This happens in browsers only, FireFox more than Chrome, but it happens in both. I get these green dots that appear and disappear randomly. If its on a pure white background they are pink.
Sometimes when I scroll they disappear, sometimes they make these lines when i scroll. There seems to be no real pattern for this, except that it happens in browsers. Quite a bit on this site, imgur, and news sites. Sometimes facebook.
Since I was able to take a screenshot, I feel like its not a monitor issue. And since it only happens in browsers and not games, its not purely a video driver issue.
I think.
GPU: Radeon HD 6850 1gb
GPU Driver: Catalyst 13.2 beta (13.1 does the same thing)
Flash Version: 11.6.602.171
I ran the plugin check and only plugins that were out of date were Quicktime, Adobe Reader, and Shockwave for Director.
I was worried it was an issue with the video card itself, but my game performance hasnt been affected and i run some higher end games like BF3 with the settings on max.
I'm fresh out of ideas, and google returned 3 results. Or i'm really bad at google.
But I would guess your gpu is toast, seeing as it happens in a screenshot, and you've tried older drivers.
Could maybe be your cable from the gpu to the monitor, try switching it out if you have a spare.
I don't have a problem rma'ing the card I just would be sans computer until I got a new card
I'll see what amd tells me. You guys are just faster than them at responding
But 90% of the time when weird artifacts appear on screen, something has broken in the gpu.
An RMA shouldn’t leave you with no PC. Usually the vendor sends the card immediately and you send back the dead one.
XFX has a lifetime warranty, which is understandably strict so they want the card first so they can see that i didn't modify the card in any way. Next week is spring break, so i think i'll get the ticket opened in the next two days so during the break when i dont need the PC for school, it wont hurt to be without one
I'd try underclocking the GPU, testing that, and then underclocking the graphics memory if that doesn't help. The Catalyst Control Center -> Performance -> AMD Overdrive is where you'll find this, although you'd need to enable that feature first.