Universal Pictures will release Steven Spielberg’s groundbreaking classic JURASSIC PARK in 3D on April 5, 2013. With his remastering of the epic into a state-of-the-art 3D format, Spielberg introduces the three-time Academy Award®-winning blockbuster to a new generation of moviegoers and allows longtime fans to experience the world he envisioned in a way that was unimaginable during the film’s original release.
Starring Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Samuel L. Jackson and Richard Attenborough, the film based on the novel by Michael Crichton is produced by Kathleen Kennedy and Gerald R. Molen.
Alright, so this comes out this upcoming Friday. It is the first film I remember seeing, the film I have seen most in my life and is my favorite film of all time. It has reportedly pulled in 914,691,118 dollars. I say we bring it in some more.
Lets talk about how fucking amazing this film is, how it revolutionized the entire film industry and film as an art form, and how god damn good it still is to this very day. Lets quote the fuck out of this film. Lets talk about how the second film is okay in parts and how the third film is terrible. Lets speculate about the 4th Jurassic Park film and if it will be tremendous/okay/horrible.
Lets honor, revere and praise this piece of cinema.
Also blech 3D movies call me when the fourth one comes out.
"Welcome to Jurassic Park."
"They do move in herds."
once i got the vhs i probably watched it another 30 times or so.
3D movies tend to make me queasy/headache-y but i will fucking deal with it for this
it will have feathered dinosaurs
Should've gone to Coneheads instead.
Rerelease Jurassic Park? Brilliant! I'll go to see it seventeen times.
Make me watch it in 3D? Just FOAD.
When I got older, I eventually got around to seeing it, but that was long after that initial magic had passed. I still loved it, obviously, but I always regretted missing it on the big screen. Pretty excited for this.
Once it came out on VHS, I would watch it during every single visit to my grandparents house. They had this amazing BOSE like prototype surround sound thing and I would listen to those dinosaur noises at roughly 800 dB every time.
My grandfather has still never seen it, but he is intimately familiar with the soundtrack. The house would shake a little with every tyrannosaur step.
also this movie has some of the best sound design ever
Highlight of course being the banana peel slip noise when Nedry falls down.
Steam: ZappRowsdower
"It's a living. :[ "
So nostalgic. What kid doesn't love dinosaurs?
Except modern kids.
With your iPads and your Justin Beibers.
Get off my lawn!
This was me when it first came out. My parents had to take me out of the theater during the original release ^_^;;
My childhood dream of being a paleontologist died that day.
edit: I do not know how to quote properly it would seem
It's a bummer that my oldest son is only 6 and probably too young to really enjoy seeing it.
Suddenly, the end of the Grant campaign on the Genesis game makes A LOT more sense.
Love this post so much
Also right now at the zoo where I volunteer we have 12 animatronic dinosaurs. There is a lifesize t-rex by the restaurant which moves its head and tail and roars. It is pretty awesome and turns me into a little kid every time I walk past.
Had to convince the group I was with not to see super mario brothers but this instead.
But to be honest, would rather watch it at home on my tv than watch it in 3D
Yes, I was in highschool when it came out. Goddamn kids, the lot of you.
Goldblum's perfect physique in glorious 3D, yes please
Found the same thing happened when I was watching the last crusade a while back. Even though it had been an age I turned it off because I just still knew it so damn well.