Kralin doesn't take calls when he's down there, so you'll have to go down there and chat in person."
"Fine. I'd rather meet him in person, anyway. You really need to be standing in front a krogan to get the full brunt of our charming personalities." Earp strides off purposefully towards the Ambassador's panic room.
@jdarksun @Albino Bunny @Delmain just throwing out notifications so everyone knows the scene has changed. Up to you on how to deal with the situation below.
Kasumi leads her team of Earp, Metnea, and Torak down to the entrance of the underground bunker, following the schematics she had prepared earlier. The four of them are alone, Kasumi wary about bringing in any outside help on this. They come to a service elevator that is highly fortified and protected by some extremely high-level security systems.
Surprise surprise, the codes the General gave her don't work, and neither does her Spectre status give her access. Fortunately for them, the squad enjoys the services of a Quarian tech whiz and a former master thief, and the duo has successfully patched in to the base's systems from the ship. In a few moments, the door is open, and the fearsome foursome are on their way.
Upon exiting the elevator, they come across a surprising sight. It leads into a simple narrow hall, metal walls, floor and cieling surrounding them. At the end of the hall is another heavily-fortified door. Standing in front of that door is, strangely enough, a Hanar.
The Hanar notices them right away, and as the group approaches him, he addresses them politely.
"This one does not believe you are authorized to be here. This one must regretfully ask you to leave."
Kasumi steps forward.
"I'm Kasumi Goto. Spectre. This is my team. We've been assigned to deal with the problems this base has been having. We have been authorized to go anywhere. Please step aside. We need to speak with Kralin."
The Hanar pauses for a moment. It's hard for even Torak to read him, but he seems like he might be taken aback by his new visitors.
"Ambassador Kralin is not to be disturbed. This one will not let you pass."
"No," she says bluntly, she had a target, the target was someone she had baggage with and she was authorised, by the council no less, to perform her duty and take out her various issues on Kralin until he squealed. The last thing she cared about was having some weak looking door guard get in her way. Focusing for a second before biotically teleporting past the guard and into Kralin's office.
"Good afternoon old friend," she chirped while looking around.
"I think you misunderstand Ms. Goto." The krogan walked up towards the hanar, filling himself with biotic power and unlimbering his shotgun - which he he did not point at anyone, just merely made sure the heavy gun was noticeable. "She is a Spectre and has the authority to go anywhere and do anything. You are in her way. Move, or be moved."
Intimidate the big, stupid jellyfish: 3#1d10 3 3 5 3#1d8 2 7 4
That's an amazingly bad roll that managed to have zero ones.
If I have any PP, I'll dump one to keep an extra die. 16 w/ d10 effect if I do, 12 w/ d10 if I don't.
Stupid hanar.
Actually in this situation the Hanar only has d8s to work with, and I have no doom dice, so a 16 is unbeatable. Can tie it, can't beat it.
I'll throw that d10 on him as Emotional Stress
Kralin nearly jumps out of his seat as Metnea suddenly blinks into the room. His office is, well, an office. Kralin sits at a large desk, datapads and maps strewn out over the surface of it.
As Metnea quickly scans the room with her eyes, she can easily confirm the story about a non-Turian personal guard. Standing at Kralin's side is a Batarian merc, in heavy armor and holding a rifle. In either corner of the room, a rather bulky Vorcha who appears complete unarmed and unarmored, and shockingly, an Elcor armed with weaponry not too different from Torak's own mounted cannons, but the guns look smaller and more precise. And behind her, to the left a little, standing by that side of the door, a Drell in light armor, pistol at his side.
Every single one of them turns their weapons on Metnea immediately. Well, except the Vorcha. Who just hisses at the Turian vet.
"What the hell do you think you're doing here?!"
Kralin looks about as happy to see Metnea as he did during their last encounter.
Meanwhile, the Hanar outside takes a good long look at the Krogan warrior standing before him. The big stupid jellyfish wasn't exactly carrying any weapons of his own, and the Krogan temperament was legendary.
"Perhaps the good Ambassador may be able to make time for ones such as yourselves after all."
