Speaking of SR2 style storytelling, SR1 and SR2 both had three gangs with their own storyline that you could tackle in any order, and then a finale set of missions.
SR3 had all gangs basically team-up as a supergang and you couldn't pick your mission order at all (except for the missions that were really activity introductions).
Do you think this game will have multiple gangs at all, or will it just be a single straight storyline versus the aliens (also likely including STAG 2.0)?
Also, since Viola is in one of the images that seems to indicate the "good" ending is true, which means not-Shaundi, Burt Reynolds, Killbane, and Cyrus should all be alive and STAG never attacked Steelport with their airship (unless they just have Viola claim she escaped on her own prior to things going boom).
The game specifically refers to the other ending as the good one. Also, choosing the bad option makes no sense even though the follow-up mission is better.
Why do I care that Killbane is getting away? Angel already told me that beating him in Murderbrawl was worse than killing him, and then I unmasked him to boot. Killbane's gang is destroyed, and I'm rich and powerful enough I can track his ass down later if I want (...despite apparently not being able to track down Dex after SR2...). Add in that the Boss has always gone above and beyond when someone is jeopardizing his/her homies, plus the fangasm he/she had over Burt Reynolds and then the "Stop Killbane" option just doesn't make sense.
They should have either split it so that both STAG and Killbane had captured Homies, or changed it so that Killbane is getting in a plane to go drop a bomb on Stilwater or something.
Though like I said, the follow-up is better. Still looks like they're going with the other one. Especially since it'd probably be easier to make the move from powerful celebrity to president than it would from ruler of a city-state that was no longer part of the US.
Lars on
DragkoniasThat Guy Who Does StuffYou Know, There. Registered Userregular
Yeah. That's how I feel. Killbane was barely on my radar for most of the game.
I just took the ending as every game nowadays feeling the need to give you a "difficult choice" in the ending.
I put difficult in quotes because they rarely are.
Am I the only one who was bothered by the fact that the "bad ending"
damseled and then killed 2/3 of the female homies?
Because fuck that.
In fairness...
Two of those characters had celebrity voice actors, which might be difficult to get back for 4 so potentially killing them off would be useful, and the third was Shaundi and Volition clearly had no idea what to do with her.
To be honest, I'm cautiously optimistic about this. Mostly I just really hope they don't blow it again with the DLC. I think alot of the things I found wrong with SR3 were how certain things were handled. DLC. Unlockables, things like that. So that's something that could be fixed this time around, hopefully.
I must admit I'm a little skeptical of how much this looks like SR3 with some new weapons and powers... but we'll see. It looks like it'll be fun regardless.
At the same time, it confirms what I've said all along, and that SR is all about being a super villain. You're basically Wolverine but without the hand blades.
SR4 is basically the punchline 2 and 3 have been building up to. SR1 kind of made you feel like you could be gang bangin all day but SR2 and 3 really set up some big things.
I loved SR3, but this does look a little too similar...I saw tons of reused character models and costumes in the trailer.
Even so, the worst case scenario is that it is an overpriced expansion pack...that will eventually drop in price and get crazy Steam sales, so hooray for more Saints Row.
Yeah I'm really hesistant with how quickly this is coming out and how much the trailer just looks like a DLC trailer. Hell SR3's story was very rushed as well and it hurt the overral product.
Preacher on
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
AthenorBattle Hardened OptimistThe Skies of HiigaraRegistered Userregular
My hope is that THQ pushed SR3 out the gate too fast to counteract their own woes. There is nothing wrong with reusing an engine and assets considering it will be the same city. But only time will tell.
He/Him | "We who believe in freedom cannot rest." - Dr. Johnetta Cole, 7/22/2024
The penultimate mission in SR3 is deep, man. They play Holding Out for a Hero during the whole mission, but the irony is that you aren't one.
This is assuming the going after Killbane option is canon.
Judging by the people in the car, it isn't.
Ummm... SR3 spoilers.
Going after Killbane = Shaundi and Burt Reynolds getting blown up = the governor giving approval to bring in the big airship = destroying said airship and declaring Steelport as soverign land = The United Saints = even bigger airships in the trailer.
Going after Shaundi = movie deal = selling out = feeling hollow.
He/Him | "We who believe in freedom cannot rest." - Dr. Johnetta Cole, 7/22/2024
The penultimate mission in SR3 is deep, man. They play Holding Out for a Hero during the whole mission, but the irony is that you aren't one.
This is assuming the going after Killbane option is canon.
Judging by the people in the car, it isn't.
Ummm... SR3 spoilers.
