So I spun the Satanic Wheel of Fortune, and lucked out -- instead of being instantly enslaved/losing all my weapons (as has happened in the past), I was granted three wishes. The first order of business is clear -- I am currently without armor of any kind. What badass armor should I wish for?
Also, any other really good ideas for wishes? Preferably things which help out the whole party, because they'll skewer me if I use all three on personal equipment.
Here's the basics about my character:
Medium Elf
Lvl 8 Ardent
Current Mantles: Natural World, Communication, Time, Mental Power
In a strange twist, I was given free-action shapeshifting to shapes medium or smaller.
Currently carrying a Crossbow of +3 Uselessness
Thanks in advance for the help. :-)
Granted! The rest of your party morphs into a female Nightwalker who is wanting to get *much* closer to you.
Also be sure to add "That is the correct size for me to wear" and "to appear 5 feet in front of me on the floor"(or similar).
Phrased correctly, you gain immunity to all diseases.
Then wish for a deck of many things, and give it to the party. If theyre smart, they'll draw one. If they're MEN, they'll draw five.
I mean, corpses don't get sick, do they?
Guess it depends on how much of a dick your DM is.
Wish to be teleported, correctly and in 1 whole undamaged piece, to the nearest town.
Wish there was a Gold Dragon in the cave.
Laugh your ass off while the rest of the party insta-wipes. know they come in Tiny size now, right? It's sad but tiny dragons are so silly.
Besides, why Gold? They might actually talk to the party to find out who just made them appear here, Red are usually more of the eat people then wonder what the fuck just happened variety.
Just randomly picked a color. Yeah would suck if they pulled in a tiny, so just edit the wording a little something like, "I wish there was a Red Dragon that is at least ten feet tall in this cave."
Or, more simply, an actual size category - "I wish there was a giant red dragon in that cave"
Should make him very helpful for your next two wishes.
Of course it only works on actual living entities...