It backs away from the door, after keying a code into the pad beside it. It slides open, and as the rest of them go inside, everyone's weapons now turn on the newest of the new arrivals.
Kralin's eyes grow wide.
"The Spectre!"
Scene Distinctions: Office Furniture, Confined Space
Torak: 3pp
Earp: 0pp
Metnea: 1pp
Ambassador Kralin:
Hanar Doorman: d10 Emotional Stress
Batarian Guard:
Vorcha Guard:
Drell Guard:
Elcor Guard:
With a grin, the krogan cracks his knuckles. "Oh, look. It's you. Let's make this boring: confess everything and turn yourself in. Or don't. And then I get to have some fun."
Intimidate *the room*: 3#1d10 6 9 6 2#1d8 4 1 4#1d6 5 6 2 6...
Rolled a 1! (+1PP)
Dunno if you'll let me use the Biotic Power Set's Area Attack for this. If not, I'll spend a PP on it.
Let's go with 6+9+6(-1PP)=21 w/ d8, d6, d6, d6 effect.
(new PP total: zero)
Since you have four targets out of a possible six, I'm assuming this is meant for the four guards and not for the Hanar or Kralin himself?
Also which one is the d8 effect going for?
Oh, and I'm fine with you using the Area Attack SFX on this, it makes sense.
21 w/ d8 (Kralin), d6, d6, d6, d6 (Guards) effect.
Not including the Hanar.
PP Total: 1!
First up, Kralin. Simple roll here.
Team d8, Cowardly d4(adding a d6 to the doom pool), Psych 2d6
Reaction: [1d4=3] [2d6=3, 4] [1d8=4]
8 loses by more than 10, so d12 emotional stress to the good Ambassador.
The four guards all have a SFX called Committed. When reacting against an attempt to coerce, intimidate, or convince them to abandon their goal, they add a d10 to their pool, then after rolling drop the highest rolled die and add three.
Batarian first: Team d10, Unwavering Loyalty d8, Durability d10, Weapon d8, Menace d8, Committed d10
Reaction: [3d8=2, 6, 8] [2d10=7, 1]
Committed: 1d10 3
Dropping the highest and adding three leaves him with 16 d8, loses by five but has a higher effect, so takes d6.
Drell: Team d10, Unwavering Loyalty d8, Barrier d8, Durability d8, Weapon d8, Combat 2d6, Committed d10
Reaction: [2d6=4, 6] [4d8=8, 5, 7, 4] [2d10=9, 6]
I'll use a d6 to get a total high enough to win the reaction.
Elcor: Team d10, Unwavering Loyalty d8, Durability d10, Weapon d10, Combat 2d6, Committed d10
Reaction: [2d6=1, 6] [1d8=3] [4d10=4, 1, 7, 8]
17 d8. Higher effect die so he takes d4.
Vorcha: Team d10, Unwavering Loyalty d8, Durability d10, Strength d10, Combat 2d8, Committed d10
Reaction: [3d8=8, 3, 7] [4d10=4, 9, 5, 7]
22 will do it for him.
Everyone in the room tenses up at the Krogan's threat. But the four guards seem able to keep their cool well enough. Kralin, on the other hand, is panicking, and panicking hard. He immediately shrinks behind his desk, his movements jittery and nervous.
"No! You shouldn't have come here! Go away!"
The Vorcha hisses again.
"The Spectre and her Krogan pet dare to threaten us!"
"Comforting. Do not fret, Ambassador. We will contain this situation. Sternly. These problematic elements will be taken care of, and then we may continue with our arrangement."
The Elcor's side cannons lower and aim straight for Earp. Meanwhile, the Drell places his gun barrel right up against Torak's head.
"It's clear we underestimated you. You're more trouble than you're worth."
The Batarian, clearly a bit more shaken than his three companions, angrily yells at the rest of them.
"Enough talk! Kill them before they screw things up!"
The Batarian takes aim at Metnea and opens fire. The Drell pulls the trigger, and the Elcor unleashes his cannons.
The Batarian is attacking @Albino Bunny. Don't forget you can use his d6 stress in your reaction.
Team d10, Brutal Enforcer d8, Reflexes d8, Weapon d8, Combat d8
Batarian Attack: [4d8=1, 1, 4, 4] [1d10=3]
Well, that's terrible! 8 d10, going for Physical stress.
The Drell attacks @Delmain
Team d10, Cold Executioner d8, Reflexes d10, Weapon d8, Combat d8
Drell Attack: [3d8=1, 4, 4] [2d10=7, 1]
Ha, another bad roll. 11 d8, physical stress
And then the Elcor is after @jdarksun
Team d10, Calm Sharpshooter d8, Senses d10, Weapon d10, Combat d8
Elcor Attack: [2d8=8, 2] [3d10=9, 8, 7]
That's better. 17 d10
Once everyone reacts I'll pick who's next.
Scene Distinctions: Office Furniture, Confined Space
Torak: 3pp
Earp: 1pp
Metnea: 1pp
Ambassador Kralin: d12 Emotional Stress
Hanar Doorman: d10 Emotional Stress
Batarian Guard: d6 Emotional Stress
Vorcha Guard:
Drell Guard:
Elcor Guard: d4 Emotional Stress
EDIT: Forgot to link the roll: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4259596/
Metnea didn't even flinch, the attack was obvious and her barrier was ready for it. The batarian's rounds echoing in the confined space before slamming into the wall behind where Metnea had just being standing. The bounty hunter behind her opponent in a flash, one hand grabbing the Batarian's head and pulling it back, arching his spine painfully as her other hand snatched the batarian's side arm from his holster. Metnea pausing for just a second in the hold before three shots rang out.
"Lower spine, lung puncture, shoulder of shooting arm," Metnea mumbled as she blew the Batarian away; shoving his whimpering form to the ground barely breathing with a smile. No more mystery, no more planning, just two groups in a small room with firearms, this was so much easier for Metnea, this made sense to her as she stood over the Batarian, looking to Kralin with a manic grin.
"Old friend, you brought me presents!" she joked idly, as usual in the habit of talking too much in combat, her eyes scanning the remaining threats.
The krogan doesn't flinch from the elcor's barrage, his biotic barrier pulsing with blue light. "That all you got, Hamlet? That's too bad." Earp drew the big Claymore. "Gonna be one less elcor in the galaxy in a moment."
Defend v. Elcor attack: 3#1d10 6 9 8 1#1d8 5 1#1d4 3
Oooh, close one.
9+8+5(-1PP) = 22 w/ d10 effect. I'll spend another PP to inflict Emotional Stress.
"Contemptuously. Hmph. Poor choice, drell," Torak says, grabbing the gun with an exertion of biotic power, forcing the shot to hit the thickest part of his shoulder armor. He then intensifies the power around the drell's hand and slams his foreleg into the guard's midsection.
One 1, so one opportunity there.
8 + 4 = 12 with d12 effect.
I'll spend a PP to use a counter attack. If I can, I'll do it as a lift complication, if not, physical stress. I don't remember how that works.
I also don't remember if he gets to react to my counterattack, if he does, I'll spend a PP to keep an additional 4 so the target is 16. If he doesn't, then 12 is enough.
Metnea's counter wins by five so the Batarian is at d12 physical stress.
Earp's counter also wins by five putting the Elcor at d12 Emotional Stress
And our next person to go is...
Kasumi smiles. She couldn't resist feeling good about seeing her squad handle themselves so well. They never failed to make her proud.
"Last chance, folks. Surrender now and maybe your Batarian buddy might be able to get a medic before he stains too much of the carpet. Give it UGH!!!"
She's cut off, as there is a sudden pressure cutting off her air. A thick, long tentacle squeezes around her throat.
Behind her, the Hanar floats as calmy as he did before, lifting the Spectre up into the air.
"This one proposes a counter-offer. The Spectre's team surrenders, or the Spectre breathes her last breath."
Area Attack!
Team d10, Cold-Blooded Killer d8, Strength d10, Tentacles d8, Area Attack 3d6, Menace Master d10
Attack: [3d6=6, 1, 5] [2d8=4, 5] [3d10=1, 2, 1]
Oh God damn it.
Well okay I guess I'll spend both of my doom dice. 20 total. d10 physical stress to Kasumi. I don't roll against myself so she just takes it. d4 Emotional stress coming towards everyone else.
@Delmain @jdarksun @Albino Bunny please react to this staggering attempt to intimidate you. Perhaps one of you will roll nothing but ones, and the d4 will step up d12.
Scene Distinctions: Office Furniture, Confined Space
Torak: 3pp
Earp: 0pp
Metnea: 0pp
Kasumi: d10 Physical Stress
Ambassador Kralin: d12 Emotional Stress
Hanar Doorman: d10 Emotional Stress
Batarian Guard: d6 Emotional Stress, d12 Physical Stress
Vorcha Guard:
Drell Guard: d12 Lift Complication
Elcor Guard: d12 Emotional Stress
Metnea paused for a second at the sudden threat. She'd being threatened before naturally, the Hanar was neither the first nor most terrifying individual to do so in her career. However it made her pause obviously as her brain tried to decide a course of action. Talking was hard in a fight, you never knew how far someone would go or how fast when they were busy monologuing. If the Hanar had just shot at her she could have shot back without a flinch, but now she wasn't certain, the fight wasn't immediate and filling her mind like it should be.
"Hey now, she didn't pay me in advance," was about all the wit she could muster as she planted a foot firmly on the Batarian to keep him down. Levelling her wraith at the Hanar, the odds of her being able to get a clean shot with the indiscriminate weapon slim to zero.
Spend 2PP to keep 3 and then counterattack, if I can. If not, I'll just take the d4 stress. I don't remember how it works, I'll edit the RP if I can't do that.
9 + 8 + 4 = 21 with a d10 effect
"She's a Spectre, you big, stupid jellyfish. She knew the risks."
Is Earp intimidated?: 4#1d10 1 10 5 5 1#1d8 1 1#1d4 4
ffff, rolled 2 ones
10+5+4 (-1PP) = 19 w/ d10 effect. So it hits, but the bigger die drops the effect from d4 to zero (I guess?).
Torak uses two of his pp to win and then counter, which will up the Hanar to d12 Emotional Stress.
Earp spends a pp to lose but be left with a better effect die, which lowers that d4 down to nothing. I'll also hand him a pp to convert his two ones into a d8 doom die.
I'll let @Delmain go next
The Hanar squeezes just a little harder, still banking on his plan to use Kasumi as a hostage. However, at the very least Torak can tell, he is growing less and less confident in this plan by the second. A tinge of nervousness creeps into his voice.
"...This one does not fear death, and will proudly take the human woman with him."
Scene Distinctions: Office Furniture, Confined Space
Torak: 1pp
Earp: 1pp
Metnea: 1pp, d8 Emotional Stress
Kasumi: d10 Physical Stress
Ambassador Kralin: d12 Emotional Stress
Hanar Doorman: d12 Emotional Stress
Batarian Guard: d6 Emotional Stress, d12 Physical Stress
Vorcha Guard:
Drell Guard: d12 Lift Complication
Elcor Guard: d12 Emotional Stress
Blue energy envelopes the elcor as he leaps towards the floating drell. As he slams into the poor guard, the biotic fields around the both of them explode, shattering the nearby furniture and sending the nearby batarian guard to the ground. Straightening, Torak stands, completely unaffected by the explosion, four feet planted solidly on the ground, practically begging an attack.
He looks back, raising his pulse cannons towards the ambassador and the other elcor in the room.
"Intimidatingly. Are you sure you want your underlings taunting us further, Ambassador?"
Team, Fledgling Diplomat (d4), Charge, Durability, Body Armor, Biotics, Lift, +5 AoE: 2#1d12 12 1 2#1d10 3 10 2#1d8 6 7 5#1d6 4 5 2 4 3 1d4 3
Dang, I lose a d12 to a 1 every time I roll one. Assuming you take it, that's another PP
Spend a PP to keep an extra die.
12 + 10 + 7 = 29 with a d10 effect die on the Drell as physical stress (and a d6 Knocked Back complication from Biotic Explosion)
The other effect dice:
Batarian: d6 Physical Stress (and a d6 Knocked Back complication from Biotic Explosion)
Vorcha: d6 Emotional Stress
Kralin: d6 Emotional Stress
Hanar: d6 Emotional Stress
Elcor: d8 Emotional Stress
Okay so somehow you only got a single one from all those dice. 1 pp to you, a new d6 to me.
The Batarian is good and proper fucked, as he's already one hit away from being taken down. I'm not going to bother rolling seriously for him, but I will take the Confined Space distinction as a negative for him to up a d6 doom die to a d8.
Drell: Team d10, Confined Space d4(upping the last d6 to d8), Barrier d8, Reflexes d10, Combat d8
Drell Reaction: [1d4=3] [2d8=4, 2] [2d10=6, 10]
I'll use a d8 to get a 20 total. He loses by five, and takes d12.
Gonna not bother for Kralin either, just grab a d6 doom die from his Cowardly distinction and consider him done.
The other three will be using their Committed SFX like before.
Hanar: Team d10, Cold-Blooded Killer d8, Strength d10, Tentacles d8, Menace d10, Committed d10
Hanar Reaction: [2d8=8, 2] [4d10=5, 9, 3, 10]
Dropping the highest and adding 3 nets 22. Unfortunately for him, doom dice can't save him. So he'll be emotionally stressed out.
Elcor: Team d10, Unwavering Loyalty d8, Durability d10, Weapon d10, Combat d8, Committed d10
Elcor Reaction: [2d8=7, 8] [4d10=2, 10, 4, 3]
Yeah he's boned, too.
Vorcha: Team d10, Unwavering Loyalty d8, Durability d10, Strength d10, Combat 2d8, Committed d10
Vorcha Reaction: [3d8=5, 1, 1] [4d10=4, 2, 9, 9]
Man, this whole fight is just a really bad showing for the bad guys here.
18 d10. Loses by ten but has a higher effect die. Takes d8 Emotional.
Delmain over on Steam chat told me @Albino Bunny can go now.
The poor, badly-wounded Batarian uses the last of his strength to push the Turian woman off, getting to his feet with a strained grunt, gun in hand.
"Disgusted. You will not, hanar,"
A monotone statement from the Elcor is followed by a wave of energy that sends the Batarian careening into the wall behind him. Kralin shrieks and ducks as the body flies over his head. The Batarian flumps down to the floor, and if this were an animated vid, surely cute little birds would be circling his head.
The Drell tries in vain to break his fall, but he mostly just breaks his bones. It's only his light armor and biotic barrier that keep the hard impact from crushing his ribs into oblivion. Gasping, he tries to pull himself up to one knee, not ready to admit defeat.
"Intimidatingly. Are you sure you want your underlings taunting us further, Ambassador?"
Kralin shudders under his desk at the frightening Elcor's words. He tries to squeak out a retort, but is motly paralyzed with fear.
"I...I can't..."
The Elcor noticeably scowls, glaring at his kin.
"Regretfully. Perhaps we are not up to the task of defeating you after all. Determined. However, you will still die here today."
The Hanar suddenly drops Kasumi, who falls to her knees coughing and wheezing. As she falls, another tentacle snatches a grenade from her belt. The Hanar holds it up, standing in the middle of the doorway where everyone can see him.
He pulls the pin.
"This one was serious when he said he would take you all with him. The room is cramped and small. The explosion from this device will surely kill us all. Myself. My companions. Ambassador Kralin. And all of you. This one regrets that it must end this way, but we are merely cogs in the machine. The mission will continue without us. Our noble endeavor will endure. In but a few short seconds, nothing you have done here will matter. You will be consumed in a cleansing fire, and sent to-"
Kasumi kicks the door shut.
Kasumi locks the door.
"This is, like, a bomb shelter, right?"
The Hanar stands outside the door to the office, primed grenade in his outstretched tentacle. He spends his last moments considering what he could have done differently today.
He comes to the conclusion that he should have perhaps moved inside the room a little bit more first.
As the sounds of an explosion, and jellyfish goo splattering all over the place, ring outside the office, the Elcor guard's shoulders slump just a little.
"Dejected. You may have outfought us. You may have outsmarted us. But you will not take us alive."
One of his cannons slowly inches towards his own head. The Vorcha's eyes widen.
"What are you doing?! Three of us remain! Do not..."
He is interrupted by a loud bang and blood splattering all over him, as the Elcor blows his brains out.
The Drell and the Vorcha glance at each other, both scowling. Unlike the Elcor, they don't seem ready to give up. The Vorcha punds his massive chest.
"Bah! Bring your worst, dogs! I will crush you all, even when four on one!"
Scene Distinctions: Office Furniture, Confined Space
Torak: 1pp
Earp: 1pp
Metnea: 1pp, d8 Emotional Stress
Kasumi: d10 Physical Stress
Vorcha Guard: d8 Emotional Stress
Drell Guard: d12 Physical Stress
"My worst? OK, you asked for it!" Earp charges, unloading the Claymore and lashing out with gun and boot.
Alpha Strike the remaining guards: 1#1d12 4 5#1d10 1 4 4 3 8 2#1d8 3 7 1#1d6...
Rolled a 1 (+1 PP). That is a seriously weaksauce roll.
8+7+4 (-1PP) + 4 (-1PP) = 23 w/ d12 (Vorcha), d10 (Drell) Physical
Due to Berserk, a d8 in the Doom Pool becomes a d10.
PP Total: 1
Drell: Buddy d8, Office Furniture d8, Barrier d8, Reflexes d10, Combat d8
Reaction: [4d8=5, 5, 2, 5] [1d10=7]
He's done!
Vorcha: Buddy d8, Violent Thug d8, Durability d10, Strength d10, Combat 2d8
Reaction: [4d8=4, 7, 8, 3] [2d10=8, 7]
I'll spend my two d8s to save him.
Earp rams into the Vorcha fast and hard, jamming his boot right into the surprisingly muscular opponent while almost casually unloading his shotgun into the still-recovering Drell. The Vorcha stumbles back...and then looks up at him and smiles.
"Ehehehehe. Is that it?"
Not even caring about his companion bleeding out on the floor beside him, he flexes.
"Is it my turn now?"
Scene Distinctions: Office Furniture, Confined Space
Torak: 1pp
Earp: 1pp
Metnea: 1pp, d8 Emotional Stress
Kasumi: d10 Physical Stress
Vorcha Guard: d8 Emotional Stress
"Fair enough then," she says casually levelling her wraith at him before pulling the trigger twice in quick succession.
I'll buy Metnea's 1 to get a new d6, handing her a pp.
Vorcha: Solo d6, Violent Thug d8, Durability d10, Strength d10, Combat 2d8
Reaction: [1d6=6] [3d8=3, 7, 7] [2d10=1, 2]
14 d10. Higher effect die steps Metnea's down, but the stress he takes steps up from her SFX. So d8 to him.
Now he's gonna try and hit her back.
Solo d6, Office Furniture d8, Strength d10, Combat 2d8
Attack: [1d6=5] [3d8=8, 8, 2] [1d10=1]
I'll blow my d6 to make that a 21 with a d8. @Albino Bunny time to react!
The first shot nails the Vorcha in the shoulder, throwing him into a bit of a spin. He stumbles to the side to dodge the second shot, stopping in front of Kralin's desk. He roars at the Turian and his arms bulge as he lifts the desk, Kralin scurrying away.
"Die, Citadel dog!"
He swings the desk around and hurls it straight at Metnea as hard as he can.
Scene Distinctions: Office Furniture, Confined Space
Torak: 1pp
Earp: 1pp
Metnea: 1pp, d8 Emotional Stress
Kasumi: d10 Physical Stress
Vorcha Guard: d8 Emotional Stress, d8 Physical Stress
Metnea had clearly being taking the situation a tad too casually. Reacting slowly to the desk and not even mustering the reaction time to start her teleport away from the bulky object. Grunting as it slammed into her, leaving her floored under the table. The turian's armour dented from the impact as her barrier failed her.