Going after Killbane = Shaundi and Burt Reynolds getting blown up = the governor giving approval to bring in the big airship = destroying said airship and declaring Steelport as soverign land = The United Saints = even bigger airships in the trailer.
Going after Shaundi = movie deal = selling out = feeling hollow.
The penultimate mission in SR3 is deep, man. They play Holding Out for a Hero during the whole mission, but the irony is that you aren't one.
This is assuming the going after Killbane option is canon.
Judging by the people in the car, it isn't.
Ummm... SR3 spoilers.
Going after Killbane = Shaundi and Burt Reynolds getting blown up = the governor giving approval to bring in the big airship = destroying said airship and declaring Steelport as soverign land = The United Saints = even bigger airships in the trailer.
Going after Shaundi = movie deal = selling out = feeling hollow.
Shaundi is in the car.
Or is she?
AthenorBattle Hardened OptimistThe Skies of HiigaraRegistered Userregular
The penultimate mission in SR3 is deep, man. They play Holding Out for a Hero during the whole mission, but the irony is that you aren't one.
This is assuming the going after Killbane option is canon.
Judging by the people in the car, it isn't.
Ummm... SR3 spoilers.
Going after Killbane = Shaundi and Burt Reynolds getting blown up = the governor giving approval to bring in the big airship = destroying said airship and declaring Steelport as soverign land = The United Saints = even bigger airships in the trailer.
Going after Shaundi = movie deal = selling out = feeling hollow.
Shaundi is in the car.
Or is she?
You.. sure about that? Only one I recognize is Kensie, and one of the other ones might be a DeWynters sister.
Man. I can't wait to see this game's version of the Power video. I sold so many copies of SR3 with that, even if the game didn't turn out like that.
He/Him | "We who believe in freedom cannot rest." - Dr. Johnetta Cole, 7/22/2024
Oh, and do we have jetboots now?!
// Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //
SR3 had all gangs basically team-up as a supergang and you couldn't pick your mission order at all (except for the missions that were really activity introductions).
Do you think this game will have multiple gangs at all, or will it just be a single straight storyline versus the aliens (also likely including STAG 2.0)?
Also, since Viola is in one of the images that seems to indicate the "good" ending is true, which means not-Shaundi, Burt Reynolds, Killbane, and Cyrus should all be alive and STAG never attacked Steelport with their airship (unless they just have Viola claim she escaped on her own prior to things going boom).
Do you really not see Pierce standing right next to Boss?
The good ending was the city-state ending.
// Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //
Whenever they tried to be serious, the writing really wasn't that strong.
The game specifically refers to the other ending as the good one. Also, choosing the bad option makes no sense even though the follow-up mission is better.
They should have either split it so that both STAG and Killbane had captured Homies, or changed it so that Killbane is getting in a plane to go drop a bomb on Stilwater or something.
Though like I said, the follow-up is better. Still looks like they're going with the other one. Especially since it'd probably be easier to make the move from powerful celebrity to president than it would from ruler of a city-state that was no longer part of the US.
I just took the ending as every game nowadays feeling the need to give you a "difficult choice" in the ending.
I put difficult in quotes because they rarely are.
Because fuck that.
Viva Presidenta La Chica!
In fairness...
Still sucked, though, yeah.
Suddenly, August 20th cannot get here fast enough...
Our very own Giant Mecha.
// Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //
I think that's probably a safe bet considering that there are references to a giant Johnny Gat mech that you can pilot in the SRTT game files.
Steam: BrocksMullet http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197972421669/
Did he do a sliding punch to the brain?
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
I hope they also add a lot more clothes than we got in The Third.
Still a pretty good game though.
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
Look closely at the seal, boys and girls. We know which ending is canon now.
At the same time, it confirms what I've said all along, and that SR is all about being a super villain. You're basically Wolverine but without the hand blades.
SR4 is basically the punchline 2 and 3 have been building up to. SR1 kind of made you feel like you could be gang bangin all day but SR2 and 3 really set up some big things.
...but seriously, we know which ending is canon by who's in the presidential Porsche.
Penny Arcade Rockstar Social Club / This is why I despise cyclists
Even so, the worst case scenario is that it is an overpriced expansion pack...that will eventually drop in price and get crazy Steam sales, so hooray for more Saints Row.
Penny Arcade Rockstar Social Club / This is why I despise cyclists
Ummm... SR3 spoilers.
Going after Shaundi = movie deal = selling out = feeling hollow.
You.. sure about that? Only one I recognize is Kensie, and one of the other ones might be a DeWynters sister.
Man. I can't wait to see this game's version of the Power video. I sold so many copies of SR3 with that, even if the game didn't turn out like that.
// Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //